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Report Back from Healthcare Town Hall Meeting with Diane Watson (tags)
The Town Hall Meeting with Diane Watson at the Ward African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Central last Thursday night was actually very organized and productive. Missing were the right-wing crazies, wielding posters depicting comparisons of Obama and Hitler that we have seen at previous town halls.
OPEN LETTER TO VENICE FREE-SPACE VENDOR REGULATORS: Venice Beach lottery creates Police Man's escalation of authoritarian attitude. But does Councilman Rosendahl care ?
Villaraigosa interrupted during speach (tags)
Protestors interrupted a speech this morning from Mayor Villaraigoso, challenging him to take action to save the South Central Farm.
MSNBC Financing Racism, Part 1 (tags)
Katie Couric's interview with "cold feet" bride exposes truth of corporate media against Latino's
Press Release from the Zanon Workers, March 4, 2005 (tags)
The wife of a worker at Zanon has been kidnapped and beaten.
Video George Bush Welcomed in WV for the 4th of July (tags)
Resident Bush visited Charleston, WV for an afternoon of lying to potential voters. The trip was labled a "Presidential Visit" instead of a "Campaign Visit" ... meaning TAXPAYERS PAID FOR IT. Also: Good Info on How To Become a Conscienous Objector
"Long before Howard Zinn wrote his 'A People's History of the United States', Pete Seeger sang it. Whether he's explaining just whom Casey Jones the Union Scab was or asking the question "Which Side Are You On?" or telling of the women workers' struggle in "Bread and Roses" or engaging in Leadbelly's story of racism that brings about "The Bourgeious Blues", or singing the mournful anti- war "The Crow on the Cradle", or offering an introspective celebration of the earth in "Sailing Down My Golden River", its all about us. All of us."
It is it absolutely amazing. Thousands of People changed their voting intentions overnight. Amazing. Just as Amazing 5 Republicans Won by identical Vote Counts of 18,181. Amazing, simply amazing. Will wonders never cease.
This is a tune that was written and recored in one weekend, beginning one Friday evening in 1991 during the week after the first war on Iraq began.
Was 'Mastermind' Really Captured? (tags)
Was 'Mastermind' Really Captured? By Robert Fisk The Independent | The Toronto Star Monday 3 March 2003
Was there a knock on your door? (tags)
Tell us about cases where people have been called or visited by members of a law enforcement agency after September 11 for expressing political dissent.
Was Enron Running US "Foriegn" Policy too!? DEMAND INQUIRY - Actv Kit Enclosed! (tags)
[URGENT!! please send the following to ALL senators, personalizing the letter with your name, etc.] WIDEN THE 9-11 INQUIRIES !! Was ENRON “Directing” US FOREIGN POLICY, too??!!! DEMAND A FULL CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRY. SENATE FAX AND EMAILS BELOW THE OPEN LETTER TO FORWARD.
"The Overthrow Of The American Government, Part 2" (tags)
Let a candid and vigilant populace consider my pleas and contentions. We ordinary Americans are being led, step by step, down the road to a dictatorship more evil and all-pervasive than that of the late Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party of the German aristocracy.
A comment on the media hype and inaccuracies coming from the media.
Riverside police department's promotions mixed bag (tags)
Last week, Riverside Police Department Russ Leach promoted nine men, including two men of color and two white sergeants who sued the city citing reverse discrimination, and forced a former police chief into retirement.
D2K Press Conference to Reclaim Pershing Square (tags)
D2K Holds a press conference Today to show the media who the protesters really are and to celebrate the ACLU's legal victory in regaining first ammendment rights for the DNC protests