fix articles 2548, he said Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : he said

he said

‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 (tags)

A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.

Is it possible to negotiate with Putin? (tags)

For Putin, the intention to admit Ukraine to NATO was a breach of "the agreement made with NATO after the fall of the Berlin Wall not to expand it" (2:34:20). As the Americans claimed hegemony according to their "Monroe Doctrine," Putin considers Ukraine his "backyard."

Nord Stream 1 and 2 (tags)

As is well known, in war the truth is the first casualty, and so it is in the Ukraine war. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, politics and the mainstream in the press, radio and TV have been conducting an unprecedented game of confusion, combined with disinformation and agitation.

Compensatory Rhetoric (tags)

Ukraine has already lost much of its population since 1990, War casualties and flight would further obstruct the country's future prospects. It was against this backdrop that Gen. Mark Milley and Anthony Blinken, stressed that "recapture of the territories taken by Russia is unrealistic."

No to Nato and war - Yes to peace (tags)

"Peace is too important to be left to politicians," the publicist stressed, which is why a strong peace movement is still needed. Historian Peter Brandt then spoke in favor of a European security architecture that includes Russia.

The "West" and its war aims in Ukraine (tags)

The Western-oriented countries want to help Ukraine, but not all of them have the same goal in mind. Whereas shortly after the invasion the focus was on defense, since Ramstein the U.S. has been talking about Kiev's need to win the war.

"The US is lying to itself" (tags)

The U.S. government, he said, should recognize the "brutal fact" of spheres of influence. Washington cannot continue to claim that "only brutal tyrants like Putin want to influence neighboring countries." Because the U.S. would be "lying to itself" by doing so.

Russia wants a treaty with NATO on eastern enlargement (tags)

There is now a need for "a treaty that prevents NATO from standing on the Russian border:" "We need to start negotiations on the new NATO expansion plans." Conceding such a "red line" to the Russians has so far been rejected by NATO

"Don't let them take democracy away from you" (tags)

"United we can and will overcome the time of darkness in America," he said. After four years of Trump's presidency, the Biden-Harris team wants to reunite the country, overcome the Corona crisis and boost the economy with millions of new jobs.

Venezuela Presents Human Rights Development Program (tags)

In a televised speech held at Caracas‘ Oil Well Security Headquarters in front of operators, researchers, managers, emergency personnel, foreign embassy staff and officials concerned, Venezuelan President Maduro on Friday presented a 2x23mn barrel development aid program projected to improve the human rights situation under the Trump administration in Unitedstates. The package is directed at specific recipients in the political backyard of alternative-left impeachment succession candidate Sanders; thereby aiming to break the chains of commercial domination over the political process in the multiplier breeding state.

Philippine President Duterte’s next target: 9-year-old children (tags)

Once, when Rodrigo Duterte got to talking about his anti-drug campaign, he mused about murdering his children. If his son used drugs, he said in April, he would kill him himself.

Philippines election: Maverick Rodrigo Duterte wins presidency (tags)

Maverick anti-crime candidate Rodrigo "Digong" Duterte has won the Philippine presidential elections, following the withdrawal of his opponents.

Philippines: Erap Estrada endorses leftist leader Neri Colmenares for senator (tags)

MANILA, Philippines – Former President now Manila Mayor Joseph "Erap" Estrada on Wednesday, September 30, endorsed leftist congressman Neri Colmenares for Philippine senator in the 2016 elections.

Philippines: Lumads to AFP, NPA: Leave us alone (tags)

MANILA, Philippines — A group claiming to represent 33 lumad (indigenous people) tribes in Mindanao on Friday urged the military and the rebel group New People's Army (NPA) to stop dragging them into their conflict and to respect their human rights and ancestral domain.

US Presidential Aspirants Irresponsibly Bash Putin (tags)


Muhammad Allan's Suspended Detention Can Be Reversed (tags)


US Dark Forces Stoke Violence and Instability in Latin America (tags)


Genocide Advocate Appointed Israeli UN Envoy (tags)


Washington Threatens Ecuadorian Democracy (tags)


America's Sham Democracy (tags)

police state

Greek Bailout Deal: Greatest Ever Macroeconomic Management Disaster (tags)


Iran Bashing in Late Stage Nuclear Talks (tags)


Obama's Latest Demagoguery (tags)


Irresponsible Iran Bashing (tags)


Ecuadorean Dark Forces Behind Attempted Coup Plot (tags)


US Solution to Everything: War (tags)


Obama on Israel: Phony Criticism, Continuing Business As Usual (tags)


Kiev Reneges On Its Debt Obligations (tags)


UK Whistleblower Says Britain's Nuclear Deterrent a Disaster Waiting to Happen (tags)


Venezuela's Maduro in Moscow: Lunatics in Washington Want Him Ousted (tags)


Palestinian Authority Hypocrisy (tags)


Netanyahu Forms New Racist, Fascist Government (tags)


Iran: The Leading Proponent for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World (tags)


Cosmetic surgeries on the rise in Gaza (tags)

Desperate Gaza Housewives are resorting to cosmetic surgery to keep their husbands

Obama, Rogue Arab States Support Mass Murdering Yemenis (tags)


Putin and Assad Address Western Imperialism (tags)


Lurching Toward Armageddon (tags)


Washington and Kiev Want War, not Peace (tags)


An Israeli Arab speaks (tags)

Remarkable words of peace from an Israeli Arab diplomat, George Deek

Washington Prepares for Ground War in Syria (tags)


Kiev's Dr. Strangelove (tags)


Israeli Hardliners Reject Palestinian Statehood, Want War, not Peace (tags)


Nuland at Brookings (tags)


Baseless Accusations of Russian Troops in Ukraine (tags)


Russia Responds to Obama's Bombastic State of the Union Address (tags)


Report rips Jewish Voice for Peace for its tactics (tags)

Extremist group JVP exposed

US Coup in Ukraine: Oliver Stone's Documentary (tags)


Blessed Are the Peacemakers (tags)


Putin's Annual Marathon Press Conference Tour De Force (tags)


Phony Kiev Day of Silence (tags)


Assad Affirms Syrian Sovereign Independence (tags)


Hagel Sacking Suggests More War (tags)


Putin: Sanctions Violate International Law (tags)


NYT: Propaganda Bullhorn Rag Sheet (tags)


UN Gaza War Inquiry: Legitimate or Whitewash? (tags)


Netanyahu Vows Zero Tolerance (tags)


Palestinian Solidarity Day of Rage (tags)


NTO Wants More Troops to Counter Nonexistent Russian Threat (tags)


Fed Ends QE (tags)


Ukrainian Electoral Postmortems (tags)


We're All Palestinians (tags)


Stanley L. Cohen: Guilty of Doing His Job Honorably (tags)

police state

Fear-Mongering Ahead of Another US False Flag? (Part II) (tags)


Dueling Ideologies: America v. Russia and Venezuela (tags)


The Warmongering Avicidal Texas Senator John Cornyn (tags)

Cornyn's brutal votes for war and a sadistic way of hunting

Joe Biden's Rhetorical Ineptness (tags)


Vice News reporting from besieged Kobane in north Syria (tags)

Vice news reporting from besieged Kobani reports ISIS is terrifyingly close to conquering that bastion of democratic councils

Reactions to Obama's Naked Aggression Against Syria (tags)


Enlisting Support for Imperial War (tags)


Telling It Like It Is On Israel (tags)


Gaza Speaks Out: Hamas War Crimes (tags)

While the world's media has been blaming Israel for the death of Gazan civilians during Operation Protective Edge, this correspondent decided to speak with Gazans themselves to hear what they had to say. They spoke of Hamas atrocities and war crimes implicating Hamas in the civilian deaths of its own people.

Ukrainian President Poroshenko in Washington (tags)


Ukraine's President in Ottawa and Washingto (tags)


Dreaming War, Threatening Humanity (tags)


Lavrov on Syria, Ukraine and Terrorism (tags)


Sanction Wars Delay (tags)


Abbas Scuttles Fatah/Hamas Unity (tags)


Anti-Russan Sanctions Wars Continue (tags)


Castro Compares NATO to Nazis (tags)


Israel: the only nation with balls (tags)

Israel launches airstrikes in Syria after teen is killed Israeli police identified the boy as Mohammed Karaka, 14, of the Arab village of Arraba in northern Israel. Local media said he had accompanied his father, the truck driver, to work.

Afghanistan: Permanent US Occupation Planned (tags)


Ukraine's New President (tags)


Political Prisoner Nabeel Rajab Freed (tags)

police state

Putin on Ukraine's Sham Election (tags)


Putin in St. Petersburg (tags)

Putin and Lavrov

Irresponsible Syria Bashing (tags)


Kiev's War on Freedom (tags)


Kiev Wages War on Free Expression (tags)

police state

Sino/Russian Unity: What Washington Fears Most (tags)


State-Sponsore Terror in Ukraine (tags)


Ukraine's Fascist Roots (tags)


Sacking NYT Executive Editor Jill Abramson (tags)


Intricacies of economic growth (tags)


George Soros' Predatory Worldview (tags)


Eastern Ukrainian Referendum Post-Mortems (tags)


Kiev Obstructs Peaceful Dialogue (tags)


Confronting Russia and China Militarily (tags)


More Kerry Bullying, Bluster and Big Lies (tags)


Russia Bashing Escalates (tags)


Holocaust Day Remembrance Day Duplicity (tags)


Obama Threatens Russia and China (tags)


Kiev Declares War (tags)


PLO/Hamas Detente? (tags)


Marwan Barghouti on Sham Peace Talks (tags)


Unacceptable State-Sponsored Murder (tags)


Kiev Violates Four-Party Agreement (tags)


More NATO Forces for Eastern Europe (tags)


Obama Heads for War in Ukraine (tags)


Ukrainians Resist (tags)


We're All Ukrainians Now (tags)


Ukrainians Denied Democracy (tags)


Netanyahu Declares War on Palestine (tags)


Kiev Sniper Shootings: Lies v. Truth (tags)


Jonathan Pollard's Imminent Release? (tags)


Rogue State Israeli Policies (tags)


Anti-Russian Propaganda Rages (tags)


White House Crime Boss Powwow (tags)


Dueling East/West Agendas (tags)


Crimea Declares Independence (tags)


Yatsenyuk Comes to Washington (tags)


Putin on Ukraine (tags)


Israel Hypes Nonexistent Iranian Threat (tags)


Propaganda War on Russia (tags)


Crisis in Ukraine (tags)


The Damn Fool in the White House (tags)


Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Mobilize for War (tags)


Cheerleading Ukrainian Fascism (tags)


Police State Ukraine (tags)


US-Stoked Violence Rocks Ukraine (tags)


Obama's Multiple Regime Change Fronts (tags)


Racist Israeli Rabbis (tags)


Obama Planning War on Syria? (tags)


Mass Surveillance Called Illegal (tags)


Palestinians Against Fake Peace Talks (tags)


Kerry in Davos (tags)


New York's Zionist Mayor (tags)


Netanyahu and Rohani in Davos (tags)


Western Manipulated Violence in Ukraine (tags)


Harper in Israel (tags)


Shaky Syrian Peace Talks (tags)


Latino Vegetarians: A Critical Mass (tags)

There are millions of anonymous Latina vegetarians. Here are brief stories of some Latino vegetarians.

Sharonian Evil Lives (tags)


Talking Peace, Waging Wa (tags)


Obama's Fake Economic Recovery (tags)

class war

Fidel at 87 (tags)


Rand Paul v. NSA Spying (tags)


Iran Nuclear Talks Resume in Geneva (tags)


Corruption Scandal Rocks Turkey (tags)


America's War on Humanity (tags)


Mission Accomplished, Says Snowden (tags)


Hardball US Geopolitics (tags)


The Battle for Ukraine (tags)


Peace Without Occupation (tags)


John Kerry's Anti-Palestinian Agenda (tags)


Britain's War on Press Freedom (tags)


France Lies for Israel (tags)


US Atrocities in Afghanistan (tags)


Waging Economic War on Venezuela (tags)


Scuttling Middle East Peace (tags)


Israel Killed Arafat (tags)


Netanyahu Launches Anti-Iranian Twitter Campaign (tags)


Maintaining Iran Sanctions (tags)


LAPD’s Secret Reporting Getting Public Airing (tags)

LAPD’s Secret Reporting Getting Public Airing

Obamacare Fallout (tags)


Guantanamo Hunger Striking Continues (tags)

police state

Obama's War on Press Freedom (tags)


Der Spiegel Interviews Assad (tags)


Netanyahu in Washington (tags)


Remembering Edward Said (tags)

Edward Said

Syria's Troubled Waters (tags)


Mill Avenue Jack in the Box tows cars (tags)

For years the Jack in the Box on Mill Avenue in Tempe between 7th Street and University has been towing cars and ransoming them back to their owners

Marijuana dispensaries love their govenrment monoplies (tags)

Marijuana dispensaries don't want marijuana legalized because it will cut into the profits from their government issued license to steal

Evidence Shows Insurgents Responsible for Gas Attack (tags)


Media Scoundrels Wrongfully Blame Assad for Gas Attack (tags)


Assad Pledges Full Cooperation for Peace (tags)


Global Opposition to Attacking Syria (tags)


NATO Chief Urges War on Syria (tags)


Senator v. President Obama on War and Peace (tags)


Obama's War on Syria Based on Lies (tags)


Israel Poised to Attack Syria? (tags)


Police State Egypt (tags)


Bradley Manning Addresses Sentencing Hearing (tags)

police state

Syrian Conflict Resolution: Stamp Out Terror (tags)


Remembering Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907 - 1972) (tags)


Hardwired Inequality in America (tags)

class war

New report rips apart Jewish voice for peace (tags)

Exposing the tactics and alliances of the extremist anti-Israel group, Jewish voice for peace

Wrongheaded Fed Policy (tags)


Kerry's Shuttle Diplomacy Excludes Peace in Our Time (tags)


Snowden on the Move (tags)

police state

America: Police State Ruthlessness Writ Large (tags)

police state

General Wesley Clark: Whistleblower, Warrior (tags)


Obama's Berlin Moment (tags)


Big Brother Writ Large in America (tags)

police state

Philippine Senator Guingona’s mom hurt in NPA attack (tags)

Guingona, mother of Sen. Teofisto “TG” Guingona III, was returning with a six-member escort from a town fiesta in Alatagan when they were “ambushed” by the rebels

Hagel in Israel (tags)


Venezuela's Maduro Inaugurated (tags)


More Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Tariq Aziz: Victim of US Imperialism (tags)


Obama in Jerusalem (tags)


Unbreakable US/Israeli Ties (tags)


New York Times Hypocrisy (tags)


Escalating Syria's War (tags)


Hamas killed Baby in Gaza, Blamed israel (tags)

UM: A Hamas rocket killed 11 month old Omar al-Masharawi, n not an Israeli attack as previopusly reported

A Nation Mourns (tags)


Chavez: Visionary Leader Extraordinaire (tags)


Chavez: A Personal Tribute (tags)


Chavismo Lives! (tags)


AIPAC Conference Day Two (tags)


Straight Talk on Israel (tags)


Akbayan takes poll campaign to Filipino-Americans (tags)

LOS ANGELES—Akbayan’s Rep. Walden Bello began a campaign tour of Filipino American communities to raise support for his party and President Benigno Aquino III’s common reform agenda in the coming May elections.

Chavez Returns (tags)


Iran's Legal Right to Enrich Uranium Unchallenged (tags)


Obama's War on Whistleblowers (tags)

police state

Inaugural Hypocrisy (tags)


Hagel and Brennan Nominations (tags)


Syria's Liberating Struggle Continues (tags)


Piling on Syria (tags)


Israel's Lieberman Resigns (tags)


Uncertainty about Chavez's Health (tags)


Venezuelans Vote Again (tags)


Good News and Bad (tags)

police state

Dubious Reports About Fidel Castro's Health (tags)


Living with the Enemy (tags)


Education and Democracy (tags)


Unconditional Surrender in Chicago (tags)


German High Court Capitulates to Bankers (tags)

class war

Philippine communist army owns up to grenade attack in Davao City (tags)

Manila: The communist New Peoples’ Army (NPA) has owned up to the September 1 grenade attack at a village fiesta gathering in Davao City that injured at least 37 people.

Philippine Left fielding Casiño in Senate race (tags)

MANILA, Philippines—Activists are again embarking on an uphill battle to break into the elite group that makes up the Senate, with or without a formal alliance with the well-entrenched, resource-rich parties that dominate the political landscape.

Anti-Iranian Rage (tags)


Obama's War on Humanity (tags)


Remembering Gore Vidal (tags)

Gore Vidal

US Proxy Al Qaeda Death Squads in Syria (tags)


Security Council Showdown Afternath (tags)


World Economies on Life Support (tags)

class war

Duplicitous Human Rights Council Report on Syria (tags)


What We Want Them to Say, What They Want Them to Do (tags)

Money is a strong pull, there can be no denying that. There are few people that can resist its lure. I don't refer to money to purchase the basic necessities; there is almost no other way to get those in the world we live. I mean beyond that – after people have the necessities taken care of. The draw of a little more comfort, convenience or even luxury that only money can provide causes people to move towards the cash before they even know they've taken the steps. It's part of being human.

Palestinian Prisoner Unity (tags)


70th Bataan Day, A USAFFE Scout Remembers (tags)

he ALLIANCE NEWS reported today, on the 70th year of Bataan Day, that Sergeant Dominador Figuracion, 92, begged off from talking about the Fall of Bataan to the Japanese Imperial Army on April 9, 1942, and how he and some 70,000 Filipino and American soldiers had been forced to march to a concentration camp in Tarlac. Around 7,000 to 10,000 soldiers perished during the Death March. About 26,000 of the 50,000 Filipino prisoners of war at Camp O’Donnell in Tarlac died of dengue, malaria, dysentery or starvation when this was closed in January 1943, according to historical accounts.

Goldman Sachs: Making Money by Stealing It (tags)

grand theft

Mitt Romney's Hard-Right Agenda (tags)

class war

Hotel Security Guard Jailed for Sex with Minor (tags)

EJ, however, denied raping her, saying both sisters had been flirting with him since they arrived at the hotel three days previously.

S. Brian Willson Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Because of what he was doing the day he lost his legs ? September 1, 1987, in Concord, California, when he was run over by a train he and his fellow activists were trying to stop before it could deliver arms to Right-wing governments and private armies in Central America ? and his involvement in the Veterans for Peace organization, most people who?ve heard of S. Brian Willson think of him as an anti-war activist. But he?s considerably more than that. At his most recent San Diego appearance September 4 to promote his book, a combination autobiography and work of political philosophy called Blood on the Tracks, Willson presented a far-reaching critique of so-called ?human civilization? and suggested it?s all been downhill since the Neolithic period, when economic scarcity forced humans to live in small communities and share equally with each other.

Andrew Thomas going down in flames (tags)

Will former Maricopa Count Attorney Andrew Thomas get his law license revoked for his crimes against the citizens of Maricopa County? Hope so!!!!!

Police killing of Kelly Thomas rattles Fullerton (tags)

Thomas was a 37-year-old schizophrenic homeless man who died in a hospital after a violent July 5 run-in with Fullerton police next to the Fullerton Transportation Center. Police officers confronted Thomas after a call about an individual breaking into cars in downtown Fullerton. According to witness accounts, six officers used force against Thomas resulting in what appears to be a brutal beating at the hands of law enforcement. Thomas was taken off life support five days after the encounter. According to his family, Thomas battled with schizophrenia and he voluntarily drifted the streets of Fullerton and nearby cities. In the weeks following his tragic death, a community unites for justice.

Activists Discuss Debt Debate, Wonder How We Let Right Control It (tags)

Congressmember Bob Filner, San Diego labor leader Lorena Gonzalez and three other speakers appeared as part of a panel convened by Activist San Diego for their regular meeting August 15. The ostensible purpose was to discuss the recent debate in Washington over raising the nation's debt ceiling, but it soon turned into a discussion of how the Right managed to take over the debate, frame it the way they wanted and get virtually everything they wanted -- including promises of large cuts in government spending that will only worsen the economy and risk not only a double-dip recession but an outright depression. Filner talked not only about President Obama's willingness to concede the domestic agenda to the Republicans but his and the Democrats' Congressional leaders utter unwillingness to end the unaffordable wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

We didn't plan on killing him, just beating the shit out of him! Honest! (tags)

Hmmm ... Will Orange County DA Tony Rackauckas also say these guys had no intention of murdering the alleged child molester they beat to death? Like he said the Fullerton pigs had no intention of murdering Kelly Thomas?


The Alliance News (AN) learned today through media reports from Manila that President Benigno Aquino III left the country unannounced on Thursday night to hold unprecedented talks with a Muslim rebel leader in Japan. According to AN, Mr. Aquino met for two hours with Murad Ebrahim, chair of the secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), in a hotel near the Narita airport in Tokyo on Thursday evening, the first time a Philippine president has met face-to-face with a leader of the rebel group since on-and-off peace talks started 14 years ago. The MILF called Mr. Aquino?s effort a ?grand gesture? that gave ?a tremendous boost to the peace process.? Ghadzali Jaafar, the MILF political affairs chief, said it was ?a fruitful meeting.?

Police use your cell phone to spy on you (tags)

Please be paranoid about your cell phone!!!! Remember anytime your cell phone is turned on the police know where you are.


?the EPCC NEWS based in Los Angeles reported today that at least a dozen New People?s Army (NPA) rebels and an Army soldier were killed Sunday following fierce clashes between government forces and the rebels in Loreto, Agusan del Sur, a military official said Monday. But Colonel Rodrigo Diapana, commander of the Army?s 402nd Infantry Brigade based in Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur, admitted that out of the 12 rebels reported killed by soldiers, only four bodies had been recovered so far. Diapana said Sunday?s loss was a major setback for the NPA. On the other some analyst says the NPA also intensified its tactical offensives in response to intesfied AFP/PNP operations in Mindanao despite the NDF-GPH peace talks.

Sheriff Joe's Tent city jail hits 145°F (tags)

If Sheriff Joe's thugs are going to lock people up outside in the heat they should at least treat them humanely. I love hot weather, but I even thought it was a bit warm yesterday, but I had no idea it hit 118 yesterday. For years 118 was the record for Phoenix until we hit 120°F and then 122°F (50°C) maybe 20 years ago

Fullerton College Walks Out (tags)

A group of Fullerton College students walk to the office of Assemblyman Chris Norby (R-Fullerton) to demand a special election on tax extensions that would help close a $25 billion dollar state budget deficit.

Fullerton College Students Walk Out (tags)

Fullerton College students walk to the office of Assemblyman Chris Norby (R-Fullerton) demanding a special election to decide on the state budget.

San Diego Hammers Down on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, Despite Public Support (tags)

Despite overwhelming public input asking for a looser ordinance that would allow medical marijuana dispensaries to locate in commercial areas throughout San Diego and remain open while they pursued permits, the San Diego City Council voted 5-2 on Monday, March 26 for an ordinance that will close down all dispensaries for at least a year and force them to locate only in industrial zones — inconveniently far from the patients they serve. Even most of the Councilmembers who voted for the ordinance, which was tweaked at the last minute to make it slightly less restrictive, made it clear that they regard medical marijuana patients and the institutions that serve them as a detriment, not an asset, to the city.

March 19 Anti-War Protesters Target Obama (tags)

The annual anti-war demonstration sponsored by the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice (SDCPJ) in mid-March had a markedly different tone this year from the actions in 2009 and 2010. Then the protesters and rally speakers had soft-pedaled criticism of President Obama, still holding out hope that he would fulfill his campaign promise to end the U.S. occupation of Iraq and would come to realize that the war in Afghanistan — already America’s longest-lasting combat — was unwinnable and would withdraw there, too. Instead, Obama chose the eighth anniversary of former President George W. Bush’s attack on Iraq to launch U.S. air raids on Libya, thereby getting us involved in a third war against a Muslim country — and one young man at the rally summed up the attitude of most of the 300 people there by wearing a T-shirt with the famous Shepard Fairey image of Obama, and under it the words “War Criminal.”

Marcos would have turned Philippines into ‘another Singapore’ - Marcos Jr. (tags)

Just before the 24th anniversary of the 1986 EDSA People Power uprising, the son and namesake of the late strongman ousted by that revolt on Tuesday said that the country would now be as successful as Singapore had former President Ferdinand Marcos not been removed from power.

Right-Wing Queer Councilmember DeMaio Dominates San Diego Economic Debate (tags)

Openly Queer Right-wing San Diego City Councilmember Carl DeMaio dominated a forum on the city’s budget woes sponsored by the Hillcrest Town Council February 5. Three other panelists spoke ¬— former San Diego City Attorney Mike Aguirre, who stunned his supporters in the progressive community by joining DeMaio in campaigning against a proposed city sales tax increase last fall; former City Councilmember Michael Zucchet, a lobbyist for the city workers’ main union; and economics professor Alan Gin — but DeMaio and his proposed “Roadmap for Recovery,” a plan to balance the city’s budget by privatizing city jobs, slashing pensions and reducing supposedly “nonessential” city services, was the basis for the discussion and provided the context to which the other three panelists responded.

Libertarian Nick Coons thinks taxes are stealing (tags)

Libertarian Nick Coons thinks taxes are stealing - “I really don’t support any taxes, When you take someone’s property from someone without their consent, that’s theft. And I don’t support that.”



Leftist Sci-Fi Writer China Miéville Comes to San Diego (tags)

China Miéville isn’t exactly your typical multiple award-winning science-fiction writer. He’s also a Left-wing political activist, a member of the British Socialist Workers Party and former candidate for Parliament. Miéville came to San Diego for the July 22-25 Comic-Con, and took a detour for an afternoon question-and-answer session at the San Diego Public Library Sunday afternoon, July 25, during which he discussed his novels — notably his latest, “Kraken,” and his “New Crobuzon” series (“Perdido Street Station,” 2000; “The Scar,” 2001; “Iron Council,” 2002) — his politics and how the Internet has made the already difficult business of making a living from writing even harder.

Senator Joker Arroyo: Truth commission is doomed to fail (tags)

The EPCC NEWS learned that the planned truth commission to be set by by President Aquino III is doomed to fail because it is without a legal leg to stand on. Opposition Sen. Joker Arroyo said Wednesday. EPCC News said that Joker Arroyo, a lawyer, warned President Benigno Aquino III that creating a truth commission through an executive order would be futile because it would suffer from a legal infirmity

Terry "Uncle Ruckus" Anderson dead (tags)

A black man who made it his mission in life to pit the black community of South Central against Hispanics, even while working with white supremacists, has been called home by the devil.

Philippine President-elect Aquino dared to reverse mom’s neo-liberal policies (tags)

MANILA, Philippines — Akbayan party-list Representative Walden Bello on Tuesday dared President-elect Benigno Aquino III to reverse his mother’s neo-liberal policies that he said have killed Philippine agriculture and industry.

Homeless Veteran Activist Shares Horror Stories at First U-U Church (tags)

Anti-war homeless veteran and activist Maurice Martin delivered a chilling but moving presentation Friday, June 11 at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in Hillcrest. He talked about war crimes he witnessed or was involved in during his 18-month combat tour in El Salvador in 1974-75 and how his experiences there have haunted his life ever since. Martin also discussed the growing numbers of homeless veterans on our streets and what he and others are doing to help them.

Fearless Forecast: A Shaky Aquino Presidency Seen in the Philippines (tags)

Despite the election of Benigno Aquino III as the presumptive president of the Philippines, the political scene in the Philippines for the next six years is far from being an orderly and a stable nation. While Aquino got the executive post, the legislative and the judicial positions including the Supreme Court are his problems as well as the control of regional, provincial and mayoral positions that are in the control of his perceived enemies. In Congress, at the house of representatives, LP bet for Speaker , Quezon City Mayor Feliciano “Sonny” Belmonte is confident of becoming Speaker. He said that he would get the support of not only some 30 Lakas “originals” but also of party-list, Nacionalista Party (NP) and Nationalist People’s Coalition contingents in the House. The LP has only 37 elected members.Belmonte said he had even talked to the NP president, Sen. Manuel Villar,


The Armed Forces of the Philippines has started fielding more than 7,300 soldiers in Metro Manila even as it declared 10 cities in the capital region as election “hotspots.” These with news filtering to PESANTE NEWS that politicians are arming their forces and deliberately ignoring the gun ban. PESANTE NEWS also learned that the airport are packed with supporters of candidates from LA who are trying to get out of Manila due to the situation. The situation turned to the worst when 78,000 PCOS machines cocked out and and there was a call for manual elections to the COMELEC. PGMA's lawyers have formally called for a postponement of elections for the next two weeks.

immigration-law-reform (tags)


GEN DANNY LIM; Esperon, Senga Involved in ’06 plot (tags)

PESANTE NEWS today learned by media sources that now it can be told—again. This time straight from the horse’s mouth as it were. Detained Brig. Gen. Danilo Lim, a candidate for senator, on Friday claimed that the then Armed Forces Chief Gen. Generoso Senga and Army Chief Lt. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. were his accomplices in the failed February 2006 coup plot. Lim, who appeared to be acknowledging for the first time his leadership role in the Feb. 23, 2006, coup plot, claimed that Senga and Esperon had betrayed him and his fellow plotters for what he described as “political enticements” from President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. “These people are turncoats and rabid opportunists. Durin

Any Taliban about? (tags)

Obama crept into Afghanistan like a thief and quickly ran away. He lost all rspec.

Notes from the La Mesa Al aAwda Palestinian right to Return Conference (tags)

Read the full conferce report here:

Rebel Gen. Lim: Arroyo inviting military revolt (tags)

The EPCC NEWS learned through Manila media sources that a detained military rebel general said that the Philippine Palace is “concluding maneuver” to control the high court could invite a military uprising, warned a rebel officer seeking a Senate seat. “[President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo] is inviting a new military uprising,” said West pointer and Army General Danny Lim said in a statement. He said military officers and their men were disappointed with the Supreme Court ruling authorizing Ms Arroyo to name Chief Justice Reynato Puno’s successor.

CPDF; No fee for campaign (tags)

The EPCC NEWS learned today that an official of the Cordillera People’s Democratic Front (CPDF) said guerrilla leaders would allow political candidates to campaign in Cordillera villages where communist rebels operate without paying permit to campaign (PTC) fees. Simon Naogsan, spokesman of the CPDF, the local political arm of the National Democratic Front, said New People’s Army (NPA) rebels have never forced candidates to pay the NPA in exchange for access to so-called rebel territories.

War criminals (tags)

Should be hung

43 suspected NPA Rebels nabbed in Morong training seminar (tags)

the EPCC NEWS reported today that Philippine state forces on Saturday raided a resort in Morong, Rizal, owned by a prominent Manila doctor and arrested 43 suspected communist rebels attending a training seminar. Lt. Col. Noel Detoyato, spokesperson of the Army’s 2nd Infantry Division, said those arrested in the resthouse of Dr. Melecia Velmonte, a consultant at Philippine General Hospital and professor emeritus of the University of the Philippines’ College of Medicine, were “ranking New People’s Army (NPA) leaders.”


The US-based lawyer of Dacer-Corbito murder case star witness Cezar Mancao today lauded the arrest order against Senator Panfilo Lacson but urged the government to focus on the bigger conspiracy and expand indictments on all suspects identified in Mancao’s testimony. “This is good for our justice system and to the families of Bubby Dacer and Emmanuel Corbito,” lawyer Arnedo Valera said in a statement. He urged Lacson to surface and submit himself to the Philippine justice process.

PHILIPPINES: Palace happy Villar is not hitting Arroyo (tags)

MANILA, Philippines—The rumored “hidden candidate” of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) got a boost Tuesday from Malacañang.


PESANTE NEWS learned today from news sources in Davao City, Philippines that at least 150,000 people who depend on the tuna industry in General Santos City could end up jobless as a result of a two-year ban on tuna fishing in Western and Central Pacific, a fishing magnate said.

Haiti earthquake may have exposed gas and oil (tags)

From Miami Herald

David Swanson Lays Out 16-Point Plan for U.S. Left (tags)

Activist David Swanson spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in Hillcrest July 15, ostensibly to promote his book “Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union,” but actually to deliver a 16-point plan for revitalizing the American Left. His speech was full of withering scorn not only for President Obama but also for progressives who supported him in the campaign and still believe in his good intentions.

Of duty cops are allowed to park illegally? Damn right! (tags)

Off duty cops allowed to park illegally? From this bomb scare in Time Square it sounds like it!

Coffin$10, Coffee $3. (tags)

The coffins will be in big demand

Discussion with Jonathan Pershing (#2 U.S. climate negotiator) (tags)

On Nov. 23, 2009, a discussion regarding the global climate negotiation process with Jonathan Pershing (#2 U.S. climate negotiator), was held in Washington D.C. This was simulcast to the UC Berkeley Boalt School of Law, UCLA school of law, and took place at UC's extension in D.C.

Dahr Jamail Celebrates U.S. Military’s “Will to Resist” in Iraq, Afghanistan (tags)

Dahr Jamail, the independent journalist who broke the monopoly on Iraq war coverage by “embedded reporters” and reported honestly on the war for his own blog, has tackled a subject equally taboo in the corporate media: the growing number of U.S. servicemembers who are resisting the wars of occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan. The resistance takes many forms, from so-called “search and avoid” missions in the war zones to absences without leave (AWOL), conscientious objector filings and outright refusals to obey orders to deploy. While the movement hasn't reached the heights it did during the Viet Nam war — mainly because there isn't as large a mass civilian anti-war movement as there was then — it's significant for the courage and heroism of the resisters and as an index of the toll two long, grueling wars have taken on the U.S. military.

“Voices of Honor” Tour Challenges “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (tags)

O.K., so maybe you're a hard-core peacenik who wouldn't dream of joining the military or of supporting anyone who would. You should still care about the continued exclusion of open Queer people from the U.S. military under the so-called “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Not only is the policy unjust and discriminatory on its face, it's also disproportionately enforced against women and people of color — so in practice it's racist and sexist as well as homophobic. “Voices of Honor” was a national tour which wrapped up in San Diego September 30 that featured five military veterans talking about the personal strains of living under “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Author Darrel Ray Lectures on “God Virus” (tags)

It’s not every atheist author who begins a lecture to promote his book with a bit of a fire-breathing Fundamentalist Christian sermon on the nature and ubiquity of human sin and the need to appeal to the Holy Spirit to be cleansed of it. But that’s what Darrel W. Ray did at the San Diego Public Library September 19 in an appearance sponsored by the Humanist Association of San Diego (HASD). A former believer, Ray discussed the total lack of logic in religious appeals and the way religions mimic the behavior of germs in spreading from person to person, use classic hypnotic techniques in their services, and inculcate guilt in their believers — especially about sex. Ray also mentioned ways rationalists can talk to belivers without immediately putting them on the defensive, and offered help for those who are — in his words — “recovering from religion.”

Fletcher Rallies Progressive Crowd to Fight the Right (tags)

The leaflet advertising author and former labor educator Bill Fletcher's talk September 13 in Balboa Park promised a considerably more optimistic speech than the one he actually gave. Stunned by the mass demonstration in Washington, D.C. by radical-Right opponents of President Obama's supposedly "socialist" agenda, Fletcher gave a strongly worded warning to his Leftist audience that unless the American Left organizes now, not only to fight the Right but to appeal to the hearts and minds of ordinary Americans, the movement he called "Right-wing populism" — talk radio, Fox news, the "teabag" protests and the thug-like disruption of Congressmembers' town-hall meetings on health reform — will sweep the country and consign all progressive movements and any part of distributive justice and a social-welfare state to oblivion.

Blase Bonpane Denounces U.S. Support of Honduran Coup (tags)

Blase Bonpane, who's been fighing the good fight against U.S. militarism and imperialism for over 40 years, spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego September 8 and said the recent coup in Honduras couldn't have happened without the approval of the U.S. government and corporations. He reviewed America's long history of direct intervention in Latin America in general and Honduras in particular, and said the U.S. backed the Honduran coup now as an attack on the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), organized by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez as a network of Latin American countries with Leftist governments who want to be out from under the thumb of oligarchs, corporate elites, international bankers and local militaries trained at the infamous School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia.

Minutemen Terrorists "Neighborhood Watch" (tags)

Some 'neighborhood watch': Forde's Minuteman spinoff outfit was about 'starting a revolution against the government' -- with video

UN Official Says Only a Worldwide Mass Movement Will Stop Israel's Oppression of Palestine (tags)

UC Santa Barbara professor Richard Falk, elected by the UN Human Relations Commission as special rapporteur on Israel's treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories, spoke in San Diego June 5 and said only a worldwide mass movement, comparable to the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, can end Israel's oppression against the Palestinians and enable a truly just solution. He called on his listeners to take on the pro-Israel monopoly of opinion in American politics and the mainstream media, and help make Americans more aware of the depths of the suffering Palestinians experience under U.S.-funded Israeli arms.

Justice for Oscar Grant: Killer cop has hearing! (tags)

Thousands of people have seen videos of the cold-blooded police murder of Oscar Grant in Oakland, CA. On New Year’s morning BART police officer Johannes Mehserle fired his gun at point blank range into Oscar Grant’s back, killing him as he lay on the train platform, hands behind him. A preliminary hearing is now underway to determine whether Mehserle will be charged with murder or whether the charges against him will be lowered.

"Low-Wage Capitalism" Author Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Fred Goldstein, contributing editor of the Workers' World newspaper and author of the new book "Low-Wage Capitalism," spoke at the Malcolm X Library April 18 and described the current economic collapse as a classic "crisis of overproduction" in the Marxist sense. Though Wall Street greed and the bursting of the housing bubble played a part, he said, the real cause was the capitalist class's success in driving working people's wages down, not only in the U.S. but worldwide, to the point where workers can no longer afford to consume the products they produce. He called for a mass progressive movement to make explicit economic demands, especially jobs.

Mexico claims U.S. Government also corrupted (tags)

Calderon also told the media that the main cause of Mexico's drug gang problems was "having the world's biggest consumer (of drugs) next to us."


Makati Mayor and United Opposition (UNO) president Jejomar Binay yesterday described Mrs. Arroyo’s grant of pardon to the soldiers convicted of killing former Sen. Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino as an act of “petty vindictiveness.” “Pinersonal na ni Mrs. Arroyo si Presidente Cory,” Binay said. “Just to spite former President Aquino, Mrs. Arroyo has committed an injustice to the memory of Ninoy, the Aquino family and to the people,” he said.


Filipino Peasant advoccy group based in LA, Pesante-USA fully and militantly support peasant leader Randall Echanis who is holding a protest fast inside the Manila City Jail on Wednesday to mark the first year of what he said was his "very unjust" detention. "Pesante-USA is one and in solidarity with all activist organizations, relatives and sympathizers who also went on a fast and camped out in front of the Supreme Court along Padre Faura Street in Manila to call for the release of 60-year-old Echanis and denounce the Arroyo administration's "fascist stance" against activists." said, Arturo P. Garcia Pesante-USA coordinator


Filipino Peasant advoccy group based in LA, Pesante-USA fully and militantly support peasant leader Randall Echanis who is holding a protest fast inside the Manila City Jail on Wednesday to mark the first year of what he said was his "very unjust" detention. "Pesante-USA is one and in solidarity with all activist organizations, relatives and sympathizers who also went on a fast and camped out in front of the Supreme Court along Padre Faura Street in Manila to call for the release of 60-year-old Echanis and denounce the Arroyo administration's "fascist stance" against activists." said, Arturo P. Garcia Pesante-USA coordinator

Terror Detention Facility (tags)

Terror Detention Facility

SDSU Hosts Teach-In on Israel, Gaza (tags)

The political science department of San Diego State University (SDSU) fully intended their "teach-in" on the conflict between Israel and Gaza to be as objective as possible. The speakers were all professors — two Jewish, one Arab — but they agreed more than they disagreed, particularly that both Israel and Hamas had committed war crimes. Nonetheless, when the audience had a chance to ask questions, many of them proved to be militant supporters of one side or the other — and the supporters of Israel got to the public microphone first and gave the impression of having "packed" the meeting.

Israel Bloacks UC Prof/UN Rappateur (tags)

Before invading Gaza, Israel made sure to blockade medical supplies and food shipments - and also the UN's independent special rapportuer. Adding the the SHAME!


The eldest child of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Rep. Mikey Arroyo of Pampanga province, was the leader of the landlord lobby in the House of Representatives that resulted in the demise of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP), a militant party-list congressman claimed Friday. Rep. Satur Ocampo of the Bayan Muna party-list group said, “In the first all-party caucus in the middle of the year, [Speaker Prospero Nograles] called for an initial straw vote by asking the representatives to stand up. Mikey Arroyo led those who voted against CARP extension.”

II-The international Crisis WS Report, Curitiba, Pr, Br (tags)

Watch it now at web tv at

Bush administration denies funding for FBI probe of mortgage mess (tags)

The Bush administration is rejecting FBI pleas for more agents to investigate crimes that helped trigger the global financial meltdown, bureau sources said this week.

Iraq War Creates Shortage of Night Vision Gear for Domestic US Medical Pilots (tags)

The war in Iraq is creating a major - and perhaps deadly - shortage of night vision goggles for civilian pilots who fly medical helicopters in the U.S.


Moro group on Tuesday said US forces have been helping in the offensives against Moro Islamic Liberation front rebels in Maguindanao. But the military denied it even in the wake of photos taken by the Philippine Daily Inquirer which showed US forces holding an unmanned aerial vehicle during the early days of the offensive against the forces of MILF Commanders Ameril Ombra Kato and Wahid Tundok.

US troops’ stay questioned, (tags)

They are supposed to be only visitors, but after six years they are still around and some local officials are wondering whether they are already part of the Filipino family. Officially, they are called the “visiting forces” but there has been no sign that American soldiers are leaving anytime soon and the officials are asking why the “visit” seems to have become a permanent deployment. Vice Mayor Mannix Dalipe says the Arroyo administration and the Philippine military have to explain why American troops are still in Zamboanga City. “No one is giving us answers,” Dalipe said in an interview the other day.

Action Alert: Protest Police Treatment of DNC Activists (tags)

Protest police brutality against DNC activists.

McCain asked to apologize (tags)

For bombing the kids in vietnam with agent orange

Ross for the high jump (tags)

Obama to shaft Ross

Chris Hedges Exposes U.S. War Crimes in Iraq (tags)

Chris Hedges, author of "War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning" and co-author of the new book "Collateral Damage: America's War Against Iraqi Civilians," spoke in San Diego June 25 and expressed his disillusion with the American political system in general and the Democratic party in particular. He said he's not going to vote for either Barack Obama or John McCain because neither will completely withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq.

No to military offensive in Mindanao (tags)

Bishops from the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) yesterday cautioned the Arroyo government on engaging in an all-out military offensive against the Muslim rebels and bandits in Mindanao, saying such action could have repercussions on the “peace-building” efforts of the inter-religious groups in the region. “Conflicts cannot be resolved simply by military might. Conflicts can be solved by mutual understanding,” CBCP president Angel Lagdameo said during the 12th Asia Pacific Policy Forum on the “Role of Youth in Peace Building” held yesterday at the Australian Embassy at RCBC Plaza in Makati City. The event was attended by Australian officials led by Ambassador Rod Smith, student leaders, CBCP president Lagdameo, CBCP chairman on Inter-Religious dialog Antonio Ledesma, members of academe and non-government organizations.

Baldwin Park and its Agents of Gentrification, Mayor Lozano and Lover Sergio Corona (tags)

Baldinwin Park and its Agents of Gentrification. Mayor Lozano and his "Lover" Sergio Corona on the edge gentrifying and taking 125 Acres of Land for their sponsor, Bisno Developer.

Carter Urges 'Supine' Europe To Break With US Over Gaza Blockade (tags)

Carter said the Quartet's policy of not talking to Hamas unless it recognised Israel and fulfilled two other conditions had been drafted by Elliot Abrams, an official in the national security council at the White House. He called Abrams "a very militant supporter of Israel".

Before Trillanes was Vizmanos, the ‘original rebel soldier’ (tags)

efore the likes of Antonio Trillanes IV, there was Danilo “Ka Dan” Vizmanos, the quintessential “young rebel officer” who fought against martial law and continues to wage the good fight. A retired Navy captain, Vizmanos resisted Ferdinand Marcos’ dictatorship despite torture, crusaded against US military bases on Philippine soil, and campaigned to terminate the RP-US Balikatan war games in the South. “Ka Dan is the original rebel soldier,” said Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) secretary general Renato Reyes Jr.

Israel Might Have Many More Spies Here, Officials Say (tags)

The elderly New Jersey man arrested last week on charges of spying for Israel years ago was probably still working for the Jewish state’s espionage service in tandem with another, as yet unidentified spy, former American intelligence officials say.

Saudi Arabia 'braces for nuclear war' (tags)

The Kingdom 'braces for nuclear war'

Obama advisor: US Jews Hinder Peace (tags)

Obama advisor: US Jews Hinder Peace

Big business hits Philippine SC ruling (tags)

The influential Makati Business Club (MBC) on Thursday said the Supreme Court decision on executive privilege did not conform to the “progressive standards of transparency” and restricted the ability of the legislature to check presidential abuse. In a statement, the MBC said it was “very concerned” about the tribunal’s ruling on the petition of then Director General Romulo Neri of the National Economic and Development Authority to stop the Senate from questioning him further on the $329-million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China’s ZTE Corp. “Their decision gives greater value to executive privilege than to the public’s right to know, which is not in keeping with progressive standards of transparency. It also has the effect of restricting the ability of the legislature to act as a countervailing force against executive abuse,” the MBC said.

Leftwing leader claims escaping slay try in Iloilo City (tags)

A top official of the leftwing Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (New Patriotic Alliance, Bayan) in Panay narrowly escaped an alleged attempt to abduct or assassinate him, militant groups here claimed Wednesday. Aurelio Bosque, spokesperson of Bayan-Panay, said two unidentified men who were separately riding motorcycles followed him from their office in Jaro District, Iloilo City on Monday and pursued him until he and two companions sought refuge at a Kababayan Center.

"Father of Gay Leather" Makes Rare Public Appearance (tags)

Larry Townsend, author of "The Leatherman's Handbook" and many other pioneering works about Gay Leather sexuality, made a rare public appearance March 13 in San Diego to honor outgoing Mr. San Diego Leather, Lee Butler. He talked about the ways the Leather community has evolved in his nearly five decades in it, and particularly the responsibility of older Leathermen to steer young people away from drugs and STD's.

Israel threatens to unleash 'holocaust' in Gaza (tags)

Zionists: Nazis in drag

Senate Advances Bill to Cut Iraq Funding (tags)

The measure by Democratic Sens. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin and Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada would cut off money for combat after 120 days.

Finkelstein gives Israeli-American relations lecture (tags)

Finkelstein gives Israeli-American relations lecture

Over 50 Attend Progressive Community Summit (tags)

Over 50 people attended a progressive community "Mega Summit" in San Diego February 17. Organized by the San Diego County Community Coalition and San Diegans for 9/11 Truth, the event brought together representatives from various local groups ranging from anti-war and anti-drug war groups to insurgent candidates for elective office and urban landscape activists.

San Diego Hosts Alternative King Day Event (tags)

Though only 30 people attended San Diego's alternative Martin Luther King, Jr. commemorative cvelebration January 21, it represented an important challenge to the way King's "official" celebrations have been co-opted by his enemies: the police, the military and the poltiical establishment.

Transport group threatens to hold protests anew (tags)

Militant transport federation Pagkakaisa ng mga Samahan ng Tsuper at Operator Nationwide (Piston) yesterday denounced the Arroyo administration’s insistence that the government cannot suspend the 12-percent expanded value added tax (eVAT) on oil and other petroleum products in view of the high oil prices as it threatened to mount a series of nationwide protest actions.

Sison belie AFP’s decimation claim, say numbers actually growing (tags)

NDF consultant Prof. jose maria Sison refuted the military’s claim that the rebel group is weakening as its membership is being decimated due to the continuous offensive operations against it by government forces and the string of rebel surrenderees, saying its numbers are even growing nationwide. In a statement sent to the media, CPP founding chairman Jose Ma. Sison said the CPP’s armed wing, the New People’s Army (NPA), is now working the expansion of guerrillas that will cover all 173 congressional districts in the country

Forget oil, the new global crisis is food (tags)

A new crisis is emerging, a global food catastrophe that will reach further and be more crippling than anything the world has ever seen. The credit crunch and the reverberations of soaring oil prices around the world will pale in comparison to what is about to transpire, Donald Coxe, global portfolio strategist at BMO Financial Group said at the Empire Club's 14th annual investment outlook in Toronto on Thursday.

U.S. law firms could help shape Afghanistan's future — for price (tags)

Law firms that contribute money to the U.S. effort towards an effective and transparent justice system in Afghanistan will be given a say in the carrying out of those policies. Bigger contributors will have more involvement, including the opportunity to go on official trips to Afghanistan. Donations by law firms will be tax deductible, but they can't earmark donations for specific uses.Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the plan is "essential to the country's success" in combating corruption, drug trafficking and other major problems in the nation.

Muslim takes a subway beating to help Jews (tags)

It is a story of bravery and goodwill across religious divides, and normally cynical New Yorkers have taken the hero to their hearts.

Writ Of Amparo (tags)

AJLPP reported today that when Rowil Monasque faced a Pagadian City court last month on rebellion charges, he was ready to lie by the military that he went to the military voluntarily for fear of his and his family's safety.

Afghanistan Cannabis Crop Up 40 Percent (tags)

Cannabis cultivation rose 40 percent in Afghanistan this year, to 173,000 acres from 123,550 in 2006, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime estimated in its 2007 opium survey. The crop is being grown in at least 18 of Afghanistan's 34 provinces, according to the survey released last month. The U.N. report singles out Balkh as a "leading example" of an opium-free province, saying other areas should follow "the model of this northern region where leadership, incentives and security have led farmers to turn their backs on opium."

Reese Erlich: Stopping the War on Iran (tags)

Journalist Reese Erlich, author of "The Iran Agenda," spoke to a San Diego audience November 17 about the prospects for a U.S. attack on Iran. He exposed the lies being told to justify sucn an attack but also suggested the U.S. government might be backing away from the brink.

U.S plans to arm Pakistani paramilitaries (tags)

The New York Times has reported that U.S. military officials want to enlist Pakistani paramilitaries along the border with Afghanistan. At a military strategy meeting of the United States Special Operations Command, the strategy was formulated as a means of expanding the ongoing battle against the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Iraqi archivist demands US return seized documents (tags)

Millions of historical documents seized by US occupation forces from Iraqi archives remain held in the United States by the CIA and the Pentagon and must, under international law, be returned to Iraq, Dr. Saad Eskander, the director of the Iraqi National Library and Archive in Baghdad, told an audience at Columbia University in New York City on November 12.

Spy Officials Tracking Key Scientists (tags)

Tracking scientists moving from country to country to share their expertise in building biological weapons is a major challenge, a top U.S. intelligence official said Wednesday.

More Lost Weapons in Iraq (tags)

By all accounts, the businessman, Kassim al-Saffar, a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, did well at distributing the Pentagon-supplied weapons from the Baghdad Police Academy armory he managed for a military contractor. But, co-workers say, he also turned the armory into his own private arms bazaar with the seeming approval of some American officials and executives, selling AK-47 assault rifles, Glock pistols and heavy machine guns to anyone with cash in hand — Iraqi militias, South African security guards and even American contractors. “This was the craziest thing in the world,” said John Tisdale, a retired Air Force master sergeant who managed an adjacent warehouse. “They were taking weapons away by the truckload.”

Iraqi guns: Smugglers and bunglers (tags)

With Iraq sliding into civil war amid repeated reports detailing the large-scale loss of US-provided weaponry, questions arise regarding the Pentagon's alleged relationship with international gun runners.

Cell Phone Jammers (tags)

Devices Enforce Cellular Silence, Sweet but Illegal and can be had for $150

Israel seeks exemption from atomic rules (tags)

Israel is looking to a U.S.-India nuclear deal to expand its own ties to suppliers, quietly lobbying for an exemption to non-proliferation rules so it can legally import atomic material, according to documents made available Tuesday to The Associated Press.

Eric McDavid Court Report, Day 7 (Sept. 24) (tags)

Court report from day 7 of trial

Israel to be bombed (tags)

for trying to get nuclear weapons

Eric McDavid Update and Court Report from 9/12 (tags)

Report of court proceedings from 9/12

Lawmakers and Census officials spar over the benefits of a Web-based survey (tags)

Coburn agreed with the subcommittee’s chairman, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), Government Accountability Office officials and Lockheed Martin officials who said there is still time to include the Internet as an option for filling out the 2010 census survey.

The Lashkar Gah massacre (tags)

We are now slaughtering the babies


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is unfazed by the threat of “punitive action” from the government and urged it to review first the provisions of the ceasefire agreement before serving the warrants of arrest on those allegedly involved in the July 10 ambush of Marines in Basilan. MILF chief negotiator Muhaquer Iqbal said they are unfazed by the military’s threat to arrest those behind the ambush.

State raises concession in ultimatum to MILF (tags)

Making it more apparent that it is walking on eggshells on the matter, the government yesterday said while its set deadline for it had lapsed last Sunday, its doors are still open to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to surrender its members who were responsible for killing 14 Marines soldiers after an encounter in the island province of Basilan in the South two weeks ago. Government peace panel chief Rodolfo Garcia told reporters in an interview that even after its ultimatum had passed with the Muslim secessionist group ignoring its call, the government still hopes the MNLF’s leadership would be honorable enough to yield its members who killed 14 Marines soldiers, and even beheaded and mutilated the bodies of 10 of them, in an accidental clash in Tipo-Tipo, Basilan last July 10.


-The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is deploying another Marine battalion in Basilan to augment government forces massing up in the province in preparation for the hunt for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebels behind the June 10 ambush. “We will be deploying another Marine battalion to the area, on top of the earlier deployment of a Marine battalion from Sulu to Basilan,” AFP Public Information Office chief Lt. Col. Bartolome Bacarro said. He said the deployment of additional troops is in anticipation of a bigger force against military operations following “punitive actions against the suspects.”

baby abuse (tags)

is the in thing with the priests

Kissinger-led U.S. group attends closed debate at Putin home (tags)

A group of Russian and U.S. dignitaries gathered Friday at the presidential residence near Moscow behind closed doors in a bid to repair shattered ties.

Congress wants him out (tags)

The American people want him out

I believe my dreams are real (tags)

Even if they're your nightmares

Jerusalem conference (tags)

To recommend withdrawl from West Bank

CBCP slams conduct of midterm elections (tags)

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) expressed dismay yesterday over the conduct of the May 14 midterm elections, saying the challenge of credible, honest, meaningful and peaceful polls remains. CBCP president Archbishop Angel Lagdameo lamented that “vote-buying and other anomalies have already become systematic and even cultural.” He said election watchdogs, including the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV), said the problem no longer lies in the voters but the voting system itself and the irresponsibility of some election officials.

PHILIPPINES:Gonzales to Reds: Truce or terror tag? (tags)

National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales, who assumed his post yesterday as officer-in-charge of the defense department prior to the installation of the permanent defense secretary, warned communist rebels that they would be identified as terrorists once the anti-terror law or the Human Security Act of 2007 takes effect this month. Gonzales said the New People’s Army (NPA), however, could avoid the terrorist tag if the rebels declare a ceasefire. “If the NPA rebels refuse to implement a ceasefire, they will be branded as terrorist like the Abu Sayyaf, Rajah Solaiman Group and the Jemaah Islamiyah,” Gonzales told reporters during turnover rites at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City, attended by outgoing Defense Secretary Hermogenes Ebdane Jr. and Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita.

Hanging from the brush... (tags)

"They are hanging from the brush and we took the stepladder"...

Bishops: 'Power politics' behind Jalosjos commutation (tags)

Despite Malacañang’s repeated denials, Catholic bishops suspect politics was behind President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s decision to commute the sentence of convicted rapist and former Zamboanga del Norte congressman Romeo Jalosjos. Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Episcopal Commission on Prison Pastoral Care (ECPPC) executive director Rodolfo Diamante said the act also shows the “bias" of the administration towards known political allies. “Obviously it’s political because how come Jalosjos was given that privilege and denied the others who are more deserving," Diamante said in a statement posted on the CBCP website (

Blair bites the hand that feeds (tags)

He won't get his house paid for this way.

Senator Joker Arroyo puts down proclamation as like Famas award night (tags)

Sen. Joker Arroyo on Thursday likened the proclamation rites of 10 winning senators to a “Famas award” night, with election officials as presentors and leading men. Arroyo snubbed the affair held Wednesday evening at the Philippine International Convention Center, but denied it was because his friend Sen. Ralph Recto lost in the election.

Is he still sitting behind me? (tags)


Bush surrenders (tags)

the president surrenders

More on Michael Moore's Sicko (tags)

US government trying to seize new Michael Moore film, says producer Harvey Weinstein fires latest shot in battle over healthcare documentary

RP fails to get rating firm’s confidence vote (tags)

THE Philippines failed to secure a confidence vote from one of three important foreign credit-rating companies, after the country’s revenue-generating agencies missed collection targets for the first quarter. In a statement issued Friday night, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said it kept its credit-rating outlook for the country, currently stable, dashing government hopes that the rating company would lift the same to positive.

Fil-Am Vets Ask VA Sec Nicholson to Resign: Group rallies in front of VA Clinic in LA (tags)

About 20 Filipino World War II veterans and their supporters rallied in front of the Veterans Affairs (VA) outpatient clinic in Los Angeles on May 8 to ask for the resignation of Secretary of Veterans Affairs R. James Nicholson. The protest occurred after last week’s Associated Press report that said Nicholson paid bonuses of up to $33,000 to senior federal workers amidst a $1 billion shortfall in the VA budget.

Chutspa (tags)

loads of it

Philippine Military Put Up P1-M bounty for MNLF Commander Ustadz Habier Malik in Sulu (tags)

The Philippine military is offering a P1-million reward for the capture of National Liberation Front (MNLF) commander Ustadz Habier Malik who has been leading clashes against government troops in Sulu for a week now. Armed Forces chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon said Malik, who has some 300 to 500 armed followers, has joined the Abu Sayyaf terrorists, the target of a separate massive military offensive. "We should be very careful about this because definitely there is a group that would try to exploit the situation, at least the Abu Sayyaf," he said. "Let us be very clear," he said. "This is not an operation against the MNLF. This is an operation against Habier Malik so that he will be made to answer for his criminal liabilities, including the death of a child."

War in Mindanao :Palace, AFP reject OIC call for ceasefire in Sulu (tags)

Manila-- Malacañang is giving full support to the military offensive against renegade Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) forces in Sulu, which entered its fourth day of fierce fighting yesterday. While the government acknowledges the appeal of the 47-nation Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) to disengage forces, Presidential Spokesman Ignacio Bunye said there must be an assurance against further attacks from the renegade forces. Nearly 8,500 families ( 40,000 people)have fled the fighting and thousands crammed into schools and gymnasiums in downtown Jolo, relying on food rations from disaster agencies. The mass evacuations are a bitter development for conflict-scarred residents, who had hoped Jolo was becoming a more stable place after a long-running military campaign to rid the island of scores of Islamic militants.

8,000 families displaced in Sulu fighting; OIC steps in (tags)

More than 8,000 families ( 40,000 people)have fled their homes as Marines and Army troops hunted down renegade Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) commander Habier Malik and his men, who have killed 12 people in Sulu. For three days now, thousands of troops have been sent to Sulu to run after Malik’s band after he escaped when the military captured his sprawling hilltop encampment in Panamao, Sulu on Sunday. Reports said several MNLF commanders, along with an undetermined number of fighters from the towns of Pata, Daungdong and Capual in Sulu, are now fighting alongside Malik.

Documentary (tags)

The new philanthropy

AIPAC army council meet (tags)

4 members of the AIPAC's executive met as the Army Council

4 more years (tags)

of useless bloodshed

MILF: AFP hawks ruining peace deal (tags)

Muslim MILF leader Hadji Murad on Thursday accused “hawkish” Philippine officials of trying to sabotage peace talks. Moro Islamic Liberation Front Chairman Murad Ebrahim welcomed President Arroyo’s move this week to rein in military units operating in rebel-held areas in Mindanao to salvage the talks but said some officials were undermining these efforts.

AIPAC’s Gabfest: Israel Lobby Shows Off Its Power (tags)

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was in Washington, DC, for a three-day gabfest. Leaders of both the Democratic and Republican Parties were slated to make appearances at the event held at the Washington Convention Center. The Israel First Lobbying group is known for its dominating influence over the U.S. Congress and the presidency. Outside the Center, on March 12, 2007, activists made their voices of protest heard.

Indefinate war (tags)

That's what we have now because israel wants it so.

And Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall... (tags)

Minuteman Founder, Jim Gilchrist, Gets The Boot!

Tommy Morrison cleared - JUST LIKE "MAGIC" (tags)

More than a decade after he was indefinitely suspended following a positive HIV test on the eve of a 1996 fight in Las Vegas, that day is here. He has been cleared to return to the ring after passing a battery of medical tests.

James Howard Kunstler: “America, Think Downscale!” (tags)

America is headed for “a long emergence,” according to author, James H. Kunstler. He’s convinced that the days of the economy running on a cheap supply of fast-fading oil will soon be history. He spoke at Loyola College in Baltimore, MD, on Feb. 20, 2007. Kunstler said it’s time for the country to think: “Downscale!” He sees hard times ahead. Kunstler also doesn’t think much of how the U.S. looks either. He said much of it is a “piece of crap.”

The Russians also lost (tags)

in Afghanistan

David Simon: “We’re Headed Towards Separate Americas!” (tags)

The award-winning author of the acclaimed HBO program, “The Wire,” painted a grim picture of this country. David Simon said: “We’re headed [towards] separate Americas.” Speaking at Loyola College, in Baltimore, MD, on Feb. 6, 2007, he said that “unencumbered Capitalism has become our God.” In our greedy society, Simon underscored: “Human are worth less, not more: less.” He said America is going to be a “more brutish, cynical and divided place.”

Local Marine, Alejandro Carrillo, Killed in Iraq (tags)

A 22-year-old Marine sergeant from Carson, who often came back to his high school alma mater to encourage students to stay in school, has been killed in combat in Iraq. Marine Sgt. Alejandro Carrillo, a Carson High School graduate, died Jan. 30 while conducting combat operations in Anbar. He was a driver with a combat logistics battalion.

MILF fighter killed in Taytay raid (tags)

A suspected Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebel was killed in a shootout with Marines and police on an island in Laguna de Bay near Metro Manila yesterday. Following the pre-dawn raid, government forces also captured three other suspected MILF fighters in a hideout in Barangay Sta. Ana in Taytay, Rizal near the cities of Pasig and Taguig in Metro Manila. Meanwhile, MILF spokesman, Eid Kabalu, said Mohammad and Sanjali Utto are bandits, not members of the secessionist group. "They are not MILF," he said. "Police are linking them to our organization. We have no members active in Rizal." Kabalu said the police action of linking the captured suspects with the MILF could further delay the resumption of peace talks with the government. "It appears there are certain sectors out to sabotage the talks," he said.

Local Soldier, Cornell C. Chao, Killed in Iraq (tags)

U.S. Army pilot Cornell Chao, 36, formerly of Fullerton, died Sunday when his Apache helicopter crashed in Najaf, Iraq.

New GMA's Appointments: Ebdane to DND, Nachura to SC (tags)

Malacañang formally announced yesterday the appointment of former public works chief Hermogenes Ebdane Jr. as the new defense secretary, ignoring recommendations for a civilian to head the sensitive post. Ebdane, 58, replaces Avelino Cruz, who quit unexpectedly in November, fueling speculation of a rift in President Arroyo’s Cabinet over moves to change the Constitution. Also at Malacañang yesterday, Chief Justice Reynato Puno announced Mrs. Arroyo’s appointment of Solicitor General Antonio Eduardo Nachura as Supreme Court associate justice. Ebdane was reportedly the one who brought out of the country former elections commissioner Virgilio Garcillano at the height of the vote rigging controversy involving Mrs. Arroyo. Ebdane denied the accusations

Clashes continue between AFP militias and MILF; 6 killed in Mindanao (tags)

Reports from the militart Camp Siongco reported that three progovernment militias and three Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebels were killed in continuing military operations in remote villages of Midsayap, North Cotabato. Meanwhile, MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu denied the military’s account, citing it was the soldiers who harassed their forces stationed near Barangay Rangaban on January 25. “The military shelled our position and followed up by continuing ground operation until Saturday afternoon,” he said.

Iraq leader's silence raising questions about Bush plan (tags)

"The Bush administration has one view of Iraqi reality in which Maliki is ... an honest broker," said W. Patrick Lang, a former head of Middle East intelligence at the Defense Intelligence Agency. "In my view, Maliki is one of any number of Shiite Arab activists who are seeking to consolidate Shiite control."

Philippine Armed Forces target: 5 communist reb fronts (tags)

Reports from Northern Command Camp Aquino, said, five communist guerrilla fronts in four regions where the New People’s Army has first taken root since its founding in 1969 are targeted for dismantling this year, the Army’s Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) chief said on Thursday.

Migrant workers spark debate in Asean meet (tags)

The rights of Southeast Asia’s vast army of migrant workers are proving to be a source of dispute for regional nations looking to agree a labor deal this week, an official said Wednesday. The 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) plans to issue a declaration at its annual summit aimed at shoring up the rights and working conditions of the bloc’s migrant labor force.

RP, US: VFA review only after Smith case over (tags)

Both Malacañang and the United States Embassy said yesterday that the review of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) will only take place once the rape case against US Marine Lance Corporal Daniel Smith reaches its conclusion. While Malacañang said the Philippine government should already study the controversies that resulted from the implementation of the accord, US Embassy charge d’affaires Paul Jones said the US government will wait and see how the case concerning Smith’s custody progresses.

It is not sweet with nimble feet to dance upon the air (tags)

So said oscar, anyway

Bush joins Al-Qaeda (tags)

He's fed up fighting and losing for Israel

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said America losing war (tags)

the United States is losing the "civil war" in Iraq

Philippine NSA Gonzales wants House leftists labeled Reds (tags)

While other thought the Cold War was over. for National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales, his crusade against communism is on a high gear! Gonzales is proposing to “label” left-leaning party-list candidates as communists to caution voters, particularly soldiers and policemen, against voting what he calls democracy’s enemies into the halls of Congress. Anakpawis party-list Rep. Crispin Beltran, who has been in jail for the last ten months, yesterday scored Gonzales for warning that leftist provocateurs were out to sabotage today’s anti-Charter change rally at the Rizal Park.

Proud to be American (tags)

Slaughter the kids

December 17 Mass Rally in Manila:Unresolved issues justify protest, say bishops (tags)

AJLPP -USA and Philippine news sources reported today that the December 17 prayer rally in Manila will push through. AN “escalation of crises” that the leaders of the country’s Roman Catholic Church can no longer take sitting down prompted the Church to spearhead tomorrow’s planned huge prayer rally at Manila’s Rizal Park. News reports also confirmed that top officials of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines yesterday rebuffed calls from administration stalwarts for them to abandon the rally at the Quirino Grandstand in the wake of the decision by Ms Arroyo’s allies to scrap plans to convene a constituent assembly. The CBCP secretary general, Msgr. Juanito Figura, said the CBCP could no longer ignore the escalating problems facing the country, including the questions surrounding President Macapagal-Arroyo’s disputed victory in the 2004 elections. Figura specifically cited the “Garci” tapes, which set off the election controversy, the P728-million fertilizer fund scam and the so-called Mayuga report on the alleged involvement of military officials in election fraud as among the issues unresolved to this day. “The Church cannot play blind, deaf and mute to the sufferings that these issues have brought,” Figura said in a press conference.

Immigration group may not be what they seem (tags)

By Michele R. Marcucci, STAFF WRITER

Cory Aquino to join Dec. 17 Anti Charter Change rally at Luneta , Philippines (tags)

After the serties oftropical storms, a new political storm is brewing in the Philippines. The Icon Of Filipino People Power whose constiution of 1987 is named after ( The Cory Constitution of 1987) --the target of the US-Arroyo regime charter change yesterday said she would take part in the Church-led prayer rally on Dec. 17 to protest the Palace-backed move by administration congressmen, since withdrawn, to amend the 1987 Charter through a constituent assembly (Con-ass). In a brief statement, former President Corazon “Cory” Aquino also called on the people to join the rally at the Rizal Park . She said in a statement: “I will join the prayer rally on Sunday at the Luneta to express my moral outrage at the attempt of administration congressmen to foist their processed idea of Charter change upon the nation by turning Congress into a constituent assembly,”

Rumy loved torture (tags)

and directly ordered it.

US-Arroyo Regime Beat a Retreat : Stop Con-ass now (tags)

President Macapagal-Arroyo, sensing grave political fall-out from her manuverings, had instructed her political affairs adviser Gabriel Claudio on Friday to “order” the lawmakers allied with her to drop the constituent assembly (Con-ass) as a means of changing the Constitution, Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita said yesterday.

America is now the worlds biggest, best police state!!! (tags)

Amerika the worlds #1 police state! More people are behind bars in the United States than in any other country in the world. The U.S. incarceration rate of 737 per 100,000 people in the worlds highest.

Bin Laden at White House (tags)

He said Bush killed more Americans than him

Seems like these American GIs don't know that THEY are the terrorists! (tags)

They [the Iraqis] blame us for all their problems. They look at us as the terrorists and then they turn around and help the terrorists who are trying to kill us."

After lifetime in U.S., deported man a stranger in his homeland (tags)

Deported from the United States 39 years after he entered it illegally, Fernandez's hopes of a quick return to his wife and son in Utah were crushed when the U.S. Supreme Court

Esperon: AFP to wipe out NPA rebels in next 3 years (tags)

The military announced an intensified offensive against communist rebels in the country, vowing to wipe out the insurgency over the next three years, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief General Hermogenes Esperon Jr. said.

Ex-Minutemen want harder look at group's finances (tags)

By Susan Carroll Houston Chronicle Tucson, Arizona | Published: 11.23.2006

Cheney will bring us home in boxes (tags)

Of course, he was afraid to go to war himself.

Darfur crisis- the worse is yet to come (tags)

The crisis in Darfur could become "infinitely worse" if a deal to send a combined United Nations and African force is not implemented quickly, the U.N. humanitarian chief said Saturday.

There is NOT a civil war in Iraq (honest! swear to god!) (tags)

There is NOT a civil war going on in Iraq! Everything is undercontrol! - Asked about his testimony in August that Iraq could fall into civil war ... , Gen. John Abizaid said that more recently the situation has improved

Submission to Iraq Study Group (tags)

The new map of iran has been presented to the Iraq Study Group.

The KKK and Immigration with Links to the Minutemen (tags)

The KKK were the first to have a border patrol.

Gen. Sanchez Retires (tags)

RIO GRANDE CITY — Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez blamed the ghosts of Abu Ghraib for forcing him out of a military career that spanned 33 years. The 55-year-old Rio Grande City native and one-time top U.S. commander in Iraq retired in a formal ceremony at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio on Wednesday.

when CELEBRATIONS go BAD (tags)

Halloween review

DNA clears inmate 25 years after his conviction for rape (tags)

It's 10th overturned case in 5 years for Dallas County; DA denies a pattern

U.N. expert questions U.S. terror law (tags)

Of course it's unconstitutional! It flushes the Bill of Rights down the toilet! But will the Supremes rule that?

Exporting the American Police State to Afghanistan and Iraq. (tags)

Ex-Mesa cop Steve Corich will be training cops in Afghanistan to work for the Amerikan Police State in Afghanistan

Union dumps stealth neo-Nazi school board candidate (tags)

Joe Turner, a stealth neo-Nazi candidate for the San Bernardino Unified City School District, was dumped last night by Chapter 183 of the California School Employees Association after his links to white supremacist groups were revealed. In the below photograph, Turner is shown talking with neo-Nazi skinheads at the anti-day laborer protest in Laguna Beach in July 2005. The skinhead to his immediate left wearing a cowboy hat is holding up a sign that Turner brought to the demonstration. Many people can attest to the fact that Turner and other SOS members protested along with neo-Nazis for several hours that day. This photo can be found at:

CA Green Candidate May Win US House Seat (tags)

He used to help produce hits for Ace of Base and Miami Sound Machine, but now Byron De Lear, 40, has a US Congressional seat in California's San Fernando Valley within his reach. If he wins, he would become the first US House member representing the Green Party.

Philippine Military To hire 9,000 militia to end insurgency by 2010 (tags)

The military will recruit 3,000 new soldiers and 9,000 additional militiamen to boost the counterinsurgency campaign and end the communist uprising by 2010, Armed Forces chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. said yesterday. Esperon said President Arroyo approved the recruitment of 9,000 members of the Civilian Armed Forces Geographical Units (Cafgus) and 3,000 troopers to be deployed in areas threatened by communist New People’s Army (NPA) rebels as part of the government’s intensified counterinsurgency drive.

U.S. bars victim of torture from entry to receive award (tags)

The American police state is starting to look more and more like the police states of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union gulag and the iron fist rule of Red China.

MILF: Raps vs Murad imperil peace talks (tags)

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) protested yesterday the inclusion of its chieftain, Al Haj Murad, in a criminal complaint filed in connection with the recent bomb attack in Makilala, North Cotabato, warning it could endanger the already stalled peace talks. Police filed a murder complaint the other day against Murad and several suspected MILF commanders with the Kidapawan City prosecutor’s office for allegedly plotting the Oct. 10 bombing that killed six people and wounded 29 in Makilala town, government prosecutor Al Calica said.

Local Soldier, Kenny F. Stanton Jr., Killed in Iraq (tags)

A Hemet High School graduate who was a budding journalist and a youth leader at his church has become the latest Inland serviceman -- and the third from his school -- to be killed in the war in Iraq.

Arizona man still locked up from Sept. 11 terror sweeps (tags)

In a jail cell at an immigration detention center in Arizona sits a man who is not charged with a crime, not suspected of a crime, not considered a danger to society.

Fighter jets in air minutes after crash (tags)

It is sure scary this police state mentality we now live with. Minutes after this plane crash in NYC the government sent up fighter planes up looking for terrorist airplanes to shoot down over NYC and other cities across the country.

Local Navy Seal, Michael Monsoor, Killed in Iraq (tags)

GARDEN GROVE – Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor was supposed to come back home from Iraq in about two weeks, in time for Halloween, his favorite holiday. Monsoor died Friday while conducting combat operations against enemy forces in Ramadi, Iraq, the Department of Defense announced Tuesday.

E-mails to teen House pages prompt FBI investigation (tags)

When it comes to victimless sex crimes government rules who commit these crimes never seem to be punished, while common people who get busted for the same victimless crimes usually get draconian prison sentances.

Jesus, George is that... (tags)

...a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

US to beef up hunt for Abu-JI terrorists (tags)

The United States is increasing its support for the ongoing military offensive in Sulu against the Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah to hasten the capture of Abu Sayyaf chief Khadaffy Janjalani and Umar Patek and Dulmatin of JI, Defense Secretary Avelino Cruz said here yesterday. Cruz said Rear Adm. William VanMeter Alford Jr., chief of staff of the United States Pacific Command (USPACOM), made the commitment in a meeting with President Arroyo during her stop here on Sunday.


Moro Islamic Liberation Front chairman Murad Ebrahim has called on his fellow Muslims and members of the indigenous communities to stand up together and defend their "homeland." Murad issued the call following last week's stalemate in the peace negotiations

Cabua, not Palparan to the NSA (tags)

The World Council of Churches has condemned the killings and called on the government to disband the death squads, private militias, and paramilitary forces operating in the country. The church group also asked the United Nations Human Rights Council, wherein the Philippines is a member, to take up the issue of extra-judicial killings in the country. Danilo Ramos, secretary general of the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas, said Palparan should be punished not commended. "His appointment (to a new government post) is like unleashing the butcher on the whole nation to carry out a bloodbath."

I Was Heartcrunched by Crunch Fitness (tags)

Consumer Report: Beware L.A. members, Crunch is a good gym but count your fingers. Paul Goodman is right: corporations don't have to say they're sorry.

Palparan named deputy NSA (tags)

President Arroyo has appointed controversial Army Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan as deputy national security adviser for the government’s anti-insurgency campaign, Malacañang announced yesterday. Presidential chief of staff Michael Defensor said Palparan will assume his new post when he officially retires from the military on Sept. 11. As expected, Palparan’s appointment to a sensitive government post was denounced by militant groups that have complained that the retiring Army officer is behind the extra-judicial killings of leftist activist

Muslims: The New Jews (tags)

As the war on terror heads into its sixth year, a new racial stereotype is emerging in America. Brown-skinned men with beards and women with head scarves are seen as "Muslims" -- regardless of their actual faith or nationality.

You don't need a Weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. (tags)

And you don't need The UN to impose sanctions.

Valley Park, PA enacts Joe Turner's/SOS law (tags)

Valley Park, Pensylvannia follows lead on illegal alien law; same law close to passage in several California cities

Buy more then one cell phone and your a terrorist!!!! (tags)

Hmmm.... Will you need to get a Brady Bill Background check before buying an assult cellphone?????

Rogue Israeli State Protested at White House Rally (tags)

What are people of conscience suppose to do in response to the unspeakable acts of barbarism being perpetrated daily by Israel? In America, they can still go out on the streets and protest. This is what happened on Sat., Aug. 12, 2006, in Washington, D.C. A rally at Lafayette Park, near the White House, organized by Arab-Americans, protested the relentless terror bombing of innocent civilians in Gaza and Lebanon by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF).

the terrorist alert level is raised to pink! or is that azul, sienna, pale violet (tags)

the terrorist alert level is raised to pink! or is that azul, sienna, pale violet red or maybe sandstone orange???? and remember the government has banned toothpaste, makeup, suntan lotion, and all other liquids and gels from carry on luggage for your protection!!!

US-RP Military dared to show proof of JI operations in Sulu (tags)

MILITARY authorities should justify their offensive in Sulu by presenting credible proof that Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) operatives from Indonesia are operating there, Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel Jr. said in a statement Saturday.

Sulu air, ground offensive continues (tags)

The Navy captured four suspected Abu Sayyaf supporters yesterday as they tried to breach a naval blockade of Jolo, Sulu to flee the military’s artillery bombardment and air strikes, which continued for the third day yesterday. The offensive is targeting Abu Sayyaf chieftain Khadaffy Janjalani and Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) militants Umar Patek and Dulmatin who are wanted for the Bali bombings in Indonesia in October 2002.

U.S.Marines are "Valiant & Courageous"! (except answering for their dirty deeds! (tags)

TIKRIT, Iraq - Four U.S. soldiers accused of murdering Iraqi detainees refused to testify Thursday at a military hearing, where witnesses described how one of the victims spat blood as he lay dying and another was covered in brain matter.

LA City Council flushs First Amendment down the toilet (tags)

Ratcheting up restraints on public comment, the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved new rules of ''decorum'' designed to squelch offensive and disruptive behavior at council meetings, ranging from foul language and racial slurs to singing, whistling, foot-stamping and other boisterous conduct.

This war toy will only cost every man, woman, and child in the USA $700 (tags)

Wow what a bargin!!! At $200 billion this anti-missile systems will only cost $700 for every man, woman, and child in the USA. What a bargin! Lets buy it now in case of the one in a million chance that North Korea starts shooting missiles at the good old United States of Amerika!

Police spies chosen to lead war protest (tags)

Friday, July 28, 2006

Two Oakland police officers working undercover at an anti-war protest in May 2003 got themselves elected to leadership positions in an effort to influence the demonstration, documents released Thursday show.

Hollywood firm gets to use freeway for Free!!!! (tags)

City slickers from Hollywood sucker Mesa hillbilly government rulers into letting then use a Mesa freeway to film an expensive move for FREE! Mesa citizens are not as dumb as their hillbilly government rulers and are pretty angry because they can’t use the freeway and because the rich Hollywood firm gets to use it for free.

Troops grow disillusioned (tags)

"Think of what you hate most about your job. Then think of doing what you hate most for five straight hours, every single day, sometimes twice a day, in 120-degree heat," he said. "Then ask how morale is."

‘Amnesty’ to GMA: Stop leftist killings (tags)

Amnesty International has called on President Arroyo to do more to stop a spate of killings targeting leftist activists. Mrs. Arroyo must "show she means business by implementing concrete measures to prevent the deaths of more activists," Amnesty deputy director for Asia-Pacific Tim Parritt said in a statement issued in Manila yesterday. Among other things, the President should "strengthen implementation of witness protection laws," Parritt said.

You Can Count on Villaraigosa (tags)

Mayor, You have some splainin to do!

The Minutemen $cam (tags)

A growing number of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps leaders and volunteers are questioning the whereabouts of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of dollars in donations collected in the past 15 months, challenging the organization's leadership over financial accountability.

Lebanese defense minister: Army will fight ground invasion (tags)

"The Lebanese army - and I stress - the Lebanese army will resist and defend and will prove that it is an army that deserves respect," he said.

New AFP Chief Esperon vows to crush insurgency (tags)

New Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Lt. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon vowed yesterday to crush the 37-year-old communist insurgency during his watch, saying he would devote his last years as a soldier to finish the task. "The President has renewed her call for the defeat of the insurgents ... I welcome the challenge," Esperon said in a speech as he formally took the helm of the 117,000-strong AFP.

Philippine Army Lt.San Juan turns back on Magdaló comrades (tags)

“I reaffirm my allegiance to the Constitution and the Armed Forces of the Philippines,” San Juan said. Rumors had surfaced in past weeks that San Juan, who belongs to the elite Light Reaction Company (LRC), had broken off from the Magdaló.

Immigrant conspiracy case tossed (tags)

Its nice to see Sheriff Joe and Maricopa County Nazi Andrew Thomas get slapped by the courts!

glory of Washington (tags)


MM Prove Too Much for GOP (tags)

Minutemen prove to be too much even for Texas Republicans

Tax dollars to fund study on restricting public data (tags)

Hmmmm.... A one million dollar grant by the feds to this law school to come up with excuses to flush the Freedom of Information Act down the toilet. I bet the number of reasons they come up with to flush the constitution down the toilet is directly proportional to the amount of money the feds give them!

NDF calls for peace talks resumption (tags)

The prospect for the resumption of the peace negotiations in the Philippines remains bright despite the all-out attack of the Arroyo regime against the NPA and the MILF. Pesante-USA.AJLPP reprints the news article on the armed conflict that besets the county. Amid the government’s all-out offensive against the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and its armed wing, the New People’s Army (NPA), the National Democratic Front (NDF) pushed yesterday for the resumption of peace talks with the government.

Judge tosses confession in Fla. killing (tags)

Lawyer???? You can't have a stinking lawyer if he prevents you from confessing!!!! At least thats what the cops said!

Jewish Journal Clears South Central Farmers of Anti-Semitism (tags)

Did Anti-Semitism Take Root at the South Central Farm?

Modesto Report (tags)

Modesto Report from Modesto Bee Staff Writer Tim Moran and SF Indy Media

Deja Vu - Plot to blow up Sears Tower, Phoenix Federal Court House (tags)

Revealed: the shrapnel evidence that points to Israel's guilt (tags)

Mr Garlasco [HRW's military analyst and former Pentagon battle damage expert] produced a four to five-inch, mainly blackened shell fragment which he collected about 100 yards from the scene of the explosion and in which the figures 55 and the letters "mm" are clearly discernible...Israel has dismissed continuing calls for an independent international inquiry into the beachfront explosion... Mr Garlasco who accompanied a small group of journalists to the Beit Lahia beach, pointed to three separate craters, each covered in a whitish powder, which he said were fresh, one of which was at the spot where witnesses agree the fatal blast occurred, and the two others separated it from it by about 120 and 250 yards. Mr Garlasco added: "It would be a really ridiculous coincidence if there is active shelling and then suddenly an IED [improvised explosive device] goes off."

MILITARIZATION IN THE PHILIPPINES:Troops sent to C. Luzon urban areas (tags)

Pesante-USA reprinted the news from the Inquirer on intesifying militarization now in the ruban areas of Central Luzon. As the news indicted : Army Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan Jr. has repositioned his troops in key cities and towns in Pampanga and Bulacan, a counterinsurgency move never before done in Central Luzon in post-martial law years. Palparan, commander of the 7th Infantry Division, on Tuesday confirmed to the Inquirer the shifting of about 500 of his forces in the City of San Fernando, Angeles City and Mabalacat town in Pampanga and in Malolos City, Bulacan, Obando, Hagonoy, Pandi and Sta. Maria towns in Bulacan since last week.

Ralph Nader: “Americans Need Moral Courage!” (tags)

Ralph Nader spoke at a campaign rally, in Baltimore, MD, on behalf of Kevin Zeese, who’s running as an Independent for a U.S. Senate seat. Nader called his former press secretary, “a great candidate.” An activist’s activist, Nader said a vast majority of Americans need a dose of “moral courage.” They have allowed “a few,” to rule over the many. “Democracy,” Nader said, “isn’t a slogan. People need to get motivated, show up and get organized.”

White House: Haditha findings to be made public (tags)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The results of an investigation into the killings last year of 24 Iraqi civilians will be released to the public when the Marine Corps' investigation is complete, the White House said.

Hizbullah draws massive crowd to mark Israeli withdrawal (tags)

A quarter of a million Hizbullah supporters packed a square in the southern port city of Tyre Friday to mark the anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from South Lebanon in 2000. A day earlier, the Islamic resistance group had launched a 10-day campaign to collect funds for Palestine, which is facing a crippling Western aid boycott after the election of Hamas.

"PMDB is not a prostitute", (tags)

says Garotinho lean as who has just left a spa.The former-governor of Rio, Anthony Garotinho was the center of the attentions during the convention of the PMDB.

M1: Chicago police bracing for 300,000-strong march (tags)

Chicago presente!

Kevin Zeese: “Hawkish Israeli Lobby Wants War with Iran!” (tags)

The Israeli Lobby, with others, helped to instigate the Iraqi War. A scholarly report, the “Harvard Study,” which was recently released, also documents the “unmatched power” of the Lobby over the national interest. Now, the Bush-Cheney Gang is targeting Iran for a pre-empted strike. Is the hawkish, hard right, pro-Israeli Lobby pushing for a war with Iran, too? Kevin Zeese, an independent candidate for U.S. Senate In MD, thinks that it is.

Small business interests attack Costa Mesa Mayor (tags)

“What we have here is something that is nothing more than grandstanding and symbolism and it is symbolically scaring people,” said Blank. “What we need is a national immigration policy. We don't need a cowboy sitting in the mayor's seat in Costa Mesa saying, 'I'm going to round them all up and send them away.'”

Police Intimidation in the City of Orange (tags)

Police Intimidation in the City of Orange: Police ask to see the I.D. of 9 brown people standing outside of home depot looking for work. 8 out of the 9 were taken to a border patrol checkpoint in Dana Point against their will even though the charges had nothing to do with citizenship status!

Hamas emphasizes need for Israeli withdrawal (tags)

Khalid Mashal, a leader-in-exile of the Palestinian Hamas party, stated Monday in an interview that Israel must withdraw its troops from Palestinian territories as a prerequisite for peace talks. "If Israel recognises our rights and pledges to withdraw from all occupied lands, Hamas, and the Palestinian people together with it, will decide to halt armed resistance."

The Mayab (tags)

The Mayab - the land of the Mayans.

A false Wikipedia 'biography' (tags)

"John Seigenthaler Sr. was the assistant to Attorney General Robert Kennedy in the early 1960's. For a brief time, he was thought to have been directly involved in the Kennedy assassinations of both John, and his brother, Bobby. Nothing was ever proven." — Wikipedia

The pope said: (tags)

Arbeit Mact Frei.

Ron Kovic speech, ANSWER LA vigil (tags)

Ron "Born on the 4th of July" Kovic spoke at the ANSWER LA Peace Vigil last night at Hollywood and Highland in the heart of Hollywood.

Minuteman leader has troubled past (tags)

Minuteman leader Chris Simcox paints himself as a heroic guardian of national security. Those close to him see him differently.

Progress through Dialogue in Glendale? (tags)

For once the police didn't separate the "two sides", who actually have a lot in common. Maybe they should just let us talk it out....

Language Police: Rumsfeld (tags)

War is peace where all critics of war are terrorists. Language and community fall into crisis in the doublespeak and Panedora's box of war. Language manipulation and defintional control are part of the Creole trick when the culprit pretends to be the victim.

Syrian Witness in U.N. Inquiry on Beirut Killing Reports Bribes (tags)

BEIRUT, Lebanon- A man claiming to be a former Syrian intelligence agent in Lebanon has said on Syrian state television that Lebanese officials tortured him and offered bribes to persuade him to present false testimony against Syria to a United Nations commission investigating the assassination of Rafik Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister.

Extraordinary for demonstrators to take to the streets to rally around a journalist (tags)

It's highly unsual, even extraordinary, for demonstrators to take to the streets to rally around a journalist, but that's just what happened this afternoon outside the headquarters of the Los Angeles Times. The cause was the firing last week of veteran columnist Robert Scheer, the last progressive voice on the Times's Op-Ed page.

Breaking the grip of Big Oil (tags)

The day after President Bush advised Americans to deal with skyrocketing gas prices by avoiding unnecessary driving, he flew to New Orleans for a photo-op, burning up about 11,437 gallons of jet fuel, worth over $24,000. Apparently, it all depends on what you consider “necessary.”

Bali bombings linked to Al-Qaeda (tags)

Bali has been devastated by terror attacks possibly by Al-Qaeda. The attacks killed 26 people and injured more than 100.

Indymedia shines during Hurricanes (tags)

Corporate media reports rumor as fact and doesn't both to correct itself. no wonder Indymedia shines, unfiltered reporting no coporate agenda.

16th WFSY - Chavez once again calls for socialism as the only way to destroy capitalism (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

The New Haitian Revolution: Resisting U.S. and U.N. Occupation (tags)

Reaching out for accurate news of Haiti, several hundred people, a majority representing the Black community and other communities of color in Los Angeles, took part in a public meeting June 16th at Holman United Methodist Church on the crisis in Haiti.

Reds come out fighting: Time to turn up heat vs. ultra-right, Communist meet says (tags)

CHICAGO — The Communist Party USA wound up its convention here in a fighting mood July 3, with the 450 participants vowing to pour their energies into blocking the ultra-right effort to take over the Supreme Court.

Joe Turner Hero In The New Again (tags)

Joe Turner in the News Again...ever wonder why there are SO many stories on Joe Tuner and NONE on the indymedia leaders?

Iraq UN envoy says US Marines murdered his cousin (tags)

And if they do this to their close friends... what in god's name do they do to everyday Iraqi people?

Tapes key in protesters' fight against tactics of N.Y. police (tags)

The NYC Indymedia Video Team was very effective at defending civil liberties at the Republican National Convention. Here is a recent story about our success.

Iraqi Union Leaders Speak (tags)

US Labor Against the War includes affiliates from Nat'L labor organizations, Central Labor Councils, Regional Labor Organizations, Large Locals, (10,000 + members), Small Locals(10,000 - members), Allied Labor Organizations, Labor Anti-war groups, and other Labor Organizations.

Minuteman Flap Leads to Home Search (tags)

The search for the flashlight angered Dang's attorney, who called it political retaliation for Dang's open criticism of police tactics during the demonstration. "It's seems bizarre," said attorney B. Kwaku Duren.

INTERVIEW: Christian firebrand Aoun eyes Lebanon's presidency (tags)

Christian firebrand Michel Aoun, the surprise winner of Lebanon's third round of parliamentary polls, said he would take the job of president if there was consensus on his goals and on pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud stepping down.

1,400 at D.C. meet say 'Take Back America' (tags)

WASHINGTON — Hundreds of protesters, chanting "Hands off my Social Security" and "Not wise to privatize," marched to the White House in the rain June 3.

Analysis of government propaganda (tags)

[Line by line analysis of government propaganda and damage control (Subject text repost from Yahoo)]

New industrial union pushes working-class power (tags)

LAS VEGAS — It was the fire from below that powered up the merger convention of the USWA and PACE, held here April 11-14. Five thousand workers, their families and guests shared stories of battles on picket lines and in battleground state polling places. Many conversations started with, “Let me tell you what that son of a Bush did in Ohio …” or Texas, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Indiana or Southern California.

The Sinner who Refuses to Repent: John Bolton (tags)

On Tuesday, Bolton's conduct toward colleagues in the State Department was probed. Witnesses reported that the Under-secretary attempted to fire experts who doubted his assertions about Cuban bio-weapons. This is the last hour to email committee members.

Veterans and military familes say: 'Bring troops home now - and care for them' (tags)

ST. LOUIS - “Those in the armed services right now can speak the truth about Iraq because we've been there, we've seen with our own eyes the disaster we've created in Iraq. And we can tell you that the only way to cope with this disaster is to bring the troops home now - and care for them when they return!”

Former LA Times reporter's book railroaded (tags)

A book by former LA Times reporter Jason Leopold that lays bare the backbones of its author's journey through crime, drug addition, power politics in the newsroom and government and corporate scandal has brought its author head on against the very power politics about which he wrote.

CIA Torturing Terror Suspects Abroad (tags)

A short article about the CIA outsourcing torture in the Middle East.

Al-Asad: Withdrawal to Bakaa Valley (tags)

Syrian President Bashar al-Asad has addressed parliament and said his country's troops will first withdraw to the Bakaa Valley before redeploying along the border with Lebanon.

$9B Goes Missing In Iraq-Huge Sum Disappears Without A Trace (tags)

This article is from the Wash. DC IMC: By: Helen Thomas Profiteering from the Iraq war is not a surprise, especially in light of the Bush administration’s pandering to the military-industrial complex. But some Democratic lawmakers are concerned that profiteering may have achieved stratospheric dimensions in the case of the $9 billion that is missing from the sale of Iraqi oil.

Chavez: Capitalism must be transcended (tags)

Hands Off VenezuelaCampaign

Rice again lies about 'UN mandate' for US war in Iraq (tags)

Like all people in the US 'Coalition of the Killing', we in the Netherlands also have been made guilty* - by our collaborating industry and it's government - of the present US-zionist war crimes in Afganistan and Iraq.

Iraq rebels in video taunt Chickenhawk with his own Rant (tags)

Iraq rebels in video taunt Bush

In America’s Industrial Heartland Can’t Pay Won’t Pay Campaign takes Off (tags)

Anger at corporations and their politicians finds concrete expression in North West Indiana

'Unusual Weapons' Used in Fallujah (tags)

Fallujah why Guernica


Major General Safavi said that the US CASUALTIES in Iraq exceeded 10,600 DEAD, and according to some figures it stood at 14,000 dead which accounted for 10 percent of the American soldiers.

Lebanese students vow to hold protests, despite ban ISF will try to stop demonstrations (tags)

Lebanese opposition groups asserted Thursday their intention to protest on Friday against what they call the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, despite an official ban by the Interior Ministry.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Flintridge Prep standout dies in Iraq. J.P. Blecksmith, 24, '99 graduate of Flintridge Preparatory School, was part of U.S. military campaign in Fallouja.

"Let Me Leave and Be Free", pleads Israeli whistleblower Vanunu. (tags)

Since April 21 2004 Mordechai Vanunu has been pleading for his freedom to leave Israel along with telling the Israeli government , and anyone else who will listen: 1. He told the truth about nuclear weapons 2. He has no more secrets to tell.

Nader attacks Kerry on war; he says Democrat helped Bush agenda at home & abroad (tags)

"John Kerry eliminated all ambiguity in the first (campaign) debate and outhawked George W. Bush. A vote for Kerry is a vote for war," Nader said to an enthusiastic crowd filling a Seattle Center meeting hall.

US Dollar Heading for Collapse: Robert Reich (tags)

In painting a bleak outlook for the US economy, Reich suggested the worst is yet to come, especially if President George W. Bush and the Republican party's agenda of tax less and spend more is re-elected in Nov

UN Report Blames Israel For Building Fence To Confiscate Land (tags)

Israel continues to steal land for Apartheid Wall/Fence devestating thousands of lives , creating more refugees and re creating racist ghettos . US tax dollars support this form of ethnic cleansing:

Homeschoolers as terrorists (tags)

Government portrays homeschoolers as terrorists

The Daily Poetry Movement (tags)

The fine was levied. But such a fine can not undo the actions taken, can not end the misery, can not prevent the US having paid over $1.5 million dollars a day for the massacres. I worked hard, I barely paid my bills, everywhere I went they took extra, a percentage for their corporations to kill, and my water turned off. upRising!

‘TRAGIC MILESTONE’ U.S. deaths in Iraq pass 1,000 mark (tags)

Bush policies not making us safer As George W. Bush and Dick Cheney claimed their policies were making Americans safer, the death toll of U.S. soldiers in Iraq topped 1,000.

Greenspan Sounds Alert on Social Security (tags)

THERE WILL BE NONE FOR YOU!! For at least the fourth time this year, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan issued his warning that the White House and Congress need to come up quickly with a plan to trim the Social Security and Medicare benefits that 77 million baby boomers are scheduled to receive when they retire.

The Death of Sgt. Van Dale Todd (tags)

Remembering an antiwar Vietnam veteran -- digging deeper into a painful memory that won't go away. This is a rewrite of an article I posted on IMC some time ago

Those Campaign Commercials (tags)

Greek Hunters To Help With Olympic Security - For Free (tags)

"All the force checks is what's in its own interest.

Business Week : Role of Fiercely Pro-Israel Neocon Hawks in Convincing Bush to Go to War (tags)

"The film goes on about filial revenge and oil, but it never ventures onto really touchy turf -- namely the role of fiercely pro-Israel neocon hawks in convincing Bush to go to war. The elephantine Mr. Moore conveniently fails to mention that other pachyderm in the Democratic room. Why didn't Fahrenheit go there, Mr. Moore?"

Afghans Released From Gitmo Return to Terrorism (tags)

Quick, more crying about "human rights" from lefty loons about these Willie Al-Hortons!

Cosby Has Harsh Words for Black Community (tags)

Somebody stop the Coz before black people wake up from the Plantatrix!

The Fortune 500 are thinking Green (tags)

Global warming is becoming a major concern for businesses like Allianz Group, AON, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Johnson & Johnson and BP. They say it's a risk too costly to ignore.

Take Back America Meeting (tags)

Progressive Democrats call for strong program, grass roots organizing

Thousands at D.C. meeting say: ‘Take back America’ (tags)

WASHINGTON – Over 2,000 participants in a “Take Back America” conference here June 2-4 cheered speakers who urged a bolder, pro-peace, pro-worker, pro-equality program to rally voters against George W. Bush and the Republican right in November.

Rep. Becerra On Iraq War (tags)

Becerra tells voters Rumsfeld has to go, no blank check for Iraq war, no to draft--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nader condemns major parties (tags)

Mr. Nader also accused Democrats of being soft in their criticism of defense spending, which he said encompasses 50 percent of the nation's budget and has the most corrupt spending mechanism for contracts of any agency. Quoting another former president, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Mr. Nader said the continual costs of new fighter planes, tactical weapons and bombs could be invested into advancements for schools and hospitals.

Invisible beam tops list of nonlethal weapons (tags)

Invisible beam tops list of nonlethal weapons By Greg Gordon -- Bee Washington Bureau Published 2:15 am PDT Tuesday, June 1, 2004

In Memory: to veterans of war and peace (tags)

... I failed that young man. I should have confronted him, made him see what he must see by now -- if he is alive ...

MP's Lawyer: Translator Gave Orders (tags)

MP's Lawyer: Translator Gave Orders

Yo, gringo! This ad was paid for by the Republicans (tags)

"I think there might be a debate about 'paid for' (being understood), but 'Robinson for Congreso' is clear"

Immigrants Drain $30 Billion in Cash Annually (tags)

In the past nine years the cash that immigrants send from the United States back to their home countries has almost doubled, but the Bush Administration is planning to use the upcoming G-8 summit to discuss ways to increase the outward flow of cash.

How Colonel Risked His Career by Menacing Detainee and Lost (tags)

Colonel West fired a warning shot in the air and counted down from five. He asked his soldiers to put Mr. Hamoodi's head in a sand-filled barrel and then fired a shot into the sand, away from the Iraqi's head... Now he says, "It's possible that I was wrong about Mr. Hamoodi."

Army Disciplines Soldier who opened the Prisoner Abuse scandal (tags)

Sgt. Samuel Provance was notified by the Army that he was an official witness, and on May 14, his company commander ordered him not to talk. Instead, Provance decided he would give interviews to set the record straight.

Prison abusers were 'stupid,' retired intelligence officer says (tags)

Army Maj. Steve Hillebrand, a military intelligence specialist, suspects elements of military intelligence condoned or encouraged the practices at Abu Ghraib prison -- "I hope those leaders are held accountable for what happened."

Anger over razing of Gaza zoo (tags)

RAFAH, Gaza Strip - During the past five years, Mohammed Ahmed Juma and his brother, Fathi, slowly built their privately owned zoo into one of this city's best-loved community institutions. Last week, it took less than 30 hours for Israeli army bulldozers to destroy it.

THE MATRIX: Precursor of Database Project Gave Feds 120,000 Terror Suspects (tags)

NEW YORK — Before helping to launch the criminal information project known as Matrix, a database contractor gave U.S. and Florida authorities the names of 120,000 people who showed a statistical likelihood of being terrorists -- sparking some investigations and arrests.

Stop the Zionazi hero (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their resistance against U.S. backed IsraHell's ethnic cleasing.

U.S. helicopter kills 40 terrorists in Iraq (tags)

"This was a wedding and the (U.S.) planes came and attacked the people at a house. Is this the democracy and freedom that (President) Bush has brought us?" said a man on the videotape, Dahham Harraj. "There was no reason."

For 8 days in May, Truckers closed the Port of Oakland (tags)

For eight days in May, the Port of Oakland was virtually shut down by truckers striking for better conditions. The same port had been closed down by antiwar protesters just three weeks before, so a small contingent of us from Direct Action to Stop the War (DASW) joined them as a community support group and reported their struggle on Indymedia.

U.S. Sanctions May Hurt Syria Politically (tags)

DAMASCUS, Syria - Syrians brushed aside the significance of economic sanctions imposed by the United States, but some worried Tuesday about the long-term political ramifications of an escalating confrontation with a superpower.

Afghan Officer Tells of U.S. Abuse (tags)

Siddiqui, a pro-US Afghan policeman believed he was labeled a Taliban agent by pernsonal enemies. While inprisoned in Kandahar, soldiers threw stones and bottles at detainees -- military autopsies found that two prisoners men died of blunt force injuries.

Two Israelis Arrested After High-Speed Chase in Tennessee (tags)

" Harris said he saw the men throw something from the truck while they were being pursued. Officers scouring the area later found a vial containing an unknown substance along the roadway, he said. Once the men were apprehended, officers also found a "Learn to Fly" brochure in the truck, leading Harris and others to express concern about security at the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin." I got a sick feeling when I saw it, he said."

Libertarians turn on Republican turncoat McWilliams (tags)

McWilliams said he does not know whether he made political enemies during that campaign, because he took positions that have since become particularly explosive -- or whether he personally hurt the feelings of former friends by other actions.

Where's the loyal opposition to the war? (tags)

The good news for opponents of the war in Iraq is that President Bush's challenger has finally called for a rapid American withdrawal. "Every day the U.S. military remains in Iraq," he said, "we imperil U.S. security, drain our economy, ignore our nation's domestic needs and prevent democratic self-rule from developing in Iraq." The bad news is that the challenger's name is Ralph Nader.

Dali Lama says Iraq War is Justified (tags)

Dali Lama

Iraqi 'beaten to death' by US troops (tags)

So this is what "liberation" looks like? American troops... winning hearts and minds everyday.

Looking very bad for the "coalition" (tags)

BAGHDAD, April 10 -- A battalion of the new Iraqi army refused to go to Fallujah earlier this week to support U.S. Marines battling for control of the city, senior U.S. Army officers here said, disclosing an incident that is casting new doubt on U.S. plans to transfer security matters to Iraqi forces. Anti-U.S. Outrage Unites a Growing Iraqi Resistance

651 Palestinian children killed (tags)

651 Palestinian children were killed by Israel during the last 3 1/2 years, many of them while on their way to school or returning home.

'This is not our war' (tags)

US Army Pfc. Roger Lewis has been in Iraq for 13 months and is backing Bush in November. However his father, a Vietnam Vet, is throwing his support behind Kerry. But the one thing they both agree on is; the US has no business fighting this war.

Costly US intel failures continue in Iraq (tags)

Two seperate reports clearly demonstrate that a "process for systematic sharing of intelligence and tactics is badly needed" -- proving that the lessons from 9/11 have not been learned

Rice faces New Accusation on eve of testimony (tags)

"Imagine eight months before Pearl Harbor, an officially designated group of 14 Americans had told Roosevelt that the Japanese would attack some place somewhere and Roosevelt did nothing" -- that's what Bush did in early 2001.

Issue of detainees in Syria 'a tragedy' (tags)

A human rights activist said Monday that the issue of Lebanese who were victims of arbitrary abduction and detention by Syrian forces was a harsh humanitarian outcome of the civil war.

Ms. Whistleblower: Officials knew Al Qaida would attack by air (tags)

Ms. Edmonds, a Turkish-American translator, said there was sufficient information in Spring and Summer 2001 of an attack being planned. But the White House is seeking to silence her with a court order citing "state secrets privilege".

Experts see no law barring Rice testimony (tags)

There are several instances in which sitting national security advisers or White House aides testified before legislative bodies. Among them: Zbigniew Brzezinski and Sandy Berger

Bush worships MOLOCH at Bohemian Grove: is the child sacrifice real? (tags)

Paul Bonacci was awarded $1,000,000 by a federal court for being forced to act in a snuff film at Bohemian Grove .authorities are NOT investigating...

filipinos blame GM crop on mystery sickness (tags)

John Aglionby in Kalyong, southern pollen from Bt maize seems to be the culpret

Conservative Group Begins Low-Budget Ad to Defend Bush (tags)

Citizens United and the Club for Growth "play the role of attack dog" by funding TV ads for the Bush campaign outside of the $100 million plus relection-war chest -- branding Kerry as "another rich, liberal elitist from Massachusetts"

Syrian authorities break up rare protest. U.S. diplomat, journalists briefly detained (tags)

DAMASCUS, Syria -- In a capital awash with Syrian flags, banners of support for President Bashar Assad and pamphlets declaring his party's achievements on its 41st anniversary, the paper banner raised by about 20 human rights activists urging freedom for political prisoners did not fit in.

Democratic frontrunner declares he will be stronger "war president" than Bush (tags)

What makes Kerry’s contribution so valuable, in the eyes of the ruling elite, is that his campaign will deprive the American people of any significant choice on the most basic issue, war and peace. There will be no fundamental change in US foreign policy if Kerry wins the election.

Death Squads at work in Haiti (tags)

The photo shows the aftermath of the U.S. backed coup in Haiti. Now that the death squads have control over the island, they are free to do their dirty work while U.S. occupation troops look the other way. The photo taken on March 4th. shows two dead men, one with his hands bound behind his back, lying dumped along a road on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince. U.S. occupation troops are stepping up patrols in the capital... giving the coup making thugs free reign in the countryside and small towns. Reuters photo/Daniel Aguilar

Bloody Dictator Duvalier wants to return to Haiti (tags)

The former bloody Haitian dictator Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier... now in exile in France (which helped facilitate the coup against the democratically elected government) wants to return as soon as possible to his homeland, where President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was kidnapped by U.S. troops at gunpoint and sent into forced exile.

Aristide 'I Was Kidnapped' 'Tell The World It Is A Coup' (tags)

Multiple sources that just spoke with Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide told Democracy Now! that Aristide says he was "kidnapped" and taken by force to the Central African Republic.

Does Riverside's Police Commision have a future? (tags)

Only five years into its existance, Riverside's only form of civilian oversight has come under attack from a familiar foe: the RPOA

did you know saddam was once made an honorary citizenof detroit (tags)

in 1980. An odd story, apparently true. It shows he had a brighter side. When did any president last offer to pay off a churches debt?

Is There A Legal Age for Political Dissent? Teens at Protests! (tags)

Teens and Protests...should we be sharing nonviolent protest training with them? Are protests age-rated events? Should a street medic treat a teen without parental consent? Much like sex ed for teens, these topics are thorny...

Mbeki questions Aids stats (tags)

Country after country is finally speaking up and questioning 'AIDS' statistics that are based on nothing more then the Bengui Definition which fits EVERY Third World epidemic disease.

Palestinian factions turn on each other in West Bank city (tags)

Among the dead are several innocent bystanders killed in the crossfire of botched abductions and gunbattles on the streets. They include a 13-year-old boy shot on his way to get a haircut and a mother of three murdered while buying medicine for one of her children.

Peaceful Ways (tags)

Now that's what I'm talking about.....

Revolutionary Music Review: Evan Greer (tags)

Young political songwriter Evan Greer has made a name for himself in Boston by gracing stages with the likes of David Rovics, Howard Zinn, and Tim Robbins. Erin Osgood of Flamejolt Magazine reviews his music, his politics, and his message.

Moderate Group Surfaces To Take On Conservative Opposition (tags)

Mr. Woods challenged the Club fog Growth to disclose who its donors are; "Don't come into Arizona in secret. Tell us exactly where your donations are coming from or stay out of Arizona."

Study: Most tax breaks go to wealthy, add to federal deficit (tags)

Most of the benefits of tax-advantaged retirement accounts go to the highest wage earners. The poorest 40 percent of households have only about 5 percent of all the assets in these accounts, while the richest 10 percent have more than half.

TIME Exclusive: Notes from Saddam in Custody (tags)

When asked ?How are you?? said the official, Saddam responded, ?I am sad because my people are in bondage.? When offered a glass of water by his interrogators, Saddam replied, ?If I drink water I will have to go to the bathroom and how can I use the bathroom when my people are in bondage??

Tariq Ali Speaks in Seattle on War (tags)

Tariq Ali, author of "Bush in Babylon," spoke in Seattle recently about Arab culture, American history in the Middle East, ways to thwart being called an anti-Semite for criticizing Israeli policy and more....

U.S. military kills nine terrorists in Afghanistan (tags)

"At the time we initiated the attack, we did not know there were children nearby," he said. "Until we get the investigation results, we can't say what exactly happened."

Bus Drivers work for 35 hours without a break (tags)

Accidents happen because drivers are tired from working overtime to supplement their meager income and a lack of regulations reagarding working hours and public safety.

The Samarra Massacre...Vietnam all over again... (tags)

It appears as if the U.S. is using Vietnam-style tactics in Iraq and portraying Vietnam-style civilian massacres as heroic battles against a fierce enemy. The U.S. corporate media is once again complicit in the covering-up of U.S. crimes and atrocities around the world. Eight Civilians are killed, two Mosques are desecrated, and the U.S. corporate media simply tells us that the U.S. forces fought off an ambush, not even mentioning the Iraqi witnesses which state that the U.S. simply opened fire, indiscriminately, into a crowd of worshippers and pilgrims.

Excellent News - More dead scumbags (tags)

U.S. Forces Kill 46 Iraqis Attempting Ambush

Syrian PM criticizes U.S. presence in Iraq (tags)

The threatened U.S. sanctions will have no effect on Syria, and the Syrian government will never endorse the American presence in Iraq, Prime Minister Naji al-Otari said in remarks published Friday.

David Barsamian: Fighting the US propaganda machine (tags)

“I hate to disappoint your readers”, an earnest David Barsamian told Green Left Weekly on November 6, “but most Americans are not genetically ignorant. For people to believe that Iraq is about to attack them, that they are surrounded by enemies, it takes systematic use of propaganda.”

To those on the left blaming anarchist for the police brutality in Miami (tags)


Artists hold Protest at U.K. Tate Gallery (tags)

Artist activists gather in the Turbine Hall of the Tate Modern art gallery's exhibition of Olaf Eliasson's "The Weather Project" in central London, Tuesday Nov. 18, 2003, to spell out the message 'Bush Go Home Now!' (AP Photo/Johnny Green-PA)

Cannon Fodder (tags)

The Bush administration has cut veteran's benefits and forced wounded soldiers to pay for hospital meals. They have kept returning sick and wounded soldiers in horrible conditions on US military bases and made them wait months for doctor's appointments. Now, they plan to close schools and commissaries on military bases and privatize the remaining commissaries. Oh well, that is more money for Halliburton, Bechtel and all other corporations which profit immensely from war.

Students challenge employer (California State-Fullerton student paper) (tags)

Group says Vector Marketing / Cutco knife vendor misleads prospective workers with false claims.

Why Montana needs to Re-Regulate the Energy Industry (tags)

In 1997, Montana privatized energy generation by selling off its assets -- fast-forward six years and Touch America and North-Western are bankrupt. "Nobody wants to eat crow, but slowly, bit-by-bit, we've been putting regulation back into place"

U.S. role in Nazi eugenics (tags)

Many people are under the false impression that Hitler's "ideas" of "Racial Hygiene" originated with the NAZI's. They were developed by German and American Psychiatrists. Eugenics was the cute name they gave their justification for institutionalized murder.

E-Vote Protest Gains Momentum (tags)

Swarthmore College students embroiled in a legal battle against voting-machine maker Diebold Election Systems have received a groundswell of support from universities and colleges nationwide.

Iraqi resistance kicked Wolfowitz's ass out of Iraq (by Latuff) (tags)

"...The effect of the 6:10 a.m. volley of rockets was dramatic: U.S. officials and officers fled from the Al Rasheed, some still in pajamas or shorts to a nearby convention center..."

Even Faux News is covering the USS Liberty Story (tags)

When even the rabidly Pro-Zionist Faux News is forced to report on a story that puts Israel in an unfavorable light you know the story has legs.

Imminent Threat is revisionist spin (tags)

George W. Bush never said that the threat from Iraq was "imminent." George didn't lie. It's his castigators who are lying.

Sick, Wounded U.S. Troops Held in Squalor (tags)

Hundreds of sick and wounded U.S. soldiers including many who served in the Iraq war are languishing in hot cement barracks here while they wait -- sometimes for months -- to see doctors.

Disposable Soldiers (tags)

Besides cutting veteran's benefits and forcing wounded soldiers to pay for hospital meals, this is another indication of how the US ruling class views the soldiers who fight for their profits and power overseas. They are disposable. Also, it is an indication of the effects of depleted uranium.

Malaysian Prime Minister says 'Jews rule the world' (tags)

Mahathir Mohamad called on Muslims to emulate the Jewish response to oppression, saying the Jews had "survived 2000 years of pogroms not by hitting back, but by thinking".

Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel) (tags)

Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel)

Former Diebold employee's accusations may overturn Georgia election results if true (tags)

Now a former worker in Diebold's Georgia warehouse says the company installed patches on its machines before the state's 2002 gubernatorial election that were never certified by independent testing authorities or cleared with Georgia election officials. If the charges are true, Diebold could be in violation of federal and state election-certification rules. The charges also raise questions about the integrity of the Georgia election results and any other election that uses patched Diebold systems that have not been re-certified.

Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Rally a Huge Success! (tags)

As the culmination of Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride, on Saturday, October 4th, tens of thousands of immigrant workers joined friends and allies for a fabulous rally in Flushing Meadows Park in Queens, New York.

Renowned Economist Blasts Bush's Economic Policies (tags)

After Krugman's speech, Nobel laureate and UC Berkeley professor George Akerlof led a standing ovation and hundreds of people stood in line to buy Krugman's new book.


A CANDIDATE'S WORDS Schwarzenegger Admired Hitler, Book Proposal Says By ADAM NAGOURNEY and DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK

More subhuman Paleostinian atrocities (tags)

And the bulk of the assholes here still support these animals.

Rush Limbaugh RESIGNS for racist commentary. (tags)

Well, another right wing shitbag puts his foot in his mouth and screams "THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT"....But apparently Rush couldnt convince anyone with his rhetoric and QUIT. Maybe Rush and Ann Coulter should team up for an old time Sunday right wing comedy hour, called it "Racist Fatty and Extremist Skinny"

Whirl-Mart! (tags)

Whirl-Mart is a performance! It is art! It is a ritual! It is a “collective reclamation of space that is otherwise only used for shopping and buying...”

As Governor, I promise to be a good little puppet for the "powerful interests" (tags)

Once I'm elected Governor, I promise to be a good little puppet for the "powerful interests" who have funneled millions of dollars into my campaign coffers.

The president lays an egg at the U.N. (tags)

The Dimwit in Chief fails again to convince anyone with any intelligence that he is not a congenital liar.

Bluffs soldier witness to Nazi atrocities (tags)

As a member of an Army ordnance company, John Campbell remembers Gen. George Patton's words of advice about German soldiers in World War II: "If you SOBs meet up with a German, shoot him."

Sen. Kennedy Says Case for Iraq War Was Fraud (tags)

Oh no!! Not another Un-patriotic American saying that the Bush Administration was full of shit..... Will the brainwashed masses believe?

Man Claims Role in SUV Firebombings, Says Josh Connole is Innocent (tags)

Man Claims Role in SUV Firebombings A self-described member of the Earth Liberation Front says he took part in Hummer vandalism

Dali Lama says Iraq War May Be Justified (tags)

The exiled Tibetan leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner said some wars, including the Korean War and World War II, helped "protect the rest of civilization, democracy."

Dozens of women protest "Governor Gang Bang" (tags)

The demonstrators chanted outside and held signs of protest. "Terminate the Barbarian," one sign read. Another said: "Governor Gang Bang."

Schwarzenegger defended South African apartheid and liked doing Hitler impressions (tags)

Wayne once asked his friend how an Austrian immigrant had conquered Hollywood. In a moment of ``pure mischief,'' he said, Schwarzenegger stood up, looked him ``straight in the eye and said, `Because I've got the greatest physique in the world, I'm sharp, I'm super talented.' Then he stood up, walked down the hall, looked over his shoulder and said: `And I'm white.' ''

U.K. occupation soldier killed in Iraq (tags)

As L.A. Indymedia continues to fawn over Sherman Austin and has little else to report on... the war in Iraq grinds on. A large Iraqi crowd holds a piece of a U.S. occupation trooper's clothing in a cheer after a U.S. military convoy was attacked by an Improvised Explosive Device Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003, in Fallujah. U.S. occupation military reports that four soldiers were injured in the attack. (AP Photo/Samir Mezban)

DEAN: Reborn as a Neo-Conservative (tags)

The DLC speaks and the candidates follow! Dean adopts the hawkish, AIPAC view of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East.

Iraq Resistance *Condemns* the UN Bombing (tags)

In a recent statement aired by Al-Jazeera, an Iraqi Resistance group CONDEMNED the recent bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad. They suggest that the bombing was done to DISCREDIT the Iraqi Resistance in general. This UN bombing couldn't be yet another staged "terror" attack/provocation could it? Remember, false Flag operations are an integral feature of US (and Israel) covert operations. Notice how the Western "free" press completely ignores this story/issue and automatically assigns blame to the Iraqi Guerrilla Movement.

California Conan and Terminator 3 (tags)

When Arnold presented Terminator 3 to US troops in Baghdad, he prefaced the event by accusing US troops of genocide, even suggesting their objective was to massacre all humanity. Well... he said that, but he probably didn't realize that's what he said... in fact, what he said was, "I play the Terminator, but you guys are the real Terminators!"

Nader endorses Green Party candidate Peter Camejo for governor (tags)

Appearing at the Green Party's San Francisco headquarters, Nader said California voters should take advantage of the unprecedented recall, calling it "a great opportunity for people to rethink their role in a democratically governed system." He said Camejo understood the state's fiscal crisis better than other candidates.

Bush Press Conference: "I Am A Lying Homophobic War Criminal" (tags)

pResident Bush took responsibility for his lies in the state of the union speech in January where he made his case for a war on Iraq. He also expressed his disdain for gay marriage, and lied about the outlook for the economy. Abusing his power to make the case for war makes Bush a terrorist under the Patriot Act.

Study discovers Conservatives see things in "Black and White" (tags)

Hitler, Mussolini, and former President Ronald Reagan were individuals, but all were right-wing conservatives because they preached a return to an idealized past and condoned inequality in some form.

9-11 Report Leaves Unanswered Questions (tags)

WASHINGTON - Almost 2 inches thick and 850 pages long, the congressional inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks largely boils down to two intriguing words: What if?

Computer voting is open to easy fraud, experts say (tags)

The software that runs many high-tech voting machines contains serious flaws that would allow voters to cast extra votes and permit poll workers to alter ballots without being detected, computer security researchers said yesterday.

Democrat Eyes Potential Grounds for Bush Impeachment (tags)

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bob Graham said on Thursday there were grounds to impeach President Bush if he was found to have led America to war under false pretenses.

Tape of U.S. attorney: Foster probe a fraud (tags)

Assistant U.S. Attorney Miquel Rodriguez is no longer speaking to the press, but a newly released audio recording purportedly contains excerpts of his candid comments on the case.

Law threatens free speech, free assembly, critics say (tags)

Let's get one thing clear: Guidlines are not law. They can be ditched anytime someone in Authority wants to shut down an Event they don't like. Biden should be Drawn and Quartered - metaphorically ..... of course.

Courting the "Middle Class" (tags)


Bush Bit in Ass by Lies (tags)

The Rats are deserting the sinking ship. Fed up with the Bush Junta's deadly lies the insider Bureaucrats are beginning to leak and speak.

Flash News News (tags)

Sen. John Edwards, presidential candidate, knows doublespeak all too well.

Poor choices, missed chances, a life in trouble (tags)

Eric Daley, who was fleeing a traffic stop with more than two pounds, struck and killed trooper Johnson. Ironically it was not the state but Daley, described as a libertarian, who repeatedly failed to accept responsibility for his actions.

Israeli's sense they've won (tags)

Israeli officials are expressing growing confidence that after 33 months they have defeated the Palestinian uprising, or intifada.

Israeli Army Destroys Buildings, Farms As It Leaves Gaza (tags)

Ali Zaaneen, 35, stood in the ploughed-up fields where he and his seven brothers grew cucumbers, tomatoes and okra. His four-acre farm was levelled, and nothing remains of his glasshouses. "Now I am able to go every day to my farm," he said, "but I will find nothing to harvest ... and to take to the market. What is the guarantee they will not change their minds and come back again?" he asked of the departing Israelis. "They are not far away."

Bush's bogus war (tags)

I thought it would be an interesting comparison to pair together the following two articles. Interesting how the spin changes when the lies become too exposed.

Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel (tags)

First published June 6th 2002 by UPI Terrorism Correspondent produced by your friend and ally for freedom Sy$teMF@iLuRe

My taxes and Homeland Security (tags)

Want to know what types of officers Tom Ridge is training?

Explosives Planted In Towers, New Mexico Technology Expert Says (tags)

  The collapse of the buildings appears "too methodical" to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures, said Van Romero, vice president for research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.

Downloaders would get fried computer (tags)

Utah senator Orrin Hatch is willing to remotely destroy the computers of illegal music downloaders in an attempt to "teach somebody about copyrights"

Weapons claims fitted US plans, says Wilkie (tags)

Andrew Wilkie, formerly with the Office of National Assessment, also accused John Howard of repeating false claims about Iraq trying to buy uranium from Niger so that he could be a player on the world stage. Mr Wilkie said both governments had ignored warnings from their own intelligence agencies that the US was intent on deposing Saddam Hussein for "strategic and domestic reasons".

Are all the regulars here now working? (tags)

It must be demoralizing to know that the job will either go to you or to a piece of tape.

Hamas Ties To Israeli Government (tags)

Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

Ex-Official: Evidence Distorted for War (tags)

The Bush administration distorted intelligence and presented conjecture as evidence to justify a U.S. invasion of Iraq, according to a retired intelligence official who served during the months before the war.

Free sex for US troops (tags)

This is a REAL story.

Nazi Germany's War on Terrorism (tags)

No matter how things change they stay the same. "Killing for Peace is like Fucking for Virginity."

Nightmare Scenarios: Today & 3 Years From Now (tags)

A look at what might happen if New York State Senate Bill 2996 becomes law and the FCC loosens ownership regulations for media corporations causing the further erosion of diverse, locally owned and operated newspapers and broadcast stations thanks to the consolidation of their ownership.

Iraqi Officials Say Looting of Ancient Sites Continues Despite Pleas to U.S. Troops (tags)

On a visit Sunday, three sites near here were pocked with freshly dug holes and littered with hastily abandoned shovels, indicating looting in the last day or two. At one spot, about two dozen people ran off when they saw approaching trucks.

Vonnegut on Twain (tags)

A good read.

Neo-liberalism (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Is this what you call victory? (tags)

Even right wing shows like Mc Cloughlin Group and Meet the press where slaming the bush administrations total lack of planning for post war Iraq.

The best agent for change is... Civility? (tags)

Lewis Feldstein, president of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, cited the environmental movement, women's rights, civil rights and the drive to improve libraries and health systems as examples of private giving in the public good.

Council approves resolution urging Patriot Act's repea (tags)

"The ... government that is in power right now wants to do away with dissent," said Alderman Lionel Jean-Baptiste, 2nd Ward. "They want to make sure we stay indoors, that we stay silent."

Sen Byrd: Gulf War illegal (tags)

"There is ample evidence that the horrific events of Sept. 11 have been carefully manipulated to switch public focus from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida, who masterminded the Sept. 11th attacks, to Saddam Hussein who did not.

Some Saudis Still Support Extremism (tags)

"I would be ready to protect (militants) the way I protect my wife and children. I have the right to protect a fellow Muslim," said Abdullah, an ultraconservative who prefers home-schooling and shops for his wife's clothes.

These are the children Bush has killd (tags)

"I consider what was done to be a crime of war," Mr. Hamoodi said. "How would President Bush feel if he had to dig his daughters from out of the rubble?"

Jobless rate climbs to nine-year high (tags)

EAST CHICAGO, Ill. – Bruce Gaddy is single. Tony McIntosh is married and has two children. Both live in this working-class suburb, 25 miles south of downtown Chicago. And both are unemployed: Gaddy because his plant closed, McIntosh because he was “down-sized” after working 22 years for AT&T.


US troops occupy the primary school in Fallujah, Iraq, Tuesday April 29, 2003. Iraqi school children staged a demonstration demanding the school be returned to the community. Anti-American chants ring out... someone throws a stone, U.S. Troops panic and open fire. 13 people are killed and up to 75 wounded. U.S. Troops claimed they were shot at and merely returned fire (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder).

Libertarian Links Free Trade to Freedom, Peace (tags)

Palmer, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, said anti-globalization activists are missing the bigger picture. By way of analogy, Palmer referred to Homer’s Odyssey saying that Homer is telling the reader that "the cyclops is a savage because he doesn’t trade. He lives in the preferred world of the anti-globalization activists."

Nepal News, Hollyweird, Journo killed by IDF (tags)

No peace for Nepal as King balks...students continue strike; Hollywood liberal? IDF kills AP cameraman

Iraq: Anti-US protests growing (tags)

Exasperated US military officials tried to hamper the media from covering new demonstrations in Baghdad while some 20 000 people in the Shiite Muslim bastion of Nasiriyah railed against a US-staged meeting on Iraq's future.

In bombed neighborhoods, everyone 'wants to kill Americans' (tags)

"There was no military here to put the bombs on us. So, I imagine, they wanted to kill us," said Abdel Majid, 43, who is afraid to let his children play in the yard.

Saving Private Lynch Pt2. What Really Happened. (tags)

"We agreed to stay in one room, not to intervene," Hassan said. The soldiers broke down several doors in the hospital before locating Lynch, and then went to the back of the hospital to recover the remains of nine U.S. soldiers buried in shallow graves. Eight of them, from Lynch's unit, were killed in the same ambush.

USUK use of DU is genocide and a war crime (tags)

BRITISH and American coalition forces are using depleted uranium (DU) shells in the war against Iraq and deliberately flouting a United Nations resolution which classifies the munitions as illegal weapons of mass destruction. DU contaminates land, causes ill-health and cancers among the soldiers using the weapons, the armies they target and civilians, leading to birth defects in children.

US wants to impose sanctions on Syria! Call your Rep!!!! (tags)

US wants to impose sanctions on Syria with new legislation! Tell the US that they can't traffic the world with their unilateral actions! Write, call, etc... your congressman!!!

New Roswell Witness (tags)

Yet another witness speaks out


The lies continue as the fall of Iraq is "celebrated" at WTC site

Mohammed Said Sahaf wages war on reality (tags)

Hussein's glib spokesman has won the admiration of Arabs by insulting the U.S. and reporting fantastic victories for Iraq.

US-Troops ready for massacre in Baghdad (tags)

A U.S. Marine commander said on Saturday American troops would use overwhelming force to crush any resistance if ordered to storm Baghdad and that the battle would cost many civilian lives

Potential "plant" site for chemical weapons found. (tags)

US ground troops have found underground facilities at Baghdad airport.

War in Iraq takes horrifying toll (tags)

As the war in Iraq entered its third week, reports of casualties show the mounting physical and psychological toll on the Iraqi people and on U.S. soldiers as well.

Horror beyond belief (tags)

HUMAN COST: The bodies of an Iraqi woman and her child in a coffin in Hilla, about 80km south of Baghdad. They were among 48 civilians killed by US-led attacks since Monday. -- AFP

frieldly fire (tags)

Form the english Times

Brave Administration Willing to "Pay A High Price" In US Lives (tags)

It is comforting to know that our brave administration is willing to pay a "high price" in the lives of our sons and daughters to have their war.Referring to nights in World War II "when we'd lose 1000 people", he added: "There will come a time maybe when things are going to be much more shocking."

'Be careful, come home soon and watch out for those damn Yanks' (tags)

Random fire on british convoy and civilians by Bush Cowboys at Basra Yanks completely manic - they shot on everything! Answer at briefing to the press today in Katar: There was so much fog!!!

The Coalition of Disaster (tags)

Cairo - Washington and London "have lost the war politically" and their campaign in Iraq is "heading to a disaster", British Middle East expert and journalist Patrick Seale wrote in an article published on Friday.

Vets tell Bush: Bring troops home (tags)

WASHINGTON – Behind a banner that read, “Bring The Troops Home Now,” and carrying upside down American flags as a signal of distress, war veterans and families of active duty soldiers marched on the White House March 23 to protest George W. Bush’s pre-emptive war on Iraq.

Bush - Hitler Comparison (tags)

Specific comparisons of two sick depraved dangerous men. One of whom need be REMOVED FROM THE OFC. ILLEGALLY OBTAINED.IMPEACHED NOW - SAVE HUMANITY HERE AND ABROAD!

Gulf States May Be Next: British MP (tags)

So this is the kind of thing that goes on behind their oaths of secrecy eh?

LAPD Probes Protest Claims (tags)

LAPD investigation of police misconduct at anti-war protests. Near the end of this article, the author mentions a possible meeting between LAPD and protesters. If anyone has information about this meeting, please pass it along.

Al-Jazeera attacked by hackers (tags)

Hackers target Al-Jazeera's site

Marines losing the battle for hearts and minds (tags)

Hopes of a joyful liberation of a grateful Iraq by US and British armies are evaporating fast in the Euphrates valley as a sense of bitterness, germinated from blood spilled and humiliations endured, begins to grow in the hearts of invaded and invader alike. Attempts by US marines to take bridges over the river Euphrates, which passes through Nassiriya, have become bogged down in casualties and troops taken prisoner. The marines, in turn, have responded harshly

We're Bombing Iran Now? (tags)

ooops - sorry!

More rightwing hypocrisy (tags)

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." ~ Henry Kissinger ~ January-February 2003 edition of Eagle Newsletter. Don't believe the "We support our troops" crowd. Lying chickenhawks warmongers.


Pope John Paul II can STOP THE WAR Ask John Paul II to go to BAGHDAD as a HUMAN SHIELD

Families of military personnel and veterans speak out against war (tags)

The world has been galvanized into action against the Bush administration’s drive to war with Iraq. This is no less true in the United States. In all sectors of the U.S. population you will find anti-war sentiment – including in the armed forces and their families.

Protesters that give the left a bad name (tags)

These fools are who gives the left a bad name.

Bush Sr. Warns Son Over Unilateral Action (tags)

"This war is for Daddy" - how much legitimacy does he have now, when even "Daddy" says it's a bad idea?

Depleted uranium: war hazard? (tags)

It may be tempting to dismiss Rokke as a crank or a conspiracy theorist, but Rokke is 35-year-veteran of the U.S. Army, and he isn't just a disgruntled grunt. Rokke ran the U.S. Army's depleted uranium project in the mid-90s, and he was in charge of the Army's effort to clean up depleted uranium after the Persian Gulf War. And he directed the Edwin R. Bradley Radiological Laboratories at Fort McClellan, Ala.

Some British "human Shields" Flee Iraq, Cite Safety Fears (tags)

Mass surender of human shields

Finally! A Peace Rally To Cheer (tags)

Thousands rally in support of Bush Houston crowd hears politicians, veterans praise president's Iraq policies

Protests slow down Bush rush to war (tags)

WASHINGTON – George W. Bush’s rush toward war on Iraq ran into a human wall Jan. 18 as anti-war protesters packed the streets of Washington, San Francisco, Tucson, Portland, Oregon, Toronto, Canada and 20 other cities chanting “Peace now!” and “No blood for oil!”

Thousands in LA Protest Possible War (AP) (tags)

Thousands march to protest a possible war with Iraq in downtown Los Angeles, Saturday, Jan. 11, 2003. The chanting marchers headed toward the federal building where a rally was planned.(AP Photo/Nick Ut)

CNN & LAPD grossly underestimate crowd size (tags)

Funny, CNN quotes the wrong LAPD estimates. LAPD reports 3000. See the LA Times story below with differing estimates

Police Incompetence-Tell Em What YOU Think!! (tags)

Police pullover family, arrest them, shoot their dog, and laugh about it. One problem, NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED!


Buried in the 13th paragraph: ... "he was sent to the basement of the Federal Building downtown and held in a room of about 400 square feet with roughly 120 people."

Tortured ninth grader in Nepal innocent (tags)

"They asked about my family members and told me that they even would rape my small sister back at home after they knew I had a sister at home," the boy stammered.

Flesh-Eating Bacteria Hits Calif. Marine Base (tags)

Ooops! Sorry about that mortar round! We'll get you a medic in about four hours. Try not to bleed ot death or anything! + more...

Anomalies in the Wellstone crash (tags)

Reports of anomalies in the Wellstone crash, plus a report about the copilot in Wellstone's crash having taught al Queda's M. Moussaoui ar a FL aviation school, before the copilot left to work elsewhere (later as a source being queried by Wellstone re info the FBI failed to adequately look into?).

US Protesters Serve Saddam's Interests (tags)

Saddam banks on protesters to quash effort to strike Iraq

First North Korea, now Vieques! (tags)

This is a fine mess you've gotten us into this time, Ollie.

Iraq inspections pave way for peace (tags)

Iraq’s agreement to unconditional weapons inspections is a significant step forward, but the Bush administration’s negative reaction shows it wants to start a war regardless, former senator James Abourezk (D-S.D.) said Sept. 17.

Human Shield to Protect Iraq (tags)

Anti-war British lawmaker George Galloway will call for international volunteers to form a human shield in Baghdad to try to thwart any attack after he flies to Iraq on Saturday.

World AIDS Crisis Worsening (tags)

The AIDS pandemic will rapidly worsen, with the number of cases possibly doubling in sub-Saharan Africa in five years, according to an analysis by US intelligence officials.

Nader Backs Wellstone, Greens Miffed (tags)

Nader does the right last!

L.B. marchers slam 'police brutality' (tags)

L.B. marchers slam 'police brutality' By Sarah Duffy Staff writer

AFL-CIO to Wall Street: No more business as usual (tags)

Call for Bush-Cheney probe George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney faced sharp new questions about their role in Enron-style corporate fraud as the stock market continued to plummet and WorldCom went belly-up July 22, the largest corporate bankruptcy in history.

Port Strike Impact (tags)

Copied from the Press Telegram, article gives you an idea of the impact of a port strike. Truckers are trying to leverage the situation, and organize into unions.

Bush covers for Wall Street thieves (tags)

WASHINGTON – Hammered with questions about his links to corporate crime, President George W. Bush hastily travelled to Wall Street July 9 and vowed to crack down on CEOs who enrich themselves through fraud while employees lose their jobs, pensions and health benefits.

U.N. official says Israel blocks Palestinian aid (tags)

Zionazis want Palestinians starve to death, at the barbedwired extermination camps they are confined. Zionazis also want UN refugee agency to spy on refugees.

U.S. soldier told to kill women and children in Afghanistan (tags)

This American soldier says he was specifically ordered to kill women and children in Afghanistan. Isn't that a war crime?

"Beyond the Axis of Evil." (tags)

Let's see... there's Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya, Syria, Cuba... mmmm, Venezuala, Argentina, Australia, Italy, Burma...............

Tutu Condemns Israeli Apartheid: BBC News Africa (tags)

Tutu said 'oppression' would not bring security

Who Did It? (tags)

The Citizens Executive Administration (CEA-USA) is recruiting a new Secretary of Defense. Are you qualified?

govermental forces unite to foil strike in nepal (tags)

with massive strikes in india and italy it will be interesting to see how a nationwide strike will develop in a land with revolutionary forces

Palestinian Police slaughter 2 international observers (tags)

Ozaslan told Israel Radio that he clearly saw the attacker. He said that the man was armed in fatigues of the PA's security forces and was carrying an AK-47 assault rifle. "We shouted that we are observers, members of TIPH," he said. "But he did not hear us and continued to shoot."

Time to Smash Facism Again (tags)

Anti-immigrant morons to skewer Mexicans...let's counter-protest!

Chomsky Blasts WEF From Brazil (tags)

PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil - Noam Chomsky arrived here for the World Social Forum (WSF) and immediately blasted the World Economic Forum (WEF) in New York as power-hogging, anti-global, and linked to "crude and vulgar" exploitation of the September 11 attacks.

Carmichael Bank: There Was A Trial Already (tags)

when does it end...

GUARDIAN: Interim Argentinian Leader Quits (tags)

Argentina today struggled to fill a political vacuum after President Adolfo Rodriguez Saa stepped down after only 10 days in office.

'The US is an indicted terrorist state' (tags)

"The United States is an indicted terrorist state," Chomsky said. It had committed several acts of aggression against other nations and frequently violated all canons of international law. He said it had no moral right to be a critic of terrorism, having committed the same crimes.

FBI Investigates "Anti-American" Art (tags)

The investigation, he said, was part of Attorney General John Ashcroft's anti-terrorism campaign.

JDL Chairman Accused of Bomb Plot in LA (tags)

The chairman and another member of the militant Jewish Defense League (JDL) have been arrested on suspicion of plotting to blow up a Los Angeles mosque and the office of an Arab-American congressman, federal authorities said Wednesday.

Bush Administration Considers Waging ‘War on People’ (tags)

National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice announced yesterday that, in the interest of national security, the Bush Administration may be considering a major new campaign against people.

Bush Administration Hopefull on Trade Vote (tags)

Pulled from 0ct. 23rd LA Times.


New fashion trend sweeps Paris.

Taliban Propose[d] Osama Extradition to Pakistan (tags)

On the verge of US airstrikes, the Taliban made a gesture that the US & the world ignored: Afghanistan's ruling Taliban are proposing to turn over Osama Bin Laden to Pakistan for trial, but only on condition that Islamabad will not extradite the Arab dissident to any other country, a top Taliban official told Online on Saturday."The proposal aimed at avoiding large-scale devastation has been received by Pakistani officials and they are considering it before sending to the USA", the official said.

Taleban defector turns back on torture (tags)

A DEFECTOR from the Taleban’s secret police has described how he was commanded to “find new ways of torture so terrible that the screams will frighten crows from their nests and if the person survives he will never again have a night’s sleep”.

Alleged Hijacker ALIVE?! (tags)

From the YAHOO World News page, comes this SHOCKING revelation.... the Father of one of the alleged Hijackers claims his Son is ALIVE!


Over 10,000 people marched in Durban South Africa to support the Palestinian People.

Genoa Police Unit Trained by LAPD (tags)

ROME (Reuters) - An elite Italian police unit which carried out a bloody raid against protesters at a Group of Eight summit in Genoa was trained by U.S. police chiefs, an Italian newspaper reported Tuesday

Berlusconi defends tactics of riot police (tags)

Italian Carabinieri used strong-arm tactics but were badly led, ill-disciplined and indiscriminate

Politics, Profits Increasing Risks of Biotech Foods (tags)

"I have questions about whether the scientific community has prepared for this era" of genetically modified crops, he told the conference, sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Highland woman shot by police had much to live for, friends say (tags)

18 year old Ginenne Stover was full of talent, and had her whole life ahead of her, so why was she shot to death by a police officer within several minutes of his arrival at her house?

Bernell Butler takes the stand (tags)

Today, Bernell Butler took the stand and testified how the death of his cousin, Tyisha Miller impacted his marriage even as it galvanized a civil rights movement in Riverside.

DNC Official Pissed Over LAPD Treatment of His Daughter (tags)

LAPD harasses Philly officials for jaywalking while black. DNC officials' daughter gets strongarm treatment from LAPD.

More Corporate Media articles (tags)

Multiple articles from NYtimes, LAtimes, and excite also the daily photo gallery from

Hands Off The Youth (Follow Up) (tags)

Rampart Police Arrest Youth At March Planning Meeting part 2


Activists charged with trespassing, held for political questioning by LAPD

Pepper Spray Guns to be used at DNC on protestors. (tags)

Judging from previous police behaviour in DC and Seattle, it is obvious the LAPD are preparing for violent attacks on peaceful protestors.

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