fix articles 95380, capitalist globalization
Solidarity to Occupy Oakland General Strike (tags)
The Philippine Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA), the union of the ground staff of Philippine Airlines, and Partido ng Manggagawa (Labor Party-Philippines), the independent party of the working class in the Philippines, stand shoulder to shoulder with the Occupy Oakland protesters. We too struggle against corporate greed and capitalist globalization with its destructive impact on the workers and the youth. Truly the movement against corporate greed and capitalist globalization is international in scope.
Capitalist Globalization and the "middle-class" (tags)
Since the 1970s, the social consequences of the current period of capitalism (commonly referred to as globalization) have primarily affected the working class, especially those in manufacturing jobs. Despite the consequential deterioration of large cities and countless smaller towns — not to mention the pauperization of large segments of the population — the effects were dismissed by politicians and the mainstream media as necessary evils. The victims of this process were told to pick themselves up by their boot-straps, go back to school, and learn to integrate into the new, technology-driven global economy. How things have changed! Experience has exposed all the promises of globalization to be lies, and now those who think of themselves as "middle-class" are finding themselves on the chopping block. These skilled workers — engineers, Information Technology workers, accountants, legal and medical personnel, etc. — are confronted by the combined forces of a shrinking labor market, outsourcing, and the corporate-led importation of foreign workers through the H-1B visa program.
Call for Direct Action Against World Bank and IMF Meetings (tags)
Come to Washington, DC April 22-23 to take direct action against the World Bank and IMF
Art Show in LA closed by Police (tags)
On April 23rd, 2005, the LAPD raided and closed down a political art exhibit at the Transport Gallery in downtown Los Angeles. Artist Mark Vallen reported the details on his web log - - his report follows:
Collective Action: Histories of Activist Movements (tags)
FROM THE INDYPENDENT: Activists keep reinventing the wheel, but there is a rich history of struggle, victories and failures to learn from. This installment of "The Real Quick Reading List" looks over some of the best histories of the North American left.
We Are Resisting Conference tentative list of events (tags)
The We Are Resisting Conference aims to bring together people from across the spectrum of the movement(s) against Empire. WAR will take place June 30-July 3 in Lawrence, KS
Resistance in Occupied Miami (tags)
Cancun Confrontation: Thousands Protest the WTO and Capitalist Globalization (tags)
AntiRacist Mobilization Against Columbus Day and Genocide in America (tags)
There will be a massive mobilization against Columbus day in Colorado - the state where columbus day originated. Christopher Columbus was directly responsible for the deaths of over 10 million people, and is symbolic of the ongoing genocide against indigenous peoples that has claimed an estimated 98-99 million lives, the largest Genocide in all of human history. It is absolutely essential that this mobilization - more than any other in recent memory - be a success!