fix articles 98346, cuban adjustment act
Disaster Capitalism Headed to Haiti (tags)
worker exploitation follows disaster
US Discriminatory Immigration Policy Toward Haitians (tags)
Washington bashes Haiti.
REPLYING to three spurious initiatives for Cuba proposed by George Bush in Washington on October 24, Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque set out 12 points “covering what the U.S. president should propose as aid” to the island.
September 11: The empire and its lies (tags)
Cuban President Fidel Castro on Wednesday reflected on the six long years since the painful September 11 episode in the US, about which it is known there has been deliberate disinformation...
UN to Bush: End the blockade against Cuba (tags)
Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque delivered a blistering speech to the United Nation General Assembly Nov. 4 calling for the end of the U.S.-imposed embargo against the socialist nation.