Jewish Journal Clears South Central Farmers of Anti-Semitism
a. city councilwoman jan perry, a. city hall, african american, alison mayersohn, annenberg foundation, antisemitic, antisemitism, avalon boulevard, before horowitz, but horowitz, central, central los angeles, charges, community advocates, concerned citizens, dan stormer, danny glover, darryl ryan, daryl hannah, david lehrer, deal, defamation league, developer ralph horowitz, did anti, eviction, farm, farmers, for americans, he said, horowitz, in cunin, jewish, jewish l., jewish mafia, joan baez, juanita tate, la voz, la voz de aztlan, la weekly, land, laura dern, los angeles city council, los angeles mayor antonio villaraigosa, los angeles police department, los angeles regional food bank, los angeles times, marc ballon, mark williams, mayor antonio villaraigosa, national director abraham foxman, ninth district, pacific southwest region, property, public land, rabbi abraham cooper, ralph horowitz, sarah coffey, semitism did anti, semitism take root, senior writer, simon wiesenthal center, south central farm, south central farmers, south central farmers feeding families, south central los angeles, south l., south los angeles, supporters, that web, united states, westside jews