fix articles 97840, rogelio
Escándalo: Obispo y Políticos se acusan de realizar Orgías (tags)
Un Escándalo por Mutuas Acusaciones de realizar Orgías se desató en la clase política paraguaya, entre la oposición y el entorno del obispo Fernando Lugo.
Filipino hotel workers, among Long Beach’s poorest (tags)
Filipino couple Rogelio and Wilhemina de Vera, both 72 years old, who live in the “Cambodian projects” on Cherry Street, belong to the approximately 90,000 or almost 20 percent, of Long Beach residents who live under the federal poverty line. Half a million Filipinos make Long Beach or LA County—which ranks sixth in the nation for concentration of poverty—their home. “I am living paycheck to paycheck which is very hard because I still support some of my relatives back home,” Rogelio, a service van driver at a five-star Long Beach hotel, told Philippine News. “So I really appreciate that some organizations are helping me and my family
Local Marine, Rogelio Ramirez, Killed in Iraq (tags)
On Sunday, U.S. Marine Pfc. Rogelio Ramirez was killed in Iraq. The 21-year-old Ramirez left behind his immediate family, a girlfriend who is three months' pregnant with his child, and plans to buy a home, raise a family and get into real estate after returning home to Pasadena from his stint in the Marines, his relatives said.