fix articles 959, county Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : county


Cancel reinstatement of face covering requirement. (tags)

Los Angeles County residents should choose to get vaccinated instead of wearing face coverings.

Our goal is to protect lives and property (tags)

We can provide search and rescue, public school safety, force multiplier, and improved force protection, and all aspects of disaster relief. During man-made or natural disasters and other emergencies. USCDA will respond to requests from any Constitutional sheriff.

Vaccination Update for Our Community (tags)

Residents of our community who are 65 years old and older can now register for COVID-19 vaccination appointments. The opening of appointment registration for a new tier today comes as the County opens five large capacity vaccination sites.

Los Angeles Rent Relief, Deadline Tomorrow! (tags)

LA County and the City of LA have rental relief programs, and you need to apply to get it.

LA Coronavirus COVID-19 Resources (tags)

Some links to local resources.

“Animaniacs in Concert!” Starring Voice Legend Rob Paulsen Heads to Rahway, New Jersey (tags)

“Animaniacs in Concert!” Starring Voice Legend Rob Paulsen Heads to Union County Performing Arts Center in Rahway, New Jersey on Saturday, May 18th

Woolsey Fire: Worst News of 2018? (tags)

Was SoCal's Woolsey fore the worst news of 2018

Oppose Environmentally-Harmful Development (tags)

L.A. County Board of Supervisors takes up this development on December 11, 2018. If you can't make the meeting, you can still write to the Supervisor of your district.

Oppose Environmentally-Harmful Development (tags)

L.A. County Board of Supervisors takes up this development on December 11, 2018. If you can't make the meeting, you can still write to the Supervisor of your district.

Atlanta Metro Suffers Under Pillage, Shame lso Political Poison Gases (tags)

The metro atlanta zip codes have lost 4 well run affordable housing shelters for recovery, wommin and church, county funded places over the last 4 calendar years.

Did Woolsey Fire Cause Radioactive Fallout? (tags)

Did the Woolsey Fire release radioactivity from the Still contaminated Santa Susanna Field Lab?

Nuke Plants Cause Excess CancerDeaths When Running, Rates Decline When They Shut Down (tags)

A recent study showed that nuclear power plants cause excess cancer caused by their routine radioactive releases when operating. The rates decline after they shut down.

Prosecuted: Have you had an experience that changed your opinion of the justice system? (tags)

KPCC poll on criminal justice system

More problems at Shutdown San Onofre Nuke (tags)

Just when you thought there couldn't be more problems at the shutdown San Onofre nuclear plant, more arise

Don’t let this LA County Probation Department overhaul proposal sit on the shelf (tags)

Don’t let this LA County Probation Department overhaul proposal sit on the shelf

“Animaniacs in Concert!” with Voice Artist Rob Paulsen, Sun. Mar. 4th in Lake County (tags)

“Animaniacs in Concert!” with Voice Artist Rob Paulsen, Sunday, March 4th, 2018 at the James Lumber Center for the Performing Arts at The College of Lake County

LA Times Homicide Report (tags)

The Homicide Report is an interactive map, database and blog that chronicles homicides in Los Angeles County. Any death deemed a homicide by the coroner’s office -- the death of a human being by the hand of another -- is included in the database. Coroner's officials currently are providing a bi-weekly list of homicides to The Times. At a minimum, the Homicide Report provides basic details of each killing. In addition, the report includes in-depth reporting of cases and communities, as well as updates when arrests are made and suspects are tried in court.

Dear District Attorney Jackie Lacey, Prosecute Killer Cops, Signed: Your Constituents (tags)

Dear District Attorney Jackie Lacey, Prosecute Killer Cops, Signed: Your Constituents

Do Nukes Kill? (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our December 2017 report: Nuclear Shutdown News December 2017


After 11 days of testimony, trial ended this week in a landmark lawsuit filed by MALDEF alleging that Kern County unlawfully denies Latinos the right to elect candidates of their choice, in violation of Section 2 of the federal Voting Rights Act. It was the first federal voting rights case in California in more than a decade.

Sheriff Mark Lamb policing for $$$ DOLLARS $$$ at Pinal County Jail (tags)

Importance Of Emergency Volunteers (tags)

in reality during times of great emergencies and disasters trained Volunteers become the most available and therefore the most important...

Elephants giving rides at this year’s Minnesota Renaissance Festival were abused, says Ani (tags)

Elephants supplied for rides at this year’s Minnesota Renaissance Festival have been filmed by Animal Defenders International (ADI) being beaten by their handler, Mike Swain, during training. ADI is asking the public not to pay for the elephant rides.

May Day March in Riverside (tags)

2017 May Day march in Riverside


Indivisible local events (tags)

Links to local events

Disney Marathon, Kicking Out the Homeless (tags)

The homeless are being thrown out of their tent homes under Highway 57 so Disney Marathon runners won't see poverty.

Elephants giving rides at this year’s Colorado Renaissance Festival were abused, says Anim (tags)

ADI is asking the public not to pay for the elephant rides

Cruel monkey farms on trial in Hendry County (tags)

Brutal monkey breeder plans exposed by Animal Defenders International

Nuclear Shutdown News May 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US nuclear power industry at home and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are fighting to create a nuclear free future. Here is our May issue:

^ Large Train Derailments in US in 2 Calender Years Report (tags)

tew York State had an accident involving 16 cars rhe week February or early March. This was reported on national television. California had 1 probably passenger. Breathitt County as wella s Pike County Philadelphia passenger,,,,WVA 2015

Anaheim Anti-KKK Fund Drive (tags)

This is the URL to the page where donations are being collected.

GOP Vote Fraud In OH, KY, VA, FL, AZ, CO, NV, MN, NH And Elsewhere (tags)

In the November 2015 elections, Ohio Republican vote fraud robbed Ohioans of their ratification of pot decriminalization In Kentucky a fraudulently elected Republican was installed in the governor's chair

Another Jail Cell Murder in America (tags)

police state

Long Beach Police Execute Unarmed Teen Hector Morejon on Suspicion Of Trespassing (tags)

Long Beach patrol officer Jeffrey A. Meyer killed teenager Hector Morejon on April 23, 2015. Officer Meyer was responding to a trespassing call. Hector was unarmed. No verbal warning was given. From next door, Hector’s mom heard gunfire, and she ran outside. Hector called to his mother, but the police would not let Lucia Morejon ride in the ambulance with her dying son. #HectorMorejon

LA Progressive: Ref Rodriguez—What the PUC Is Going on Here? (tags)

Rodriguez was PUC's Chief Executive Officer at the time the Better 4 You contract was awarded, and has been their Corporate Board Treasurer ever since.

United Families For Justice Carry 617 Coffins to Downtown L.A. #DeathByCop Rally (tags)

The 617 coffins memorialize Los Angeles victims of police murder since the year 2000. #RememberMe #DeathByCop #BlackLivesMatter #BrownLivesMatter

Los Angeles Stands Up for Women's Rights (tags)

In Los Angeles, thousands marched on March 8 against domestic violence

Governor Rick Perry appoints unethical Judge Bonnie Sudderth to the Appeals Court (tags)

Texas Governor Rick Perry a week before the end of his term appoints unethical Judge Bonnie Sudderth to the Second Court of Appeals in Texas. Judge Bonnie Sudderth perjured herself on the stand to help her brother Skylar Sudderth who was indicted for allegedly raping his seven year old step daughter as per court records.

Liberal Majority Passes Sheriff's Civilian Review Board (tags)

(These are my impressions and opinions.)

Pressure on Orange County District Attorney to Prosecute Minors Counsel (tags)

Another law enforcement agency has put pressure on OC DA Tony Rackauckas to act in Lexi Dillon case. The latest is an alleged recommendation for arrest of minors counsel John Cate.

Voters Rally Against Proposition 1 Outside the Beverly Hills Mansion of Water Barons (tags)

Press conference to launch the Los Angeles campaign to vote no on Proposition 1 held outside the home of the billionaire agribusiness tycoons who would benefit from the “water bond.” #NoOnProp1

Ottawa, Kansas Police Cure for Depression is 16 Bullets (tags)

Joseph Jennings, an 18 year old just released from the psychiatric hospital was shot 16 times by the Ottawa, Kansas police department despite being known by them as being depressed and suicidal. He was unarmed at the time and family members pleaded with the cops not to shoot, they were told by cops to stand back or be shot themselves. The police then proceeded to pump 16 bullets into Jennings. Is this how police in Kansas are trained to handle the mentally ill?

Snake Valley Festival in Baker NV fights SNWA ‘Water Grab’ (tags)

The annual Snake Valley Festival held in Baker, NV featured signs focusing on protecting local aquifers from the Southern Nevada Water Authority's proposed pipeline to Las Vegas. Residents of the Snake and Spring Valleys are trying to raise awareness that if the SNWA pipeline is built the water beneath their feet will be taken to Las Vegas for the benefit of golf courses, fountains and other unsustainable development. Entire spring fed ecosystems will collapse and species like the spring snail risk extinction. Public comment sessions will be held throughout Nevada in the coming few weeks to address the concerns about aquifer depletion by the SNWA pipeline.

Ariz. law enforcement: Marijuana shouldn't be legalized (tags)

Ariz. law enforcement: Marijuana shouldn't be legalized

civil war in Georgia (tags)

How will it feel when you see your friends killing your other friends?

Will Hundreds of Years of Contract Law be Eradicated in Santa Ana Court? (tags)

A Santa Ana Judge is debating eliminating the Statute of Limitations for contract cases.. What will be the impact of his decision?

Opponents of SB County Jail's Letter Ban to Share Progress, Next Steps (tags)

Right to Write SB has been organizing against the postcard-only policy at the Santa Barbara County Jail for a year now. Tonight at the Santa Barbara community forum, they will be talking about how this policy relates to plans for jail expansion in SB county.

NJ Gov. Chris Christie's GWB-Gate Traffic Jam Shows Narcissistic Traits (tags)

The recently exposed recorded statements made by NJ Gov. Chris Christie's staff show a climate fueled by narcissism that enabled the retalitory actions against the Fort Lee Mayor in the form of several days of severe traffic jams. This unnatural traffic obstruction across the bridge resulted in the death of an elderly lady who was being transported by ambulance. As usual the narcissist does not care how their actions effect others and can scapegoat lower ranking staff as the culprits while escaping responsibility themselves.

Emergency Services: Enabling Life for Homeless People (tags)

All this talk from politicians (and the non-profit shills that rely on city funding) about how we are enabling people to remain homeless - should be shut down. It is enabling people to stay alive!

Congress Needs Federal Legislation To Punish Rogue State DA's ~ Judges.. (tags)

The Federal Government enforcing various laws in USA States that most Americans are against,but allowing innocent U.S. citizens to continue to be wrongfully imprisoned or executed with Sick Rogue State DA's & Judges misconduct ?

A Q&A with environmental lawyer Simeon Herskovits (GBWN) (tags)

Environmental lawyer Simeon Herskovits discusses the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and their proposed water pipeline from the rural aquifers of Snake Valley to Las Vegas as being primarily for the interests of developers (Whittemore) on cheap land (purchased from Aerojet) much further north of the urban region. Indigenous tribes, ratepayers, ranchers and the ecosystem will all pay the price for Whittemore's wealth from the latest water heist.

Sheriff Joe guilty of profiling Mexicans (tags)

Arizona's racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio found guilty of profiling Mexicans and Latinos

Mexican gets 284 days in jail for possession of a pen in Arizona!!!! (tags)

Luz Ruiz Rascon a Mexican national used a pen to sign her employment application got 284 days in the Maricopa County Jail for that victimless crime.

Fukushima, San Onofre and Our Health (tags)

It has been two years since Fukushima’s multiple meltdowns. . San Onofre nuclear power plant in the Southland has been shut down for over a year. Time to look back and gaze forward. This article will concentrate on nuclear power plants’ radioactive emissions and their effects on our health.

Bob Barker Spearheads New Campaign on Elephant Rides as LA City Considers Ban (tags)

Bob Barker assists ADI in their nationwide initiative to ban the use of elephants for entertainment through a new documentary, "No Fun For Elephants."

Queer Democrats Celebrate Election Victories at Freedom Awards (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality celebrated recent election victories in San Diego County at their annual Freedom Awards November 17 at 1202 Club in HIllcrest. They also honored retiring State Senator Christine Kehoe, the first open Queer ever elected to office in San Diego County, for her19 years in elective office.

Nov 6: Vote Your Conscience: Peace & Freedom & Green (tags)

It is barricades time now as election day is November 6, 2012. When we vote, we remember Roe v Wade, the 1973 decision under President Nixon, legalizing abortion in the US, with the majority opinion written by Republican Nixon appointee, Justice Blackman, with a Democratic Kennedy appointee, Justice White, dissenting proving that it is mass movements that make the difference. The so-called “lesser” evil is just plain evil. You have to vote your conscience if you want anything to improve as Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party are products of grassroots movements.

CAIR as new thought Police (tags)

Is the Council on American Islamic relations attempting to censor libraries?

Wells Fargo Evicts Terminally-Ill Woman Despite Federal Court Order (tags)

Niko Black, a Native woman (Apache) with terminal cancer, has been evicted from her Garden Grove home by Wells Fargo, with co-operation of the Orange County Sheriff's Department and complicity of the local police. This, despite Niko posting a Federal Court Order forbidding such action on her front door and filing it with local police agencies.

Former Orange County Senator Mired in New Controversy (tags)

Dunn has been embroiled in separate controversies dealing with various not for profit entities, to wit, CaliforniaALL, Voice of OC, and UCI Foundation.

Beyond electronic voting machines - fraud in case management systems of the courts (tags)

The Los Angeles Superior Court implemented in 1985 a fraudulent electronic record system - SUSTAIN - and with it, the Court was transformed into a State Crime Organization.

Grand Opening of Idependent Book Store, Bank of Books, in Malibu (tags)

Book store grand opening in Malibu. Author Signings and more.

Obama’s ground game grinding out lead in Florida (tags)

Staffed by three recent college graduates and one who will graduate next JuneJune, President Obama’s re-election campaign is waging an aggressive ground game in Collier County, Fla. At first blush, one would think that Collier County would be written off by the Obama camp.

San Diego City Attorney Drops Charges Against Marriage Activists (tags)

Six members of the Equality Nine, marriage equality activists arrested over two years ago for going to the San Diego County Clerk's office and demanding marriage licenses for same-sex couples, were vindicated August 24 when city attorney Jan Goldsmith filed a motion to dismiss all charges. Originally scheduled for April 30, the scheduled trial had already been delayed until September because the judge in the case found the prosecution had been discriminating against Queer potential jurors and dissolved the jury pool. The Equality Nine regard this as a victory for marriage equality and free speech.

Alameda County Proclaims Palestinian Cultural Day Despite Opposition (tags)

Alameda County became the second California county to recognize Palestinian residents as a people, having a rich culture, and contributing to the community. An earlier attempt by opponents to scuttle the proclamation in June was overcome by negotiations between residents and county supervisors. Supervisors Nate Miley and Wilma Chan presented the proclamation on behalf of the entire Board on July 24, 2012.

Maligned for Doing the Right Thing (tags)

police state

So Cal Diverting Homeless Funding to Others??? (tags)

Public Advocate on Santa Barbara Homeless task force blasts diversion of moneys away from homeless, rape crisis and other vulnerable populations to other perhaps worthy causes outside of the mandate. This is what is called a usurpation or diversion issue, in social worker lingo, but means basically that those on the bottom of the barrel continue to be overlooked by "helpers",

Whittemore indicted on conduit contribution charges, lying to FBI (tags)

Nevada mega-developer Harvey Whittemore was indicted Weds. for illegal conduit campaign contributions to Senator Harry Reid from the Wingfield Co. (shared with another mega-developer Albert Seeno). It is understood that these contributions were to allow Wingfield's Coyote Springs housing development to proceed despite violating numerous environmental laws and requiring the contruction of the $15 billion SNWA pipeline from the rural districts 300 miles to the north.

Rights of Bicyclists on U.S. Interstates in California and Beyond (tags)

Bicycles have the same rights to public roadways as do motor vehicles, and bicycles should be allowed anywhere on the U.S. interstate system if they so choose. Preventing bicyclists from using the interstate system safely and at their own discretion by issuing outrageous tickets ($200.00) violates the U.S. Constitution right to unrestricted travel.

May 21 Deadline to Change Your Party Status to Peace & Freedom or Green to Save Both (tags)

You have until May 21, 2012 to change your party status or register to vote for the 6/5/12 election Peace & Freedom Party or Green Party to save these two parties, due to the anti-democratic “Top Two” Primary Prop 14 passed in June 2010. These 2 parties have been on the ballot only due to receiving enough votes in November elections, but not due to registration. Now, it must be by registration only. The Decline to State voters are 21% of the registered voters, or some 3 million people. If you want choices, you have to care about the parties NOW because Peace & Freedom and Green will most likely not make the Top Two for November and will be gone forever when this happens, as it will, in 2014, the governor’s race and other statewide constitutional offices.

South Coast Advocate (tags)

Action Alert to Oppose the Elimination of an Oversight Committee which has reported on jail management issues impacting the homeless and excessive use of force/ abrogation of Fourth Amendment rights of the homeless.

Thousands of San Diegans Lose Right to Vote (tags)

By centralizing the counting of ballots on election day, and tightening the criteria by which ballots are read, San Diego County Registrar of Voters Deborah Seiler is effectively — and illegally — disenfranchising many voters, particularly senior citizens, disabled people and voters whose primary language is not English.

Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas Disbarred (tags)

Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas Disbarred

Queer Democrats Endorse Teachers’ Union Leaders for School Boards (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality have become virtually an appendage of the local labor movements in making their 2012 election endorsements. In January they rejected progressive Congressional candidate Lori Saldaña and endorsed her moderate Democratic opponent, Scott Peters, largely on labor's say-so. In February they rated anti-marriage Catholic Juan Vargas and marriage equality defender Denise Moreno Ducheny equally "acceptable" for another Congressional seat. And in March they picked teachers' union leaders for their school board endorsements.

Retenes Fin de Semana San Patricio / St. Patrick’sm Day Weekend Checkpoints (16-17/mar) (tags)

Lista incompleta de retenes para el fin de semana de San Patricio.

Incomplete list of St. Patrick's Day weekend checkpoints.

#F29 Videos by franchiseGH (tags)

Videos of F29.

Marriage Equality Activists Face Trial March 28 (tags)

The Equality 9 — nine members of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) who sat in at the San Diego county clerk's office August 19, 2010 to protest the delay in implementing the federal court decision that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional, are facing trial in San Diego County Superior Court March 28. They are asking for people to show up at 8 a.m. for a pre-trial march and rally and to contact San Diego City Attorney Jan Goldsmith to urge him to drop the charges.

What's Left for the Left? Building a Blue-Green Coalition (tags)

To build a strong electoral base for the Left, Green Party activists can build coalitions to pass ranked choice voting in cities throughout LA County, elect Greens to every non-partisan office - from neighborhood council to union leadership - and strategically support anti-war progressive Democrats running for state and federal office. From the ground up, we must build a diverse Green Party to protect our planet beyond the age of empire.

Santa Ana Police Refuse to Write Reports for Extreme Child Abuse (tags)

Tony Rackauckas and the SAPD Give Violent Sexual Predators a Pass

Homeless persons have no value to the authorities (tags)

Considering that the authorities of Orange County believe that it is a fair deal to offer the same amount of reward money for the arrest and conviction of a serial killer of homeless men, as some people are being rewarded for finding a lost dog, or lost cat, it is evident that homeless persons truly have no value to the authorities.


L.A. Port Police & L.A. County Sheriff conspire with kidnappers to allow kidnapping of local carpenter. The kidnapper's unregistered firearm was confiscated by Port Police who returned it to them with the victim in their car.

Serial Killer Targets Homeless Men in Orange County (tags)

Three transient men have been stabbed to death in Orange County, Calif., in the last three weeks by a killer who may be on a vendetta against the homeless or is homeless himself.

Tony Rackauckas and the Corrupt Bargain: Money, Sex, Corruption and Violence (tags)

Orange County has become the seat of corruption as deals between criminals and officials allow violent offenders to continue their reign of terror in a county where justice is lacking.

Retenes pa'l Año Nuevo / New Year's Checkpoints (tags)

En el Estado de California una nueva ley entrará en vigor a partir del primero de enero que limitará el periodo de decomiso de un carro a un día en lugar de 30 días. Este cambio representa un logro para ustedes, las personas que día por día han luchado en contra de esta injusticia. Aplaudámosnos, seguro, pero sin descansar porque aún continúan otras injusticias que hay que detener para crear un mundo mejor.

In the State of California, a neew law will take effect beginning January 1 that will limit the length of a car's impoundment to one day, down from 30 days. This change marks a gain for you, the people who, day by day, have struggled against this injustice. Let's pat ourselves on the back, certainly, but without taking a break because other injustices continue to occur that we must halt if we're to create a better world.

Riverside; County gives attorneys go-ahead to sue dispensaries in unincorporated areas (tags)

Riverside County Board of Supervisors are threatening to sue medical cannabis dispensaries in unincorporated regions of Riverside County such as Thousand Palms. When will the anti-medical cannabis Inquisition learn that they are attacking their own voting bloc?

State Appellate Court overturns conviction in 1992 Lake County murder (tags)

The court upbraided police for how they obtained a confession from Rivera, saying veteran detectives used leading questions and likely fed Rivera information. The court also said detectives psychologically manipulated the fragile Rivera

The World Loses Another Peacemaker (tags)

Peacemaker and inspiration Esther Hull was laid to rest. She inspired a movement that saved lives.

Queer Democrats Endorse Occupy San Diego (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality (formerly the San Diego Democratic Club) held their first regular meeting since the name change October 27 and overwhelmingly endorsed Occupy San Diego. The strongly worded resolution, based on one passed by the San Diego County Democratic Party, not only supported Occupy's right to protest and camp out in the Civic Center Plaza downtown but also ringingly endorsed the group's challenge to corporate power. The club also endorsed progressive Congressmember Bob Filner for Mayor of San Diego in the 2012 election.

Halloween Ordinance Unconstitutional (tags)

Riverside County passed an ordinance last week that violates the constitutional rights of anyone convicted of a sex-related crime. There are more than 2,500 such people in that County plus family members affected. Anyone who violates ordinance may be sentenced to 6 months in jail and fined up to $1,000.

Marriage Equality Protesters Have Day in Court Oct. 17 (tags)

The "Equality Nine," marriage equality protesters who were arrested in August 2010 for staging a sit-in at the San Diego County Clerk's office to protest the continuing denial of marriage licenses to same-sex couples, were back in court October 17. The city attorney, who has refused to drop the charges, has offered them a plea deal, but so far all but two have refused to take it.

How do you spell perjury - "I don't recall" - Sheriff Joe Arpaio testifies (tags)

How do you spell perjury - "I don't recall" - But cops don't consider lying under oath to be perjury, to them it's testilying. It's something you do to jail your enemies.

4408 East Nisbet, Phoenix, Arizona (tags)

Andrew Thomas, Maricopa County Attorney, 4408 East Nisbet, Phoenix, Arizona

Your cell phone company is helping the police spy on you (tags)

Uncle Sam is listening to your cell phone?

Prison Hell in America (tags)

gulag conditions

Free the Equality Nine! Action Sept. 28 in Downtown San Diego (tags)

Over a year has passed since the ?Equality Nine? ? members and supporters of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) ? were arrested on August 19, 2010 at the San Diego County Administrative Center. Now the Equality Nine plan to present their petitions to City Attorney Jan Goldsmith at a rally Wednesday, September 28, 4 p.m. outside the City Attorney?s office, 1200 Third Avenue downtown. The next court hearing in the case is scheduled for Monday, October 17 in the San Diego County Courthouse downtown.

Orange County Judge Releases Victims' Information to Elder Abuser (tags)

An Orange County Judge endangers the life of an elder abuse victim. Will her abuser finish her off this time?

Andrew Thomas going down in flames (tags)

Will former Maricopa Count Attorney Andrew Thomas get his law license revoked for his crimes against the citizens of Maricopa County? Hope so!!!!!

Retenes fin de semana del "D?a del Trabajo" / "Labor Day" checkpoints (1-4/sep/2011) (tags)

Lxs voluntarixs de Checkpoint response te traen esta ?ltima noticia sobre los retenes en tu ?rea. No va ser una lista completa, porque siempre hay los que no se anuncian. Para informaci?n m?s actualizada, favor de fijarse en la p?gina de facebook de RETEN, p?gina con la cual tenemos rato colaborando. Conoce y defiende tus derechos y sigue luchando por los que a?n no te garantizan.

The volunteers of Checkpoint response bring you this lates news about police roadblocks in your area. This is not an exhaustive list. There are always unannounced checkpoints, so beware, and let your community know--you are the front line of resistance against probable cause-free stops. Know your rights, stand up for them, and keep on fighting for those rights that you are still not able to exercise.

In Absentia (tags)

In Orange domestic violence victims have found they are safer being beaten than fighting for freedom in the corrupt Lamoreaux Justice System

Public Comment Needed on SNWA Snake Valley Pipeline to Vegas! (tags)

Another chance for members of the public to comment to the BLM and share their views on the proposed SNWA pipeline from Snake and Spring Valley aquifers to the Las Vegas region. Please request the BLM take the NO ACTION alternative and deny the pipeline access across public lands held by the BLM. We do not need any more aquifers being overdrafted for extra golf courses and suburban sprawl development (ie., Coyote Springs from Harvey Whittemore), we need flowing springs and seeps for our ecosystems!

Alejandra Hernandez thrown under the bus by Tony Rackauckas and Lamoreaux (tags)

Alejandra Hernandez, another domestic violence victim, dead as a result of Lamorequx's injustice

We didn't plan on killing him, just beating the shit out of him! Honest! (tags)

Hmmm ... Will Orange County DA Tony Rackauckas also say these guys had no intention of murdering the alleged child molester they beat to death? Like he said the Fullerton pigs had no intention of murdering Kelly Thomas?


Kamala Harris has gone back on her pledge to help domestic violence victims. Her backtracking is putting lives in danger.

Santa Barbara's War on the Poor: Report from the Front (tags)

Activist/ rights advocate crusades against "obstructionism" and Republican chicanery as Santa Barbara City attempt to disrupt County's South Coast Homeless Advisory Committee.

Fullerton-7/12; Council Re-Vote on Chevron Development (tags)

Coyote Hills is the last remaining wilderness region between La Habra and Fullerton in the surrounding suburban sprawl of northern Orange County is threatened with development. Please visit Fullerton City Council and speak up for saving the last few open spaces before they are forever lost to development!

Retenes 4 de julio 2011 / July 4 weekend checkpoints (tags)

Cada 4 de julio, cuando el gringo celebra su conquista de estas tierras, tambi?n tiene su manera de recordarnos quien no somos "americanos": pobres, migrantes, latinxs, afroamericanxs, descapacitadxs, j?venes, la comunidad LGBT. Una de sus t?cticas es el ret?n, una violaci?n del derecho individual, y que tiene como finalidad el objetivo de encajarle a uno en una categor?a. Sigamos resistiendo.

Every July 4, the descendents of the settlers who appropriated these lands and the oppressed they have assimilated celebrate that conquest. They always seem to set up checkpoints around this time, too, as if to remind us who is not "American": the poor, the migrant, the latino/a, the African-American, the disabled, the young, the LGBT community. This violation of basic dignity, like all forms of conquest, is an attempt to place people into a category and, if possible, commodify them. Keep up the resistance.

Found this:

The Automobile Club of Southern California also is offering its free "Tipsy Tow" service from 6 p.m. Saturday to 11:59 p.m. Monday. People who have been drinking can get a free one-way tow and ride home for up to 7 miles by calling 800-400-4AAA.

LulzSec hacks Arizona State Police computers (tags)

The hacker group LulzSec hacked the Arizona DPS computers over SB1070 & Drug War. The Arizona DPS or Arizona Department of Public Safety is the state police agency of Arizona

The Job of CA's New AG Doesn't Include Enforcing the Law? (tags)

Kamala Harris campaigned on a promise of protecting domestic violence victims. Now she is letting 44 domestic violence victims die every day while claiming it's not her job to enforce the law.

FBI Director Robert Mueller Must Go! (tags)

Public corruption has reached a level never seen for a century. Corruption of the justice system in Los Angeles County and beyond is at the core of the current financial crisis. Unless corruption of the justice system is addressed, economic development and civil society conditions are unlikely to improve.

Oceanside, Hillcrest to Host Fundraisers May 20 for a North County LGBT Center (tags)

Max Disposti, founder of the North County LGBT Coalition, has a dream for a center to serve the Queer community in Oceanside the way the LGBT Community Center in Hillcrest serves the city of San Diego. His group is hosting a fundraiser Friday, May 20, 6 to 9 p.m. at the Oceanside Museum of Art, 704 Pier View Way in Oceanside to raise money for the Center ? and, as a gesture of community support, the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality is hosting one for the same cause the same day ? Friday, May 20 ? from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Bamboo Lounge, 1475 University Ave. (between Herbert and Normal Streets) in Hillcrest.

The Socialist Party CA Presents an Evening With Black Panther Party Founder, Bobby Seale (tags)

On June 25th, the Socialist Party of California will host a special evening in Los Angeles with Bobby Seale, the Founder of the Black Panther Party. This event is open to the public.

Labor Representatives Under Attack, Seek Queer Democrats’ Help (tags)

Three San Diego union leaders — Central Labor Council CEO/secretary-treasurer Lorena Gonzalez, Municipal Employees’ Association general manager Michael Zucchet, and SEIU Local 221 head Eric Banks — spoke to the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club April 28 on the state of the local labor movement. They focused on the attacks on public workers by the Republican party and the radical Right, which is aimed not only at driving public-sector wages and benefits below those offered by the private sector but also denying the one source of substantial campaign funding available to Democrats and thereby winning elections by eliminating effective competition. They also talked about the Right-wing bias of San Diego’s media and their success in demonizing public workers’ pensions as the source of San Diego’s financial ills.

Retenes del fin de semana del Día del Trabajo / May Day Weekend Checkpoints 2011 (tags)

¿No se te hace curioso que siempre cuando hay grandes mobilizaciones, las fuerzas de la represión también programan un sinfín de puntos de control de tránsito? No dejemos que nos paralicen con sus tácticas de intimidación. Es importantísimo que nos armemos con información, primeramente de nuestros derechos como seres humanos y como residentes de este país, y segundamente de los lugares donde planean realizar retenes, y más importantemente, de nuestro poder como pueblo organizado para control nuestro propio destino. ¡Todxs a las calles!

Isn't it strange how whenever there are large workers' mobilizations, the forces of repression happen to schedule an innumerable quantity of traffic control stations? Let's not let them paralyze us with their intimidatory tactics. It is of utmost importance that we arm ourselves with information: First of our rights as humans and as residents of this country, secondly of where the checkpoints are scheduled to take place, and most importantly, of our own power as an organized community to control our destiny! Everyone to the streets!

Batterers take charge of Orange County Peace Coalition? (tags)

Domestic violence victims seek answers as Orange County Peace Coalition places batterers in charge of events

Controversy Comes to Villa Park (tags)

Protesters demonstrate against Anti-Muslim statements made by Villa Park Councilwoman Deborah Pauly.


Violent batterer stalks his wife for over six months from Laguna Woods Retirement Community

Sheriff Paul Babeu is a liar? (tags)

You have to shovel the BS if you want to get reelected.

Habeas Corpus in the United States (tags)

Availability of Habeas Corpus petition forms does not amount to the safeguard of the right for Habeas Corpus.

Barbaro/Hanna Humiliate Domestic Violence Victims at Orange County Democratic Meeting (tags)

Crime Victims Humiliated at Democratic Party of Orange County

Split in Orange County Peace Coalition (tags)

Orange County Peace Coalition divides up over acceptability of wife beating.

SoCal Connected Profiles The Unintended Consequences of U.S. Immigration Policy (tags)

This Thursday, SoCal Connected will air a 30 minute special report titled “A Border Between Them” highlighting the present struggles of the Morales Family; torn apart by U.S. immigration policy.

Sexual Harassment and Violence at Orange County’s Democratic Party (tags)

Democratic women ready to fight back against the climate of violence

Unarmed and Afraid (tags)

Alleged mail thief shot and wounded by Anaheim Police. A look at the OC officer-involved shootings on the Orange Juice Blog. Featuring the stories of Caesar Cruz, Julian Collender, Andres Ramirez and Julian Alexander.

Lawyers’ Guild Forum on Nonviolent Resistance: Participant, Attorney & Observer (tags)

The National Lawyers’ Guild hosted a forum on nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in downtown San Diego February 23, and discussed the issue from three points of view: attorney Alex Landon, protest participant Zakiya Khabir and legal observer Rachel Scoma.

CCMS – California courts’ new case management system – ongoing concerns of serious Human R (tags)

CCMS – California courts’ new case management system – ongoing concerns of serious Human Rights violations

Tea Party Stooges Join Wisconsin Protests (tags)

worker struggles

Scores For the City- Social Choreography & Imagination For Southern California (tags)

The Llano Del Rio working group’s “Scores For the City” is available now, free! This two sided guide maps locations that have supported oddball behavior in LA, including freeway puppet shows, civic dance pageants, riots, and the gatherings of witches.

Mimi Soltysik Becomes New Chair for Socialist Party of California (tags)

Mimi Soltysik says building the membership within the Socialist Party of California is his primary goal for 2011. “I am looking for people who are ready for change; the unemployed, college students paying too much for tuitions, seniors who a struggling to survive, anti-Democrats and anti-Republicans, the anti-capitalists and those willing to join the struggle to end U.S. imperialism. My request is simple, Join Us.”

Criminological Perspective: Collapse of the US Justice System and the Financial Crisis (tags)

Like the Great Depression before it, the current financial crisis in its essence is a system-wide integrity crisis. Unless integrity of the financial and justice systems in the US is addressed, socio-economic and civil society conditions are unlikely to improve in the foreseeable future.


Orange County Judge allows violent batterer to sell victim''s property out from under her

Jerry Brown, capitalists front man in their offensive against workers and the poor (tags)

Jerry Brown's speech. He wants to re-build California. Then let's make those who tore it down pay, not workers and the poor.

Orange County Judges Allows Violent Batterer to Sell Victims Property (tags)

In Orange County, justice is upside down and backwards in family court

Los Angeles Superior Court - Widespread Corruption and Refusal of US DOJ to Take Action (tags)

The Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, is the largest county court in the United States, with over 400 judges, serving the most populous county in the United States, with over 10 million residents. Official, expert, and media reports have documented widespread corruption of the court for over a decade, and consistent refusal of the US government to take action.

Surgeon v LA County - Opined as elaborate Fraud on the California Courts (tags)

The case is of the highest public policy significance. It reflects the conduct in concert of the California Government of all branches in a manner that undermines the prospect of honest court services in Los Angeles County, California, for years to come.

Orange County Heroes Reach Out to Homeless (tags)

The Orange County's homeless population is hungry and in need of shelter. While some heroes help, why isn't everyone?

UCLA Hillel's Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller: Stop Kevin Cooper's Execution (tags)

Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions.

Miriam Raftery of East County Magazine: Taking It to the Web (tags)

When San Diego East County journalist Miriam Raftery found the local community weeklies unwilling or unable to publish the kinds of journalism she wanted to do — from exposés of corporations like Blackwater to up-to-the-minute wildfire alerts — she turned to the Internet and started the online East County Magazine. Now over two years old, East County Magazine has won 32 independent journalism awards and broken several major stories.

Human Rights Alert (NGO): US *** Stars*** and Most Read Records on the Scribd Site (tags)

Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, marked the 200,000th read on the Scribd site, launched in January 2010, by releasing the list of best read documents and most read subjects.

Orange County Public Guardian Caught Colluding with Elder Abusers (tags)

Orange County Public Guardian caught working with elder abusers to rob seniors

California Ethics Questions for TIKKUN's Rabbi MICHAEL LERNER, in re: Karimi v Mithaiwala (tags)

Protesting and rebuking corruption of the courts was central to the teachings of the Hebrew prophets, and part of what made them universally admired. In pronouncing a clear and unambiguous stand on these issues Rabbi Lerner could indeed help transform California and the United States, as we know them today.

Orange County Public Guardian Using Domestic Batterers to Help Him Grab Estates (tags)

Seniors worry they will lose all as John Williams forms an alliance with violent abusers

Vote Fraud in Navada (tags)

There are some things so blatant, obvious and criminal that only seeing it could be believed. The brief Democracy we are allowed to manifest in periodic spasms of supposed participation is a laughable farce.

ELECTION DAY Vote Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

RUN TO YOUR POLLING PLACE RIGHT NOW AND VOTE. Do not delay until the end of the day when you might forget or something might keep you from your polling place until after it is closed. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE. If you voted on an absentee ballot but have not mailed it, WALK IT TO ANY POLLING PLACE IN YOUR COUNTY OR YOUR COUNTY REGISTRAR; do not mail it. THE ONLY POLL THAT COUNTS IS THE ELECTION.

3 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

As the World Socialist Website states below, there is a right-wing consensus in the governor's race between the Democrats and Republicans, one capitalist party with millionaire candidates. You can break that fascist attack on the workingclass by voting Peace & Freedom or Green and Yes on 19, 21, 24 and 25.

4 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

The future is in your hands and you must act to make it better. One way to act is to vote Peace & Freedom or Green to promote serious change. The Democrat-Republicans do not even bother to promote anything worthwhile anymore as capitalism is in such a state of decay that the capitalist class no longer has any crumbs to toss to the workingclass, the 80% of us who sell our labor for less than $77,000 a year. In addition to P&F and Green candidates, it is important that you vote on all of the propositions, including Yes on 19, 21, 24 and 25.

Domestic Violence: A Never Ending Horror Story in Orange County (tags)

Survival is a daily struggle for Orange County domestic violence victims

Socialist Party of California Installs New Chair for Los Angeles County (tags)

Emidio Soltysik, the new Socialist Party Los Angeles County Local Chair, says “It is the task of the Socialist Party to fight for progressive changes compatible with a socialist future, independent of the capitalist controlled two-party system, to present socialist alternatives for working people.”

Jerry Brown: the Fear Factor (tags)

Why has Jerry Brown ignored requests from thousands to save Orange County seniors?

Orange County District Attorney Helps Batterers Punish Victims (tags)

In Orange county, batterers get a free ride while victims are made to suffere

Peace Groups Enabling Killing of American Women (tags)

While claiming to support an end to violence in foreign lands, peace groups are helping to enable domestic abusers to kill their victims

Attorney Richard I. Fine Released (tags)

Bogusly charged attorney released

“Equality Nine” Marriage Rights Demonstrators to be Arraigned Sept. 30 (tags)

The “Equality Nine” — Michael Anderson, Brian Baumgardner, Sean Bohac, Felicity Bradley, Kelsey Hoffman, Mike Kennedy, Zakiya Khabir, Chuck Stemke, and Cecile Veillard — are activists with the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (SAME) who were arrested at a sit-in outside the San Diego County Clerk's office August 19. They're scheduled for arraignment at the San Diego County Courthouse, 220 West Broadway downtown, Thursday, September 30, and they want supporters to come to the plaza outside the courthouse at noon that day to show support.

Openly Gay Democrat Runs for San Diego County Supervisor, Bucks GOP Trend (tags)

Openly Gay Democrat Stephen Whitburn is challenging 16-year incumbent Republican Ron Roberts for the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. In what's expected to be a “Republican year,” Whitburn is hoping voter disgust with ALL incumbents will boost his campaign. He's already won the endorsement of the San Diego Firefighters' Union — who backed Roberts in all his previous campaigns — largely because the all-Republican Board, out of partisan distaste for the Obama administration, turned down federal stimulus money that could have upgraded the county's ability to deal with San Diego's endemic wildfires.

Political Prisoner Correspondence and the FBI (tags)

FOIA documents uncover interesting information...

Tempe Cops want you to register your cell phone with them (tags)

Tempe cops want your cell phone number!!!! - "The information will be limited to the participant's neighborhood. The city will not share names, addresses or phone numbers, Enright said, nor will residents be bombarded with messages." - Believe that and I have some land in Florida I want to sell you!

Labor Day checkpoints / Retenes del Puente del Día de Trabajo (3-10/sep/2010) (tags)

Continúa sin interrupción el "Año del Retén." Sigue la lista de retenes anunciados por la prensa corporativa para este fin de semana y más adelante. Hay utilizar máxima precaución al salir manejando en estos fines de semana que comprenden días feriados como el Día del Trabajo. La policía muchas veces recibe financiamiento que proviene directamente de la gente más humilde que es negada el derecho de trasladarse en auto. Además, hay estafadores que prometen anunciar retenes pero resulta que cobran para bastante para el servicio. (Véase este artículo de una periodista del estado de Pennsylvania.) Siempre vale más contar con sus propios camaradas de sus comunidades.

The "Year of the Checkpoint" continues relentlessly. This weekend's list of media-announced checkpoints follows. Maximum precaution is recommended for those who drive, particularly on holiday weekends. Law enformcement agencies often receive monies that come directly from the poorest, who in many states are denied the right of automobility. Moreover, there are schemers who promise to alert immigrants and civil liberties defenders about checkpoints, who later reveal that they charge high rates for the service. (See this article by a Pennsylvania journalist.) It is always better to count on your own comrades from your communities.

Corrupt Public Guardian Fears Questions (tags)

Corrupt Orange County Public Guardian has Prosecutor Fired for Asking Questions

Domestic Violence Victims are Walking Targets in the OC (tags)

For domestic violence victims, safety lies in leaving Orange County.

The Scott Sisters: Victimized by American Injustice (tags)

One of many injustice examples

Seniors, Get Out of Town Before the Public Guardian Snatches Your Life (tags)

Orange County Seniors are under fire from a Public Guardian who is seizing the assets of any senior who comes into his clutches

Orange County Public Guardian Confiscating Property from Seniors (tags)

In this economy, the Public Guardian is Scamming Seniors for their Property.

Pro Bono/Low Cost Representation to the Needy Does NOT Exist in Orange County (tags)

In one Southern California County, low cost or pro bono services from the legal community simply don't exist.

Retenes este fin de semana / This weekend's checkpoints (22-26/jul/2010) (tags)

Hasta la fecha, se han anunciado los siguientes retenes policiales a través de la prensa corporativa. Mande esta lista a sus amigos, cópiala a tu sitio local de indymedia o craigslist, o el sitio que sea popular en su área, tome la información y envía mensajes de texto a sus amistades y a todos y todas de su iglesia. Pero seguro que habrá más de los mencionados. Si usted ve un retén, favor de comunicárselo a su organización comunitaria local o reportarlo a la red de Checkpoint response. Mande correo electrónico a con preguntas, comentarios, o para prestarse como voluntario/a. Si usted quiere reportar un retén anunciado en su prensa local o que haya visto en su comunidad, o si quiere recibir alertas por texto o correo eletrónico, favor de enviar un email a

These are the checkpoints that have been announced in the corporate press so far. Take this list and send it to your friends, post it on your local indymedia site, craigslist, or whatever site is popular in your area, post it to your facebook, take the information and send out text messages to all your friends and all the people in your church. There are sure to be more than the ones listed here. If you see one, please report it to your local community organization or to Checkpoint response. If you would like to report a checkpoint announced in your local press or that you've seen in your community, or if you would like to receive text or e-mail alerts, please email You can also e-mail with questions, comments, or to volunteer.

Orange County Adult Protective Services, Prosecuting and Stealing Property from Seniors (tags)

Did you work hard to make a fortune? Have you saved up for your retirement? Don't count on keeping your life's fortune if you live in Orange County, CA. The government wants everything you own.

Lista semanal de retenes / Weekly checkpoint list (16-17/jul/2010) (tags)

Se ofrece entrenamiento para personas interesadas en copilar esta lista semanal y su difusión. Favor de mandar comunicaciones a

Training on the compilation and spreading of this weekly list is being offered. Please e-mail if you are interested.

Retenes este weekend checkpoint (9-10/jul/2010) (tags)

Sigue la lista de retenes anunciados por la prensa corporativa de este fin de semana.

The list of this weekend's checkpoints announced in the corporate press follows.

Retenes del fin de semana / Weekend checkpoints (24/jun-3/jul/2010) (tags)

¡Póngase truch raza!

Please be wise, comrades!

Horrific Conditions in Los Angeles County Jail (tags)

the same ongoing across America

Retenes / Checkpoints este weekend (18-19/jun/2010) (tags)

What is Checkpoint response? Checkpoint response is a network of volunteers who spread information about where and when checkpoints are to take place through e-mail, social networking, and text messages. When possible, we also warn the drivers in our communities through standing protests on the affected streets at a distance of a block from the checkpoint. If you would like to report a checkpoint announced in your local press or that you've seen in your community, or if you would like to receive text alerts, please email

¿Qué es Checkpoint response? Checkpoint response es una red de volutarios y voluntarias que se dedican a la difusión de información sobre dónde y cuándo se efectúan retenes policiales a través de correo electrónico, redes sociales, y mensajes de texto. Cuando nos sea posible, también avisamos a los conductores de nuestras comunidades con plantones en la calle afectada a la distancia de una cuadra del retén. Si usted quiere reportar un retén anunciado en su prensa local o que haya visto en su comunidad, o si quiere recibir alertas por texto, favor de enviar un email a

California Primary Election Results- Riverside County will not Count 12,563 votes (tags)

Stewart Alexander is calling on California Attorney General Jerry Brown to investigate this violation of voter rights and says it is also the responsibility of Secretary of State Debra Bowen to insure that every vote is counted. “Unless the 12,563 votes are counted, the election is not valid.”

Retenes / Checkpoints este weekend (10-12/jun/2010) (tags)

Take this list and send it to your friends, post it on your local indymedia site, craiglist, or whatever site is popular in your area, post it to your facebook, take the information and send out text messages to all your friends and all the people in your church.

Mande esta lista a sus amigos, cópiala a tu sitio local de indymedia o craigslist, o el sitio que sea popular en su área, tome la información y envía mensajes de texto a sus amistades y a todos y todas de su iglesia.

Annotated Text of SB1070 (tags)

The text of the controversial Arizona law, with comments interspersed. Read it and pass it on. If you're protesting, you owe it to yourself to know the law.

Memorial Day weekend checkpoints / Retenes del fin de semana del Día Memorial (28-31/may/2 (tags)

Memorial Day weekend checkpoints / Retenes del fin de semana del Día Memorial (28-31/may/2010)

OJO: Ésta no es una lista comprensiva. Siempre hay más retenes que los que se anuncian. Es importante siempre tener mucho cuidado al salir manejando, especialmente las noches de fines de semana festivos. Si usted mira un retén, favor de hacer saber a su organización comunitaria y a los miembros de su comunidad. Si le sea posible, un plantón a una cuadra del retén es muy eficaz para avisar a los conductores sin licencia. Se recomienda que no salga a protestar o a avisar a solas sino en grupo, y que se equipen con cámaras para documentar cualquier abuso que ocurra. También es importante respetar las leyes que prohiben bloquear las aceras o pisar en la calle. Si tienen un organismo comunitario, muchas veces, se lo puede utilizar para exigir cambios de política a nivel municipal. Mientras tanto, ¡sigamos fuerte en resistencia!

CAUTION: This is not a comprehensive list. There are always more checkpoints than are announced. It is important to always take great care when driving, especially at night on holiday weekends. If you see a checkpoint, please alert your local community organization and the members of your community. If possible, a standing protest a block ahead of the checkpoint is very effective for alerting unlicensed drivers. It is not recommended to do this alone--a group is preferable, and equipment such as cameras is important to document any abuses that may occur. It is also important to respect the laws prohibiting blocking the sidewalk and standing in the street. If there is a community entity in your area, it can often be used to demand policy changes at the local level. Meanwhile, let's keep up the resistance!

Border Patrol targets immigrant rights activist family in Southeast Riverside County (tags)

Saturday, May 22, 2010
RIVERSIDE County, California - At about 10:30 Saturday night, agents with the US Customs and Border Protection entered an apartment where a family was watching television. Although members of the family asserted their rights, these were not respected. An adult and three minors were arrested and taken to the Theodore L. Newton, Jr. and George F. Azrak Border Patrol Station in Murrieta.

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (21-24/may/2010) (tags)

Muchos retenes. Contáctanos a través del email

Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone (tags)

Highly disturbing information about Republican Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone and his ties to organized crime is provided at the URL offered.

Orange County Continues to be Domestic Violence Capital of America (tags)

In Orange County battered women have no place to turn. Often their abusers get all the support.

May Day Checkpoints / Retenes del Día de Trabajo (30/apr-1/may/2010) (tags)

Como siempre cuando hay mobilizaciones de obreros y obreras, las fuerzas represivas del estado salen a suprimirlas. Les urgimos mucha precaución en lo que salen manejando, y aunque es necesario manifestar nuestro descontento, lo hay que hacer con cautela, siempre echando un ojo a las agencias del llamado "orden público."

As always when there are workers' mobilizations, the repressive forces of the state come out to supress them. We urge you caution as you drive, and although it is necessary to manifest our discontent, we must do it very carefully and always with an eye on so-called "law enforcement" agencies.

Queer Democrats Oppose Strong-Mayor Proposition (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club overwhelmingly opposed continuing San Diego's experiment with strong-mayor government. At their April 22 meeting they voted to oppose Proposition D on the June 8 ballot, which would make strong-mayor permanent, add a ninth seat to the City Councll and raise the threshold to override a mayoral veto of a Council action from a simple majority to two-thirds. City Councilmember Donna Frye led the debate against strong-mayor; having served under both strong-mayor and San Diego's previous city-manager system, she said it's been harder for her as a Councilmember to hold the mayor accountable and get information she needs to make responsible decisions, to the point where she's had to sue the city, or threaten to, to get needed data from the mayor's office.

Privatization of Courthouse Security Awarded to G4S Wackenhut Draws Criticism (tags)

Guy James, President of the Federal Contract Guards of America FCGOA said " the privatization of courthouse security awarded to G4S Wackenhut shows how the county can save money, however the need for tougher background checks of all private contract guards needs to be addressed at both the federal, state and county levels to ensure the safety of all who may enter these buildings are protected".

Retenes este fin de semana / Checkpoints this weekend (21-24/apr/2010) (tags)

Los retenes siguen azotando a nuestra comunidad, canalizando los recursos del sector más pobre de la sociedad hasta el sector más poderoso--la policía y los dueños de empresas. Los voluntarios de Checkpoint response se disculpan por no haber reportado los retenes del miércoles y jueves con mayor anticipación, y pedimos otra vez que si hay personas que se pueden prestar para mejorar la calidad y puntualidad de esta labor que se comuniquen al correo electrónico

Checkpoints continue to plague our community, channeling the resources of the poorest members of society to the most powerful--the police and business owners. The volunteers of Checkpoint response apologize for not reporting the Wednesday and Thursday checkpoints earlier, and again ask that if there is anyone that can help improve the quality and timeliness of this work to please e-mail

Richard I. Fine's Judicial Lynching (tags)

Targeting lawyers who challenge power

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (15-17/apr/2010) (tags)

¡Póngase abusado raza!

Beware people!

The Five Dirtiest Businesses in Orange County (tags)

Some Orange County Customers are losing money, funds and worse at some of the OC businesses.

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (8-11/apr/2010) (tags)

Si tienen dudas, quejas, o preguntas, favor de enviarlos al correo electrónico Please direct any questions or comments to

Over 50 Attend Whitburn Fundraiser in Hillcrest March 28 (tags)

Stephen Whitburn, openly Gay candidate for the Fourth Supervisorial District in San Diego County, held a fundraiser for his campaign Sunday, March 28 at the Bamboo Lounge in Hillcrest. Despite vicious attacks from supposedly “progressive” media outlets in both the straight and Queer communities, the event was a success, drawing more than 50 people who roared their support for Whitburn's opposition to the proposed Merriam Mountains development — a plan to blast off the tops of mountains to build houses on them — and the practice of Supervisors to accept gifts from individuals, organizations and corporations who directly benefit from the Board's decisions.

Queer Democrats’ Surprising Lieutenant Governor Endorsement (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club made a surprising choice in the June 8 Democratic primary for lieutenant governor. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom became a nationwide hero to the Queer community in February 2004 when he unilaterally ordered city officials to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but the club rejected him in favor of Los Angeles City Councilmember Janice Hahn. Members’ concerns about Newsom included his less than progressive stands on economic issues, his notoriously messy personal life, his potentially rocky relationship with presumed Democratic gubernatorial nominee Jerry Brown, and the risks of going into a statewide election with two white men at the top of the ticket against likely Republican nominees Meg Whitman for governor and Abel Maldonado for lieutenant governor.

San Patrick's Day Weekend Checkpoints / Retenes del fin de semana de San Patricio (12-19/m (tags)

E-mail with questions, comments, or to volunteer.

Mande correo electrónico a con preguntas, comentarios, o para prestarse como voluntario/a.

Queer Pride Town-Hall Draws Small Crowd (tags)

In sharp contrast to the earlier meeting in January, a town-hall called by San Diego LGBT Pride February 22 drew only about 50 people and lasted just 45 minutes. Instead of a bitch-fest aimed at getting rid of the Pride board — whose members resigned and were replaced with respected community veterans who'd served on previous Prides — the February 22 meeting offered constructive discussion about the fate of the annual Pride parade and festival, including concerns from politically oriented Queer activists that by abolishing the annual pre-Pride rally, the former board had betrayed the true meaning of Pride.

Checkpoints this weeked / Retenes este fin de semana (25-27/feb/2010) (tags)

Por fin la cuestión de los retenes ha salido a la luz, debido a una investigación llevado a cabo en la Universidad de California y publicado a través del New York Times y PBS, entre otros.
At last, the issue of the checkpoints has come to light, thanks to an investigation done at UC Berkeley and published in the New York Times and PBS, among others.

2 lawsuits vs.Maricopa County Sheriff's Office allege racial profiling (tags)

The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office faces new accusations of racial profiling from suspects who landed in the sheriff's custody.

OC College Student Tortures Mom for Dad (tags)

Domestic violence is rampant in Orange County and the victims have no options but to stay.

Superbowl checkpoints / Retenes este fin de semana (4-7/feb/2010) (tags)

Como siempre cuando hay un gran evento o día festivo, agencias de orden público usan el pretexto para aumentar la aplicación de leyes racistas, clasistas, y antimigrantes. Habrá varios retenes, y muchas agencias reportan que van a monitorear con mayor vigilancia las vías públicas. Checkpoint response les avisa de los retenes previstos, no sólo en California, sino en el resto del país también, y les pedimos que tengan mucho cuidado.

As with other holidays and large events, law enforcement agencies use the pretext to heighten enforcement of classist, racist, and anti-immigrant laws. This weekend will see numerous checkpoints, as well as non-checkpoint traffic enforcement. Checkpoint response brings you this warning of the foreseeable checkpoints, and urges the utmost caution on the road.

Imperial County Enters Court Case Against Marriage Equality (tags)

The Board of Supervisors of Imperial County voted 3-2 last December to intervene in the federal court case challenging the constitutionality of Proposition 8, which defines marriage in California as between one man and one woman. According to marriage equality activist Fernando Lopez, Jr., the board's attempt to intervene in support of Prop. 8 — which the court neither accepted nor denied before the case began — was significant because, by involving a government body in the case on the side of Prop. 8, it would allow the Prop. 8 supporters to appeal a ruling against them even if the state of California chose not to.

No Safe Escape for Orange County’s Domestic Violence Victims (tags)

In Santa Ana, Mission Viejo and other Orange County Cities, abuse is excusable. Being a Woman is Not.

Killer Cop Update from First Los Angeles Status Hearing (tags)

report from inside (and outside) court room

Oscar Grant Report

LA Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant Press Conference, 1/8/09: photos and full audio (tags)

The newly formed Los Angeles Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant held a press conference in front of the LA court house just before the first Southern California hearing in the murder trial of Johannes Mehserle was set to begin. The LA Coalition, along with several Oakland community activists who traveled south for the hearing, spoke about their determination to end the wanton killing and abuse of people of color by police. Full audio of the press conference is below.

Retenes para el año nuevo / New Year's checkpoints (tags)

Careful folks. Tengan mucho cuidado raza.

TVA Coal Fly Ash Disaster 1 Year Anniversary and Videos (tags)

On December 22, 2008 the largest coal fly ash disaster in the world occurred in Roane County, Tennessee along the banks of the Emory River at the Kingston Electric Coal Plant which is owned and operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

Holiday checkpoints / Retenes navideños (tags)

Cuídense raza, y cuidado también en los buses, sobre todo la línea de Greyhound, que colabora mucho con agencias de inmigración.

Jeff Stone Riverside County Corruption Probe (tags)

The increasingly notorious politician Jeff Stone is once again embroiled in controversy involving his corruption, graft, and collaboration with organized crime in the agency of the equally notorious Scientology crime syndicate. While Riverside County is the most corrupt County in California, it also boasts the worse racist law enforcement outside of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Queer Democrats Endorse Saldaña, Take No Position on County Term Limits (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club endorsed Assemblymember Lori Saldaña for County Supervisor but failed to take a position on whether to impose term limits on the Board of Supervisors. Supporters of the term-limit initiative, being sponsored by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), said the five Republican incumbents on the board are so entrenched only limiting their future terms will get them out. Opponents said that Democrats have historically opposed term limits and if they supported them for the Republican-dominated Board of Supervisors, they'd be perceived as hypocrites the next time they try to ease-them for the Democratic-controlled state legislature.

Checkpoints this weeked: Retenes este fin de semana (30-31/oct) (tags)

Hasta la fecha, se han anunciado los siguientes retenes policiales a través de la prensa corporativa. Seguro que habrá más de los mencionados. Si usted ve un retén, favor de comunicárselo a su organización comunitaria local o reportarlo aquí en indymedia. These are the checkpoints that have been announced in the corporate press so far.

There are sure to be more. If you see one, please report it to your local community organization or post it here on indymedia.

LA County CIO Office's Website Sucks (tags)

I was just looking for some shapefiles for the county of Los Angeles... and found this absurdity.

Idaho; Areva Corp. Plans For Centrifuge Uranium Enrichment Facility (tags)

Plans are underway by Areva Corporation to build a centrifuge uranium enrichment facility near Idaho Falls, ID. The state government of Idaho has given Areva, a French corporation, significant tax breaks to help them overcome any obstacles that may delay the permits for construction of this plant. Public comment is needed to prevent this nuclear bomb making facility from being built.

Negotiating Our Lives Away (tags)

At some point we have to step to the plate and put our foot down. It's not going to stop on its own.

"Riverside Rejects Racism" Rally in Response to Neo-Nazi Demonstration (tags)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

RIVERSIDE, California -- In response to a planned neo-Nazi demonstration at a day labor site in Casa Blanca, Riverside's historically Latino community, numerous community groups united to oppose racism in their city. Over 30 organizations endorsed the rally, which saw the participation of over 150 people who listened to and gave speeches, shared fruit and water, and enjoyed music and a strong sense of solidarity.

September-October 2009 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

Checkpoints Labor Day Weekend / Retenes del fin de Semana del Día del Trabajador (Sep 3-6) (tags)

This is not a comprehensive list! It is limited to California only. And it does not include the checkpoints that are not announced in the media. That's why it's important that you let us know when you see one!

¡Esta no es una lista exhaustiva! Se limita a California únicamente. Y no incluye los retenes que no se anuncian por los madios de comunicación. ¡Es por eso que es tan importante que nos avises en cuanto veas uno!

Queer Democrats Celebrate Women’s Equality Day (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club celebrated Women’s Equality Day August 27 with a program featuring the club’s women’s caucus chair Kate Lyon, California NOW president Patty Bellasalma, Congressional candidate Francine Busby and Assemblymember Lori Saldaña discussing the history of feminist activism in the U.S. and the continuing difficulty of electing women to public office. The club members also considered an initiative to impose term limits on the members of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, but decided to delay taking a position on that for a month.

Halt the 287(g) program! ¡Alto al programa 287(g)! (tags)

Friday, August 28, 2009 SAN BERNARDINO, California--Immigrant rights advocates and their allies held a press conference today to demand that local law enforcement agencies terminate or not renew their agreements with the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), referred to as 287(g) agreements after a 1996 amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Viernes, el 28 de agosto, 2009 SAN BERNARDINO, California-- En una rueda de prensa, un grupo de activistas pro-inmigrantes, en conjunto con sus aliados, exigieron que las agencias locales de orden público pusieran fin o que no renovaran sus acuerdos con la agencia migratoria ICE. Tales acuerdos son denominados acuerdos 287(g) por la numeración de una enmienda a el Acta de Inmigración y Nacionalidad de 1996.

SNWA's 300 Mile Pipeline to Las Vegas Faces Growing Opposition (tags)

At a recent SNWA board meeting, the SNWA's proposed 300 mile pipeline from Snake Valley aquifer to Las Vegas has met with a few bumps in the road, mainly strong public opposition and increasing hesitancy on the part of SNWA board members to jump into this plan without a safety net. Though the SNWA board voted to continue seeking an EIS for the pipeline, the reality of future costs and risks of an overdrawn aquifer made several board members question their previous zealotry in following Gen. Manager Pat Mulroy down her pipeline's path for much longer.

$100 million for Section 8 housing crisis falls short (tags)

$100 million in extra federal funding helps to save the nation's Section 8 housing program in Berkeley, Alameda, San Jose, Los Angeles and elsewhere! According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), a whopping 15% of 2,400 Public Housing Authorities nationwide, are currently experiencing funding shortfalls in the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program! HUD is currently trying to release an additional $400 million to assist section 8 programs across the nation. See full list of troubled Public Housing Authorities, further below!

HR 676 Cosponsors (tags)

Volunteer to End Cannabis Prohibition (tags)

On November 2, 2010, California will adopt the world’s first set of comprehensive cannabis regulations. This is the beginning of that process. Those of us who are involved with this campaign are charged with the responsibility of creating the foundation for this regulatory structure.

Orange County Community Forum:Education Not Incarceration!!! video presented by SAPM (tags)

Santa Ana Peoples Media Presents: Foro comunitario: Educación!!! No Encarcelamiento Escuelas SI!!! Carceles NO!!! On July 12 2009, Members of the community of Orange County met, In Santa Ana. There were youth, mothers and fathers from different parts of Orange County, people from the Barrios in Anaheim, Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Costa Mesa, and other cities. People from the community met to discuss the concern of the rise of Orange County Police abuse, and how a community that has had enough of ice raids, police abuse/murders, theft of cars, and violence, can fight back, against these injustices and attacks in our communties. We are not supposed to be afraid of the police that our tax dollars pay for to "Protect and serve" not TERRORIZE!!! and Occupy! Alto a la criminalización de la Juventud! Alto a la criminalizacion de la Communidad! Alto a la brutalidad policial! Alto a los Retenes que roban nuestros vehiculos, y separan a nuestras familias! Somos Trabajadores, no criminales! El trabajo y la tranquilidad es un derecho humano!

OC Education Not Incarceration Community Forum (tags)

End Criminilization of Youth, of People of Color! Of our communities! En El Condado de la Naranja, and abroad!!! ICE/Migra versus Workers, OC Police abuse, harassment, and Beating and Killing of Mothers, Fathers, youth, Unarmed Residents and Citizens, Cutting Jobs, Education, and Healthcare while Funding More Wars, More Overthrows of Democracies in Mexico and Latin America; More bottomless bailouts for banks, insurances, and war and violence companies, while more people lose healthcare access as their taxes build more Prisons and Prison Healthcare. End Genocide in the hood!!!

Judge orders $1 Million bail for Mission Hospital EMT accused of raping patient (tags)

Authorities said the 31-year-old female victim was taken by ambulance to Mission Hospital just after midnight on Feb. 21. While being treated at the hospital, the woman told authorities she was raped but was unable to resist

No community support for $30M Discovery Center at EIR meeting (tags)

The Friends of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the preservation of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area and neighboring lands as open space corridors. We promote and assist with restoration and educational uses of the Natural Area that are compatible with the conservation of plant and animal habitat and migration, historical resources, water quality, and public health and safety.

California Showing No Signs of Economic Recovery (tags)

It is important to note that most of California’s economic woes have less to do with the national recession; California has a leadership problem in Sacramento. Under the leadership of Governor Schwarzenegger, California’s economy has been suffering a continuous decline. Governor Schwarzenegger and the California Legislature have led California into a sea of red ink and have protected special interested groups over the public’s interest.

Despite police abuse, mobile home park community pursues redress (tags)

In response to an explosive-ridden seige of their community, residents of the Woodlawn Mobile Home Park attended the Pomona City Council meeting on Monday, June 15. During the public comment period, one by one, approximately thirty residents, representing adults, the elderly, and children, explained what happened to them. Some became so emotionally overwhelmed that they were unable to continue.

Torture alleged in LA County Jail (tags)

Street performer and tarot card reader, Jason Paschal, currently incarcerated in Los Angeles Old County Jail, reports neglect, abuse, and torture as well as being denied court-ordered medical care.

Queer Democrats Debate Proposition 8 Response (tags)

The wounds were still raw from the California Supreme Court decision upholding Proposition 8, the state’s voter-approved ban on marriage for same-sex couples, when the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club met May 28 and debated how the club should respond. The members heard from attorney Charlie Pratt, who had been at the sit-in at the County Administrative Center's marriage license bureau the day before and had been singled out for special harassment by police, and also discussed whether and when the Queer community should mount its own ballot initiative campaign to repeal Proposition 8.

Over 70 Activists Stage Marriage Equality Sit-in at S.D. County Clerk’s Office (tags)

Over 70 marriage equality activists occupied the office of the San Diego County Clerk Wednesday, May 27 as a protest against the California Supreme Court’s ruling that Proposition 8, which restricts marriage in California to one man and one woman, is constitutional. Michael Anderson and Brian Baumgardner led the action by demanding a marriage license, and other Queer couples followed suit. The event ended peacefully, with no arrests, when the crowd dispersed an hour after the official closing time of the building.

Silicon Valley Proclaims May 15th Palestinian Cultural Day (tags)

Palestinian Cultural Day was officially proclaimed by the cities of San José, Sunnyvale, and Milpitas, and by Santa Clara County in a ceremony on May 15, 2009. The day celebrates Palestinian heritage and remembers the Palestinian Catastrophe in the hope that it will never be repeated.

Briant Rodriguez photos from video tapes of suspected kidnappers (tags)

San Bernardino County Sheriff Rod Hoops said during a news conference that the video images were taken from surveillance camera footage recorded at a home-improvement store two days before Sunday's abduction of Briant Rodriguez.

The Big Lie of Schwarzenegger and Corporate Agribusiness: Fish Vs. Jobs (tags)

Bill Jennings, chairman of the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, has caught the Department of Water Resources, Governor Arnold Schwarznegger and Corporate Agribusiness in yet another "Big Lie."

Letter to California leaders concerning Public Transit (tags)

Emphasizing California's lack of progress and implementation of public transportation, and how it is one of the rudimentary causes of the state's financial failures.

Alleged Las Vegas Mobster Rizzolo's pal, Orange County Sheriff sentenced to 5-1/2-years (tags)

This Public official who mooned his constituents was Convicted Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona depicted here mooning his constituents before his conviction.

LAPD Not The Worse Criminals (tags)

This is rather amusing. It seems that the Los Anmgeles Police Department are no longer the worse fascist gang of violent armed criminals in the United States after all. Clackamas County now holds the distinction.

Rally Planned to Test Crooked, Cult-Sponsored Ordinance (tags)

Riverside County’s hotly contested anti-targeted-picketing Ordinance No. 884 will be put to the test on Sunday, April 19, 2009, when a group of protesters plans to hold a rally at the gates of the sprawling Scientology compound known as Golden Era Productions located at 19625 Gilman Springs Road near Hemet.

Three Men Turned Over to Immigration Officials After Fatal Crash (tags)

Facing deportation without hearing, according to USICE

San Bernardino County Hires "Save Our State" Leader (tags)

Joe Turner, leader of "Save Our State," is hired by San Bernardino County Supervisor Neil Derry

Tues 3/17: Movement to Stop Blackwater Like Training Center in Riverside Grows (tags)

A private company, the Procinctu Group, has received approval for a “Blackwater-like” warfare training facility in Homeland, CA dubbed “The Ranch,” including shooting ranges, driving tracks, and live-fire training. The site is situated next to an established church retreat in a residential agricultural area that the developers say will be perfect for training because it looks “like Afghanistan.”

3/17: Veterans Group Joins Protest to Stop Blackwater -Like Training Center in Riverside (tags)

A private company, the Procinctu Group, has received approval for a “Blackwater-like” warfare training facility in Homeland, CA dubbed “The Ranch,” including shooting ranges, driving tracks, and live-fire training. The site is situated next to an established church retreat in a residential agricultural area that the developers say will be perfect for training because it looks “like Afghanistan.”

LA County POLLWORKERS are now forced = no choice= to use computers...or not get trained? (tags)

This is an open letter to Registrar of Voters re pollworkers being forced to now use computers only in order to get necessary training. Many elders, disabled, and others cannot do this and the County provides no other choice !!!! Does anyone have a similar story ?

Stop private military corp. Procinctu in Riverside! (tags)

Procinctu plans to build a Blackwater-like tactical training center (“The Ranch”) on a 194-acre site in Homeland, CA (on Briggs between Norden & Gunther in Riverside County).


S.D. Cracks Down on Medical Pot as Feds Loosen Up (tags)

Don Duncan, California statewide director of the national medical-marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA), came to San Diego February 10 to tell local members that the outlook for medical marijuana is good. He pointed to a policy statement from a spokesperson for President Obama that said the federal government will stop using its police power to interfere with state medical marijuana laws. But that was cold comfort to many of the people in the room, especially those targeted by a flurry of raids in San Diego in the first week of February.

Orange County Sheriffs hit the streets in protest (tags)

The lawsuit has drawn the attention of law enforcement unions across the country because a ruling in favor of the county could unravel pension benefits granted to law enforcement officers nationwide.

Audience Packs Library for Medical Marijuana Film (tags)

For many of the 300 people who packed the San Diego Public Library screening of "Waiting to Inhale," Jed Riffe's film on the medical marijuana issue, it's not just a movie but something they're living. The film begins with a raid on a medical marijuana growers' collective, and at least two members of the audience talked about having gone through similar raids from San Diego County law enforcement just days earlier. The audience was highly partisan but the film itself was surprisingly fair-minded and even-handed in its approach to the issue.

Crooked Stern Appointed Union Operative Fired By L.A. County for failing to return to work (tags)

SEIU gangster Andy Stern appointed an operative who was in a "No-show,no work" job at Sacramento county. The Stern gang are now spending millions of dollars with their hacks Regan and Medina implementing a wrecking operation on SEIU UHW.

Brown Berets to lead march against the Riverside County Sheriffs (tags)

Brown Beret, mother of three, shot in the back by a Riverside County Sheriff. A vigil, press conference and march has been scheduled.

Local Residents to Protest Plans for Paramilitary Training Center in Riverside, CA (tags)

LOCAL RESIDENTS ASK: WHY WAS THIS PRIVATE PARAMILITARY FIRM APPROVED BY THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS? Protest Planned Against Procinctu Plans to Build Private Military Training Center on Tuesday, January 27 Residents Hopes to Halt Construction of "The Ranch" Inspired by Successful Battle Against Blackwater's Plans in San Diego County WHERE: Outside the Riverside County Administrative Center, at 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside CA WHEN: 8:30 to 9:30 AM, Tuesday January 27, 2009 Protest outside Riverside County Administrative Center 11:00 a.m: Protesters will move inside to express concerns to Riverside County Board of Supervisors general meeting during Oral Communication

RNC 8 National Call-In Days of Action (Dec. 16 and 17) (tags)

RNC 8 National Call-In Days of Action: Tuesday, Dec 16 (9-5) and Wednesday, Dec 17 (8-1) - all Central Time


March on Lennox Sheriffs Station Saturday 12/20- L.A. County Sheriffs killed unarmed C.Portillo while he was in his parked car in the driveway of his home.

Support SF8 Herman & Jalil - Phone and Fax CA Governor 11/19 (tags)

We are asking that you phone and fax CA Governor Schwarzenneger on Wednesday, November 19th demanding that California return Herman Bell and Jalil Muntaqin (Anthony Bottom) to New York state for their parole hearings. Please also send us an email when you have done so at FreetheSF8 [at]


March on Lennox Sheriffs Station Saturday 12/20- L.A. County Sheriffs killed unarmed C.Portillo 7/23 while he was in his parked car in the driveway of his home.

Election Protection Advocates Demand More Ballots for LA (tags)

Election Integrity advocates are demanding LA County Registrar Dean Logan immediately print up enough precinct-marked ballots to guarantee a ballot for every one of LA County's estimated 4.3 million registered voters.

Green Dissent: Why I Won't Vote for California Dems (tags)

The Field polls says California is going for Barack Obama 55% to 33%. Very well. My "Brotha" Barack doesn't need my vote and pumping Dem numbers only encourages our local Los Angeles scoundrels

Defend the RNC8! Drop the Charges!!! (tags)

Please show solidarity with those still trapped within the St. Paul courts... Below is a petition to dismiss the charges against the RNC 8. Once it reaches 100,000 signatures it will be sent to the Ramsey County Attorney, Susan Gaertner.

California Republicans in Hot Water for Hate-Based Attacks on Obama (tags)

Republicans in "tolerant" California are engaging in hate-based attacks on Barack Obama as reprehensible as any in the United States.

Elections Expert Speaks at Activist San Diego (tags)

Elections expert Sal Magallanez spoke to Activist San Diego Monday, October 13 as part of a presentation that also included a documentary film, "Hacking Democracy," about Seattle activist Bev Harris and her exposés of the ease with which computer-counted elections can be rigged. Magallanez, an official elections observer for the Democratic Party, noted how the San Diego County Registrar of Voters — hired by an all-Republican County Board of Supervisors — has made suspicious policy decisions that may help Republicans in this year's and future elections.

SAT, OCT 25 – Filipino Children’s Reading Event in Chino Hills (tags)

For the very first time, the largest Filipino library in the country will share Filipino children’s books to families in San Bernardino County. Through its Children’s Reading Program, the Filipino American Library (FAL) will have an event on Saturday, October 25 at 2:00-4:00pm at the James S. Thalman Chino Hills Branch Library (2003 Grand Ave., Chino Hills 91709). It is recommended for children ages 4-10. Please RSVP to or 213-382-0488.

Protest Against Palin in Costa Mesa (tags)

Protest against Sarah Palin and everything she stands for as she attends a fundraiser in Costa Mesa (Orange County) on October 4, 2008.

Fascistic New Normal in St. Paul (tags)

August 29, St. Paul, Minnesota. Police in full riot gear raided the “RNC Welcoming Committee” (which described itself as “an anarchist/anti-authoritarian organizing body preparing for the 2008 Republican National Convention”) This raid, referred to in the media as a “pre-emptive strike,” marked the beginning of a weekend of terror and intimidation brought down by the state on activists, organizers, protestors, and journalists throughout the four-day span of the Republican National Convention.

Terrorism charges lodged against 8 protesters at GOP convention (tags)

REPOST--Prosecutors in Ramsey County, Minn., have formally charged eight alleged leaders of the RNC Welcoming Committee -- one of the groups organizing protests at the GOP convention in St. Paul -- with terrorism-related charges

ACTION: Amy Goodman & 2 DN! Producers Arrested at RNC! (tags)

Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman was unlawfully arrested in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota at approximately 5 p.m. local time. Police violently manhandled Goodman, yanking her arm, as they arrested her. Video of her arrest can be seen here:

OC Civil Forum Induces Protests (tags)

Protesters gather in Orange County to make the presidential cadidates hear their voices August 16, 2008.

More El Paso gang members arrested for violent crimes (tags)

Many of the U.S street gangs are believed acting as enforcers for the Mexican drug cartels and their Mexican gang surrogates.Many government and other investigators believe there is gang members in the army and some who are active in El Paso are stationed at Ft. Bliss and are involved extensively in narcotics-trafficking activity, murders on both sides of the U.S. Mexican border, and are operating with other gang members in El Paso and drug cartels and their gangs in Juarez Mexico.

Same-Sex Marriages: Orange County, California, USA (tags)

SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA: June 17, 2008, After the California State Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is legal, couples eagerly waited in line to be married at the Old Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana, California.

Daniel McGowan Transfered - Threat of Madison Grand Jury (tags)

Daniel McGowan has been moved to the Columbia County Jail in Portage, Wisconsin. The reasoning for his move is unknown, but could be related to an as yet to be convened grand jury in nearby Madison.

2008 Election problems begin early with Peace and Freedom Party (tags)

Tuesday election snafu denies Peace & Freedom Party voters ballots, may influence presidential nominating convention; Party chair says a lawsuit possible.

6/3/08 ELECTION DAY: Save Rent Control; No on 98 (tags)

RUN TO YOUR POLLING PLACE OR THE COUNTRY REGISTRAR FIRST THING 6/3 ELECTION DAY AT 7 A.M. DO NOT DELAY. You can vote at your polling place or the County Registrar’s office to save rent control and the homes of millions of Californians by voting No on 98/Yes on 99 . Our victory will come down to a handful of votes, so you must vote to save rent control and the environment. Only 25% of absentee ballots have been returned, so we NEED YOUR VOTE.

3 days to Save Rent Control; No on 98/Yes on 99 (tags)

LOS ANGELES COUNTY, You must pull through with a high voter turnout to save our homes. Southern California has 2/3 of the State's population and while Northern California, especially San Francisco, is working very hard to push tenants to the polls, Los Angeles County must lead.

6 days to Save Rent Control; No on 98/Yes on 99 (tags)

You can vote today at the County Registrar’s office to save rent control and the homes of millions of Californians by voting No on 98/Yes on 99. This low voter turnout election compels every single pro-rent control voter to actually vote, and vote No on 98/Yes on 99. Our victory will come down to a handful of votes, so you must vote to save rent control and the environment.

8 days to Save Rent Control; No on 98/Yes on 99 (tags)

You can vote today at the County Registrar’s office to save rent control and the homes of millions of Californians by voting No on 98/Yes on 99. This low voter turnout election compels every single pro-rent control voter to actually vote, and vote No on 98/Yes on 99. Our victory will come down to a handful of votes, so you must vote to save rent control and the environment.

Santa Ana Labor Rally: HEY, ARNOLD! NO BUDGET CUTS! (tags)


23rd Senate District Candidate Fran Pavley Sweeps Fire Fighter Endorsements (tags)

Firefighters support Fran Pavley over Lloyd Levine.

New Blackwater Controversy on the U.S.-Mexico Border (tags)

A proposed project run by the private military contractor Blackwater Worldwide is once again kicking up political hay on the US-Mexico border. Earlier rebuffed in its attempt to open a large training camp in the rural San Diego County community of Potrero, Blackwater now finds itself in a battle over the company's bid to open a training facility for the US Navy. Like Potrero, the latest controversy has pried open a Pandora's Box of thorny issues ranging from border relations to the Iraq war. The current dispute centers on Blackwater's plans to manage a 48-student school in San Diego County's Otay Mesa on the US-Mexico border and just down the road from US Border Patrol offices. According to Blackwater's plans, the site will offer indoor shooting instruction and simulated ship training to improve the anti-terrorist skills of naval personnel.

5/5-6/3 No on 98 to Save Rent Control (tags)

The June 3 ballot is a 10 alarm fire for the millions of workingclass tenants of California who are threatened with the repeal of rent control by Prop. 98 and the probable loss of our homes if this should pass as the excuses for eviction will abound. The deadline to register to vote for the June 3 election is May 19, 2008. RUN TO YOUR COUNTY REGISTRAR ANY WEEKDAY, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to FIRST register to vote AND THEN IMMEDIATELY VOTE on an absentee (vote by mail) ballot as in California we can vote 30 days before June 3 on an absentee ballot

In Response to Global Crises Ontario Tent City Homeless March Out to Route 66 (tags)

In Response to Global Crises, And Lack of Legal Shelter, Ontario Homeless March on Steinbeck's Route 66--To Plead That Housing, Food, Clothing and an End to All Homeless Criminalization Be Made A Basic, National, Civil Right

4/25: Con. Protests New Blackwater Development Near Cal-Mex Border (tags)

“Residents of San Diego County rejected Blackwater’s proposed mercenary training facility in Potrero, and I cannot imagine that San Diegans will feel any differently about Otay Mesa,” said Congressman Filner. “The use of civilian-defense contractors is irresponsible, and should be stopped immediately. Not only are they unaccountable to the Military, the State Department and Congress; they are civilians serving in combat and combat-training. Many have been wounded or have wounded others, and yet, they are not veterans; there is no safety net when they come home. It is criminal to ask civilian men and women to perform the role of the military when they lack the support necessary to return to their civilian lives. The paramilitary-style training conducted at these facilities has no place in our backyards!”

You are invited to Mountain Justice Summer 4 (tags)

Mountain Justice Summer Camp 
 May 17 - 23 
 Harlan County, Kentucky

"Shrimper" Environmental Activist Speaks in San Diego (tags)

diane Wilson, who went from being a painfully shy Texas shrimp fisher to a nationally known environmental activist, presented her story in San Diego at a meeting sponsored by the Peace and Democracy Action Group of the First Unitarian-Universalist Church. Her inspiring story is also available in her book, "An Unreasonable Woman."

FBI, California Attorney General Investigating Orange County Sheriff’s Dept. (tags)

The investigations are expected to not only look into the death of John Derek Chamberlain and determine if his civil rights were violated but is expected to probe much deeper into the over all possible misconduct of the Sheriff’s dept in general.

ASVAB is Military's Stealth Recruiting Tool (tags)

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is the military's most valuable recruiting asset. You can stop this predatory practice.

17 people arrested YESTERDAY at DQ University (tags)

17 people arrested YESTERDAY at DQ University!! READ, SUPPORT, REPOST

Shameful Defeat for SOS/Minutemen in Ventura County! (tags)

The Minutemen had a hard time selling their brand of anti-human agitation in Ventura County. The Frente Contra las Redadas del Condado de Ventura successfully delivered a "stealth upper-cut" by organizing a community response to this incursion by racists from Orange, San Berdu, etc.

Orange County Candlelight Vigil for 4,000 Fallen (tags)

VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK, ORANGE, CA USA: Military Families Speak Out, Gold Star Families, Iraq Veterans Against the War, & supporters gathered together on March 24, 2008, for a candlelight vigil to both remember and honor the fallen and raise public awareness of the needless loss of lives in the United States' unConstitutional occupation of Iraq.------------------------------ EXCELLENT ARTICLE AND VIDEO OF THE CANDLELIGHT VIGIL FROM THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER:

Orange County Peace Coalition: How Many More? Silent Peace March video (tags)

Huntington Beach, CA: On a sunny, windy Huntington Beach afternoon, members of the Orange County Peace Coalition and their supporters held a SILENT peace march along one of Huntington Beach's busiest streets. Pro-peace folk of all ages participated in the march. Enjoy. df, mom, educator, activist, PEACE

Part 2, "How Many More? Resist, Resist the War!" OCPC. ORG (tags)


Orange County Peace Coalition: "How Many More? Resist, Resist the War!" (tags)


Blackwater California Bid is Withdrawn (tags)

Blackwater Worldwide dropped its plans yesterday to build a military and law enforcement training camp in East County, San Diego, ending a storm of controversy over the security contractor's presence in the county.

Blackwater pulls application for Potrero training center (tags)

Blackwater Worldwide officials have announced they are pulling their application to build a training center on an 842-acre site in the East County community of Potrero.

Three Reports on Immigration Dialogues (tags)

While I didn't meet any Minutemen in North San Diego County, I did meet many local residents who are eager to question the status quo.

Over 50 Attend Progressive Community Summit (tags)

Over 50 people attended a progressive community "Mega Summit" in San Diego February 17. Organized by the San Diego County Community Coalition and San Diegans for 9/11 Truth, the event brought together representatives from various local groups ranging from anti-war and anti-drug war groups to insurgent candidates for elective office and urban landscape activists.



OC Peace Coalition & Military Families Speak Out Presidents' Day Action--Nixon Library! (tags)


Orange County Peace Coalition Blocked From Black History Parade (tags)

ANTI-WAR GROUPS BLOCKED FROM BLACK HISTORY PARADE. Orange County Peace Coalition says parade steering committee rejected their application after permitting the group to march in previous years. Article here:

Orange County Board of Supervisors ignores plight of elderly and disabled; slashes wages f (tags)

Home care providers of the United Domestic Workers (UDW) Tuesday will rally outside the Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting, criticizing the Supervisors’ failure to negotiate a fair deal to provide home care providers for seniors, the blind and people living with disabilities a fair living wage. The home care workers are part of the In-Home Supportive Services program, an alternative to institutional care that uses state, county and federal funds to provide care for IHSS consumers.

Unarmed Man Shot Dead By Police At Wal-Mart Store (tags)

In Orange County, police decide when to use deadly force, and police agencies get to investigate themselves. They release only the information they want to release when the investigation is complete

Attorney General Investigating Acting O.C. Sheriff Anderson (tags)

The inquiry by the state attorney general is investigating whether acting Orange County Sheriff Jack Anderson broke state law by appearing in uniform while trying to discourage the San Clemente City Council members from endorsing former sheriff's lieutenant and former candidate Bill Hunt

Who May Be The Next Orange County Sheriff? (tags)

Galisky was recently asked what would happen if Carona is convicted or he does resign? Do you expect to stand as sheriff or acting sheriff pending an election?

Saga Of Orange County's Sheriff Michael S. Carona (tags)

Police expert slams OC Sheriff’s Department for ‘cowboy’ attitude and ‘fatal errors’ that led to a street execution

Green Party Presidential Debate, Sunday, January 13th, San Francisco (tags)

Green Party Presidential Debate, Sunday, January 13th, San Francisco

Green Party: A Presidential Debate That Matters, Jan. 13 (tags)

SAN FRANCISCO – The first, and only, live debate between candidates on the Green Party’s California ballot for President of the United States – featuring a former Democratic Party member of Congress, consumer protection icon, professor and environmental engineer – is scheduled here January 13, 2008, said John Morton of the Green Presidential Debate Committee

Maricopa County Parks (tags)

Maricopa County Parks

Cindy Sheehan Moderates Green Party Presidential Debate (tags)

"Campaign 2008: A Presidential Debate that Matters" COME SEE AND HEAR . . . • Ralph Nader • Cynthia McKinney • Jared Ball • Kent Mesplay . . . TALKING ABOUT THE ISSUES OF THE DAY! o be held in San Francisco's historic Herbst Theater on January 13th, 2008.

Arizona treats Mexicans like Nazi Germany treated Jews (tags)

Arizona treats Mexicans like Nazi Germany treated the Jews

Recall Sheriff Joe Arpaio & Andrew Thomas (tags)

Want to recall the worlds meanist Sheriff, which is Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his amigo Nazi County Attorney Andrew Thomas? Here is the contact informatin to find where to sign a petition.



Omaha teenager kills 8: on antidepressants (tags)

Before this side of the story disappears down the memory hole 'breaking story has a teenage killer killing 8 in Omaha Nebraska. He was on antidepressants...likely SSRIs'

Peter Camejo & Nativo Lopez Support Donna Warren & John Wegner for KPFK Board (tags)

It is regretable that some Greens have attempted to bring internal Green Party conflicts into the KPFK election. It is unfortunate enough that our party has such problems, without having Green Party members bringing our internal disputes into an election as important as the election to the KPFK board.


Supporters of Donna Warren and John Wenger for KPFK Board Reply to Swiftboating Attack on their Candidacies

Donna Warren and John Wenger are not recommended by Independents and Grassroots Greens (tags)

An Open Letter from a group of long-time Green Party members and other independent community activists who are running for KPFK's Local Station Board Election exposing anomalies about the candidacies of Donna Warren and John Wenger.

The Fires of Class (tags)

An analysis of how the recent fires in Los Angeles and San Diego counties demonstrates how much America has given up even lip service to the notion that "all men are created equal" and how this nation has evolved into an aristocratic society that judges people's intrinsic worth based on their wealth.

Recall Sheriff Joe (tags)

An effort has begun to remove Maricopa County's two top law-enforcement officials: Sheriff Joe Arpaio and County Attorney Andrew Thomas.

Dogs, Pitchforks, and Lanterns (tags)

electronic voting meets texas godzilla

Firefighter Shortage In Orange County, etc (tags)

THe World Socialist Website, 10/29/07, has more on the lack of funding for firefighters as a cause of the inability to stop the fires in Southern California..

A Town Beseiged: Potrero Residents Battling Blackwater Now Suffer Ravages of Wildfire (tags)

Potrero, California, the town that has gained national attention for standing up against Blackwater Worldwide's plan to build a private military-style training camp in their pristine backcountry community east of San Diego, now faces an even more formidable force. The Harris wildfire which began outside Potrero early Sunday morning has ravaged the small rural community, where many residents remain trapped without supplies four days after the fire began.

Message to George Bush from a San Diego Evacuee (tags)

Neither the Border Patrol nor George Bush is welcome in San Diego! We’ve Suffered Enough! Message to George Bush, I believe… 1. Nature caused these fires 2. Global Warming, the most dangerous side effect of Capitalism, made them worse. 3. The lack of resources to fight these fires and which are currently being used in the imperialist war in Iraq prevented most of these fires from being extinguished expeditiously.

Oct 27 LA Peace March: Fund Human Needs Not Private Greed (tags)

The horrifying fires we have all witnessed in Southern California are a direct result of stealing our tax dollars from all social services at home and giving them to the war machine. Please turn your grief into action and join the October 27 peace march in Los Angeles at 12 Noon from Olympic & Broadway and March to downtown federal building.

Money for Firefighting & Prevention; Not for War (tags)

The World Socialist Website has 2 excllent articles providing the details of the Southern California fire crisis and their relation to the neglect of our domestic needs in favor of war profiteering.

Worse than Katrina: Burned-up Residents Fault Officials for SD's Devastating Fires (tags)

Worse than Katrina: Burned-up Residents Fault Officials for San Diego's Devastating Fires Earlier Recommendations Ignored by Governor; Equipment, Personnel Unavailable, Undeployed, Late in Coming “It’s like Armageddon,” Jill Michaels said, after watching her home burn to the ground in the Harris fire. In the early hours of the worst fire in California history, the Michaels family received no evacuation warning and found exit routes blocked, forcing them to turn back to their home in Potrero. Now, the Michaels are among half a million evacuees who have fled four raging wildfires, the worst fire disaster in California history. Worse even than the 2003 Cedar fire, which until now held that shameful record.

Let Malibu Burn: A political history of the Fire Coast Mike Davis (tags)

Fire in Malibu has a relentless, staccato rhythm. The rugged coastline is scourged by a large fire, on average, every two and a half years, and at least once a decade a blaze in the chaparral grows into a terrifying firestorm consuming hundreds of homes in an inexorable march across the mountains to the sea. In one week last month, 10 homes and 14,000 acres of brush went up in smoke.

Blackwater Training US Police (tags)

The mercenary firm Blackwater USA is well known for the controversy involving its "shoot first, ask no questions" policy in Iraq.


CSULA MSW seeks Adults who were in LA County Foster care a minimum of 12 months during the years 1968-1998 to share their lived experiences and offer opinions on how current LA County foster children can be better served.

Suterra Issues Cease and Desist Order to Indybay regarding "Secret" Pesticide In (tags)

Suterra LLC, a manufacturer of "biorational" pest control products based in Bend, Oregon, has issued a cease and desist order to Indybay demanding that information about a "secret" ingredient in the CheckMate OLR-F mating disruption pheromone be removed from the site.

Queer Democrats Endorse Block, Pettis for Assembly (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club endorsed Marty Block, San Diego Community College board member, over more grass-roots candidates Arlie Ricasa and Auday Arabo for an open Assembly seat at its September 27 meeting. The club also endorsed openly Gay candidate Greg Pettis for another Assembly seat in Palm Springs and Riverside County.

Stewart A. Alexander, His Biography (tags)

Today, Stewart A. Alexander is seeking the nomination as the presidential candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA; to give Americans an opportunity to have a voice in government and to determine the future course of America and our position in world politics. This is his Autobiography.

Locals Confront Blackwater at Their Gates as, Iraq Concludes Blackwater Committed Murder (tags)

As the Iraqi prime minister’s office determined that Blackwater USA shootings on September 16th in Baghdad was deliberate murder resulting in 17 civilian deaths, local opponents confronted Blackwater at the gates of the proposed “Blackwater West” site in Potrero, a tiny town in east San Diego county. Organizers estimated that over 300 people took part in the weekend's event, marching a mile from the rally site to the gates of Blackwater West.

As Blackwater Comes Under Fire in Iraq, So-Cal Turns Up Heat to Stop Blackwater West (tags)

As US Congress and Iraqi government officials probe recent killings of civilians by the notorious private contractors in Baghdad, local opponents to the expansion of Blackwater USA will stage a major rally and encampment at the gates of the proposed “Blackwater West” site in Potrero, a tiny town in east San Diego county on Saturday, October 6th - Sunday, October, 7th. The event will happen just days after Blackwater founder Erik Prince is scheduled to testify before the US Congress.

Stop Blackwater West Demo Oct. 6 & & (tags)

Encampment and Demonstration to Stop Blackwater West from building a training facility in San Diego County

Defend free speech! Attend Coyot Tezcatlipoca's criminal trial, Sept. 25th (tags)

This case highlights the absurdity of Orange County's backward system of criminal justice in the era of Minutemen: Tezcatlipoca is facing prosecution for offenses that were committed against him by police and government officials!

Democracy is Fleeting in America (tags)

Liberty Quarry and the Iraq War are testing democracy in America. Will the people in Southern California get a quarry they do not want or will the fate of several communities be left in the hands of five Riverside County Supervisors? On the bigger issue of Iraq, will the Democrats and Republicans have the resolve to end the Iraq War and bring our troops home, or will our fate as a nation be left in the hands of one man?

Interstate Bakeries Withdrawal a Blow to Low and Middle Income Residents (tags)

Closing of Outlet Stores Means Higher Prices

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa fails Los Angeles' animals, then lies about it (tags)

August 21, 2007 Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced on the steps of City Hall that Los Angeles Animal Services was the number one and largest pet adoption agency in the nation. That's wonderful news except for the fact that it's completely untrue.

judas durazo hands elvira arellano over to bush's ice (tags)

mayday defense committee

Judas Durazo hands over Elvira Arellano Bush’s ICE (tags)

Mayday Defense Committee

Defend free speech! Attend Coyot Tezcatlipoca's criminal trial, Aug. 15th (tags)

This case highlights the absurdity of Orange County's backward system of criminal justice in the era of Minutemen: Tezcatlipoca is facing prosecution for offenses that were committed against him by police and government officials!

MacLaren Hall Survivors Weigh In On The Site's Future (tags)

We, the actual survivors of MacLaren Hall's horror *know* that the buildings and land at MacLaren Hall are haunted by brutalized children's souls, every day and night. MacLaren Hall was a battle zone for thousands of children who survived and still remember what happened...

ICE: The New Gestapo Terrorizing our Brown Communities? (tags)

This report details some of the last couple weeks of raids in Orange County, but also shares extensive details about ICE agency, their Memorandum of Agreement with Orange County, and other investigative findings.

San Bernardino County Pig Bastard Ivory J. Webb, Jr. acquitted on all counts (tags)

San Bernardino County Pig Bastard Ivory J. Webb Jr. has been acquitted of the attempted murder of Iraq war veteran Elio Carrion.

ICE Takes no rest in Santa Ana--Only Prisoners (tags)

Meda and Enforcement Agencies want us to believe that they are taking only "criminal aliens". MENTIRAS! They are taking taking parents walking kids home from school, women walking home from grocery store, workers at bus stops, etc. Last week's raids was not the conclusion of sweps--THEY WERE ONLY THE BEGINNING. June 1st marked the begining of O.C.'s "enforcement team" (read 2nd article for more details below).

Liberty Quarry- A Rock Hard Sell (tags)

As Granite Construction continue to pay millions to bolster their propaganda campaign, to sell Liberty Quarry, SOS has gained tremendous public support, collecting small donation and some grocery monies, to educate the public about a future industrial menace.

Prison Promotion & Anti-Woman Campaign to Jail Paris Hilton (tags)

The reactionary and in the Paris Hilton case, viciously anti-woman, promotion of prisons instead of the abolition of prisons, including the presence of government fink Al Sharpton, has at as latest milestone the jailing of a woman at TAXPAYER EXPENSE for a misdemeanor, driving with a suspended license.

why 'review board is a sellout (tags)

it means 'no power'!

maria elena durazo (lacfl) behind miwon's lapd lies (tags)

maria elena durazo, exec dir of la cty labor fed, is working w/ v-rat to protect bratton. she signed (wrote) miwon's "provacateur" lies.

Join California Safe Schools - K-12 Education Day (tags)

The Maintenance Planning Group (MPG) and Clark County School District have developed a one day workshop series based on the Fundamentals of Predictive Maintenance in Education Facilities

Action Alert All White Jury Convicts Black Grassroots Leader Rev. Edward Pinkney (tags)

The case of Rev. Pinkney is yet another example of anti-racism criminalized and put on trial. It is an attempt to silence the voice of grassroots Black people, to undercut the efforts of those with the least who demand accountability of those in power, to maintain the legacy of racism and poverty, and to make a way for even further exploitation

As Opposition to 'Blackwater West' Grows, Author of Bestseller Blackwater Tours CA (tags)

As Local Residents and Their Congressman Move to Block Plans for ‘Blackwater West’ in California, Jeremy Scahill Author of NY Times Bestseller Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army Launches Book Tour Across State April 26th – May 5th

Dennis Kucinich Visits City of Orange (tags)

On March 24, Dennis Kucinich attended a fundraiser at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers hosted by the Patric Henry Democratic Club of Orange County and the North Orange County Democrats

No More CASH, No More CASKETS! Orange County Peace Coalition Rally, 3.17.07 (tags)

No More CASH, No More CASKETS!

Using "Health Laws" to flush the Constitution down the toilet! (tags)

Screw that guilty until proven innonce stuff the American police state is based on. It seems like they are using a "health excuse" to lock this guy up for life.

Gunmen Open Fire on Migrants (tags)


Gunmen Open Fire on Illegal Immigrants (tags)

Three Men Are Killed And Several Are Taken Hostage By ARTHUR H. ROTSTEIN AP

Schwarzenegger M.I.A. On Liberty Quarry (tags)

Today there is a battle that is being waged in Southwest Riverside County; an industry giant, Granite Construction, is attempting to obtain permits to quarry a 311 acre site to meet the growing need for aggregate in Southern California. The residents of several communities are committed to keeping the quarry from opening due to potential health risk, the traffic the quarry will bring to the area and the severe impact the quarry will have on the natural environment.

Local Soldier, Cornell C. Chao, Killed in Iraq (tags)

U.S. Army pilot Cornell Chao, 36, formerly of Fullerton, died Sunday when his Apache helicopter crashed in Najaf, Iraq.

Military give aways by Uncle Sam help expand the local police states (tags)

Military Surplus a boon for the police state! And these articles talk like the stuff is FREE!!! Hell us taxpayer paid thru the nose so Uncle Sam could buy this stuff!

Local Soldier, Mark J. Daily, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Mark J. Daily, A 23-year-old lifelong Irvine resident was killed just three months into his deployment Monday when a bomb ripped through his military vehicle in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, officials announced Wednesday.

24 Hour Vigil Commemorating 3,000 (tags)

Our Memorial and Vigil for the 3,000+ American Deaths in Iraq - going on now in Garden Grove! Time: 9:00 AM Saturday Jan 6th to 9:00 AM Sunday Jan 7th. Location: 12262 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove - between Chapman and Lampson on Harbor (across the street from Target and the CC Camperland RV-Park). Sponsored by: Military Families Speak Out Orange County and South Bay Chapter

Cop Assaults Activist at Lockheed Martin Protest (tags)

A peaceful rally, on the morning of Dec. 22, 2006, protesting Lockheed Martin’s production of lethal cluster bombs turned ugly. The giant defense contractor’s headquarters are located in Montgomery County, MD, just north of Washington, D.C. As one of the activists, Patrick J. Elder, was speaking to the demonstrators about the deadly effects of the cluster bomb device, he was ordered “off the grass” by a police officer. When Mr. Elder immediately complied and moved to the sidewalk, he was then assaulted by a cop.

Government nannies shake down latinos selling elote (corn on the cob) (tags)

Valley corn sellers targeted Health officials give warnings, fines to those lacking permit

51 years in jail for a hit and run accident - thats draconian! (tags)

51 years in jail for a hit and run accident??? And the guy turned himself in the next day!

HIV Standards of Care - seeking input (tags)

seeing input on Standards of Care for transgender HIV+ Los Angelinos.

Human smuggling verdict tossed (tags)

At last a judge that knows it is impossible to conspire with yourself!!!!

After 60 years the Feds still have not cleaned up these WWII messes (tags)

Another one of those articles showing that the Federal Government is one of the worst polluters in the nation. And that you can't rely on either the Federal or State governments to protect your rights or property.


help us abolish strip mining

Convict them and then fry them the next day!!! (tags)

The good side of this is it will prove the cops never make mistakes, and prosecutors never make mistakes. Hell if Andrew Thomas had his way Ray Krone would have been executed and never had a chance to make the cops look bad when his DNA didn't match the DNA of the murderer.

DNA clears inmate 25 years after his conviction for rape (tags)

It's 10th overturned case in 5 years for Dallas County; DA denies a pattern

Legalized Slot Machines Debut (tags)

Chimpy W. Bushitler's friends in Florida cheat the elderly.

Let Spanish-speaking Voters Know the Truth. Take Action Now. (tags)

Distribute Spanish-language flyers to inform voters that naturalized citizens can vote, despite the lies distributed by the Republican party.

What Muslims want (tags)

The Los Angeles County Human Rights Commission recently voted to nominate Dr. Maher Hathout to receive the John Allen Buggs Humanitarian Award. Of the fourteen member board, 5 were absent at the vote, 5 abstained and ONLY FOUR of the commissioners voted---all in favor of giving the award to Dr. Hathout. No other candidate was nominated or discussed. This despite the fact the award ceremony $100/plate dinner would be held Oct 5, during the month of Ramadan when Muslims traditionally fast. Despite this, the Muslim Public Affairs Council purchased $5000 of luncheon plates and did NOT ask the commission to postpone the award.

the grant county fair 2006 (tags)

The values of Pearce and Richardson.

just another hachita sunrise (tags)

lots of freak weather in last month as nm governor tests DOD weather weapons on an unsuspecting populace...

O'Really, O'Reilly?? Pics of Protest (tags)

Eight Strong Protest O'Reilly at Nixon Library

Sheriff Too Big For His Britches (tags)

Angry little mother files preliminary court petition alleging false arrest and imprisonment and sheriff cover-ups in Del Norte County.

Minutemen Deflated in Thousand Oaks (tags)

The anti-Minutemen outnumbered the supporters of Jim Gilchrist in Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, and fought geriatric, armchair fringe rightwing fools with a youthful, energetic spirit of internationalism, positivity, and community solidarity!

Minuteman Project in Ventura County (Thousand Oaks) (tags)

Minuteman Project founder speaks at Thousand Oaks Borders 9/25 - - hiss, hiss, BOOOO

Biotech lobby funds SB1056, revokes local regulation (tags)

California is home to many local ordinances against growing genetically modified organisms within county, town or regional districts. Recent Senate Bill 1056 is attempting to revoke local rights of food sovereignty in favor of state control.

California Legislature passes involuntary outpatient commitment bill (tags)

With bipartisan super-majority votes that stunned and dismayed mental health clients and advocates, the California Senate and Assembly passed involuntary outpatient commitment (IOC) bill AB 2357, sending the bill to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign or veto. The bill would extend Laura's Law, California's existing outpatient commitment law, by five years.


HERES WHAT DID IT: (1)       That the vendor post a bond or letter of credit to cover damages resulting from defects in the voting system. Damages shall include, among other items, any costs of conducting a new election attributable to those defects.

How Serious is the U.S. Government about Online-Gambling? (tags)

While the US Government bans online gambling, American firms produce online gambling software.

Auditor Needs Help Stopping Indentured Servitude in Alabama (tags)

Alabama auditor needs your help in stopping indentured Servitude. Here is a letter sent to the state auditors. Follow link to Mobile Audit Club for videos.

Brits Out Protest (tags)

Promote action for a united Ireland.

Auditor Needs Help In Alabama Stopping Modern Slavery -- Indentured Servitude (tags)

Once again, the Mobile Auditor Sauvant has found more abuses akin to the slave era. Actually it is like Slavery or Worse, endentured servitude of inmates released and re-jailed for not being able to pay jail rent extortion. Government officials stealing funds

OC Peace in the Mid-East Demo! 8.9.06 (tags)


Los Angeles losing federal AIDS funding! - CRITICAL INFORMATION!!!! (tags)

Los Angeles County has been flat-funded or getting dwindling funds for HIV and HIV prevention over the past 6 years. At this point, the funds that we are applying for are absolutely inadequate, and the ramifications for people living with, or at risk for HIV infection or AIDS are deadly serious. The implications of the Ryan White Modernization of the CARE Act are potentially devastating to people living with HIV in LA.

Lt. Governor Candidate: No Tunnel, No Quarry (tags)

Stewart Alexander, Candidate for California Lieutenant Governor, is opposing two projects being planned for west Riverside County; a ten mile tunnel that will move traffic beneath the Cleveland National Forest and the Santa Ana Mountains, and a quarry that is being planned near the boarder of Riverside and San Diego County. Alexander says these two projects are the results of irresponsible planning that will cause long term damage to our environment and will have a negative impact on the lives of millions of Californians.

FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders (tags)

There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty

Do the Laws Apply to Government? Landmark Trial Against Kern County Animal Shelter (tags)

California animal shelters are obligated to follow the Hayden Law since 1998 when it was signed into law. Kern County has been snubbing their nose at these laws since they were signed into law, but a citizen finally had enough and sued them. Trial set for Monday, July 31, 2006 at 9 a.m. in Bakersfield for a one day trial in this precedent setting uncharted lawsuit.

Free by DNA after 23 years in jail (tags)

WOW!!!!! Missouri has a law that will give the man up to $36,500 in compensation from the state for each year he was wrongly incarcerated if he doesnt sue. WOW, oh WOW! That's a measly $100 for each day you were jailed, or $4.16 for each hour you were jailed. Hell you don't even the federal min wage of $5.15 an hour, much less get paid time and a half for each hour over 40 hours in a week you were jailed for. If the state of Missouri was going to be fair and pay the people falsely jailed the federal min wage for $5.15 for the first 40 hours and time and a half for the rest of the 168 hours in a week the should pay the person $170 a day instead of a measly $100 a day. And thats at min wage. Hell I would not be willing to falsely go to prison for 23 years and when I got out accept min wage for the damages done to me.

In the USA illegally? Take my advice and take the 5th! (tags)

If your in the USA illegally and want to stay here take my advice and take the 5th! Refuse to talk to the police and refuse to answer any questions. Its your constitutional right to take the 5th Amendment and refuse to talk. If you refuse to tell the police your nationality they can't deport you. So do what any good lawyer will tell you to do - Take the 5th Amendment and refuse to talk to the police!

Don't these pigs have any real criminals to arrest???? (tags)

A judge ignored a former teacher's sobbing pleas for mercy Friday and sentenced her to seven years in prison on charges that she sent explicit photos to a young teenager while on probation for having sex with him.

Chief of police in Cleves is indicted (tags)

Mark Demeropolis, 42, was indicted by a Hamilton County grand jury on four counts of tampering with records and two counts of forgery, according to Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney Joe Deters.

Sheriff Joe - One a**hole know world wide!!! (tags)

Officers indicted in jail assaults (tags)

Three Phoenix police officers accused of roughhousing prisoners at Maricopa County's Fourth Avenue Jail have been indicted on charges of aggravated assault.

Immigrant conspiracy case tossed (tags)

Its nice to see Sheriff Joe and Maricopa County Nazi Andrew Thomas get slapped by the courts!

Smuggling trial may come to an abrupt end (tags)

The courts may not agree with Sheriff Joe and Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas imaginary law that you can conspire to smuggle yourself into the USA.

MM Prove Too Much for GOP (tags)

Minutemen prove to be too much even for Texas Republicans

New Progressive Orange County newspaper seeks reporters and sales people (tags)

News Reporter Interns Needed For Progressive Orange County Newspaper Are you sick and tired of the elitist corporate slant of mainstream news media? Are you frustrated beyond words by news organizations that water down the facts in the name of “objectivity,” but equally frustrated by reporters who jump to preconceived conclusions without doing the research to back up their work?

Bisbee cops shake down homeless people! (tags)

The guy should file a U.S.C. 42 Section 1983 Civil Rights lawsuit in Federal Court against the pigs who arrested him.

Local Marine, Jason Morrow, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Cpl. Jason W. Morrow, 27, a Marine from Riverside died of wounds he suffered in combat in Iraq. He was wounded in Al-Anbar province on Monday and died of his injuries Tuesday, June 27, 2006.

Mayor Crosby knows that traffic tickets are for raising revenue!!!! (tags)

The mayor is also accused of ordering police officers to ticket soldiers and Hispanics for speeding because he thought neither group would contest the fines in court.

Outpatient commitment extension bill AB 2357 to be heard in Senate Appropriations June 26 (tags)

Join the CNMHC and other advocates at the State Capitol on June 26th, as we speak out in opposition to involuntary outpatient commitment extension bill AB 2357.

Arizona police arrest NJ officer convicted in equipment fraud (tags)

Senate Health Committee narrowly passes forced treatment extension bill AB 2357 (tags)

In a contentious hearing Wednesday, a bill that would extend the sunset date of involuntary psychiatric outpatient commitment law AB 1421 ("Laura's Law"), was passed by the State Senate Health Committee with a vote of 5-3. Strongly opposed by mental health clients, survivors and allies, the bill, AB 2357, will be heard next in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

El Campo Continúa: Visitors and Visitations (tags)

"Negotiations" with the sheriffs, more celebs, and daily life. All to save the South Central Farm.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 “HUNG JURY” FOR ANTI-MINUTEMAN PROTESTER An Orange County jury deadlocks on three charges; issues “not guilty” verdict for two others.

Even better eliminate all the stupid unneeded offices like state mine inspector! (tags)

Kern County Animal Shelters: Above the Law and Below the Radar (tags)

After extensive negotiations broke down for various violations of Kern County Animal Shelters violating the Tom Hayden Laws, a trial has been set for this watershed lawsuit in July, 2006.

Silent Coup D'etat in Los Angeles - Part II (tags)

Los Angeles Taxpayer's Lawsuit Targets Main Source of Corruption in LAPD: Illegal Payoffs to Los Angeles Judges. A recently filed lawsuit by a taxpayer aims at exposing illegal payments received by Los Angeles County judges from public coffers. Public records show that since 1998 LA County Judges have quietly taken around one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000.00) on top of their state salaries out of public coffers. State law prohibits such practice.

Green Party endorses three candidates (tags)

Green Party of Los Angeles County makes endorsements

Green Party calls for City of Los Angeles to preserve South Central Farm (tags)

Press Release by the Green Party of Los Angeles County

Gas Girlcott (tags)

Maybe gas boycotts don't work because they are sexist. Join the cause that will make a difference, but it needs your help. The solution is simple, but it's not easy..

Lt. Gov. Candidate Opposing Tunnel Project (tags)

Stewart Alexander is opposing plans to construct a 10 mile tunnel beneath the Cleveland National Forest and the Santa Ana Mountains to relieve traffic congestion between Riverside and Orange Counties. Alexander believes any future for this project should rest with California voters and not with government agencies and corporate executives.

MacLaren Hall and The Lost Orphans (tags)

Survivors of MacLaren Hall describe horror. “Children with burnt skin, black eyes, arms in slings and legs in casts, were familiar sights.” We are the survivors of Mac Hall, this is our story...

Hundreds Attend Funeral Service for Local Soldier Raymond L. Henry, Killed in Iraq (tags)

A group of nine high school friends and an Anaheim family say farewell to a soldier killed on patrol in Iraq.

Why is the Sheriff of Los Angeles County promoting Organized Crime? (tags)

Critics of Scientology's crimes and human rights abuses, and Leona Valley residents, announce a picket Of Sheriff Lee Baca's office

Alexander: Developing Plans for Inland Empire (tags)

The 21st Century got off to a troubling start, war, immigration issues and skyrocketing gasoline prices; now Stewart Alexander wants to get going in the fast lane, building electric cars, hydrogen SUV’s, electric rail systems, and rebuilding the region of the Inland Empire of Southern California. Alexander says the gasoline game has forced U.S. citizens to make some important decisions and now the choice is to build a better America.

Funeral Saturday 5/6/2006 for Anaheim Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

A funeral will be held Saturday for Pfc. Raymond L. Henry of Anaheim, who died in Iraq last week. He was 21.

US government arrests record numbers in factory raids (tags)

In a nationwide dragnet Wednesday, US immigration enforcement agents raided factories across the country arresting nearly 1,200 undocumented workers, a record number for a single operation. The raids come in the wake of massive demonstrations throughout the country protesting reactionary anti-immigrant legislation in Congress and demanding full legal status and citizenship rights for the millions of undocumented workers who have come to find jobs and a better life.

Protest Bush in Orange County Monday (tags)

Bush extends trip to address immigration in Irvine

Bush to speak in O.C. on Monday (tags)

The Orange County Register

Lt. Governor Candidate Proposes Rail System (tags)

The Peace and Freedom Party candidate for California lieutenant governor, Stewart Alexander, is proposing an elevated twin rail system to move commuters between Riverside and Orange County. This is a plan to reduce traffic congestion and pollution in Southern California. The candidate is opposing the present plan, to build a 10 mile tunnel, drilling holes in the Santa Ana Mountains and the Cleveland National Forest.

Local Marine Killed in Iraq (tags)

Lance Cpl. Marcus Glimpse of Huntington Beach was killed Wednesday when an improvised bomb exploded at the security checkpoint where he was deployed in Al Anbar province in Iraq.

Riverside to Enforce Deportations! (tags)

URGENT ACTION Riverside, CA Sheriff to Enforce Deportations! April 11 Actions

Downtown Santa Ana flooded with upwards of 1,000 immigrant rights supporters (tags)

Marchers held up signs with statements like "We are Not Criminals," "We are America," "Keep Families United," "Amnesty," "The Working Class has No Borders," and "Justice and Dignity for All Immigrants." Another simply read: "Please Leave Us Alone."

A MOM'S FYI: "How to Impeach George W. Bush" Tom Delay, et al. (tags)


Government agencies in Orange County shut down by massive walkouts (tags)

Details are still sketchy, but it appears that the Orange County Treasurer/Tax Collector's office and a number of other government agencies were shut down yesterday when Santa Ana high school students flooded them in protest of anti-immigration legislation being pushed in the U.S. Congress.

Orange County high school students take over Riverside Freeway (tags)

A group of young high school students, all marching in opposition to legislation passed in the U.S. House of Representatives which would criminalize undocumented workers, took to the streets late yesterday afternoon and seized control of a major Orange County freeway.

Hundreds of Orange County Youth Protest Anti-Immigration Law! (tags)


Small business interests attack Costa Mesa Mayor (tags)

“What we have here is something that is nothing more than grandstanding and symbolism and it is symbolically scaring people,” said Blank. “What we need is a national immigration policy. We don't need a cowboy sitting in the mayor's seat in Costa Mesa saying, 'I'm going to round them all up and send them away.'”

Orange County Anti-war Demo (tags)

On March 18th, protesters gathered at Hart Park in Orange County to demand the Bush administration bring the troops home from Iraq.

Orange County IS What Democracy Looks Like!! (tags)

Take a look at what's brewin' from behind the Orange Curtain! FANTASTIC BRING OUR TROOPS HOME RALLY/MARCH TODAY! March 18, 2006 Orange, CA USA

Actress/Mode/Activistl Mamie Van Doren @ OC Bring Our Troops Home Rally, 3/18/06 (tags)

HART PARK, ORANGE BRING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW! Rally Saturday, March 18, 2005 12:00-4:00 p.m. (rain or shine!)

L.A. Drug Overdose Prevention Summit Held (tags)

L.A.'s Director of Public Health announces plans to begin county-wide drug overdose prevention program to address local crisis

Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor's ICE proposal melts away under scrutiny (tags)

Police Chief John Hensley, the city's top cop, offered testimony which contradicted many of the things that Mansoor has been saying about the ICE proposal. Under tough questioning, Hensley not only admitted that the Mayor's scheme wouldn't have any impact upon "illegal immigration," but said there aren't enough "facts" to suggest it will do anything to fight crime.

need signatures in Hemet CA (tags)

Riverside County Green Party Committee still need to collect atlest 20 valid signatures.

Riverside County Greens need partitions signatures. (tags)

Critical: Green candidates need signatures for partitions to geton ballet plus, we need signatures for fair wage initiative in Hemet CA. (Riverside county)

Someone Accessed 40 Palm Beach County Voting Machines Nov 2004 (tags)

The internal logs of at least 40 Sequoia touch-screen voting machines reveal that votes were time and date-stamped as cast two weeks before the election, sometimes in the middle of the night.

Costa Mesa Resident Sues City After His Arrest During Costa Mesa Council Meeting (tags)

ACLU/SC Files Suit After Arrest, Beating of Speaker at Costa Mesa Council Meeting

Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor slammed with federal civil rights lawsuit (tags)

“We filed this lawsuit to help ensure that the Costa Mesa government maintains a forum for all types of discussion and debate and that residents do not fear that if they are opposed to something they will be arrested and beaten for speaking their mind.”

community of Protest in Costa mesa growing (tags)

Last nights protest in front of councilman and bar owner garry Monohan's bar has grown into a socol and political event that does not seem to be slowing down.

Presidents' Day Impeach Bush Demo, Nixon Library, OC Peace Coalition, Pics (tags)

Photos from Feb. 20, 2006, Presidents' Day Impeach George W. Bush Demo, Yorba Linda, CA, 11-1 p.m.

Baca Calls for Segregationism (tags)

LA Co Sheriff Lee Baca's response to riot: segragation.

Postal Shooting: S.B County Could Have Stopped Extreme Violence (tags)

An experimental treatment direct to the unconscious mind that can end tendencies for extreme violence or other destructive behaviors was proposed as experimental in 1999. S.B. County Mental Health Approved and provided a letter to show they were taking the request to administer experimental treatments to the State Mental Heath Department and that the State response would be provided in writing.


After 3 weeks of being denied vegan meals, Eric McDavid is now on hunger strike. Please call the Jail persistently and request he be given meals he can eat.

Orange County: Bring Our Troops Home Now! Demonstration...3/18/06 (tags)

Mr. Bush....We want YOU to bring the troops home NOW!!!

OC police clamp down on immigrant-rights activists (tags)

Whether posing as protesters or cutting off speeches, OC police clamp down on immigrant-rights activists

MacLaren Hall & L.A. County's Child Abuse (tags)

MacLaren Hall was a child abuse institution, run by L.A. County, that was closed in 2003. At this point, thousands of us live with adult trauma from severe child abuse in MacLaren Hall, at the hands of L.A. County as children and we want an apology, a public hearing and restitution.

LISTED: CIA Planes; EU Pacts for Lynching Muslims; CIA Front Co.s, Lawyers (tags)

CIA DDO (Jose Rodriguez), the chief spy? All are listed below. The 22 American CIA agents allegedly led by Robert Seldon Lady in the 2003 Milan kidnapping of Muslim cleric Abu Omar? The Italian secret service SISMI knew in advance of their operation, just as Mr. Lady claims. There is a document that proves, in writing, such operations involve the cooperation of EU governments. The Milan prosecutor Spataro knows this. Prime Minister Berlusconi knows this. Still, these two men are on a collision course as Spataro prepares for a show trail of the 22 "in absentia" while Berlusconi attempts to get away with denying everything.

Speak Out at Cypress City Council Meeting-TONIGHT (tags)

see below

U.S. Government Report confirms Key 2004 Stolen Election Findings (tags)

As a legal noose appears to be tightening around the Bush/Cheney/Rove inner circle, a shocking government report shows the floor under the legitimacy of their alleged election to the White House is crumbling.

The Best Housing & Poverty Review of 2005 (tags)

The Nation's Housing Policies Are A Complete Disaster!

January 2006 U.S. Immigrant News Alert! (tags)

No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

Speak Out Against Costa Mesa City Council (tags)

see below

Greens Best/Worst list of 2005 (tags)

Green Party of California tabs Schwarzenegger, Bush as 2005 ‘Bad Guys,' lists Cindy Sheehan, Green activist killed in Iraq among ‘Heroes'

Voting Machine Security for Diebold, not voter (tags)

Posted: 12/17/2005 3:05:19 PM Author: Arlin Briley

Know Borders? (tags)

Nuevo nombre.

Deputy DA hits Theresa Dang with new criminal charge (tags)

I strongly urge that as many people as possible come to Westminster to support Theresa Dang in her fight against both the Garden Grove Police Department and the Orange County District Attorney's Office. You don't have to attend these trials every day, or be there every hour. But commit yourself to three hours (or even one) and watch what has to be one of the biggest farces in the history of the criminal justice system here in Orange County.

Support Theresa Dang by attending her trial on a bogus flashlight theft charge (tags)

Support Theresa Dang by attending her trial on a bogus flashlight theft charge this forthcoming Monday! Let's show the Garden Grove Police department and the Orange County District Attorney's Office that we will not tolerate the harassment of activists exercising their constitutional right to free speech and assembly!

11/23 Alert! Crawford Anti-War Protesters Arrested Near Bush's Ranch! (tags)

Please call Crawford Police Department: (254) 486-2678 Demand Their Release peace Activists ASAP! and Stop harassing them!

Transgender Press Conference (tags)

Transgender activists and county and city officials held a press conference on Wed. November 16, 2005 at Los Angeles City Hall to kick off the November 20th observance of the Southern California Day of Remembrance.

GAO Report CONFIRMS Stolen 2004 Presidential Election (tags)

The latest critical confirmation of key indicators that the election of 2004 was stolen comes in an extremely powerful, penetrating report from the Government Accountability Office that has gotten virtually no mainstream media coverage. The GAO findings are particularly damning when set in the context of an election run in Ohio by a Secretary of State simultaneously working as co-chair of the Bush-Cheney campaign. Far from what election theft skeptics have long asserted, the GAO findings confirm that the electronic network on which 800,000 Ohio votes were cast was vulnerable enough to allow a a tiny handful of operatives -- or less -- to turn the whole vote count using personal computers operating on relatively simple software.

SOS Coming back to L.A. County (tags)

Save Our State, the anti-immigration group is coming back to L.A. County.

Silent Coup D' etat in Los Angeles (tags)

The Ideologically-driven forces of the extreme right have secretly been nourishing and empowering a brutal police-state system of justice in Los Angeles. The main component of this system consists of a 600-person army of corrupt, LAPD-sanctioned so-called judges whose main task is to coverup acts of LAPD misconduct and brutality.

Green Elected to Pasadena City College Board of Trustees (tags)

Pasadena Green Hilary Bradbury-Huang was elected to the Pasadena Board of Trustees of Pasadena City College on Tuesday night, upsetting a well-financed, long-term Republican incumbent to win her seat.


Today is ELECTION DAY. The first thing you will do is VOTE TODAY! The polling places are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Remember to Nix the First Six, so Vote No on 73-78; Yes on 79 and 80.

Election Eve: Whiff of Election Fraud; Pollwatchers Needed (tags)

Nazi Schwarzenegger is predicting an "upset victory" for his fascist initiatives, Props 73 through 78. Considering he is very unpopular, and his initiatives are either clearly losing or at the 50% disappearing edge, this can only mean that his thugs will be committing election fraud, just as his mentor, Pres Bush did, in 2000 and 2004.

Art Show "Demise of Democracy?" (tags)

From November 3rd through November 27th, 2005, sixty progressive artists working in a wide range of styles and mediums will be showing at, Demise of Democracy?, a group exhibit at California’s Orange County Center for Contemporary Art (OCCCA.) The exhibition presents works that authentically question where Americans currently stand in relation to democracy in the United States.

11/5-11/8 Get Out the Vote Weekend, No on 73-78; Yes on 79&80 (tags)

Your help is needed this weekend through election day, November 5 through 8, 2005, to defeat the fascist attack on our state by Nazi Schwarzenegger with his $70 million special election. Voter turnout is crucial to defeating this thug's anti-labor program, Props 73 through 78. Everything from precinct walking to phone banking to putting labels on doorhangers is needed now to push the opponents of Props 73 through 78 to the polls and to urge the absentee voters to complete their ballots and mail them immediately.

10/23-11/8 Phone Banks & Precinct Walks to Defeat Arnold's Props 73-78 (tags)

It is barricades time to defeat Nazi Schwarzenegger's propositions on the California ballot, Props 73 through 78. We need you now, whether or not you are a voter, and regardless of age, to make phone calls and walk precincts 7 days a week, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

A Warning ? (tags)

Where would we really find the principal danger to civil liberty in a republic? Not in the governors as governors, not in the governed as governed, but in the governed unequipped to function as governors. The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter, benighted ignorance.

Interview: Filmmaker Barbara Kopple (tags)

SEIU employee and filmmaker interviews two-time Oscar winning director Barbara Kopple on her film about striking coal miners, "Harlan County, U.S.A." The film comes out on DVD this month.

Democratic candidate says "Hats off to Jim Gilchrist" the Minuteman (tags)

Steve Young, the Democratic Party candidate for the 48th congressional seat (South Orange County, replacing Christopher Cox) sucks up to the Minuteman, Jim Gilchrist, recently on KFI's John and Ken show.

Green Party Demands Retraction of False Statements by Jim Gilchrist (tags)

The Green Party of Orange County demands a retraction of slanderous statements made by Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project and American Independent candidate for Congress in the 48th Congressional District, accusing the Green Party of being "terrorists" and individual Greens of orchestrating "mayhem" and "attempted murder."

Who is Jim Gilchrist? (tags)

Who is Jim Gilchrist, rock-ribbed Reagan conservative or Camejo socialist? Contradictory statements and bizarre accusations question his philosophical and emotional stability.

Killers target immigrants inTIFTON, Georgia, USA (tags)

Five people, including one of Navarro's roommates, had been brutally slain in their homes. Six more were wounded, one critically.

Say "NO" to the BU$H War$, Orange County Protest, Wed., 9/28/05 (tags)


It's A Small World After All Peace March, Orange County Style....9/24/05 (tags)


It's Small World After All...Anti-War Demo & March to the Happiest Place on Earth! 9/24/05 (tags)


STOP Jim Gilchrist from winning the Congressional District of Orange County! (tags)

The Human Rights Coalition of California urges the people of Los Angeles County to contact fellow Orange Country friends, relatives, and co-workers to STOP JIM GILCHRIST

Orange County Peace Coalition Meeting, Sat., Aug. 27 (tags)

Plan for Peace!

Orange Circle: Rally to Bring the Troops Home! 8/24/05 (tags)


No More Nukes! (tags)

Saturday August 6, 2005 (11:00 am -2:00 pm) 60th Anniversary Commemoration of the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima! Regional Southern California Protest Rally and Remembrance to be held at the Seal Beach Weapons Center

SOSMM? Racist In Arizona Exposed! (tags)

One of these SOSMM hate mongers who was caught brandishing a weapon at Mexicans has been exposed to be an unmitigated liar. What a surprise!

California Border Police or Police State? (tags)

Immigration Reform and AFL-CIO labor split discussed on live web cast from Thursday, August 4, 2005 from 8-9 AM

Seal Beach Anti-Nuke Rally: A National Day of Action! 8/6/05 (tags)


For the first time in Orange County, son jarocho & hip-hop on one stage! (tags)

July 29, Friday! 29 de Julio, el viernes! For the first time in Orange County, son jarocho & hip-hop on one stage! Musica de resistencia, comin' atcha!

City uses RICO Act to sue business that hires immigrant workers (tags)

City uses RICO Act to sue business that hires immigrant workers

Minutemen Leave After Clash With Protesters (tags)

NBC San Diego Reports Minutemen have fled the border in the face of sustained protests from our allies! "California Minutemen were nowhere to be found."

Benefit Show in Orange County (tags)

This benefit show will support local youth and students in attending the 2005 World Festival of Youth and Students in Caracas, Venezuela.

Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist wants to redistribute the wealth in Mexico and America (tags)

Announces two interviews on "illegal" immigration from two vastly different viewpoints.

Corruption in "Good Ol" North Carolina? (tags)

Is there a “Good Ol Boy” Network in North Carolina?

Racists Go Home (tags)

My take on the protests against the Minutemen and SOS racists.

SOS to Abandon L.A. County? (tags)

Is SOS On shaky ground? Are they leery about coming back to L.A. county? Read below for details.

"We scream and cry until we get our way. " --MMP Website (tags)

Selected excerpts from the Minuteman Project's plans for California, from their website.


Announcement of the Honest Votiting Act of 2005 Petition Drive.

"Chavez, Venezuela, & the New Latin America", Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, (tags)

The Orange County delegation to the upcoming 16th World Festival of Youth & Students in Caracas, Venezuela will present a special screening of the film, "CHAVEZ, VENEZUELA & THE NEW LATIN AMERICA", by Aleida Guevara (eldest daughter of Che Guevara)

Minutemen vigilantes will deploy "snipers" along the (tags)

Minutemen vigilantes will deploy "snipers" along the

Unfair Sentencing (tags)

Clark County Public Defender Phil Kohn, seen in his office in May 2004, says he has noticed a trend in which illegal immigrants are getting prison time when probation usually is warranted.

Coca-Cola workers strike! (tags)

Over 2000 Teamsters working for Coca-Cola went out on strike in Connecticut and Southern California, Monday, the 23rd, 2005 after contract negotiations failed. In southern California alone 1700 production and truck drivers throughout San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange County, and Riverside are out. Rally and press conference have been called for Wednesday, June 1st, at noon at the bottling plant in downtown Los Angeles that’s located off of Pico and Central at 12.

Last protestor arrested by GG police at Minuteman demo expected to be released (tags)

Kurt Isobe, one the last protestors still in Orange County jail after being arrested by Garden Grove police at last Wednesday's demonstration against Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist, is expected to be released tommorrow.


5 PEOPLE ARRESTED TONIGHT, VIGIL HELD TILL ROUGHLY 2AM DEMANDING THEIR RELEASE. BAIL SET AS HIGH AS $50,000. for several arrestees. ***2 INJURED FROM BEING STRUCK BY CAR, one who left to hospital has been released wtih apparently several contusions and other injuries

San Bernardino activist takes police department to court (tags)

Shirley Goodwin suffered at the hands of a San Bernardino Police Department officer who stormed her house over a $35 pet violation. Eight years later, she takes him to trial.

Woman's quest to decertify voting system succeeds (tags)

04/22/2005 Sheila Green of New Sewickley Township was successful in her efforts to have Beaver County stop using its $1.2 million UniLect Corp. Patriot touch-screen voting system. The Times / Lucy Schaly

Look for Community Events on (tags)

Look at the Los Angeles County Cultural Calendar for public arts and culture events, plus how to get there via public transit.

Peace Activists Arrested at NTS (tags)

A pacifist Priest and Catholic anarchist were arrested for trying to communicate with workers at the Nevada Test Site this week. Four people were part of the new vigil for peace and disarmament called the Easter Desert Witness, which ends on Pentacost (May 15th).

Huge Book Sale, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Saturday, April 30th 2-5 pm (tags)

Huge book sale at the Unitarian Church of Orange County in Anaheim on Saturday, April 30th, 2-5 pm. Don't miss it!

Arrest of O22 protester by Santa Ana Police being challenged as unconstitutional (tags)

The case, People of California v. Naui Huitzilopochtli (No. A61170), is currently scheduled to go to trial on the morning of Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 8:30 a.m. in Department C-47, Orange County Superior Court, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, California. As many people as possible are being encouraged to attend this trial.

Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, April 15th (tags)

Arlene Inouye, Coordinator of the Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools (CAMS) and Robert Acosta, an Iraq War Veteran (2003) with Operation Truth, will deliver a presentation about the ongoing efforts to raise awareness and mobilize the public against the aggressive and deceptive tactics military recruiters use in our public school system to get working-class youth to join the U.S. armed forces.

Santa Monica Starts Massive New Push for Anti-Homeless Laws (tags)

With election of "Bobby Shriver" --brother of Maria Shriver, and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife --Homeless People in Santa Monica are Facing What May be the Single Biggest Push in the Nation to Pass a Massive Wave of New Anti-Homeless Laws.

Forest Watch looks at ways to reach goals (tags)

Having lost its case at the state's last court of appeal, a foothill environmental group is planning to turn to the court of public opinion to block clear-cut logging in area forests. Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch representatives say they hope to organize community groups, lobby county officials and support state legislation as avenues for blocking future clear cuts.

New Software, Bad Geography Catch Houston Voters in a Pinch (tags)

After delivering names to prosecutors and partisan attorneys that contributed to 150 depositions taken from Houston voters, experts now explain how historical circumstances played an important role in the high number of voters pursued in the attempt to unseat Hubert Vo.

As the Evidence Turns in the Texas Election Contest Merry-Go-Round (tags)

The spin between election officials and Republican attorneys in the Houston election contest leaves a feeling we don't want to repeat.

Wireless World: A ruling on wireless taxes (tags)

A story about taxes on mobile phone usage.

In Oscar Texas, One More Acceptance Speech to Go? (tags)

One native of Terrell, Texas gave the acceptance speech of a lifetime at Sunday night's Oscar ceremony. Will Brenda Denson-Prince get her chance, too? A judge has been named to hear her appeal for a seat on the Kaufman County Commissioners Court.

Response to Help Screaming (Twice) (tags)

They had me scared that someone was going to hurt me, or kill me. I understand the connection now to 9-11 and it is not good. So they kept me in the view of satellite until it was time to do this. In otherwords I have a right to privacy and I don't want to have satellite on my brain or do anything else. Thank You Thomas Matthew Houser Born: 08/15/78

Orange county: Officer Shoots Unarmed 19-Year Old (tags)

As far as a political discussion, this would probably fall under the same category as Amadou Diallo Case, and Abner Louima in an example of law enforcement brutality bordering on outright criminality. Here are the relevant facts:



All the President's Friends: A Riefenthal Moment in Montgomery County, PA (tags)

Those happy crowds cheering the president’s Social Security wrecking scheme, are being hand picked by Republican Senators, while Republican goons guard the gates to keep out the riffraff.

40 years after Selma’s ‘Bloody Sunday’ (tags)

Widespread vote suppression and irregularities on Nov. 2.

We Need One Senator's Vote Tomorrow (tags)

We Need One Senator's Vote Tomorrow...Barbara Boxer may be the key.

Another election stolen while America sleeps (tags)

We've been robbed again, and yet most voters probably know little about this latest episode of electoral travesty.. Action Speaks asks you to contact your senator.. Too much is at stake to simply drop this issue and move on.



Critical Mass in Orange County (tags)

This is the critical mass bike ride that took place in Orange County on Buy Nothing Day

Ohio Election Fraud Reports Mounting (tags)

author: Steve Rosenfeld, Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman The bitter battle over the stolen November 2 election in Ohio has turned into a rapidly escalating all-out multi-front war with the outcome of the real presidential vote count increasingly in doubt.

Food Not Bombs WANTED at OC Arlington West (tags)

Call to Action: Food Not Bombs at Arlington West


This is a post from dated 11/30/04.

Immigrant Detainees Hunger Strike (tags)

2 detainees at Passaic County Jail are in their 9th day of hunger strike demanding their release.  They are struggling for all the immigrant detainees who are being held as criminals and torn away from their families and communities.

OCAR- Orange County Anarchist Radio NOW ONLINE! (tags)

Check out the premiere OC Anarchist Radio Show on the weekdays at

Kerry Supports Ohio Vote Investigation, Jackson says & Fair Tally Rally in Columbus (tags)

The Smilin' Ohioan reports a Democratic candidate "farther down on the ticket" is found to have 257,000 more votes than Sen. Kerry. A developement that dwarves the preliminary gap of 136,000, which should come down when the vote is certified on monday, because the provisionals have been, either tabled or tabulated- as reported by channel 3 news in cleveland.It is not clear what is to be done with all the various precints reporting 100%+ turnouts, ie.-more votes recorded than registered voters. Steven Rosenfield reports Jackson has a sunday rally in Columbus and he is quoted here-“We want to look at the exit polls,” Jackson said, referring to at least two non-partisan Election Day polls, by Zogby and CNN, which gave Kerry 53 percent and 51 percent of the vote, respectively. “We don’t want to be presumptuous, but these numbers in the Butler, Clarmont, Warren and Hamilton counties are suspicious.” & “We need to investigate, coordinate, litigate, recount and recuse," he said, referring to the legitimacy of the Ohio vote. “Mr. Blackwell cannot be both the owner of the team and the umpire.”


Bush campaign paid $29 million to Agents to pose as FBI, Homeland Security to hack Voting machines.

REMINDER THURSDAY: Orange County Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck Gathering (tags)

Everyone is invited to mourn Thankstaking!

LAPD falsified DNA data (tags)

Los Angeles County officials scrambled Thursday to review at least 27 -- and possibly dozens -- of pending criminal cases to determine whether critical evidence was tainted or falsified during analysis by the nation's largest private DNA lab. SEE LINK BELOW.

VOTERGATE! Suppression in Ohio, and the best evidence yet in Florida (tags)

A neutral body must conduct the recount - not Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State. Meanwhile, a well-vetted study from a reputable UC Berkeley research team has found that electronic voting machines in Florida apparently mistallied hundreds of thousands of votes.

Health care is a right (tags)

Los Angeles struggles to save trauma center

Orange County Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck Gathering (tags)

An Orange County gathering to reflect on Thankstaking!

Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, & the Bolivarian Revolution, UCOC, Friday, Nov. 19th (tags)

Learn more about Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, and the Bolivarian Revolution!

Demand Provisional Votes be Counted (tags)

there are 2 million provisional votes


The 2004 Presidential election is NOT over! There's evidence the election may have been "hijacked" by fraud and that Bush has NOT won. A nationwide grassroots movement is underway to uncover the fraud, get the votes counted (or recounted) and file lawsuits, and YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW. Please spread the word, pitch in some volunteer time, help recruit volunteers with legal and/or computer expertise, and consider donating money. The Presidency won't be decided until the Electoral College meets on December 12; it's not too late to Redefeat Bush Again.

The E-Vote Factor: Kerry Conceded But Did He Really Lose? (tags)

Democracy Now! The E-Vote Factor: Kerry Conceded But Did He Really Lose? Monday, November 8th, 2004 Serious questions are being raised about the use of electronic voting machines in the 2004 presidential election. In an Ohio county, Bush mistakenly received some 3,900 extra votes. We speak Johns Hopkins University professor Aviel Rubin and investigative reporter Bev Harris

Growing Collection of Vote Fraud links (tags)

The list of evidence is growing that the US election was anything but a fair vote. Who could possibly think that all of these voting problems are just a minor aberation? The long lines are always in Democratic counties, that the computer ’glitches’ always favor Bush, and the new e-machines were made by a Bush ’Pioneer’ (top donor) that pledged to deliver for Bush. Funny how Diebold makes bank machines which print paper receipts millions of times daily, but they couldn’t get the printer to work in the voting machines. (large collection of links follows)

Storm Troopers & Patriots (tags)

By 8:00 PM on Election Day, I was convinced that I was watching the slickest damn con job ever put over on the American people. The TV coverage was pitiful. By now its becoming increasingly clear that Bush stole another election. Once the results in western states could be predicted the vote tally in Florida could be juggled in favor of Bush. Once the outcome in the west was known the vote tally in Ohio could be juggled similarly.

NEVER in U.S. presidential politics have massive crowds shown up to endorse an incumbent! (tags)

15 million new voters were registered in one of the most massive get out the vote drives ever, through the citizen efforts of grassroots organizing and exemplified the beauty and need to continue towards participatory democracy. A large majority were planning to try to have their votes recorded for Kerry/Edwards. Amazingly with all the widespread disgust and discontent, Bush/Cheney added almost 10 million votes from the 2000 debacle, 49mil to 59mil while the Democrats only increased 2mil from 53(Gore/Nadar) to 55. Here are some reports and analysis that point toward proving what the Media reported cannot stand up to an audit, verification, certification of a fair, free honest and legitimate election. This scripting, trickle-down reality control makes a mockery of citizens time and efforts to ensure the process respects the sanctity of the vote.

FootPrints For Peace - SOAW Run (tags)

FootPrints For Peace is announcing The SOAW Run in support of the closing of the School of the Americas at Fort Benning Georgia.

Photos of Orange County Veterans For Peace Demo (tags)

Photos of OC Veterans For Peace Demonstration and Candlelight Vigil Orange Circle, Old Town, Orange, CA U.S.A.

Voting Irregularities Nationwide (tags)

Voting irregularities were reported in: Louisiana, Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin

Prevent the theft of our election (tags)

New Info proves that Central Tabulating Computers have modems connected and are open to manipulation. ie- all this stuff about vote challengers is just a diversion, because one person can change the state total from their home computer. Take the day off of work to help save our country. Yeah sure conspiracy nuts- they can’t steal it- wrong. We now have evidence that certainly looks like altering a computerized voting system during a real election, and it happened just six weeks ago.

The Future of the World at Stake (tags)

Every good republican knows the world is solid Kerry territory. A survey by pollsters HI Europe earlier in October found that, if Europeans had a vote, they would back Kerry over Bush by a 6 to 1 margin. Bush would win just 6% in Germany, 5% in Spain..

Florida Voting Fraud (tags)

Please, let's not forget what happened in the Florida 2000 election.

Lebanese-Americans Salute President Bush and our Troops (tags)

Lebanese American voters in Michigan to differentiate Lebanese voters from Extremist Arab voters. The Extremist Arabs and Muslims are abusing the fact that a large number of Middle Easterners live there. They extremist organization call these Middle Eastern Arabs and claim that they control their votes. In fact, the majority them are of Non-Arabs and Non-Muslims, and they do not support the extremist ideas, nor will they vote per the directions of these Arab and Muslim extremists.

Los Angeles/Arab American woman for State Assembly (tags)

A local Arab American woman runs as a common sense candidate for California State Assembly

GOP Front Companies Trashing Voter Reg Cards (tags)

A Republican funded company doing voter registration work is destroying people registering as Democrat. This is illegal of course.

Roll Back The Rents! Tenant Housing News From Around The Nation! (tags)

An update on tenant housing issues from across the country!

County Fed gears up for offensive (tags)

L.A. labor council holds historic congress building labor community unity for progressive issues. .

10/4/04 Voting Starts in California (tags)

Vote by mail, also known as absentee voting, starts on October 4, 2004 in California. As always, the big issues on the ballot are the propositions and are the reason why every who can should vote in every election. Are you registered? Have you received your 2 voter handbooks? Have you signed up to be a permanent absentee voter so you vote in every election?

Homeschoolers as terrorists (tags)

Government portrays homeschoolers as terrorists

Election boards swamped with new voter sign-ups (tags)

LA County E-Votes at Risk of Crack (tags)

Be warned, there's an INSANELY STUPID security hole in Diebold's GEM system. This is in use for early voting in Los Angeles County.

FEMA camps for enemies of the state (tags)

This is where they plan to store people for liquidation if they don't go along with the program, the only way to dislodge them from power is using their own tactics, otherwise this will be the fate many will endure...

Orange County EF! Forest Activsts Need Your Help (tags)

Support Needed immediately! 16 Activists arrested Saturday night!

Green Activist Walt Sheasby dies from West Nile virus (tags)

Longtime Green Party activist and Claremont resident , Walt Sheasby, apparently is the seventh Californian to die from the mosquito-borne West Nile virus.

Update on the USA Patriot Act, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, August 20th, 6:30 pm (tags)

RICHARD GILLOCK, board member of the Orange County Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, will give us an update on the USA Patriot Act and other pending legislation that threatens civil rights and liberties.

So Cal Earth First Call to action! Save North county coyotes! (tags)

Coyotes in San Diego are being trapped and poisoned in a ten day period starting Monday 7/26/04.

California-The Prison State (tags)

Too many lockups lead to service lockouts

Amending California's "Three Strikes" Law, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, Ju (tags)

Amending California's notorious "Three Strikes" Law

Huge Books Sale, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Saturday, July 10th @ 2-6 pm (tags)

Huge book sale at the Unitarian Church of Orange County this Saturday! Don't miss it!

Trans Hate: the Murders Keep On Coming (tags)

In the wake of the Mistrial in the Gwen Araujo trial in Northern California, two more Transgenders have been murdered, in New York and Georgia.

Californians Support Sustainable Agriculture! (tags)

On March 6, 2004 residents of Mendocino county passed a measure banning the cultivation of Genetically Engineered (GE) crops -- also known as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) -- within their county. Mendocino county’s Measure H is being used as a model for at least seven other counties in California where local residents are well on their way to passing similar measures. Californians feel that local measures seeking to ban the cultivation of GE crops are critical steps to take in the promotion of economically and ecologically sustainable agriculture.

ACORN National Convention Last Weekend (tags)

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now held its national convention last weekend on the UCLA campus, gathering in Pauley Ballroom and surrounding buildings, and also going out in the field for voter registration drives and marches, including to Wells Fargo downtown to sevre them with a civil action concerning predatory lending practices.

Santa Barbara County Supervisors Support Driver's License Bill (tags)

At 12pm on Tuesday, June 22nd, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors voted to support SB 1160, the new drivers bill that will ensure that all drivers have access to proper training and insurance.

occupied territory report back/police harassment (tags)


‘We won’t let Bush steal it again!’ (tags)

Florida voters sound alarm on voter purges

Peace Works! Sponsors "Roots of Violence" Series (tags)

Peace Works! in Temecula Valley presents the first guest speaker in our "Roots of Violence" series on Friday, June 25, at 7:00 p.m. The "Roots of Violence" series examines the way in which hatred of "the other" leads directly to threatened and actual violence. 

Look At ALL The POLICE!!!! (tags)

This site is supposedly the biggest police site on the web... I checked the police in FL, as listed below, and then thought it interesting to see what they grouped from FED/MIL as police...THAT list is truly enlightening, it is under the florida list (WAY down the page).

Huge Book Sale, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Saturday, July 10th @ 2pm (tags)

On Saturday, July 10, 2004, the Unitarian Church of Orange County will open its doors to the general public and offer several thousand used books for sale at below market value! Most books will be priced between 25 cents and 5 dollars.

New Theater Festival Emerges (tags)

The theater community in Orange County bands together to re-produce four of it's best theater productions in recent history.

Report from Cuba, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, June 4th @ 6:30 pm (tags)

Several UCI students and local activists who traveled to Cuba in March to attend a youth conference (as part of a delegation sponsored by The Los Angeles Coalition in Solidarity with Cuba) will deliver reports about their visit to that island nation.

Abierto 2004 - Autism Latino Benefit Event (tags)

Autism Society of America Orange County, Fiesta Educativa and Project SEA will be hosting a benefit event Thursday June 17, 2004 at The Mayan in downtown Los Angeles, California. Performers and special guests will bring forth a night of awareness, joy and excitement for all who attend.

Report from Cuba, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, June 4th @ 6:30 pm (tags)

Several UCI students and local activists who traveled to Cuba in March to attend a youth conference (as part of a delegation sponsored by The Los Angeles Coalition in Solidarity with Cuba) will deliver reports about their visit to that island nation.

Bicycling on the Freeway (tags)

Biking on the freeway can be fun until CHP come along and tell you that you can't do that. Now what's the problem officer? My civil rights include me riding my bike for transportation, oh, sorry, forgot this was a police state..

What we're up against (tags)

When hate groups are allowed to flourish, hatred is passed from one generation to another. America cannot look the other way and allow the resurgence of racial intolerance.

It's easy to file false papers and harass government aids (tags)

It's easy to file false papers and harass government goons and thugs. And its next to impossible for the government to stop it. You can make it hard for government goons to sell their homes or get credit.

Life & Death in South L.A. (tags)

The decline of King/Drew Hospital should serve as a cautionary tale to anyone who clings to the notion that health care should be dispensed by the government.

Two Israelis Arrested After High-Speed Chase in Tennessee (tags)

" Harris said he saw the men throw something from the truck while they were being pursued. Officers scouring the area later found a vial containing an unknown substance along the roadway, he said. Once the men were apprehended, officers also found a "Learn to Fly" brochure in the truck, leading Harris and others to express concern about security at the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin." I got a sick feeling when I saw it, he said."

Southern California Anarchist Gathering (UPDATED) (tags)

SCAF is a decentralized, regional network of anarchist collectives from Southern California. The purpose of the federation is to provide a forum for groups and individuals to work together, build solidarity, share resources and help each other with local projects. We'll also be preparing for national mobilizations, organizing trainings and forums, and providing an infrastructure which allows for growth within our movement.

Libertarians turn on Republican turncoat McWilliams (tags)

McWilliams said he does not know whether he made political enemies during that campaign, because he took positions that have since become particularly explosive -- or whether he personally hurt the feelings of former friends by other actions.


The City of Chicago tries to cover up death of six workers.


March against the war in Iraq! Military recruiters out of our communities! End all occupations at home and abroad! Stop attacking workers and immigrants!

Urgent Alert: California, Decertify Paperless Voting Machines (tags)

Urgent Alert: California, Decertify Paperless Voting Machines California, Decertify Paperless Voting Machines Contributed by Electronic Frontier Foundation On April 21 & 22, the California Secretary of State's Voting Systems and Procedures Panel will decide whether to decertify paperless electronic voting systems before the November election. The call for decertification arose in California following the disenfranchisement of thousands of California voters during the March 2, 2004, election due to technical problems with electronic voting systems. In Alameda County, problems with Diebold smart card encoders affected one-fourth of the County's polling places; in San Diego County, encoder problems affected nearly 40 percent of the County's polling places. In Orange County, thousands of voters were given the wrong electronic ballots; many were unable to cast votes in contests for which they were eligible, while others were allowed to vote in districts in which they did not reside.

March against the war in Iraq, Santa Ana, Saturday, May 1st @ 11 am (tags)

US out of Iraq and Afghanistan! Military recruiters out of our schools and communities! End all occupations both at home and abroad! Stop attacking workers and immigrants!

Clean Money Campaign Reform, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, May 7th @ 6:30 pm (tags)

SUSAN LERNER, Executive Director of the California Clean Money Campaign, will talk about the concept of publicly financing elections as a way of reducing the powerful influence that wealthy individuals and big business interests currently have upon the electoral process.

March to Army Reserve Recruiting Station, Santa Ana, California, May 1st, 2004 @ 11 am (tags)

March against the war in Iraq! Support the wounded, maimed, and hurting! End all occupations! Stop attacking workers and immigrants!

Was the CA March 2nd Primary Hacked by an E-Voting Manufacturer? (tags)

Was the CA March 2nd Primary Hacked by an E-Voting Manufacturer? At the very bottom is a list of CA Senators and other election officials; for anyone interested in a fair election please contact them and demand that the following allegations be thoroughly investigated and the election officials responsible be held accountable. From Wednesday April 1, 2004 Money, Access, and Stunning Security Flaws — A Poor Recipe for Fair Elections — By Bev Harris, Tuesday March 31 2004 * * * * * Section 18575 of the California Elections Code makes it illegal for anyone other than an election officer to handle, count, or canvass ballots: Every person is guilty of a felony, and on conviction shall be punished by imprisnment in the state prison for two, three or four years, who at any election: (a) without first having been appointed and qualified, acts as an election officer, (b) not being an election officer, performs or discharges any of the duties of an election officer in regard to the handling, counting, or canvassing of any ballts. This section provides that only authorized people, such as an election officer, may count votes. To the extent that an unauthorized person handles or counts votes, he or she is in violation of section 18575. * * * * * In Riverside County, California, I recently participated in the videotaping a statement that causes me concern. On election night, March 2, two people who do not work for the County, Sequoia employees Michael Frontera and Eddie Campbell were observed to access the WinEds central tabulator during the middle of the count. At this time, approximately 8:50 on election night, about one-third of Riverside's 157 precincts had been counted. At that point, the count was such that an automatic runoff would have been required between Linda Soubirous, a candidate for County Supervisor, and her opponent, Bob Buster. In the central count room of Riverside County at this time, no vote tabulation activity appeared to be going on. Two men were at the central tabulation terminals, the computers that add up all the votes from precincts around the county. Sequoia employee Michael Frontera was sitting at central tabulator terminal typing into the program, and Sequoia employee Eddie Campbell was standing next to him talking to him.

Report from El Salvador, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, April 2nd @ 6:30 pm (tags)

HENRY H. DUKE, an Orange County healthcare professional and member of CISPES (Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador), will deliver a slideshow presentation about his recent visit to El Salvador.

CA Official says state was forced to certify voting machines (tags)

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 Official says state was forced to certify voting machines By Gig Conaughton, North County Times, 03/17/04 Yesterday San Diego County's Board of Supervisors held a public hearing on the widespread March 2 voting problems. The supervisors heard testimony from dozens of citizens, both critical and supportive of the county's new paperless, electronic Diebold voting system. Assistant Secretary of State Marc Carrel and Diebold Election Systems' CEO Bob Urosevich.

I am NOT the Libertarian Party chairman! (tags)

The other day, an Libertarian Party candidate wanted a contribution so he could buy a van and make speeches at Ramada Inns ... Did I mention that he also renounced paper money and only carries gold and silver

The rural movement to oust Bush (tags)

There’s more than bridges in Madison County



South Pasadena set to kill coyotes!!! (tags)

The city thinks killing coyotes is the ONLY way! Please tell them you disagree!

Marc Debbaudt - Candidate for Superior Court Judge Office 95 (tags)

As a voter in Los Angeles County, I’ve seen little information on those running for the more local elective offices. No one to whom I’ve spoken has any idea who the candidates are for judge or what they stand for. Mr. Debbaudt is running in response to his belief that the incumbent, Judge Oki, failed in his duty to public safety.

Even libertarians value prize pork (tags)

Should the federal government be obliged to spend hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to repair a backwater fishing pier prone to storm-surge damage? Apparently so, says the office of libertarian figurehead, Congressman Ron Paul (TX-R).


Attorneys for Kevin Cooper report that an ex-reporter told them that an ex-SBSD deputy said that he and others were ordered to plant evidence in this case.

Cannabis Consultants To Open Orange County Office Feb. 9 (tags)

Two physicians from the Sacramento area are opening a cannabis-oriented practice in Orange County Feb. 9.

UPDATE on Gov. Schwarzenegger's visit to Huntington Beach this Friday! (tags)

Greet Governor Schwarzenegger in Huntington Beach this Friday evening as he mingles with the superrich of Orange County to raise more than a quarter of a million dollars for the re-election campaign of his close friend, Republican Congressman Dana "Talibanman" Rohrabacher!*

Earth First Orange County targets Irvine Company (tags)

Earth First! was founded in 1979 in response to a compromising and increasingly corporate environmental community. We believe that it is not enough to simply preserve some of our remaining wilderness. We need to preserve it all and take steps towards rehabilitating what we have already destroyed. In this effort, we utilize everything from grassroots organizing and involvement in the legal process to non-violent civil disobedience and other forms of creative resistance. Get involved! Help us build a movement: e-mail or call (949) 370-9894. For additional information, log onto "Pay your rent: Work for the Earth!"

Greet Governor "Ahh-nold" Schwarzenegger in Huntington Beach this Friday night! (tags)


Who is counting your vote? Diebold & Bush vs. the public interest (tags)

Who is counting your vote? Now is the time, before November 2004, to ask that and a few other questions.

Candidates Forum-Green Party of LA County (tags)

Candidates Forum for the 3rd District County Council candidates for the Green Party of Los Angeles County, January 15, 2004

Candlelight Vigil & March, 1/13/04 @ 5:30 pm, Santa Ana, CA (tags)

Candlelight Vigil and March to bring the troops home now and end the occupations!

Candlelight Vigil and March, 01/13/04 @ 5:30 p.m., Santa Ana, CA (tags)

Candlelight Vigil and March to bring the troops home now and end the occupations!

MAD COW News (tags)

Citizens Required to Ask County if BSE Meat sold in restaurants, supermarkets.

LA County Greens win Voter Registration Award (tags)

Los Angeles County Greens gained the greatest number of registrants of all California counties statewide in the Green Party of California "Stand Up and Be Counted 2003 Registration Drive."  The honor was awarded at the December Green Party of California State Plenary in Fullerton, CA.

Where is the peace on earth and goodwill toward men? (tags)

We should always strive to develop solutions that are fair for all - rural and urban, black and white, rich and poor, liberal and conservative. But that means we must listen to others and eliminate the "my way or the highway" attitude.

LA County supports suit over lost state tax (tags)

Today's demonstration in San Bernardino is being organized by the league of cities' Inland Empire Division. Participating cities have been asked to estimate how many layoffs they would need and send the corresponding number of shirts. "It's a way of visualizing what Sacramento is stealing from our communities now,"


Ken Maddox, a termed-out Republican State Assemblyman from Orange County's 68th District, found himself in a bind late Friday afternoon ...

Freelance Reporter arrested for documenting story about DR Horton (tags)

As a freelance reporter for the INDIMEDIA -I was arrested twice; once for taking pictures of DR Horton Representatives moving fences and changing property lines and then for gardening in my front yard. Charges dropped.

Oh, what a wicked mushroom cloud we weave: Part 1 (tags)

There is record (1), that in 1973, meetings took place among elected representatives of local, state and federal governments and their health officials to smooth over this potentially disastrous political "hot-potato" topic, should the public become aware of this information on its own. Now, 30 years later, their secret is out.

The Biggest Shell Game (tags)

CAFR - The Biggest Shell Game For Theft In History

Training for the Police State: Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning (tags)

Today I have a black eye and the soreness that comes with severe muscle strain. Mostly, I’m burdened with a serious question, "What are these soldiers training for?" The soldiers conducting that search must have been ordered not to tolerate the slightest dissent. They were practicing intimidation tactics far beyond what would be needed to control an avowedly nonviolent group of protesters who had never, in thirteen years of previous actions, caused any disruption during the process of arrest. Bewildered, most of us in the "tank" inside the Muskogee County jail acknowledged that during the rough processing we wondered, "What country do we live in?" We now live in a country where Homeland Security funds pay for exercises which train military and police units to control and intimidate crowds, detainees, and arrestees using threat and force.


Los Angeles Count Baord of supervisors apporved agenda item 48 which moves to gain support from President Bush and others to pay reparations to German Jews. Some citizens found this tio be racist and unfair to blacks seeking reparations and acknowledgement of the Black Holocaust.

Democracy Now Producer Arrested: Take Action Now. (tags)

Democracy Now Producer, Ana Nogueira, has been arrested in Miami.

Facts about inglewood Beating (tags)

I will not respond to the hate on this thread. I will however let the public know what really happened on july 6th 2002. the haters are from a organization called "citizens for police". Fuck them.

Citizens for police (tags)

This is in protest towards the organization "citizens for police" who are constant "trolls" on this site. This organization is formed by ignorant racist white people in favor of jeremy morse. Jeremy morse is the "cowardly" officer from inglewood california who is on trial for the chickenshit beating of an innocent child last july 6th 2002.

Market Forces Fed SoCal Flames (tags)

Mike Davis on the wildfires in Southern California "A market-driven recipe for disaster"


"Think globally, recycle locally." Freecycle Network is open to all individuals who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Or maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself! One constraint: everything posted must be free.

Uncertified Software in Alameda County Voting Machines - Certification Process Halted (tags)

The only other California county currently using the Diebold touch-screen machines is Plumas.

Orange County's Scariest Cops (tags)

OC Weekly identifies the 31 most evil cops in Orange County

State firefighters rejected air drop request (tags)

tate firefighters rejected air drop request for Cedar Fire because of night regulations

Inmates Are Moved After Riot Kills 2 (tags)

SACRAMENTO — More than 130 inmates have been transferred out of a privately run state prison in eastern Riverside County after a weekend riot there left two convicts dead and tensions at the low-security lockup unusually high.

Pay Ransom! Fires Stop? (tags)

For years I have watched when those who trample upon me and others fall into their graves or their pens...Today is no Different. I am a Prisoner of War of LA County

Grocery strike impressions (tags)

Grocery strike shows So Calif has not moved to the right.

October 22nd Anti-Police Brutality Protest in OC (tags)

See below

All the President's votes? (tags)

A quiet revolution is taking place in US politics. By the time it's over, the integrity of elections will be in the unchallenged, unscrutinised control of a few large - and pro-Republican - corporations. Andrew Gumbel wonders if democracy in America can survive

October 22nd Protest in OC! (tags)

Please read below.

October 22nd March in OC (tags)

Please see below.

Grocery Strike Solidarity Rally (tags)

Solidarity Rally For Grocery Strike Thursday October 16 1pm Hollywood Pavillions (Vons) at Melrose and Vine. Parking at Musicians Local 47 on Vine.

Anti-Police Brutality March in OC (tags)

Please see below.

UK Independent reports Republicans use E-voting systems to steal elections (tags)

If much of the worry about vote-tampering is directed at the Republicans, it is largely because the big three touchscreen companies are all big Republican donors, pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into party coffers in the past few years. The ownership issue is, of course, compounded by the lack of transparency. Or, as Dr Mercuri puts it: "If the machines were independently verifiable, who would give a crap who owns them?" As it is, fears that US democracy is being hijacked by corporate interests are being fuelled by links between the big three and broader business interests, as well as extremist organisations. Two of the early backers of American Information Systems, a company later merged into ES&S, are also prominent supporters of the Chalcedon Foundation, an organisation that espouses theocratic governance according to a literal reading of the Bible and advocates capital punishment for blasphemy and homosexuality.

Gore received MINUS 16,022 Votes in Volusia County (tags)

Diebold Voting Machines in Volusia County, Florida, Tallied a Vote-Count of -16,022. That's NEGATIVE 16,022: When will this all-important story break out in the US mainstream press? When will the Democrats confront the issue? What is at stake here is the future of democracy.

Consider That a Divorce (tags)

Total recall of Governor Gray Davis, a veteran California politician to replace him with a science fiction actor called “The Terminator.” Science fiction has become science reality in the mythical paradise that early Spanish explorers called “California.”

$10 a month fundraiser for North Coast Earth First! (tags)

Simple mass-participation fundraiser to help support the non-violent civil disobedience and direct action campaign of North Coast Earth First!, in Humboldt County, CA, to save some of the last Old Growth Redwood and Douglas Fir forest left on Earth! Call to Action for Gypsy Mountain!

North American Palestine Conference at Rutgers! (tags)

Despite all attacks - from Zionist forces, from University administration, from the State and the Governor - the Rutgers conference on Palestine, the Third North American Conference on the Palestine Solidarity Movement, is CONTINUING ON and GOING STRONG!! October 10-12, 2003.

The Rutgers Palestine Divestment Conference is ON and GOING STRONG!! (tags)

Despite all attacks - from Zionist forces, from University administration, from the State and the Governor - the Rutgers conference on Palestine, the Third North American Conference on the Palestine Solidarity Movement, is CONTINUING ON and GOING STRONG!!

Stop Police Brutality (O22) Protest in OC (tags)

Join us on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 at 4PM in Anaheim for a walk against police brutality. Meet at the intersection of Katella and Harbor.

Santa Ana Activist Arrested (is this the Pomona guy?) (tags)

Josh Canole, an SAC student, was busted yesterday.

9/9 California Birthday, 2d Day of Recall (tags)

On this September 9, 2003 as we celebrate California's admission to the Union in 1850 as a free (non-slave) state, we can demand our freedom from the current bankrupt social order with the recall of the worst governor in California history.

Great Paintings-Enjoy! (tags)

The artist immigrated to the United States several years ago and has quickly made himself well known to the American public. After 1986, Kulon's work moved toward greater innovation and imagination while taking on a more symbolic aspect. GO TO THE WEBSITE TO VIEW THE PAINTINGS.

Camp Pendleton March/Rally/Outreach (tags)

Peace and Justice Movement Reaches Out to Troops / Bring Them Home Now!

Park in Lincoln Heights (tags)

Confluence Park...

Proposition 54 forum at Unitarian Church in Anaheim on 8/30/03 (tags)

Vote "NO" on Proposition 54

Hospital Admissions Up By 10% (tags)

As Municipal Coffers are being Drained, Resources Among Patients Are Spread Thinner!

The October 7th recall election of Gray Davis might be recalled by a Federal judge (tags)

The California Attorney General's office and Monterey County officials conceded that they need federal approval, and that without it, the entire recall election, including the two voter initiatives on the ballot, would have to be postponed, perhaps to the March primary.


SACRAMENTO - Following the unprecedented urgent polling of every active county level Green Party chapter in the state, the Green Party of California (GPCA) today announced its endorsement for Green Party member Peter Miguel Camejo for Governor.

george bush in santa monica aug 15 -join peace picket (tags)

bush visits santa monica national mountains on aug 15, 2003 and a peace picket is planned.

Rallies to be held in Riverside County to protest shooting death of Richard Burrola (tags)

Rallies are scheduled to be held to protest the shooting death of Richard Burrola by a deputy from the Riv. County Sheriff's Department

Proposition 54 forum at Unitarian Church in Anaheim on 8/30/03 (tags)

Come to this forum to learn more about the reasons why thousands of doctors, educators, lawyers, and community activists agree that Proposition 54 is bad for California!

Dennis Kucinich in Orange County (tags)

Choose, America WAR or PEACE. Kucinich is the man of peace. PHOTOS & COMMENTARY Meeting presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich in So. Cal.

votescam: inside a us election vote counting program (tags)

by bev harris

let's go to Detroit (tags)


A Day Hopeful and Radiant: The Miami Call to Action (final draft) (tags)

This day is called the feast of Crispian: He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. She that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast her neighbours, And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian:' Then will she strip her sleeve and show her scars. And say 'These wounds I had on Crispin's day.'

Kucinich coming to Orange County (tags)

Everyone come out and support Dennis Kucinich and show the media we know the real progressive!!!!!


Michael Rivero Proudly Boasts of having been Banned from Free Republic for his heresy in telling truth unwelcome to Freeper "sensibilities". He is currently Web Master at

Pot Activist's restoration of felony drug conviction is a "death sentence" (tags)

Narcotics officers found 265 marijuana plants during a 1999 raid on Steven Wynn Kubby's home. Kubby, a former Libertarian Party candidate for governor, contends that the marijuana was physician approved and needed to treat his cancer.

Vet is Prisoner of War in LA County, War Against Constitutional rights (tags)

Kurt Brown blew the whistle on numerous agencies and is being FORCED AGAINST HIS WILL to remain in LA County. Time......

FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders (tags)

Read it and weep.


Greens say MTA policies are skewed against the working poor

Victory For Rancho Los Amigos Rehab Center (tags)














$2.75 Million Proposed for Cyclists Arrested in Protest (tags)

From the 2000 DNC protests, in today's LA Times.

Peace Vigil Sat & Sun (tags)

Come to Brea in Orange County to hold a sign for peace Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm. On the corner of Imperial Hwy. and Brea Blvd. in Brea

48 Nonstop Vigil Comes to Completion Despite Harassment (tags)

Peaceful anti-war protesters verbally and physically attacked in Ventura County, CA.


where and when???

About the "Kill a cop for the cause!" Redding Murder Case (tags)

Since those despotic rulers over at sf imc won't allow anything on this issue to stay up on the forum for more than 15 minutes, I thought we might like to keep track of this murder case over here in LA.

When War Breaks Out, Orange County convergence at Nixon Library? (tags)

Have OC residents planned where we will meet the day bombing starts? I propose the Nixon Library.

WAR IN 48 HOURS (tags)

Bush announces WAR in 48 HOURS



Ventura County Students Walkout and Demonstrate Against War (tags)

Students from throughout Ventura County, CA walked out of classes, held demonstrations, and rallied for peace.

UPDATE: Orange County Anti-War protest (tags)

lots of fun!







Saddleback College Anti-war Rally UPDATE! (tags)


Saddleback College Anti-War protest update! (tags)


dissent explosion in Orange County (tags)

Dissent is exploding in Orange County.



Protest Against the Racist Anaheim INS this Sat. Feb 22 (tags)



Protest INS in OC 2/22 (tags)

please see below

OC Register report on F15 (tags)

Excerpt from the Orange County Register report on protests Feb. 15th

Report on Orange County Protest (tags)

One person's perspective of the 2/15 protest

Orange County F15 photos (tags)

Panoramic views of the Laguna Beach Peace Vigil and the city of Orange rally at Hart Park.

Covert Operations Against Political Targets (tags)

Could the Los Angeles Times be in bed with corrupt County employees?



Resolution Opposing the Bush Administration’s War on Iraq (tags)

Jan 27th '03 Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO passes anti patriot / anti war resolution.


OCRC (Orange County Revolutionary Collective) Meeting THIS Thursday Feb 6 @ 7:00 PM (tags)




54 cities so far pass peace resolutions! (tags)

As of January 29, 54 city councils and other civic bodies have passed resolutions opposing war with Iraq.

Thank you from the OCRC to everyone that came out this past Saturday in Orange County (tags)

A Call for Peace on Nixon's Doorstep (tags)

The Los Angeles Times reports that 800 people attended the anti-war protest at the Richard Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California





O.C. Protest (tags)

Anti-War Protest in Orange County



Anti-War Protest @ Nixon Library Next Saturday Jan. Saturday Jan 18 !!! (tags)






Police Incompetence-Tell Em What YOU Think!! (tags)

Police pullover family, arrest them, shoot their dog, and laugh about it. One problem, NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

Anti-War Protest in Orange County @ Nixon Library Sat. Jan 18 !! (tags)








Ecocide in Humboldt County (tags)

Activists occupy old growth while Pacific Lumber liqudates Northern California's coastal temperate rainforest.



Green Resolution Concerning Trent Lott (tags)

Resolution of the Green Party County Council for Riverside County, California Concerning the recent comments of Trent Lott 12/21/02

GPRC WebMaster (tags)

Resolution of the Green Party County Council for Riverside County, California Concerning the recent comments of Trent Lott 12/21/02

Newhall Land's policies raise questions for stricter enforcement (tags)

From the LA Times Monday Dec.16th, 2002



Retaliation Against Citizen Whistleblowers (tags)

Citizen Whistleblowers in San Bernardino County are being subjected to retaliation in the form of false arrests and criminal charges, code enforcement inspections, visits from animal control, verbal and physical threats and even death.

Muslims Help Los Angeles Poor (tags)

While government is otherwise engaged, Muslim groups are attending to the needs of the poor of Los Angeles.

Meeting 2 Organize Anti-War March/protest in Orange County on Jan. 18 @ the Nixon Library (tags)

come out this Thursday Dec 12 to help organize for Orange County Anti-war Protest

Help Organize Jan. 18 Anti-War Protest in Orange County @ the Nixon Library (tags)

come out and get invovled

Extreme Retaliation against Citizen Whistleblowers (tags)

We are ordinary citizens whose lives have become swept up into a corruption scandal of historic proportions in San Bernardino County, California. Eighteen public officials and businessmen have been indicted to date by the U. S. Attorney's Office to date, sixteen have pleaded guilty, two criminal cases are pending. We "the citizens" thought we lived in America where we had constitutional rights. We all experienced what we considered to be a violation of our civil rights. We all took proactive steps to legally address our local Government with our concerns and issues.

Orange County Food Not Bombs : Urgent Assistance Needed! (tags)

Orange county residents, give us a hand in feeding the hungry in Anaheim/Garden Grove and Costa Mesa. We need heo

Yellowworld and the Chinese American Citizens Alliance Team Up (tags)

Fourteen-year-old Anna Guo shot three times in stomach by Ventura rookie officer Kristin Rupp while attempting suicide with a steak knife. Minor now charged with felony assault to cover up officer's negligent shooting.

chip glitch hands victory to wrong candidate (tags)

danger of mechanisation

Treesit in Santa Clarita (tags)

Boy takes to 400 year Oak tree to save it from newhall ranch developement. Mothers of community are feeding him. Send support.

Tree Sit - SoCal style (tags)

Oak tree may be doomed

Riverside County Green Party website (tags)

Riverside County Green Party website

Weekly Orange County Anti-War Demo (tags)

Every Friday scores of people gather in Costa Mesa, California to express their opposition to war without end.

More Injustice vs. Trans/Gays in Second Hate Crime. (tags)

While the gay & trans community expressed outrage this week over DA Cooley, the courts release a tranny basher on low bail.

Tree Sitter Dies In Santa Cruz (tags)

A first time tree-sitter died Tuesday in Santa Cruz County

Protest McDonalds (tags)

-Global Day of Action Against McDonalds- Location: 770 W. Chapman Ave., Placentia, CA time: 4:30 - 6:30 Join other activists from Orange County in protesting this ever-growing manifestation of corporate greed. Brings signs, drums, and friends. This will be the 3rd year in a row of protesting McDonalds in Orange County on this date. For more details on McDonalds go to: Hope to see you Oct. 16th!

Peter Miguel Camejo in Riverside (tags)

The Green Party of Riverside County presents Peter Miguel Camejo Candidate for Governor of California

The Ugly Truth: A Theory Into a Possible Police Cover-up (tags)

Did the Vallejo Police Department supply a suspected mass murderer with the knife used to kill a 5-year old child and was there a subsequent police cover-up?

Protest McD's in OC (tags)

Global Day of Action Against McDonalds - Oct. 16th, 2002

ADL Welcomes New Los Angeles Regional Director (tags)

Amanda Susskind, a prominent Los Angeles attorney with more than two decades of experience as a public and local Jewish community leader, has been named Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Pacific Southwest Regional Office.

Holy Cat's Ass! Catwoman Arrested! (tags)

Catwoman Shows Her Tale!

The Momentum Continues (tags)

Texans welcoming pResident Bush back to his self-adopted home, cuz you know , he's really not a Texan.

is POWER organizing the Orange County Bush protest? (tags)



POWER - People Opposing War, Empires & Rulers




ACTION ALERT: pRESIDENT BUSH will be in Dana Point, Orange County on FRIDAY AUG 23 - 5:00 pm - PROTEST THE pRETENDER AND SAY "NO" TO HIS WAR! st. regis monarch beach resort & spa in dana point (south orange county)



DNA Awareness March and Rally Tuesday August 27 (tags)

Honor Victims of Violent Crimes and the Wrongly Convicted THE FIRST EVER DNA AWARENESS MARCH AND RALLY FOR PUBLIC SAFETY Tuesday, August 27th 10 AM-1 PM in Downtown LA DNA Helps Convict the Guilty and Free the Innocent

Dykes vs Costa Mesa (tags)

Recently anti-globilization protesters complained of mistreatment in Costa Mesa. Now Lesbian activists may have trouble of their own with that Orange County city.

Anaheim School Board member lives in $1 million home in Corona del Mar (tags)

Anaheim City School District Trustee Don Garcia lives in a $1,000,000 home in Corona del Mar with his "wife," three children, and a maid.

Press Briefing on Welfare Reform (tags)

FRIDAY, JULY 19, 9:30 AM, BREAKFAST BRIEFING ON WELFARE REFORM WITH WELFARE RECIPIENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN As the national economy weakens and unemployment rises, the U.S. Senate takes up welfare reform at the end of July; Los Angeles County welfare recipients will speak about the proposed legislation and their experiences with the welfare system. OUTCOME OF THIS MONTH'S SENATE DEBATE WILL DEEPLY IMPACT LA COUNTY

Day of Direct Action Against the DEA (tags)

Thursday, June 6th, there will be demonstrations at DEA offices throughout the nation, letting the DEA know that we will not stand by as they attempt to deny patients' rights to medical marijuana. In L.A. County specifically, activists will be present at the DEA office located at 255 E. Temple Street in Los Angeles. The protests begin at noon.



Open Letter re: the Orange County LGBT Center's ENDA support & Transgender Discr (tags)

An open letter regarding the Orange County Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center's support of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which discriminates against the Transgender community. PLEASE REDISTRIBUTE!



update on political prisoner in southern california! (tags)

read about the newest happenings with Matthew Lamont and Jeff Hendricks

updates on long beach arrests (tags)

updates on the long beach arrests



OC Weekly article on Racist Hale's Cancelled OC appearance (tags)

OC Weekly article on racist Hale's cancelled Orange County appearance.



STOP KILLING PALESTINIANS!! Protest at the Israeli Consulate Mon. March 25 (tags)

read on

RCP's Bob Avakian Father Judge Avakian Dead at 88 (tags)

Appointed a Superior Court Judge of Alameda County in 1964, he made a landmark ruling abolishing the Alameda County jury selection test that effectively barred African Americans from serving on juries. After retirement from the bench in 1980, he took various Judicial Council assignments.

Anti-War Demo Mon. March 25 front of Iraeli Consulate.STOP KILLING PALESTINIANS! (tags)


Links to OC Register, LA Times, and AP stories on the Taco Bell Demo (tags)

Here are some links to some of the corporate media coverage of the March 11 March and Rally at Taco Bell Headquarters. Note that the Orange County Register estimated the crowd at 1,500. It should also be noted that both NPR news and CNN headline news included repotrs on the demo, as well as a brief synopsis of the Coalition of Immakolee Workers' (CIW) reasons for calling a boycott of Taco Bell.

1.5 Hours to Vote in California (tags)

You have 1.5 hours to vote. It is election day in California, March 5, 2002. If you have not voted, grab your voter's pamphlets and run to your polling place right now. Your polling place is stated on your mailing label on your County booklet. You can also vote at City Hall or County Registrar of Voters. Your City Hall is listed in your phone book and usually, so is your county registrar. The county registrar is also listed in your California voter pamphlet, pp. 56-57 and at

3/5 California Election Day (tags)

It is election day in California, March 5, 2002. If you have not voted, grab your voter's pamphlets and run to your polling place right now. Your polling place is stated on your mailing label on your County booklet. You can also vote at City Hall or County Registrar of Voters. Your City Hall is listed in your phone book and usually, so is your county registrar. The county registrar is also listed in your California voter pamphlet, pp. 56-57 and at

Lower the Voting Age to 16 (tags)

This peice was not paid for by MTV.


Maxxam Corporation is planning to log the last of the Old Growth Redwoods left on the planet, and plans to desecrate the mountain on which our brother, David "Gypsy" Chain, was murdered by a Maxxam employee, on September 17th, 1998. Come one, come all!!!!

Attention OC Voters: Beware of Right Wing Republican Chris Norby (tags)

Attention Anaheim, Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, and Placentia Voters! Beware of Right-Wing Republican Chris Norby! Anti-Union, Anti-Affirmative Action, Anti-Immigration!

100 Converge on Taco Hell HQ demanding raise for Tomato Pickers (tags)

Tuesday, January 15, 2002 -- Irvine, CA -- Taco Hell's World Headquarters

Jan 15th - PROTEST Corporate Headquarters of Taco Bell! (tags)

This is not the National Protest, just a picket to gear up for the March 11 Protest outside the Taco Bell Corporate Headquarters.

VOICES of Resistance in Orange County (tags)

Members of OC 911 coalition for peace delivered resistance and dissent yesterday on several Orange County malls. Stay tuned for more resistance in the mall near you…..

VOICES of Resistance in Orange County (tags)

Members of OC 911 coalition for peace delivered resistance and dissent yesterday on several Orange County malls. Stay tuned for more resistance in the mall near you…..


Protest fascists, racists, nazis and immigrant bashers this Saturday in Anaheim

Orange County Peace Walk (tags)

Each year, people in Orange County have a walk for Peace and against racism in Costa Mesa on the UN Peace Day. This year's peace walk came just days after September 11.

Riverside County Sheriffs Department racial, gender diversity lacking (tags)

The Riverside County Sheriffs Department created a commission to address the issues of recruiting and retaining a more diverse work force. Judging from the latest statistical information from its substations, it has its work cut out for it. Is it up to the task?

Bicyclists Arrested at DNC Sue L.A. (tags)

Bicyclists riding in the Critical Mass bike ride during the 2000 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles sue L.A. for civil rights violations.

Action Camp Announcement! (tags)

Come on up to the action camp, and have a great time defending the trees:) The time has come for revolution!

Action: Stop Orange County Racist Attacks! call/write (tags)

Stop racist attacks in Orange County lesbian bar!

'This is a test' all morning on Orange County, CA televisions (tags)

All day today, the Emergency Broadcast System has been doing it's test in Orange County. The test mumbles something about San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant.

Southland Hate Crime Count Rises (tags)

Five more alleged hate crimes against Americans who appear to be from the Middle East.

Here's some questions for the nazis (tags)

I've been reading the various posts by the nazis, and now have several questions that I was hoping some of them could try to answer.

PFLAG Protests Boy Scouts in Orange County (tags)

PFLAG joins queer rights activists in Orange County to protest the Boy Scouts' homophobia, and the Orange County Board of Supervisors' funding of homophobes. This protest brought out West Hollywood City Council member Steve Martin.

Queer Rights Activist Protest Boy Scouts in Orange County (tags)

Queer rights activists in Orange County protest the Boy Scouts' homophobia, and the Orange County Board of Supervisors' funding of homophobes. This protest brought out West Hollywood City Council member Steve Martin.

75 Protest Boy Scout Homophobia in Orange County (tags)

Queer rights activists in Orange County protest Boy Scouts' homophobia, and the Orange County Board of Supervisors' funding of their hate.

75 Protest Boy Scout Homophobia in Orange County (tags)

Queer rights activists in Orange County protest Boy Scouts' homophobia, and the Orange County Board of Supervisors' funding of their hate.

Texas Undocumented Immigrants Face Lawsuit against Hospitals they Receive Limit (tags)

From THe Houston Chronicle by Mark Berger

Biojustice Protesters Rally In Front of S.D. Courthouse July 16 (tags)

Over 30 people rallied at the San Diego County Courthouse to protest the police treatment of actual or suspected Biojustice protest participants during the biotech industry's annual convention June 24-27. Many participants told their own stories of being arrested and hassled by police, including an L.A. woman's account of sexual harassment in the San Diego County Jail.

Election Records Fraud in Chicago? (tags)

Investigations by two non-profit show irregularities in vote, elections record keeping in Chicago. Is this the tip of a fraud iceberg?

Anti-Sweatshop Activists Targeted in Denver (tags)

As part of an ongoing investigation surrounding a case of vandalism at a Kohl’s clothing store on December 9, 2000, the Jefferson County District Attorney's office established a GRAND JURY and issued subpoenas to a local activist, Doug Bohm, and former Denver Justice and Peace Center staff member, David Martin, to testify. On May 17th Bohm was found in contempt of court and taken into custody for “failing to follow a court order that involved his testimony before a grand jury," said Pam Russell, spokeswoman for the Jefferson County District Attorney's office. Martin is scheduled to appear before the Grand Jury on May 31st.

Mattole Defenders' Emergency Call For Volunteers, Convergence (tags)

"RED ALERT" called by Mattole Forest Defenders on 3rd Day of Logging. Emergency Appeal for Volunteers and Convergence.

Fuck the Religious Right - Orange County Rally Against Hate (tags)

Rally Against Hate protester with sole anti-abortion counter-protester.

Orange County Rally Against Hate (tags)

Speaker on Native American issues at Rally Against Hate in Newport Beach April 28.

Riverside District Attorney not to prosecute officer who shot Dante Meniefield (tags)

Throughout its history, the Riverside County District Attorney's office has never prosecuted a law enforcement officer for an on-duty shooting. Yesterday, prosecutors decided to keep that streak intact by deciding not to file criminal charges against Moreno Valley Police Department officer Robert Marks for killing an unarmed man with his hands up.

Rally Against Hate Saturday AM !!!!!! (tags)

Don't forget to take a stand against hate this weekend as the Center for Reclaim America meets to promote reparative therapy for the GLBT community, and trains people to take over our school boards and city councils.

The labyrith of the Riverside County Hall of Injustice (tags)

The Hall of Injustice in Riverside County sucks thousands of people inside its doors each year. For 20 activists prosecuted for shutting down and praying on the 91 freeway, it was an education in the dysfunctional legal system in this country.

May 12 First Annual People's March for Economic Justice (tags)

1st Annual Santa Barbara People's March for Economic Justice: March through the streets of downtown Santa Barbara to celebrate the victories as well as bring public attention to the increasingly serious problems that SB county residents face trying to make ends meet. Hosted by a coalition of community groups. Individuals and groups welcome to join the coalition. May 12, Saturday, Noon to 4. Rally at Ortega Park--noon, march to SB County Courthouse, rally again. Live bands, drum circle, community and UCSB speakers.

FBI Farce (tags)

Story out of Soprano country. Buda-bing Buda-boom!

Frank Esposito sentenced to jail (tags)

After spending three days traveling from Texas on a Greyhound bus, Frank Esposito was sentenced to 90 days in jail, for his role in the 91 freeway demonstration.

COUPWATCH: Ashcroft Preserved Racially Discriminatory Voter Registration (tags)

As governor, Ashcroft twice vetoed measures passed overwhelmingly by the Missouri legislature to authorize volunteer deputy registrars from nonpartisan organizations to register voters in the city of St. Louis, which was about 50% black. Such deputies were allowed in suburban St. Louis County, which had 81% voter registration compared to 73% in the city.

Sore Winners (tags)

Bushs' bullies cry foul at media recounts while the Shrub appoints an Attorney General whose first act may well be an attempt to reinstate burning at the stake.

Orange County Alliance for Global Nuclear Disarmament candlelight vigil (tags)

On Saturday, November 4, just before the election, about 100 people attended a candlelight peace vigil at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. This event was sponsored by the Orange County Alliance for Global Nuclear Disarmament. Signs urged people to vote for candidates who support peace and nuclear disarmament.

COUP WATCH: Voting Machine Clones Fingered For Problems In Palm Beach (tags)

Of 5,000 voting machines in Palm Beach County, about 1,000 were newer clones of the Votamatics, called Poll Star. The Sun-Sentinel reports that half the county’s undervotes occured on Poll Star machines, even though they recorded just one-third of the votes.

Forest Defenders Report Sheriffs Wait for Humboldt Homicides While PL Falls Tree (tags)

According to Humboldt County forest activists, Monday November 28th, 2000 was just another day for deputies of the Humboldt County Sheriff's Department.

COUP WATCH: The Real Vote Count Summarized (tags)

Gore's true margin of victory could be 17,000 or more. Here's a summary of the votes not counted in the official total (and a few questionable ones that were counted) from various different Florida counties.

COUP WATCH: Mob Rule Wins for W -- From The Consortium (tags)

A premeditated mob assault on the Dade County election board appears to have guaranteed Texas Gov. George W. Bush's ascension to the presidency.

Orange County "Trust the People" demo (tags)

People demonstrate for democracy behind the Orange Curtain.

COUP WATCH: Federal Report Criticized Palm Beach County Voting System in 1988 (tags)

Twelve Years ago a report for the National Bureau of Standards warned that "The use of pre-scored punch card ballots should be ended."

COUP WATCH: Duval County -- Void Ballots in Rep. County Highest in Dem. Areas (tags)

Republicans have tried to counter Democratic claims that Palm Beach County double-punched ballots were unusual by pointing to Duval County, a Republican stronghold. Now it turns out that the voided ballots in Duval County (Jacksonville) were concentrated in Democratic sections. Further statistical analysis confirms story--and adds significant new information.

Greens get cannabis legal in Mendocino County, CA! Referenda results. LINKS. (tags)

Referenda results. Green victory in Mendocino County, California where voters legalized cannabis. Racism of Drug War. TLC-DPF Drug Policy News. Many LINKS. Press articles. Search shortcuts.

COUP WATCH: Duval County -- Voided Ballots in Rep. County Cluster in Dem. Areas (tags)

Republicans have tried to counter Democratic claims that Palm Beach County double-punched ballots were unusual by pointing to Duval County, a Republican stronghold. Now it turns out that the voided ballots in Duval County (Jacksonville) were concentrated in Democratic sections. IMC's statistical analysis confirms story.

COUP WATCH: Hand Recount Ordered For Palm Beach County, Could Give Gore Florida (tags)

A hand recount in Palm Beach County was ordered after a sample hand recount and a second full machine recount lead officials to believe there could be as many as 1,900 errors -- nearly 6 times the current marging separating Bush & Gore.

Florida Recount Update Links & Messages-- From Red Rock Eater News Service (tags)

Three messages about the Florida recount. First from is someone who says his mom was a Palm Beach County precinct clerk, second is from Michael Moore about the elderly Jewish voters in Palm Beach County upset at having accidentily voted for Pat Buchanan, third is a provisional analysis of the patterns in the Florida vote recount. Also more links.

Letter to John Campbell of Pacific Lumber Company/Maxxam (tags)

To follow up on our October 27, 2000 letter we are reiterating that Maxxam/Pacific Lumber Company must surely be aware that operating on such controversial plans as THP 1-99-475 is more than likely to result in public protest including non-violent direct action on site.

COUP WATCH: Buchanan May Be A Racist, But At Least He's Honest (Now) (tags)

With Bush and Gore both still caught up in the throes of campaign posturing, Buchanan came out with a refreshingly frank admission: the disputed excess votes cast for him in Palm Beach County belonged to Gore, not him.

Orange County Protests Police Brutality (tags)

A coalition of community groups and activists demonstrate at Anaheim police department.

S29 Laguna Beach Demo Marijuana is Medicine (tags)

Friday, September 29, about 40 Orange County residents, from organizations such as the November Coalition, the Orange County Hemp Council, the American Medical Marijuana Association, and the 215 Garden Club, protested the drug war in Laguna Beach, in solidarity with the Journey for Justice, who marched across Texas to George W. Bush's mansion.

S29 Laguna Beach $ for Children, not Prisons (tags)

Friday, September 29, about 40 Orange County residents, from organizations such as the November Coalition, the Orange County Hemp Council, the American Medical Marijuana Association, and the 215 Garden Club, protested the drug war in Laguna Beach, in solidarity with the Journey for Justice, who marched across Texas to George W. Bush's mansion.

S29 Laguna Beach Demo against the War on Drugs (tags)

Friday, September 29, about 40 Orange County residents, from organizations such as the November Coalition, the Orange County Hemp Council, the American Medical Marijuana Association, and the 215 Garden Club, protested the drug war in Laguna Beach, in solidarity with the Journey for Justice, who marched across Texas to George W. Bush's mansion.

Strike Moves Some From Bus To Bikes--But MTA Neglect Makes Biking Hard (tags)

The bus-to-bike transition some commuters are making as a result of the MTA strike hits a speed-bump: the MTA's failure to provide sufficient bike-friendly routes.

The L.A. County Bicycle Coalition Demands to MTA, SCAG (tags)

The following statement includes a list of demands directed toward the MTA and SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments). It provides a clear blueprint for action to fully realize the potential for bicycle transportation as a fully integrted part of LA's transportation system.

Then why... (tags)

The struggle at the Kent Creek Occupation continues... (tags)

After a long struggle in the courts, it seems that Judge Grubb of Winnebago County (Rockford, IL) has decided to side with the county. This means that construction will start very soon, and that now we have to work in terms of direct action and civil disobedience, since the law has failed.

going to be hot in Los Angeles (tags)

Weather temp's going to be hot starting Sunday. DON't lay on the pavement it will burn you.....

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