fix articles 98004, denial
The psychology of the warmongerers and The war cannot be won (tags)
We should strive quite fundamentally for a different Europe and a different Russia, namely each freed from capitalist, parasitic oligarchy. The Jaurès maxim, "Capitalism carries war like the cloud carries rain," is more relevant than ever.
Stress for the soul. Climate change triggers stress and despair (tags)
Psychology understands fear as an arousal that primarily causes displeasure. Fear is never rational, but sometimes it is appropriate and serves as an alarm. Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, according to the common definition, are directed at non-existent dangers...
Cartoons Worth a Thousand Words (tags)
In a year which saw Turkey's continued oppression of its indigenous minorities and journalists; its shooting down of a Russian military jet; Ankara's continued denial of the Armenian Genocide; its president's support of ISIS and aggression into Syria and Iraq, not to mention his numerous inane pronouncements, Kasbarian's Perspectives from Exile provides some much-needed relief from the oppressive insanity and criminality pouring out of Ankara.
confront David Irvings 2011 us holocaust denial tour (tags)
Confront David Irving’s 2011 Holocaust Denial Tour The notorious holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer David Irving is at it again, attempting another US tour of thirty cities across the Southern, Western and Midwestern states
Windsor v Maid of the Mist (10-A690) in the US Supreme Court – Opined as “Shell Game Fraud (tags)
"Maybe Justice Thomas indeed denied your application, may not... maybe there is a valid record of the denial, certified by Justice Thomas, may there is none... what form the records of the US Supreme Court are in, the People are not permitted to know...."
berkeley fellowship unitarian universalist sponsors Holocaust denier (tags)
calls and letters needed
Obama Follows the ADL Line on the Armenian Genocide (tags)
Obama stabs Armenians in the back.
How Dependent Are Police On “Asset Forfeiture” To Pay Police Salaries? (tags)
Any fresh denial to the government when questioned about committing a crime “even when you did not do it” can “involuntarily waive” your right to assert in your defense—the “Criminal Statute of Limitations” has passed for prosecution.
Radical new book: No Innocent Bystanders (tags)
Riding Shotgun in the Land of Denial
Obama’s Blood and The Forbidden Truths (tags)
"The latest media furor was over videotaped remarks from Obama’s former minister, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr. The bloodhounds were soon barking and snipping at Obama’s heels demanding a renunciation of the pastor’s words."
Women, please be patient - still (tags)
I posit the radical notion that the denial of rights and oppression of women is equally important as the denial of rights and the oppression of any other group in a society. Underlying this notion is that women ARE those other groups and one cannot separate them out from “the rest of the population” seeking a better life.
OJ and Dubya: Both in Denial, Both Unrepentant (tags)
O.J. Simpson and George W. Bush have a lot in common. They are both unrepentant wrongdoers, who are in denial about their outrageous conduct. Thankfully, OJ’s book escapade was foiled by outraged public opinion. Bush, and his cohort, VP Dick Cheney, however, intend to “stay the course” in Iraq and maybe attack Iran. Only the U.S. Congress can stopped the duo. Impeachment is Constitutionally mandated. Will Congress do its duty?
Royal Society tells Exxon: stop funding climate change denial (tags)
Britain's leading scientists have challenged the US oil company ExxonMobil to stop funding groups that attempt to undermine the scientific consensus on climate change.
Denial of Clemency for Williams Cites Support for Class-War Prisoners (tags)
California Governor Arnold "The Terminator" Schwarzenegger's denial of "Tookie" Williams' clemency petition is an appalling document, showing not only Scwarzenegger's moral cowardice in hiding behind the jury's decision, (which the bourgeois press is emphasizing) but also that he is an extreme right-wing apologist for the frame-up trials and long incarcerations of political prisoners around the globe, from Nelson Mandela to Mumia Abu-Jamal.
The Ancient Wisdom of the Breath (tags)
This may be the beginning of the most fascinating adventure that you have ever undertaken because it begins with you.
Until we are willing to heal the deep emotional pain, inner conflicts and denial about them we sill see killing, war and destruction in the world around us.
Idiot Bastard Son of Lies (tags)
Fear and the Bush presidency
False Prophets, fake skeptics: Holocaust denial (tags)
Those who deny Nazi genocide have created a pseudoscience called Holocaust Denial. Whether they are cognizant con artists, or illogical true believers, they distort facts to a desired end in the guise of skepticism.
Rumsfeld rationalizes denial of democracy in Iraqi. (tags)
Is Rumsfeld in denial, is he from this earth? In this article he uses Hitlers method of rising to power as a rational to deny democracy to Iraq while his regime used the same technique to come to power and continues to use them to solidify thier power. What planet are these being from?
The Denial of Imperialism (tags)
The denial of the existence of US imperialism in the corporate media and academia and the manifestations of its actual existence.
What is to be done with a whole nation-state that seems to be ina state of denial?
Distinguished Speakers to address The Amerikkkan Holocaust to L.A.'s hip hop com (tags)
SEDITIOUS PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS De-Constructing Columbus Day "The Amerikan Holocaust: History, Hip Hop and Hope from 1492 to the Present" American Holocaust Conference