fix articles 9610, extreme
Les maladies du marché...
Hurricane Harvey, followed quickly by Irma, left in its wake upended lives and enormous property damage, estimated by some at $150-180 billion. But the pummeling that America received also raise deep questions about its economic system and politics.
Why Should We Support the Idea of Universal Basic Income? (tags)
Work and income have already uncoupled because of automation and the digital world. The basic income will lead to guaranteeing everyone the right to work and to share socially, economically and politically in a less stressful and less authoritarian economy.
IMF Reviews International Financial Crises Solutions (tags)
As the IMF reviews solutions to international financial crises, religious and development groups urge reforms to protect the poor.
Supreme Court Hears Argentina Predatory Hedge Fund Discovery Case (tags)
High Court Decision to Hear Broader Landmark Debt Case Pending
IMF World Economic Outlook: Economy Improves for Some as Inequality Persists (tags)
Debt Restructuring Process Discussed by IMF and G20
Racism in the Netherlands/Party for Freedom/PVV, Wilders and the poison of racism (tags)
The extreme right wing and Islamophobic Party for Freedom [PVV] of G. Wilders is a great danger, not only because of its discriminatory, racist, repressive and hate speech agenda, but also because of its embracing of causes like anti EU and battle against Dutch austerity measures, thus reaching people, who are not perse racist, and the cooperation with European right wing parties as the racist and antisemitic Front National.
Jubilee USA Urges Business and Political Leaders at World Economic Forum to End Corporate (tags)
Washington, DC - Heads of state, financial ministers, celebrities and representatives from many of the worlds most powerful corporations are meeting in Davos, Switzerland for the 2014 World Economic Forum.
Great World can be achieved by Great States ensuring an ethical human rights 'bottom-line' (tags)
Describes what I see as the UN’s gross neglect of duty re UN Charter (in my opinion, a ‘global crime against humanity’) to uphold UDHR. Also I consider greater political and national unity is planned to execute a ‘near absolute’ control in States.
Tea Party: Extremism of the Middle (tags)
The Tea Party wants to return to an idyllic past that never really happened. The Tea Party wants to stop the accelerating descent of the white middle class by driving ideological ideas to the extreme. The right-wing hardliners believe capitalism could be reanimated if the state were shattered.
To question Helen Clark regarding UN silence on global ethical human rights to rule world (tags)
Hope to question Helen Clark, head of the UNDP and considered one of the world's most powerful women, why the UN has failed to inform the global mainstream of new plan to rule the world, global ethical human rights, for over five years and despite the significant support it is receiving.
Philippines - Ranking Red exec named party-list third nominee (tags)
The Anakpawis party-list announced on Monday that it was adding the name of Randall Echanis, a political consultant of the Communist Party of the Philippines-National Democratic Front (CPP-NDF), as its third nominee, a move which observers say could hasten the integration of the extreme left into the political mainstream.
BTL:"Climate Impacts Day" Connects Dots Between Global Climate Change and Extreme Weather (tags)
Interview with Laura Bozzi, an organizer with Connecticut, conducted by Melinda Tuhus
Philippines: Annoying P-Noy (tags)
Because the Reds have time and again failed to sell to the majority of Filipinos their offered prescriptions to our national problems, they’ve resorted to all sorts of gimmicks in order to get our attention.
America: Land of the Poor (tags)
class war
Norway attacks/Result of extreme right populism in Europe (tags)
Contrary to the mainstream media, the Norway terror attacks are not the action of a ''lone wolf'', but stem from the climate of hatred, which is incited by the extreme right leaders in Europe
World Cup is attacked by the extreme right of the United States (tags)
Fox News makes the Brazilians to laugh.
Illinois: A State in Crisis (tags)
Illinois a microcosm of America
Le mot policier ne matraque pas , sauf si l ' on a été matraqué par un policier .
America's Tortured Past (tags)
America's sordid legacy
BTL:Rise of Extreme Right Anti-Government Groups Seen at Health Care Protests (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Emergency for IMC in Athens and Patras (Greece) (tags)
For all these reasons we ask you if you can host the Internet sites of the IMC of Athens and Patras on your server. We must preserve them, especially when they are closed or are near to be closed, and to react against censorship and promote freedom of information.
Israel will now have, under Lieberman, an openly fascist and racist state. (tags)
In these elections, Israel has completed the transformation into an apartheid state with an apartheid racist political system.
Intelligence report on fbi and cia crimes in the fnancial markets. (tags)
INTELLIGENCE REPORT ON THE fbi AND THE cia, reflecting criminal activities as the fbi and cia obtain illegal funding; the cia probably does the same little dance globally.
Police Harrassment Incident Report (tags)
Even a minor incident of police harrassment could be a prelude to something major.
Prisons in Venezuela: Extreme Violence, Extreme Indifference (tags)
° Abolitionist text about the facts of three Venezuelan prisons: Uribana, Guanare and Sabaneta. Traslated from El Libertario (# 49, 2007), the voice of the Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas
American Congress: Failed Institution (tags)
Democrats have failed the American people (and civilised world) by allowing the lunatic U.S. President to re-introduce nuclear warfare in an already unstable world. Two extremely disturbing indications from Bush’s ‘new strategy’ spell madness in the clearest possible terms but the Democrats have made it clear, they will adopt the role of spectator, satisfying themselves with an ‘I told you so’ attitude AFTER the calamitous event. The non-interventionist attitude of the Democrats confirms INCOMPETENCE as a malaise that extends throughout the entire body of government in the USA. Any government that would plunge the world into a future holocaust earns for itself the status of nuclear target – where does it end? The only two nations likely to utilise nuclear weapons today are Israel and the United States, as has clearly been indicated by Bush and his echo, Condoleezza Rice, in their recent address:
Rightwing Anti-Capitalism (tags)
The interests of the working class are no longer defended by the dominant parties. On the background of this representation crisis (cf Gramsci), rightwing populist parties have electoral successes all over Europe.
Ancient Negro, I mean to say the aboriginal inhabitants of the pyramid shaped, at least from a side view, continent, often labled as the dark continent by barbarians lost in the darkness of the jungles, share ancient spiritual customs, rarely explained in a rational way, with ancient Chinese and modern society, that dispute Darwin's EVOLUTION OF A SPECIES. For example, the disc used to extend the lower lip. Much more. Oh much much more.
Clyde Young and Joe Veale Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:00 PM Warehouse Theater 1021 7th Street NW (doors open at 12:15) between Mt. Vernon Sq./7th street and Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro Stations
Postal Shooting: S.B County Could Have Stopped Extreme Violence (tags)
An experimental treatment direct to the unconscious mind that can end tendencies for extreme violence or other destructive behaviors was proposed as experimental in 1999. S.B. County Mental Health Approved and provided a letter to show they were taking the request to administer experimental treatments to the State Mental Heath Department and that the State response would be provided in writing.
Filibuster Wars Power Grab at the Height of the Empire The Senate was heading for a major showdown, as the Republican majority and Vice President Cheney conspired to strip the Democrat minority of their ability to even filibuster the most extreme judicial nominees. Then, after playing chicken for two weeks, a "Gang of 14" Senators suddenly announced they had reached a "historic compromise based on mutual trust" -- and they announced that they had saved the Senate from destruction. And the media oohed-and-aaaahed over the last minute development. But it quickly became pretty obvious, that nothing here was an obstacle to the most dangerous plans for remaking the courts. And did the compromise "safe the filibuster" as the media said? In fact, the compromise said "If you don't take the filibuster, we promise not to use it." Which, if you think about it, gives the top reactionaries what they want. Part of this "compromise" is that the Democrats immediately stopped their opposition to Precilla Owen and several other of Bush's judicial nominees -- these are people who are literally monsters of an extreme kind, who had been stalled in the Senate (in some cases for years.) So this "compromise" meant that these vultures are headed for powerful courts. And, it is also clear that huge new showdowns lie just ahead -- as the White House and Senate brace for a struggle over putting extreme rightwing judges on the supreme court. The following article (written just before the "compromise" was announced) lays bare the stakes and dynamics of this whole crisis.
When is Political Violence Justified? (tags)
Today I am writing about a very sensitive subject. Indeed, at this point in time it is a very dangerous subject to write about. The subject is political violence: when is it justified and when is it not justified. There are many positions on this topic and like most topics there are extreme positions. One extreme position is that political violence is never justified. This is the belief held by pacifists and followers of Gandhi. At the other extreme we find believers in political violence ranging from Stalinists, some Anarchists, Fascists, to Imperialists, among others. These political ideologies generally support the use of violence to achieve their ends.
When these psychotic rapist soldiers leave the military where do you think they might work next? Cop, school security, prison guard?
Revelations Lead to Rumsfeld's Door (tags)
As we go to press, senior CIA officials, both past and present, have reportedly leaked that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld approved the extreme interrogation methods used against Iraqi detainees under U.S. control.
The U.S. and Israel's Criminal Intent and October 25th. (tags)
But the question is not whether the public can see the criminal behavior of these regimes but rather, where do these regimes go from here?
RW: U.S.: More Kids In Extreme Poverty (tags)
Merry Shi'ites rejoice in front of reporters hotel - but what comes next? (tags)
The images of the statue being pulled down will probably become one of the iconic images of this war. Those destroying the statue were Shi'ites who had been kept in poverty and oppressed by Saddam. The protest took place, not coincidentally, right accross the street from the hotel where all the journalists were shacked up. Now we know that the extreme right wing in America has no love for the poor. How much did the CIA pay for that protest, and will it be enough for those impoverished Shi'ites to retire on (Uncle Sam, after all, doesn't do the charity thing)
Angry crowds greet Troops - CNN perplexed (tags)
When they find out that the oil profits will, of course, be going into the pockets of the U.S. oil robber barons, they will be even more pissed off...After all, these are the Americans who are liberating Iraq's oil fields, and in America, there is no such thing as 'developing the oil for the benefit of all the people' and, despite George W. Bush's socialist talk, the people of Iraq will be robbed blind and then left with nothing, just like Africa after colonialism...
Terrorist strikes begin in response to attack on Iraq (tags)
Two small bombings on British interests overseas have taken place, and are a harbinger of things to come. Dangerous times are ahead, but in no place on the planet is it going to be more dangerous than in America, as a looming scandal drives the extreme right wing to ever more reckless actions...
Fear of a spiral into Depression as job losses mount (tags)
Dismal sales at Christmas time were propped up by deflationary price cuts, and now the retail sector is among the hardest hit as one third of a million jobs are slashed in February. Not coincidentally, the same rise of the Extreme Right Wing is taking place as was seen during the depression of the 30s, with the same drive to seek relief in aggressive wars of conquest...
Sheep being sent to the slaughterhouse (tags)
Why is it the case that when you look back over history you find that time and time again the Right becomes more and more powerful, and the left become the sheep being sent to the slaughterhouse?
Mace leave no trace?
Peace Groups See Opening (tags)
Peace Action: Bush Becoming Isolated
Peaceful demonstrator from Los Angeles violently beat down in Tel Aviv by police (tags)
pulling them up by their arms and beating them. they kicked another women Sara chaluche,an American from Los Angeles California in the jaw. and this is only what I saw - I have ran away soon afterwards. there were three video cameras with us - that were specifically targeted and attacked by the police. two of the cameras (indymedia) were smashed to
Sick fuck intends to kill dog for money (tags)
L.A. porn producer and wrestling promoter Rob Black manages to hit a new low, promoting the feeding of a dog to a snake on his "extreme" website.
Biojustice Deportations Planned (tags)
San Diego law enforcement authorities are in the process of deporting 300-500 juvenile offenders.
Good news re Inauguration protests! (tags)
Federal judge rules on suit to bar extreme security measures
Landlord Crisis (coming soon to LA) (tags)
The SF IMC has put together this excellent overview of gentrification in the City. It's relevant to LA, insofar as many of the race and class dynamics described can happen here. Santa Monica, watch out!