fix articles 83, central Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : central


Self-fulfilling Prophecy (tags)

The orchestrators of this global coup must be credited with a certain sadistic brilliance. Their sleight of hand succeeded, perhaps even beyond expectations. However, any power aiming at totalization is destined to fail, and this applies also to the high priests of the Covid religion and the institutional puppets they have mobilized to roll out the psyop.

Blow up the banking system: A free account for all is possible (tags)

Harsh austerity policies for the vast majority of people and state socialism for bankers, both practiced at the same time in Europe and the U.S. after 2008 - this had two consequences for financialized capitalism of the past 14 years. First, this course poisoned the West's money.

The inflation debate and The inflation conundrum (tags)

If inflation is the result of a distributional conflict, it can be deliberately stopped by governments. Governments could skim off the higher profits through a tax in order to subsidize energy costs for consumers. Governments could also raise taxes (on the rich).

Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness! (tags)

Almost no one asks what an economic policy looks like that no longer subordinates everything to economic growth: How to reduce the debt mountain to a reasonable level without GDP growth? How can pensions be secured without GDP growth and employment be guaranteed?

Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness (tags)

History teaches that major course corrections usually emerge from crises. However, far-sighted economists and politicians should start thinking today about how to shape a future without debt crises, without ecological and social exploitation, and without compulsive growth.

Left party wins election in Honduras (tags)

Xiomara Castro is the wife of former President Manuel Zelaya, who was ousted from office in 2009. She is supported by an alliance of the parties Libre, Salvador de Honduras, parts of the Liberal Party and the small party Pinu. After the right-wing coup, there is a change of power in one of poorest countries in Latin America.

The Forever War (tags)

Women's rights were to be strengthened and a Western-style form of government was to be implanted. In fact, according to the U.S.'s own statements, the hijackers of those planes that flew into the World Trade Center towers were primarily Saudis. The docile oil country of Saudi Arabia was never attacked.

State and crisis (tags)

Capitalist crisis policy is ultimately in a crisis trap... The central banks' billion-dollar "quantitative easing" may have prevented the collapse of the world financial system in 2020, but it is only a postponement of the crisis.

Limitation to 1.5 degrees is not possible with our economic system (tags)

In economics, an international mainstream dominates, which establishes optimized formal models that exclude many areas of economic relations, such as feminism, historical school, as well as post-Keynesianism, which considers the importance of demand and demand to be at least as important as good conditions for companies.

Rents know no Corona (tags)

Numerous economists had predicted falling real estate prices and rental prices during the pandemic. But prices are rising. Once again, economists are surprised that reality does not want to follow their models... Central banks are squeezing even more money into the financial markets than ever before.

The big crash isn't just hitting the stock markets (tags)

The author reminds us that "never in history has a crisis been solved by printing money." The states and central banks had "maneuvered themselves into a dead end from which they can no longer get out" through their own fault.

Message to Indymedia Users and Others (tags)

Re-start LA Indymedia with funding, forgetting the old data and a new file system.

Terrorist threaten United States through drug lords (tags)

Criminal organizations are constantly adapting their methods for trafficking across our borders

Open Letter: Write off debt, win the future! (tags)

We are fortunate to have a creditor that does not have to fear losing its money: the ECB (European Central Bank). Our proposal is therefore very simple: let us conclude an agreement between the European states and the ECB. The ECB writes off the debt it holds (or converts it into perpetual interest-free debt).

Our normality is not returniing (tags)

If the government's response to the debt accumulated during the crisis is austerity, it will make the situation even worse. It is therefore right to call for a more active and visionary state policy that shows a way out of the crisis. What form will these policies take?

The Forgotten History of the Financial Crisis (tags)

In the United States between late 2008 and early 2009, 800,000 people were losing their jobs every month. By 2015, over nine million American families would lose their homes to foreclosure—the largest forced population movement in the United States since the Dust Bowl.

Economics in the times of the coronavirus (tags)

Most people’s thinking is determined by the development of the Covid-19 crisis, the return of “the hour of executive power” (Gerhard A. Ritter), i.e. state of exception legislation, and the fears which it evokes as well as the economic measures in response to the health crisis.

Hayek and the Social Question (tags)

Hayek, author of Road to Serfdom, said the market was self-healing and market outcomes were just outcomes. In his book "Submission is Freedom," Schreiner explains how public investments and market corrections are vital.

Is Capitalism Out of Order? (tags)

Growing debt is actually not a big problem in a growing economy as long as it does not grow faster than the gross domestic product (GDP). The debt mountain of the capitalist world system is growing much faster than the world economic output.

Bernie Sanders in Las Vegas: Being free, being high and eminent domain (tags)

The proclamation of a national climate emergency, the ban on oil and gas exports and the import of cheap medicines from Canada are to be implemented by means of the so-called "Executive Order"

The Bank Of Israel, Gold, And The Third Temple (tags)


The Attack of Corporations and the Rich on the Rest of Society (tags)

Inconceivable sums were given out without hesitation when the banks were bailed out from bankruptcy. The rich triumph and despise others as losers. Corporations and the rich must desist from their selfishness and accept their responsibility for society again.

The Criminality of the Elites (tags)

The offenses of the upper classes are hardly publicized. People wait in vain for strong interventions in the economic realm. Financial criminality harms the state, the community and economic growth (e.g. high-frequency trading, shadow banking, financial products)

Setback for Developer of SC Farm Land (tags)

Judge: Environmental Impact Report of PIMA warehouses must be revisited.

The World Dependent on Central Banks (tags)

The situation seems extremely contradictory. The global economic and financial system has been clinically dead since 2008. It only functions because it is artificially kept alive by the central banks like a patient in the intensive care unit $!8 trillion was pumped into the global system.

Anti-Mall '16: Buy Back the Farm! / Stop DAPL / Free Peltier (tags)

The winter 2016 Anti-Mall was in solidarity with Stop the Dakota Pipeline and Buy Back the Farm! (and there were multiple ways for guests to support them). Clemency for Leonard Peltier was also promoted. And as always, the Anti-Mall was a chance for shoppers to put their money into the activist-artist community and practice sustainable living (e.g., repairing more and throwing away less).

Causes of Great Problems Faded Out in Elections (tags)

Elections today have one thing in common: they don't change anything. Pseudo-battles dominate in which the actors are intensely focused on evading the burning questions and diverting the electorate from the real causes of problems..

65 Economists Call for QE for People in the Eurozone (tags)

The campaign for Quantitative Easing for People is currently supported by 21 organizations and aims to redirect money created through the QE program to the real economy by either financing public investment spending in the eurozone or by distributing a citizens' dividend to all residents

Assad in Moscow (tags)


The Coded World: Loss of Democracy and Abandonment of Knowledge (tags)

Neoliberalism is the enemy of knowledge. Specialized knowledge and the experience of skilled workers are sought less and less in a world ruled by simple numbers and algorithms. Through economization, powerful private enterprises manipulate or withhold information.

Russia v. America on Syria (tags)


Russia and Syria on the Offensive Against ISIS (tags)


State Indebtedness: The Beloved Enemy (tags)

"The slow one now will later be fast as the present now will later be fast." The state unlike the Swabian housewife can become indebted to invest in a more social and more human future. All personal and corporate profit depends on state investment in roads, schools, food safety etc.

Some Straight Facts about History of Deng Xiaoping (tags)

Deng which mean little bottle in Mandarin was the most important Chinese in China leader of the 20th century. He helped in the "Anti Rightists Campaign of the 1950's and helped to reverse the disaster begun by Mao Zedong's "Great Leap Forward 1958-1961 28-40 million rural deaths.

Monied Interests Run America (tags)


Greek Bailout Deal: Greatest Ever Macroeconomic Management Disaster (tags)


Entrapping Greece in Debt (tags)


Former Science Ed of London Times: Smallpox Vaccine Triggered Aids (tags)

As Governor Brown, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer have worked to violate the 1st amendment which guarantees religious freedom and to violate the health of children, it's time to examine again the data which indicates the WHO smallpox vaccine spread AIDS around the world.

Obama Wants Regime Change in Ecuador (tags)


George Galloway Defeated in UK General Election (tags)


United Families For Justice Carry 617 Coffins to Downtown L.A. #DeathByCop Rally (tags)

The 617 coffins memorialize Los Angeles victims of police murder since the year 2000. #RememberMe #DeathByCop #BlackLivesMatter #BrownLivesMatter

Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Calls America a Hemispheric Threat (tags)


New Geo;olitical/Financial Bombshells (tags)


Donbas Humanitarian Crisis (tags)


Plummeting Oil Prices (tags)


Market Euphoria: The Mother of All Ponzi Schemes (tags)


Crowning the Dragon: World's Top Economy (tags)


Libya in Free Fall (tags)


LA Fields Two Marches Against Police Executions Photoset 2 of 2 (tags)

Two wildcat marches in the August sun to condemn the deaths and abuse of Ford, Abrego, Jackson, Montgomery and Parker in response to Ferguson Missouri

LA Fields Two Marches Against Police Executions Photoset 1of 2 (tags)

LA has two wildcat marches in the August sun to condemn the deaths and abuse of Ford, Abrego, Jackson, Montgomery and Parker in response to Ferguson Missouri

$5.3 Trillion Daily (tags)

Eliminating currency speculation would be simple. The big central banks, the American Fed, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank and the Japanese Central Bank...$5.3 trillion whirl through the world daily seeking lucrative currency bets.

Obama at LA Trade Tech (tags)

There might be some protests.

Emails Needed by Thursday, July 17 to Save the South Central Farm (Again) (tags)

The L.A. Planning Commission is again planning to put a sweatshop and warehouses on the South Central Farm site, and this time they're doing an end run around public comment.

Public Comment on South Central Farm Site (tags)

Received from Jack Neff of SCF.

Ukrainian Presidential Election (tags)


100 Years of Financial Terrorism (tags)


The Purge in Pyongyang (tags)

To anyone with a remote interest in the inner workings of North Korea, the recent purge of Kim Jong Un’s perceived éminence grise Jang Song Thaek was stunning in its abrupt ferocity and in the sheer publicity that surrounded it.

The Battle for Ukraine (tags)


Book Review: "The Victory of Capital" (tags)

A society can only provide for the future by investing today in the production of tomorrow...What may be sensible economically for a private individual or individual business could be harmful for the national economy, particularly when the economy staggers.

Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All? (tags)

Zygmunt Bauman, born in 1925, is a Polish sociologist. Since 1971, he has resided in England after being driven out of Poland by an anti-semitic campaign, engineered by the Communist government he had supported.

Yellen's Fed Assures Business As Usual (tags)


Addicted to Liquidity Injections (tags)

Bernanke's announcing of lower monthly printing of money was enough to make stock exchanges collapse in many threshold countries. The monetary policy of printing money and zero interest is caught in a vicious circle. Liquidity glut generates credit growth.

They want capitalism without democracy; we want democracy without capitalism (tags)

The policy of crises and impoverishment disrupts our lives and the lives of millions of people in the world. More than 300 persons were gravely injured through blows, tear gas and pepper spray. Blockupy had an important political success.

The South Central Farm: A New Battle Begins... (tags)

The fight to save the South Central Farm is still going strong. As one activist said, “A people united will never be sub-divided.”

The Bloom Is Off Gold (tags)


Are Reforms of the Financial Sector Enough? (tags)

This article focuses on seven errors and seven remedies of the financial crisis. The financial crisis was also a crisis of easy money. For years and again today, speculators exploited the situation that money was and is very easy to borrow in the US and Japan.

Cyprus Postmortems: Part II (tags)

class war

Cyprus Postmortems (tags)

class war

Chavez: A Personal Tribute (tags)


South Central Activist Runs for City Council; Tells Radical Life Story (tags)

Ron Gochez: Life Story of a City Council Candidate from South Central, High School Teacher, and Community Organizer born to an undocumented mother who fled civil war in El Salvador. 33 Minutes Audio/Photography

South Central Woman, 71, Evicted From Home After Years-Long Battle Against Banks (tags)


An Eviction in South Central (tags)

A South Central resident finds her voice in the midst of her eviction

CNRWA Held Great Basin Water Forum 2012 in Carson City, NV (tags)

The Central Nevada Regional Water Authority held the Great Basin Water Forum on 11/13 in Carson City, NV to discuss ways to protect groundwater from being exported by the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) via a 200 mile long pipeline against the wishes of locals and despite warnings of aquifer ecosystem collapse by many scientists.

Turkish daily: NATO airbase in Turkey to assume a central role in a possible war on Syria (tags)

According to plans prepared by the US and Turkey, Pirinclik Air Base (*) , which is the closest NATO air base to Syria, will assume a central role in the event of an operation against Syria; reports Hurriyet daily.

Research on Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Central America (tags)

A multidisciplinary and multinational team of researchers led by Boston University has been investigating in Nicaragua the cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD) affecting large areas of Central America, following a request filed in 2008 by Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL), a subsidiary of Grupo Pellas, and the Chichigalpa Association for Life (ASOCHIVIDA), the most representative group of kidney patients in the western part of the country.

Money Printing Madness (tags)

class war

San Jose Imam linked to Hezbollah arrested in Mexico (tags)

Rafic Mohammad Labboun Allaboun arrested in Mexico

Bankers Rule (tags)

The state became indebted to bailout the banks. Now the state pays them ever higher interests. The state should guarantee the deposits of small savers, not the debts of banks to other banks or hedge funds. The financial sector must be shriveled, the sector that uncoupled.

Bazooka Economics (tags)

class war

Capitalism Failed (tags)

class war

Year-end inflation forecast down to 6.2 pct as risk perceptions recover (tags)

Ongoing optimism in Turkish markets, triggered by the latest positive indices, has influenced the risk perceptions regarding foreign investments in the country positively, Turkish Central Bank Governor Erdem Başçı told reporters in Ankara on Thursday.

You can vote as bankers dictate, but is that democracy? (tags)

Officials of the European Central Bank and the European Union apparatus quickly served notice that the pressure is not off by demanding the formation of a government to their liking.

Discrimination Against Arab Communities in Israel (tags)


7 Day Occupation against Downtown Gentrification (tags)

Washington and Israel Threaten Humanity (tags)


May 1 Calendar of Events in LA (tags)

Copied from the Occupy LA list.

Shaky Economies (tags)

class war

Obama's War on Iran (tags)


BTL:Critics Say Kony 2012 Campaign Offers Inappropriate Response to Central Africa's Compl (tags)

Interview with Kambale Musavuli, national spokesperson and student coordinator with Friends of the Congo, conducted by Scott Harris

The New Walking Dead (tags)

2012 can not bring anything good having put wolves caring the hen house.

It's not the Federal Reserve, it's the system it serves (tags)

If the Fed were eliminated, the exact same powerful capitalist interests would be continue to bend government policy to their preferred outcome and would continue to exercise the same dominance over government, social institutions and the mass media. The only difference would be that the economy would become more unstable than it already is because there would be less ability on the part of government to dampen excesses. Why would that be good?

The new Walking Dead (tags)

El 2012 no puede traer nada bueno habiendo puesto a lobos cuidando del gallinero.

Creation of Money (tags)

To give a credit to a customer, a bank doesn't need to take the savings of another cutomer from its vaults. It creates the money out of nothing. In a countermove, the bank must deposit money with the central bank. There is a debate whether the creation of money can be left to the banks.

How Goldman Sachs Rules the World (tags)

Hank Paulsen had famous examples: Robert Rubin, Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, also changed from Goldman Sachs into politics. Europe and the US are firmly in the grip of Goldman Sachs.

Money Power World Rule (tags)

class war

Washington's Greater Middle East Agenda: War (tags)


Central Bank Intervention: Much Ado About Nothing (tags)

class war

Report Back: City Council Unanimously Supports “Turning Land into Cash” (tags)

Various people said that Jan Perry was using the ancient "divide and conquer" strategy and that she succeeded in dividing the community in and around 41st and Alameda. Both Perry and Eric Garcetti (District 13), who presided over the meeting, are planning to run for mayor. It seems unlikely that LA will have a decent mayor within our lifetimes, but a Mayor Perry or a Mayor Garcetti would be one more major injustice.

Editorial: Jan Perry's Latest Offensive Against the South Central Farm Land (41st & Alameda) (tags)

Tomorrow morning, October 15, City Council is scheduled to vote on Jan Perry's proposal that would release developer Ralph Horowitz of the 2.6-acre green space requirement and make it easier for him to sell the property. And so the future of the 14-acre plot of land, at 41st and Alameda is once again under dispute. Previously the site of the famous South Central Farm, once known as the largest urban farm in the country, if the not world, the land has become the most disputed plot of real-estate in the city. (At the time of its demolition circa 2006, there was a massive community mobilization to save it, and the goal of the farmers to reclaim the land has not died.)

Occupy America for Change (tags)

class war

When Goliath Wins: The Triumph of Redevelopment in Los Angeles (tags)

On Tuesday at 8:00 a.m., the South Central Farmers, their supporters, and the residents of the Central-Alameda neighborhood will confront the Los Angeles City Council in its chambers one more time to try to save the Farm and save the neighborhood. in the unlikely event they succeed, they might save the City.

Jan Perry's Attempt to Remove Green Space Requirement Gains Steam (tags)

After 90+ minutes of open discussion, City Council’s Budget and Finance Committee unanimously approved Councilwoman Jan Perry's proposal and made the announcement quickly and quietly. Perry was not present herself but filled the room with residents of the low-income housing project Pueblo Del Rio (who were bused in and treated to a free lunch) and employees of PIMA, the company which hopes to develop the entire property. The measure will now be reintroduced to the full City Council, probably in mid-November. The South Central Farm is calling on Angelinos to contact their City Council members (contact info. at the bottom of this article).

Why Libya Was Attacked (tags)


SCF to Occupy LA City Hall (tags)

Farmers Join with Central–Alameda Residents and OccupyLA To Halt Sale of Last Piece of Urban Farm

Dominant Finance Capital Institutions (tags)

money power

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Deal with disasters, not blame the masses (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States wrote to your newspaper to vehemently condemn the criminal neglect and the breast thumping of the Aquino III?s NDRRMC , the agency and its head, Benito Ramos. The NDRRMC is the agency who is task to mitigate disasters and warn the people of the impending disasters and conduct relief work such as the fury of the Thypoon Pedring and Quiel that hit the Philippines and devastated most of Northern and Central Luzon. Very poor Response And yet with no less than President Benigno C. Aquino in attendance during their televised briefing, there was nothing new on the typhoons and floodings that hit the country recently. Pedring has passed and another storm came in and had passed but still the waters released by the dams still has flooded the whole Metro Manila and Central Luzon.



Jan Perry Proposes Waiver of Green Space Requirement for South Central Farm Land (tags)

What was probably intended as a quiet move by Jan Perry gets media attention and puts two organizations with an adversarial history on the same side. Four companies are named in regards to Ralph Horowitz's sale of the land (now in escrow). People are encouraged to print out copies of a petition against this plan and gather signatures.

Farmers Fighting for South Central Again (tags)

The Farmers defend the last vestige of the Farm against City and development. Join them Thursday morning, 8:00 a.m., at the Port of Los Angeles Administration Building, 425 S. Palos Verdes St., San Pedro, CA 90731

Visit Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon at his new home (tags)

So Mayor Phil Gordon now lives at the Chateau on Central, which is just north of McDowell Road on Central Avenue.

Banker Occupation of Greece (tags)

financial terrorism

Dismissively Ignoring Hard Times (tags)


Humala Wins Peru's Presidential Runoff (tags)


The South Central Farmers: The Dream Reborn (tags)

The fight for the Farm is on again

America's Terminal Decline (tags)


Libya's Great Man-Made River (tags)


Reagan Revisionism: Planned Centennial Commemoration Hoopla (tags)


Banking in Venezuela (tags)

responsible banking

Press Conference: LAPD Christmas Checkpoints/Neighborhood Council Resolution (tags)

PRESS CONFERENCE: Neighborhood Council and Southern California Immigration Coalition to denounce the Los Angeles Police Department and Mayor Villaraigosa for stealing cars from Immigrants; especially during Christmas

Request for Impeachment of TERRY NAFISI - Clerk of US Court, Central District of CA (tags)

The request alleged that Clerk TERRY NAFISI violated her Oath of Office, including, but not limited to: denial of access to the courts, deprivation of rights under the color of law, and/or misprision of felonies; therefore - impeachable offences.

Kalahari Bushman appeals to African Commission (tags)

A Bushman from a settlement deep in Botswana’s Central Kalahari Game Reserve has travelled to the Gambia to ask the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights for help.

The Neoliberal Experiment and Europe's anti-Austerity Strikes (tags)

"The neoliberals are fully in control of the bureaucracy, and they are reviving Margaret Thatcher's slogan, TINA: There Is No Alternative. But there is, of course. In the small Baltic economies, pro-labor parties have made it clear that the alternative to government shrinkage is to simply repeal the debts, withdraw from the Euro and break the banks. It is either the banks or labor - and Europe has just realized that this is truly a fight to the economic death. And the first test will come this Saturday, when Latvia holds its national parliamentary elections."

More about Alex Sanchez and the Fed's WAR ON GANGS (tags)

RE-Published fromThe Nation ( Feds Have Been Hiding Evidence From Wiretap Courts In Their War on Gangs

A Financial Boom Despite the Crisis (tags)

For the banks, deficit state budgets become important clients. They compensate the private demand for credit. The financial boom is completely based on support measures of state organs. An economic upswing is not in sight.

Kangaroo Court in the Philippine Underground Movement (tags)

It is clear that the Communist Party of the Philippines’ theory and practice of due process is based on the assumption of innocence or diminished criminal culpability when cadres toe the official line, but becomes assumed guilt when cadres raise questions against the central leadership.

Filipinos: LEST WE FORGET! (tags)

We seem to have forgotten that once upon a time, not too long ago, there was this family, the Marcoses, comprised of Ferdinand (now deceased), Imelda (still gallivanting and traipsing the light fantastic in Manila and occasionally, kung maka lusot, overseas), and 3 children, including Ferdinand "Bongbong" Jr who's now running, under Presidential candidate Manny Villar, in the SAME Senatorial slate as political activists (??) Liza Maza and Satur Ocampo.

PTSD, infertility and other consequences of war (tags)

When used as directed, the depleted uranium bullets, shells and bombs become a lethal uranium gas or aerosol. The poison uranium oxide gas aerosols last for billions of years and never stop indiscriminately maiming and killing, which is a war crime in itself.

Israel's Infiltration Prevention Bill (tags)

Israel accelerating toward fascism

UK and US finance Central African War; 8 million Africans die (tags)

Anti-war activists around the country rallied in Washington D.C. and around the country on the 7th anniversary of the outset of the Iraq War, but there as little or no mention of the Congo War, or the wider war in Central Africa, financed by the US and the UK, with six to ten million war dead. KPFA News report, 03.21.2010.

Mothers March & Speak Out (tags)

On Saturday, March 13, about 150 mothers, grandmothers, women who are not mothers, children, and men, came out for the Mothers March and Speak Out in Los Angeles. This was an International Women’s Day event called by the Global Women’s Strike and Women of Color/GWS.

The War in Afghanistan and the Central Asia Pipeline Plan (tags)

"When you check the maps above a clearer picture emerges. The bottom map is the proposed pipeline route to move Caspian Sea oil through Turkmenistan into Afghanistan and then finally through Pakistan to ports along the Arabian Sea where U.S. and British tankers would gorge themselves with the black gold. The whole reason the U.S. is in Afghanistan and Pakistan today is to deny those pipelines from being routed through Russia, China, or Iran."

CNN's cover-up of the corporate fraud of Globalization. (tags)

I am informing through Indymedia International, all the workers of the World that they themselves must build their own jobs. All institutions in America public or private are robbing the citizens. Each American must deal with the problem directly.


PESANTE NEWS learned today from news sources in Davao City, Philippines that at least 150,000 people who depend on the tuna industry in General Santos City could end up jobless as a result of a two-year ban on tuna fishing in Western and Central Pacific, a fishing magnate said.

Crises Have Disproven Mainstream Neo-Classical Economics (tags)

"According to Tax Commissioner Cory Fong: North Dakota has been able to weather the economic crisis.

Mega Projects in LA- Gentrification Amidst Crisis and Poverty (tags)

While the US economy is in the doldrums, gentrification marches on in LA with five huge developments projects to open in early 2010. The five mega projects n downtown LA are the following: 1) The $ 900 million 54-story Convention Center Hotel at LA to open Feb 15. It has tower of 878 room at JW Marriot and 123 at Ritz –Carlton condos. It is located at LA Live campus where the Staples Center I located. 2) the $ 168 million University Gateway of USC 3) Beautiful Music Concerto in South park 3) the $125 M Medallion at Main and 4th Street and 5) the $ 145 M California Science Park I Exposition Park.

The Unknown Chinese Cultural Revolution (tags)

A very exciting announcement: On January 9-10, Book TV (C-SPAN2) will be broadcasting Dongping Han's talk on his new book "The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village."

Steve Murphy Update - Support Needed! (tags)

Steve Needs Your Support!

Isi Leibler is a danger to Israel. (tags)

When he calls J Street an extremist fringe group.

Chavez’s Lines: ¡¡Viva El Che!! (tags)

"As I write today Saturday, in the early hours of the morning I receive fresh news about the evolution of the crisis: “According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the economic crisis pushed 61 million people into unemployment in 2009, and the world there are now 241 million unemployed workers, the largest number of unemployed persons in history.” (IAR Noticias) “It is expected that the number of poor people [in the U.S.], will grow to 90 million by 2010, while at least 59 million will join the ranks of the unemployed, as stated by the Central Bank president Robert Zoellick.” (IPS) There's nothing coincidental that Venezuela is one of four countries in the world that advanced four positions in terms of Human Development Index according to the United Nations Human Development Report 2009. And it is no coincidence that, according to the report, we are the country with the best distribution of income across Our America, that is, with the best rate, to use Bolivar’s term, of established and practiced equality."

Aid for Darfur (tags)

Saifee Durbar plans to help the people of Darfur by building a railway from Sudan to Cameroon

Court Orders Fed to Disclose Emergency Bank Loans (tags)

Manhattan Chief U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ruled against the central bank yesterday, rejecting the argument that loan records aren’t covered by the law because their disclosure would harm borrowers’ competitive positions.

Cuban connection: Honduran coup (tags)

"Nodarse has a very long trajectory in Miami mafia circles that do not act only against Cuba, but also against Central America, most recently Honduras. None is safe from the long murderous arm of the counterrevolutionary Cubans of Miami. The fragile democratic institutions of Central America will serve as easy targets for Posada and Nodarse."

Saifee Durbar: Railway Aid For Africa (tags)

Saif Durbar will span Africa with a railroad, helping it become more self sufficient.

Michael Hudson's "Super Imperialism:" The Economic Agenda of Imperial America (tags)

How imperial America is funded

Obama's Financial Reform Proposal - A Stealth Scheme for Global Monetary Control (tags)

global dominance, not reform is planned

Santee Students Walk Out and March in Support of Hunger Strikers Part 3 (tags)

Part 3 of a 3 Part Photo Essay.

Santee Students Walk Out and March in Support of Hunger Strikers (tags)

Kids Raise Their Voices about Cuts and Class Size. Photo Essay Part 1 of 3

Julia Butterfly Hill and Daryl Hannah Join the South Central Farmers To Take Back the Farm (tags)

***Breaking News*** Julia Butterfly Hill and Daryl Hannah Join the South Central Farmers To Take Back the Farm Saturday, June 13, 6:00-11:30 p.m. Reunion at the Farm Update to Press Release SAVE THE FARM SAVE THE WORKERS SAVE THE NEIGHBORHOOD LOS ANGELES--On Saturday, June 13, Julia Butterfly Hill and Daryl Hannah, both luminaries in the South Central Farm encampment and environmental activists, will join the South Central Farmers and Farm supporters at a reunion and recommitment to the Farm at 41st and Alameda

June 12th, 2009: South Central Farmers rally at City Hall 8:00 am (tags)

South Central Farmers Return to City Hall! Friday, June 12, 9:00 a.m. Press Conference at City Hall Saturday, June 13, 6:00-11:30 p.m. Reunion at the Farm LOS ANGELES--On Friday June 12, at 8:00 a.m. the South Central Farmers and their supporters will return to City Hall to demand fair and equitable treatment for South Central residents and Farmers in the face of continuing City privileges for developer Ralph Horowitz. The following day, Farmers and Farm supporters will hold a reunion on the third anniversary of the destruction of the Farm for all interested in restoring the South Central Farm.

LA's The South Central Skankers Debut: Welcome To Lost Angeles (tags)

The South Central Skankers are releasing their debut album on June 6 and in honor of the release are playing at LA SKACORE Invasion!

Attac Catalogue for Democratizing the Financial Markets (tags)

The financial industry contributed over $5 billion in the last year in campaign gifts and lobbying to ensure that Wall Street oligarchs have their way in the media and congress. Attac is a global justice network committed to shriveling the financial markets.

Never Forever 21 Action: Round 3 4/25/09 (tags)

The South Central Farm is the people's land, given to us by Mayor Tom Bradley, in 1993 after the Los Angeles Uprising. The people built an inner-city paradise, the nation's largest urban farm. In 2006, Mayor Bradley's promise was broken: the Los Angeles City Council took the land away and gave it to a developer to build a mammoth shipping center for the sweatshop clothing manufacturer Forever 21. We're here today to tell Forever 21 that we won't work for sweatshops, that we are Farmers. We are the people: the Farm is our land!

The IMF and Romania: A Road Less Travelled (tags)

IMF policies have left shattered economies.

Arsonists as the Fire Brigade (tags)

Supported by ideologically-blinded deregulators, the "masters of the universe" dominant in Wall Street and the City of London could bend the rules of the game on the global financial markets. Their shadow banking system existed above politics and regulators.

Actions Against Forever 21 Continue (tags)

“What's going on here is environmental racism. Why are we always putting warehouses or pollution in certain areas? Why don't they put the warehouse here [in Old Town Pasadena]? We know that they're not going to put a warehouse here where they're going to have diesel trucks—50 an hour—coming in this area raising the asthma rates, raising the cancer rates. They're not going to allow that here, but they're going to allow it in our community. And they're going to say, 'That's what they're used to, that's what they deserve, that's what it's zoned for.'” -- Rosa, South Central farmer/Food Not Bombs

Feb 21, 2009 Protest Forever 21 in Pasadena (tags)

The South Central Farmers have joined forces with student groups California Statewide MEChA and D-Q Unity to force the international teen clothing corporation Forever 21 to end plans for construction on the site of the South Central Farm and demand fair wages for its workers. The SCF Action Committee will lead a rally to kickoff a national boycott until the Farm is restored and stop worker abuse ended on Saturday, December 13, at noon at the Forever 21 "superstore" at 35 N. De Lacey Avenue in Pasadena, one block north of Colorado Avenue.

Juan Santos: Im Memorium (tags)

To Walk in Beauty More than just a Dream: The South Central Farm is Everywhere The Declaration of the Leadership Council of the South Central Farm Movement The Spirit cannot be uprooted. That’s the most fundamental truth of the matter. It was heart breaking to have the Farm stolen from us, to be driven away from it by a small army of police like chattel slaves being driven to the slave ships; to have to re-live what our ancestors faced, what indigenous peoples have always faced at the hands of this system. But we know that it is not the tragedies of our lives, but, rather, the choices we make in response to them, that have to power to shape who and what we become, and that shape what we are able to realize in our futures. No one but each of us, individually and collectively, has that power, it is not the tragedies and oppressions that are scripted into the system that are decisive, but the choices we make about our lives as we encounter them that ultimately decide the matter.

The Blood of the Black Sheep (tags)

Crisis and Catharsis. Capitalism begins its great self-purging to remain what it is. The Wall Street boys and girls have not forgotten how to make money amid crisis. The speculation bubbles burst. The fictional wealth dissolves in thin air thanks to falling home prices and stock prices.

2008 AntiMall (part 1) (tags)

". . . So the purpose is to support those communities in their struggles and not support things like Walmart and Target in our neighborhoods but really invest back into social change .” -- Laura Palomares

III-the International Crisis WS Report (tags)

The Master in Economics and official of the Ecuadorian Central Bank, March Naranjo Chiriboga, asked help from the Mercosur countries, mainly from Brazil, to overcome the global financial crisis. He believes that Ecuador, which has no own currency and uses the U.S. dollar for internal commercial transactions, will feel the results of crisis in a more pronounced way and will be one of the most affected countries in Latin America.

Never Forever 21 Coalition, South Central Farmers Rally, Saturday, December 13th, 12PM-3PM (tags)

ECOLOGY + JUSTICE NO FOREVER 21 SAVE THE FARM SAVE THE WORKERS SAVE THE NEIGHBORHOOD LOS ANGELES--The South Central Farmers have joined forces with student groups California Statewide MEChA and D-Q Unity to force the international teen clothing corporation Forever 21 to end plans for construction on the site of the South Central Farm and demand fair wages for its workers. The SCF Action Committee will lead a rally to kickoff a national boycott until the Farm is restored and stop worker abuse ended on Saturday, December 13, at noon at the Forever 21 "superstore" at 35 N. De Lacey Avenue in Pasadena, one block north of Colorado Avenue.

Only Lip Service: Interview with Heiner Flassbeck (tags)

Heiner Flassbeck describes the financial summit in Washington as failed. The UN expert says the central problems of speculation with exchange rates and raw materials were not addressed. The industrial countries divert from the real themes.

Ni una muerta más - International Day Against Violence Against Women in Guatemala (tags)

November 25, 2008 GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala - Guatemalan women's organizations commemorated International Day Against Violence Against Women with a five-kilometer march from the Palacio de Justicia to the city's central plaza. Up to 2,000 women, men, and children from over twenty women's and human rights organizations participated, including a solidary group from Los Angeles.

The Federal Reserve: History of Lies, Thievery, and Deceit (tags)

Former Congressional Candidate, 6th District N.J. "I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." Thomas Jefferson

Carlos Lessa proposes control of exchange rate for Brazil to overcome the crisis. (tags)

He says the biggest obstacle to Brazil overcome the crisis and get strengthened out of it is the Central Bank’s President Henrique Meirelles, formed by the Bank of Boston, and that will do nothing that would undermine the private banks.

Fed Defies Transparency On Bailout Monies: Refuses to Disclose (tags)

By Mark Pittman, Bob Ivry and Alison Fitzgerald Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

Israel celebrates Historic US elections by bombing Gaza (tags)

Israel celebrates Historic US elections by bombing Gaza

"The Market is not a Safe Bank" by Helmut Schmidt (tags)

This crisis was avoidable. The fact that American investment banks are not subject to any normal bank supervision is scandalous. Financial transactions must be subject to rules and security standards. The heavier the traffic, the more rules and regulations are needed.

South Central Farmers Demand Ethics Investigation of Local Officials (tags)

Citing an apparent conflict of interest, the South Central Farmers are demanding that California's State Attorney General investigate the sale of the site of the South Central Farm by Los Angeles city officials to local developer Ralph Horowitz for a trucking center for women's clothing manufacturer and retailer Forever 21.


he Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States calls on the US-Arroyo Regime to stop its military offensives against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) armed forces in the Central Mindanao areas and resume peace talks now. According to media sources from the Philippines, more than 160,000 people were affected by the fighting between the AFP and the MILF in six towns of central Mindanao. At least 60 AFP troops have been killed since the week-old fighting erupted.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States calls on the US-Arroyo Regime to stop its military offensives against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) armed forces in the Central Mindanao areas and resume peace talks now. According to media sources from the Philippines, more than 160,000 people were affected by the fighting between the AFP and the MILF in six towns of central Mindanao. At least 60 AFP troops have been killed since the week-old fighting erupted.

Monetary Policy and Stagflation (tags)

50 countries already show double-digit rates; 42% of the world population is affected. Monetary policy reacts helplessly to stagflation. The financial bubble economy is an excess. When consumers finally spend the money they don't have, everything will be just fine.

Interview with Cop Watch LA Member Joaquin Cienfuegos for the Affinity Project (tags)

This interview was done in the summer of 2006. Joaquin is currently working with the Revolutionary Autonomous Communities (which at the time of the interview was in the process of being created) and the Guerrilla Chapter of Cop Watch Los Angeles.


South Central Farmers, community members, and progressive organizations call for shutting down the "h" Horowitz Warehouse in South Central Los Angeles

Save the Farm. Deadline: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 (tags)

On July 2, Angelinos overcame the City-planned divides between rich and poor, cultural differences, and even broke through language barriers in the fight to restore the South Central Farm. When the developer proposed a diesel-spewing warehouse distribution center for the site, Farmers and Farm supporters threw a wrench in the cogs of City Hall and won a round in the fight to force Horowitz to do an Environmental Impact Report: they forced a twenty-one day delay for more public comments, and gained a glimmer of hope to restore the Farm. The fight between the people and developers' grip on City Hall could be decided by this Wednesday, July 23, 2008, the new deadline for public comments and the second hearing, a week or two later on the tenth floor of City Hall, in front of a small advisory board.

Saving the South Central Farm: Listening to the Land (tags)

To many, it looked like the Struggle to Save the South Central Farm was defeated, a dream buried beneath the treads of the bulldozers that plowed the Farm under following the brutal invasion of an army of LA County Sheriffs crushed the resistor's encampment, turning the land from a liberated zone into an oppressive, occupied one. But all that could change. Here's why, and how you can help make it change.

Nostalgic for Palparan (tags)

The commanding general of the Central Command of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Lt. Gen. Pedro Inserto, says that “the Palparan solution” failed. The so-called solution is named after the notorious Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan Jr., now retired. In all his assignments,

South Central Farm Shows Alternative to Industrial Ag's Monocultura (tags)

The farming methods using crop diversity were evidenced at south central farm prior to the destruction by the L.A. Sheriff's bulldozers. SC farm's 'milpa' method is our escape from dependency on increasingly toxic petrochemicals used by industrial agribusiness monoculture plantations.

VIDEOS: South Central Farm - Feinstein, Piera-Avila oppose warehouse at Farm (tags)

testimony at LA City Hall to support South Central Farm

July 2nd - Stop warehouse on old South Central Farm Land (tags)

First it was a trash incinerator, and the community fought it! - Now, it’s a 10 acre low-wage diesel-soot 24 hour polluting warehouse and we must fight it!

SuperCorridor Defeat? Don't Bet On It (tags)

The scheme remains on track.

Deregulated Markets and Alternative Economics (tags)

In the last ten years there was more speculationthan ever, more than before the 1930 worldwide economic crisis. A policy of deregulated financial markets made this possible. That real investment profits turn out relatively small encourages the speculation tendency.

ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative) Has Brought Nicaragua out of Darkness (tags)

Nicaraguan foreign minister Samuel Santos explains how twice as many children are in school one year after the new government assumed power. Nicaragua now exports beans instead of importing beans. The South is helping itself.

LEAP Community Health Survey Completed in Central LA. (tags)

The People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) Lead Education and Action Project(LEAP), had just recently finished a survey of 202 household of pre-1978 in Central Los Angeles. LEAP Coordinator Alejandra Sanchez reported that the survey was completed in 2007. Sanchez also said that the areas that were covered by the LEAP survey were Silverlake, Hollywood/Metro and Echo Park in central LA during the Los Angeles Housing Department Strategic Code Enforcement Inspections.

Why Are Banks Failing, Mr. Giegold? (tags)

The crisis will cost massive job losses and strain public budgets. The policy of market opening that refuses social and ecological regulations is a disaster. We must raise new taxes. Closing the tax havens would also be desirable.

Salmon Closure 2008 - NEVER AGAIN: Ten Actions We Need to Take Now! (tags)

This is the final copy of the "Salmon Closure 2008 - Never Again" action alert from the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations. This alert provides you with 10 concrete actions that you take NOW to restore Central Valley salmon, now in an unprecedented state of collapse, and other imperiled salmon runs on the West Coast.

Regime Change: An American Addiction (tags)

I would like to blame the Neocons for America’s sordid record of “regime change” around the globe, but I can’t! For Iraq, yes! But, sadly, the U.S. has been in the dirty business of “regime change” for at least 110 years going back to the days that it unlawfully seized Hawaii. Author Stephen Kinzer’s book, “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change,” tells the story of how 14 countries, many in Central America, came under our hegemony.

South Central Farm (tags)

Documental en audio de 11 minutos sobre la Granja Sur Central, con breve historia de la granja, el desalojo y la lucha actual.

Is the "Mother of all Financial Crises" Imminent? (tags)

A trade-weighted devaluation of the dollar of around 25 percent is necessary allowing the US currency to ski "gradually and orderly" against free-floating currencies. The IMF could establish a "substitution account" with "special drawing rights" to avert a dollar panic.

The Subprime Tsunami Reaches the EU (tags)

Subprime mortgage credits in the US should not have been issued. Nevertheless subprime credits were extended in the volume of $1.3 trillion. An avalanche of expropriation roars in the valley. The banking crisis spills over into the credit system in the real economy.

Murder of a young communist leader by paramilitary in Colombia (tags)

BOGOTA, January 22nd, 2008 - The Colombian Association of University Students (ACEU), demonstrates its indignation and disgust as opposed to the barbarian MURDER OF ALIRIO QUIÑONEZ, agrarian youth leader and member of the Central Committee of Colombian Communist Youth.

Free Speech Victory in Central Park Lawsuit (tags)

Free Speech Victory in Central Park Lawsuit

European Central Bank pumps $500 bn into banking system (tags)

TO SUCCEED over the global credit crunch in aftermath of sub-prime crisis, the European Central Bank (ECB) has announced to grant a record double loan to its banks. The ECB has decided to pump 348.6 billion euros ($501.5 billion) into the banking system through its banks. Though lending to banks at 4.21% rate of interest is available only for two weeks, it is expected that the grant will boost the diminishing confidence of the bank.

Winter AntiMall (photos/report) (tags)

Near the entrance of the AntiMall was a list of the "Artivists" (“artists who are also activists”) and what they do for their communities. For example, a qualified vendor may “mentor a child, volunteer at a community garden, [or] donate art pieces to social justice organizations,” Palomares said.

Tianguis this Sunday -- Screening of Snowball Effect from Save the Peaks Coalition (tags)

Tianguis this Sunday -- Screening of Snowball Effect from Save the Peaks Coalition

Criticism of Neoliberalism: Book Review (tags)

The neoliberal understanding of freedom restricts the possibilities of individuals to participation in the market. Structural and economic power are faded out.

White Supremacist Lou Dobbs Confronted At UC San Diego (tags)

Report from Lou Dobbs protest at UC San Diego

Promised Social Change in Ecuador (tags)

Hope for social change in Ecuador

Central Banks Reduce Their Holdings (tags)

Japan, the largest investor in US debts, has been reducing its holdings for three years.. The decline of foreign treasury holdings is not surprising because foreign dollar investors suffered massive losses through the dollar's devaluation in the last two months.

Alan Greenspan on Thom Hartmann Monday (tags)

Tune in to the Thom Hartmann show Monday on Air America and hear Thom interview Alan Greenspan, head of the US Federal Reserve for 18 years and engineer of the present mortgage-credit-bubble crisis.

ICE Targets South Central (tags)

Using the cover of the LA County Sheriff's Departments, ICE harrased and intimidated immigrant families in South Central

Beware of Falling Bankers! (tags)

Like the car, our sacred cow that is not discussed, speculation and prosperity based on credit are taboo subjects. The system is corrupt and its answers wrong. Will we mend our own pockets as China closes its wallet? Critical thinking, culture shock, alternative economic and Jesus' parables can be new beginnings.

Who Profits From the Crash? (tags)

A criminal corruption on the highest planes is at the heart of the assets transfer. Every few decades, the real owners of the world arrange an economic crisis to steal the assets of the people. The incredible sum of $325 billion was injected into the financial system within a few days.


Washington DC – August 12, 2007 – By deciding to ante up $38 billion for a hopeless bailout of predatory Wall Street hedge funds and the banks that stand behind them, Federal Reserve Chairman Helicopter Ben Bernanke has placed the bankrupt US dollar on a direct course towards the precipice of hyperinflation.-

Alert: South Central Farm Walnut Trees Will be Moved Today (tags)

Video from South Central Farm Reunion Party (tags)

Video from South Central Farm reunion party

The South Central Farmers: No derrotados! (tags)

The Farm, the Farmers, their supporters and a new promise.

South Central Farm: Encampment Reunion 2007 (tags)

LOS ANGELES, June 13, 2007 – One year to the day after the forced evictions of the South Central Farmers from their land by a small army of Sheriffs and LAPD the farmers held a reunion in the streets outside the now barren land.

The South Central Farm: The Struggle Continues (tags)

June 13, 2007: Today is the one-year anniversary of the eviction at the South Central Farm. A reunion was held just outside the now-barren farm space. Throughout the evening, the continued determination to restore the farm was emphasized repeatedly.

Photos from South Central Farm re-union (tags)

Pictures from the South Central Farm re-union

Gentrification or Development? (tags)

New infrastructure projects from both the public and the private sectors is prepping up Historic Filipinotown district. City Council President and Council 13 District Member Eric Garcetti made the announcements during the get-together breakfast meeting ?held at Remy’s on Temple Art Gallery last May 25. But still EPCC want to see more affordable and low-cost housing in central Los Angeles that will help the newly arrived immigrants and the low-paid workers living in Echo Park area.”?

South Central Farmers: Displaced, NOT Defeated (tags)

This month marks the one year anniversary of the brutal and violent eviction of the South Central Farmers. Today, they gather for a special monthly gatheringi at their Tianguis to reflect and celebrate moving forward.

June 19th: SAVE THE DATE Courtroom support for Robert, SCF defender (tags)

Call for courtroom support for South Central Farm defender. June 19, 2007 @ 8:30 AM. The address is 210 West Temple Street, Division 56

Hey Lou Dobbs the U.S. "Sponsors" Terrorism too!!! (tags)

...and you can start with the "School of the Americas" in Bennington Georgia that has trained Central and South American terrorists and death squads for decades!

Harassment of South Central Farmers Continues (tags)

Eleven months after local authorities evict the South Central Farmers from the largest urban garden in the United States, harassment by the City continues.

Ted Hayes and Border Brothers (Audio) (tags)

Video/Audio was recorded last spring (2006) at the South Central Farm. The video was taken at night, thus you can’t really see anything. The audio is good though.

Greece: Anarchists riot (photos and video) (tags)

Anarchists equipped with gas masks wooden poles and Molotovs clashed with police in central Athens

Brazil: Henrique Meirelles faces de tornado at CBB. (tags)

Lula prefers that Meirelles stays but syntonized with him. The PT prefers to see Meirelles out. In the absence of Palocci, he guaranteed the depressive growth of the economy in the the last four years.

Philippine Armed Forces target: 5 communist reb fronts (tags)

Reports from Northern Command Camp Aquino, said, five communist guerrilla fronts in four regions where the New People’s Army has first taken root since its founding in 1969 are targeted for dismantling this year, the Army’s Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) chief said on Thursday.

Feds Plan to Step Up Education Funding in South Central (tags)

The U.S. government is devising a plan to infuse much-needed additional funding into education and training programs for disadvantaged youth, a program that purportedly is designed to address the root causes behind the exclusion of some youth from these programs.

The Winter Harvest of the South Central Farmers (tags)

The Farmers open a new center and a new farm, ready to bring their organic produce to South Central. The rest of us might get a taste, too.

Shades of Imeldific as Cebu spiffs up for Asean summit (tags)

For many people in the central Phili­ppine island of Cebu, next week’s gathering of Southeast Asian leaders will be a hindrance rather than the economic blessing these sort of events are often dressed up to be. The presence of some 6,000 armed police and troops, stepped up security and road closures for many locals spell just one thing—”chaos.” From December 11 to 14, virtually all schools and government offices in Cebu City and the nearby towns of Mandaue and Lapu-Lapu will close down for a four-day holiday for the duration of the summit.

The Farmers' Promise (tags)

The South Central Farmers opened their new community center today, across the street from the bulldozed site of the South Central Farm

South Central Farmers’ Tianguis and Centro Open House Sunday (tags)

South Central Farmers’ Tianguis and Centro Open House Sunday South Central Farmers continue to move forward in pushing their mission statement of providing access to high quality, high nutritious produce and vegetables in South Central Los Angeles. While the politicians fail to address the growing trend of childhood obesity, cardio-vascular diseases in our community the SCF continue to push for local solutions through direct intervention with education and access.

Building Bridges Radio::NYC Taxi Workers Advance and Westchester Day Labor Win (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 29 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Risking injury, brutality for a ride toward the U.S. (tags)

In the underground world of illegal immigration, Tultitlán a gritty suburb of Mexico City is Grand Central Station, a junction where Central American stowaways change from one freight train to another on a harrowing, often deadly, ride to the U.S. border.

Visit Presidential Canidate John McCain and his druggy wife Cindy (tags)

When your in Phoenix visit Senator John McCain and his drug addict wife Cindy at his new yuppie condo at 2211 E. Camelback Road.

Philippine troops, block farmers in Anti-GMA –Pro Peasant caravan in Pampanga, Central Luz (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesnte) -USA in solidarity with the peasant organizations in the Philippines, strongly condemns the military and police harrasment of the peasant caravan from Central Luzon in Pampanga, going to Manila in protest over the agrarian reform month in the Philippines. Media souces reported today that 500 militant farmers taking part in a Central Luzon-wide caravan against political killings and American war games were stopped on Thursday by about 200 government soldiers and residents in the Pampanga capital of San Fernando and blocked four times by policemen on their way to this ecozone and Manila. Pesante-USA vehemently protest such military harrasments that used their civilian supporters to coerce and harass peasant protesting GMA's bogus land reform and fascist attacks against the people especially the KMP and other progressive groups.

SOUTHCENTRALFARMERS Monthly Solidarity and Friday Vigil (tags)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SOUTH CENTRAL FARMERS EVENT! A special Friday vigil is scheduled for THIS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TH AT SOUTH CENTRAL FARM BEGINNING AT 7:30PM. Religious/spiritual groups and community activists will be coming in delegations to visit the Farm. All friends and supporters are invited at the Farm to welcome our visitors!

south central farms resistance still in action (tags)

kick-off for the farmers market on MLK and Alameda (the street on the north block of what used to be the South Central Farms)


The court ruled that the plaintiffs had not alleged facts or provided the court with evidence showing that the Farmers had engaged in a willful act in their use of the preliminary injunction that was not proper in the regular conduct of the legal proceedings. The court held that under case law in California, even if a party files an action that it knows is substantively meritless and does so for an improper purpose, these facts alone do not constitute a claim for abuse of process. The Horowitz plaintiffs had to show that the Farmers used the preliminary injunction in an improper way after they obtained it. The plaintiffs failed to allege or show in their opposition brief any such misuse of the injunction, and because they did not, the court granted the Farmers’ motion and dismissed the plaintiffs’ lawsuit.

National Latino Congreso Delegates put Councilperson Jan Perry on Notice (tags)

Delegates unanimously endorsed a resolution specifically calling for the City of Los Angeles, City Attorney, Councilperson Perry, Mr. Horowitz to 1) drop all charges against the non-violent civil resisters; 2) for Councilperson Perry to cease her political black mail of Mr. Horowitz, and 3) that all parties should come to the table and negotiate “in good faith” to restore the South Central Farm to the South Central Farmers and the community.

New CL Army chief to keep ‘cedula’ drive (tags)

THE incoming Army commander in Central Luzon on Wednesday vowed to continue the military’s anti-insurgency drive in the region, including the cedula campaign of his predecessor, Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan.Maj. Gen. Juanito Gomez, the incoming commander of the 7th Infantry Division, said, however, that he would be more “refined” in implementing the campaign.

South Central Farm Vigil (pix) 8-18-06 (tags)

As one of their signs said, "We are Rooted." Despite the great destruction of crops, the farmers and their supporters are continuing the fight. Their focus is on Councilperson Jan Perry.

South Central Farmers: “Back in Action” (tags)

A well-attended vigil was held (the first of several) to draw attention to Councilperson Jan Perry and her role in the mass-destruction of plant life and eviction of farmers.

International Church leaders Condemns Political Killings (tags)

Condemnations as well as outrage over the unabated and rampant political killings in the Philippines is swelling in the international Christian community. More and more Protestant denominations have expressed alarm over the killings, with the Methodists issuing a statement calling on the US government to pressure Philippine President Arroyo's administration into decisive action. This came on the heels of the latest Amnesty International statement condemning the Arroyo government’s inaction and apparent crackdown of political dissent.

4 ‘NPA sympathizers’ slain in CL (tags)

Four suspected sympathizers of the New People’s Army (NPA) have been gunned down in Bulacan and Nueva Ecija in the past three days, and the militant Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) in Central Luzon has again pointed an accusing finger at the military.

South Central Farmers and Supporters Back In Action! (tags)

The media and the politicians would have you believe that the struggle of the South Central Farmers has gone and disappeared! We have re-organized and are back on the scene to fight injustice and the lack of consideration for the South Central Farmers by the City of Los Angeles and its Politicians.

More reason to junk Anti-Terror Bill: (tags)

The continuing breakdown of civil government in Central Luzon and the human rights abuses committed by Jovito Palparan's troops could be a sneak preview of what could happen if the Anti-Terror Bill is passed into law, detained Anakpawis Representative Crispin Beltran said today. From the Office of Anakpawis Representative Crispin B. Beltran


On July 5th of this year ten courageous environmental activists took direct action in an attempt to stop the destruction of the South Central Farm. Their actions were non-violent, yet they received injuries from police violence. Now they are facing excessive charges from the Los Angeles District Attorney office. The hearings for three of these defenders of the farm begin this Thursday. Supporters of the fight to take back the South Central Farm are asked to attend the hearing to show support for those who put themselves on the frontline in the fight for environmental justice.

Save The Farm (live panel discussion CD w/ IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE) . download now (tags)

Save The Farm (live panel discussion CD :: April 9, 2006)

South Central Farmers Respond to Crack Down on Free Speech by Los Angeles City Council (tags)

We should not be under any illusions that we live in an open and democratic society, at least not in the 9th district or South Central Los Angeles. Let us strip away the mythology, the propaganda, and the "decorum". Its tough to survive in South Central Los Angeles, even if you call it something else..

native song at south central farm (tags)

native song at south central farm

South Central Farms 2005 Live Concert CD with Zack De La Rocha, Son De Madera, and more.. (tags)

In November 2005 thousands came to the South Central Farms to attend a benefit concert in support of this struggle. The concert featured Zack De La Rocha with Son De Madera, Los Cojolites, Quetzal , and many others. You can download the entire LIVE compilation CD from this historical event below.

Judge to Rule in SC Farm Case This Wednesday (tags)

Judge to Rule in South Central Farmers Case This Wednesday, the 26th, 9:30 AM

response to my article invasion or immigration (tags)


Populist #32 (tags)

Centralization and Popular Elections

South Central Farmers and International Supporters Prepared for Judge to Rule on Facts of (tags)

outh Central Farmers and International Supporters Prepared for Judge to Rule on Facts of the Law Daryl Hannah, Farmers and their supporters express hope for victory and vision for a healthy future of Los Angeles

Was Destruction of South Central Farm a Crime? (tags)

California state law provides for prosecution for destroying "standing crops"

Horowitz Denied; 1st Victory for South Central Farmers In Case Against Back Room Deal Betw (tags)

Horowitz Denied; 1st Victory for South Central Farmers In Case Against Back Room Deal Between Developer And The City Judge Denies Motion To Dismiss Case By Horowitz; Rules Case To Be Tried For “Waste” of Public Resources

Seeds of Hope, Seeds of War: Race, Class and the Battle for the South Central Farm (Final) (tags)

The world is literally watching. Media worldwide have covered the case of the South Central Farm, the largest urban garden in the United States, the efforts of the city's elites to drive the farmers from the land, and the farmer's remarkable resistance. On June 13th, the County moved to evict, concentrating a massive police presence in the area to uproot the resistor's encampment on the land. The South Central Farm arose from the ashes of the 1992 Los Angeles rebellion, and stands as a symbol of hope to millions. Despite the eviction, the struggle continues, with a court hearing this week challenging the City's sale of the land to a private developer. When the Los Angeles City Council sold the 14 acre plot called the South Central Farm to developer Ralph Horowitz, they sold land they didn’t own.

South Central Farmers Court Update (tags)

breif audio update from south central farmers' attorney re: this morning's court date stating that the city misused public land and profited a developer to settle the previous legal entanglement...

Horowitz Watchman Brutalizes Farm Supporter Days Before Hearing (tags)

Horowitz Watchman Brutalizes Farm Supporter Days Before Hearing Recovery of South Central Farmers' Personal and Religious Objects Denied

Paid Thug Attacks SCF Supporter (tags)

Horowitz' rent a cop attacks supporter of South Central Farmers.

Representative Maxine Waters Speaks At South Central Farm (tags)

Representative Maxine Waters Speaks At South Central Farm International Solidarity Days Sunday July 9 Against The “Unconscionable Act” of Bulldozing the Farm; Links City Council Member Jan Perry and Developer Ralph Horowitz “In Business Together”

Solidarity from Canada for the South Central Farmers' (tags)

Solidarity from Canada: Never Give Up! We live in a time of great crisis, in which the very life support systems of the planet are under threat. South Central Farms offers a model that needs to be replicated everywhere, a model of restoration, of healing both the land and the human community, of urban sustainability, of possibility in a place where possibility is precious and rare.

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Supports South Central Farmers' International Solidarity Days (tags)

Congresswoman Barbara Lee 9th Congressional District of California Supports South Central Farmers on their International Days of Solidarity to take back the farm.

Santa Cruz Solidarity With South Central Farmers (tags)

Solidarity with the South Central Farm


Statement of solidarity from Venezuela with the South Central Farmers obtained through a transmission made between Los Angeles and two Venezuelan radios: Radio Nacional , and radio YVKE/MUNDIAL as part of the international solidarity events to take place between July 7 and July 10, 2006.

COP WATCH REPORT: police, destruction, and fires at South Central Farms (tags)

Police , bulldozing , fires , at the South Central Farms.

Jan Perry's Mean Streak (tags)

For the last 3 years Jan Perry has attempted to thumb the South Central Farmers, but it appears that they have really brought out the true nature of the "Shirley Temple Black" of the City Council.

SCFs have won the political dialectic! (tags)

“First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Mahatma Gandhi

De Norte o Sur, Este Oeste, Campesinos venceron, Cueste lo Que Cueste (tags)

. Back ground of Farm and more photos of the destruction, grief, pain and rage as the bulldozers started again today. International Days of Solidarity to begin Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


a march through the neighborhood in support of the farm to build local community support and solidarity.



Photos: Farmers Stop the Destruction (tags)

South Central Farmers Stop the Destruction of the Farm

Arrest update from the farm (tags)

Ten people arrested at the South Central Farm today.

South Central Farmers International Solidarity Days (July 7-10) (tags)

CALL TO ACTION Support the South Central Farmers! Save the South Central Farm & Support Small Farms Worldwide! South Central Farm International Solidarity Days July 7-10 “You are never strong enough that you don't need help.” - Cesar Chavez

VIDEO - South Central Farm: Direct Action Disables Bulldozer (tags)

Direct Action Disables Bulldozer South Central Farm July 5, 2006

UPDATE: July 5th, 1pm: Farm Supporters Dragged Out, Arrested (tags)

URGENT! As of 1pm, farm supporters are being dragged out of the farm and arrested for practicing civil disobedience to stop the bulldozers. Community members needed at farm to witness and stop this injustice!

South Central Farm: Arrest Tally (tags)

Today there City Council further shamed itself. By failing ot act they have become accomplices with Ralph Horowitz. A new Palestine and Israel has been kicked off.

Bulldozers Move In to Destroy the South Central Farm!!! (tags)

Bulldozers Move In to Destroy the South Central Farm!!!

URGENT: South Central Farm Under Attack (tags)

Cops and bulldozers at the South Central Farm. Ugrent action needed. Call the media, friends, etc. 41st and Alameda in LA


support the south central farm. join the outreaching march through the local south central community this thursday.

Major candidates in Mexican election offer no solution to the social crisis (tags)

On Sunday, July 2, Mexican voters will elect a new president and a new Congress. The election takes place under conditions of mounting class tensions, as hundreds of thousands of teachers, miners and other workers have taken to the streets. None of the major candidates in the presidential election genuinely addresses the needs of the masses for decent-paying jobs, improved living standards and social programs.





South Central Farmers Parade Saturday, 1 p.m. (tags)

July 12 Trial To Contest Legality of Sale To Horowitz – Media To Cover Event South Central Farmers and Supporters Host Westside Parade This Saturday, 1 p.m.

Indynewswire: South Central Farm Update (tags)

Interview with Watsonville Brown Beret organizer, Jen, who has been taking part in the encampment outside the gate of the South Central Farm in LA. The 14 acre urban garden was forcibly evicted on June 13 after a long struggle to save the farm and buy back the land. Jen discusses some of the history of the South Central Farm, and updates us on the current situation. TRT- 12:39 and 11.5 MB

Jewish Journal Clears South Central Farmers of Anti-Semitism (tags)

Did Anti-Semitism Take Root at the South Central Farm?

Watsonville Brown Berets in Solidarity with South Central Farmers (tags)

The Watsonville Chapter of the Brown Berets has made a special trip to Los Angeles this week to provide support to the South Central Farmers. Uploaded is an interview with Tomas of the Brown Berets

SCF Farmers Market and Music Extravaganza Sunday (tags)

Julia Butterfly Hill Returns As Farmers and Supporters Maintain Vision For Saving The Farm

Green syndicalist response to CA water board decision (tags)

The usually deaf (hard of hearing) official characters of the CA water board are directly responsible for the increased militarization of labor and ecoactivists in the pesticide soaked central valley..

TAKE BACK THE FARM Actions for this weekend June 23-25 (tags)

TAKE BACK THE FARM Actions for this weekend June 23-25

Encampment at South Central Farm Persists Steadily (tags)

Spirits are high South Central Farm. Encampment persists, and strategies in play to win back the farm~

Boycott CD9 for the Destruction of the South Central Farm (tags)

On Jun 13th 2006 Council Person Perry chose to sacrifice the future of South Central for a blood vegeance against the South Central Farmers. She sacrificed millions of dollars for the greening of South Central Los Angeles. We are asking the community to stand in solidarity with those who fought valiantly to preserve the largest contigous open green space in South Central Los Angeles. Send a clear message that the community does not agree with the destruction of the South Central Farm!

Joaquin Cienfuegos: Report from Mexico City 06/18 and Atenco 06/19/06 (tags)


South Central Farm report back-- (tags)

Hey all, I came down from SF to visit the farm this weekend...This is my brief report back I posted to Indymedia in the Bay Area.

South Central Farm: A community Outreach (tags)

An essay regarding the South Central Farm and how it is helping to ease gang and inter-ethnic tensions. Also addresses the farm's ability to allow the community to interact with Chicano and Mexican culure, despite the fact that the farm is not anywhere near Mexico.

Navajo says evictions of farmers from urban farm sends a message (tags)

" Klee Benally, Navajo from Arizona, was at South Central Farm and said the creation of this oasis - an urban garden - and the arrests and evictions should send a signal to Indian country and the nation. "

"Y Si Nos Echan----Nos Regresamos!" (tags)

We are Here, and We are Not Going. And if you take us Away-- We will Return!

FATHER'S DAY protest at Mayor's Mansion (tags)



first half is an intro to the sturggle, the 2nd half is footage of the civil disobedience and police brutality while police attempt to roll in bulldozers into our south central farm.

Santa Cruz, CA actions in solidarity with South Central Farmers (tags)

In the days following Tuesday's police raid on the South Central Farm, many people in Santa Cruz have learned of the recent turn of events in LA and expressed their outrage and concern through awareness-raising direct action.

today at city council with south central farmers (tags)

strong and united front at city hall today in defense of the south central farm

SCF solidarity from Santa Cruz (tags)

At 8:30 am Friday morning, demonstrators staged a blockade at a central Santa Cruz intersection (at Laurel St. & Mission St/Hwy 1) as a gesture of solidarity with the hundreds of families who lost their land in Tuesday's forced eviction of the South Central Farm in Los Angeles. Holding signs both large and small, the 30 or so demonstrators blocked traffic at the intersection with A-frames, a stray sofa, and at least four dumpsters rolled in from nearby businesses. Flyers explaining the legacy of the Farm were distributed to the delayed drivers with responses ranging from enthusiastic interest to violent threats. No one was injured, nor were any citations or arrests made during the action.

Korean Farmers in Solidarity with South Central Farmers (tags)

You Sang Woog, part a delegation visiting from Korea speaks to the South Central Farmers on June 14th one day after the sheriffs raid and bulldozing of portions of the farm. He expressed his solidarity with the South Central Farmers. The fight to save the farm is not over.

City of Los Angeles Guilty of Enviornmental Racism in South Central Los Angeles (tags)

A. tearing down South Central Farm (14 acre clean air producing sanctuary) B. replacing this with Warehouses, which bring in Diesel Trucks C. the single most dangerous community to live in for air pollution cancer risks just got more dangerous

Response to the L.A. Times' Steve Lopez's trashing of Farm supporters. (tags)

In this piece I address the many errors and generally shoddy reporting in Steve Lopez L.A. Times column about the "eviction" on June 14, 2006

All the Farm Stories (tags)

This is a collection of all the local newswire stories about the SCF, so far.

South Central Farm Crisis in Los Angeles (tags)

Willie Nelson, Darryl Hannah, Martin Sheen, Danny Glover, Joan Baez, Julia Butterfly-Hill support farmers in the struggle to save the nation's largest urban farm. Darryl Hannah appears on Larry King Live with Willie Nelson to show footage of eviction. Danny Glover calls eviction a Day of Mourning, a Day of Shame

Messages from the Occupation (tags)

what some those who are defending the Farm want to say

Why Horowitz did Not Sell the Farm to the SCFs (tags)

Horowitz did not reject the South Central Farmers' offer (Actually Annenberg Foundation) becuase he really cares about their politics. As a greedy developer Jan Perry hung out a bigger carrot for him.

Photos: South Central Police Raid (tags)

Photos: South Central Police Raid

Statement on Farm from Tezozomoc (tags)

South Central Farmers June 13, 2006 Greetings!

Photos (2): South Central Farm Police Raid (tags)

Photos (2): South Central Farm Police Raid

MILITARIZATION IN THE PHILIPPINES:Troops sent to C. Luzon urban areas (tags)

Pesante-USA reprinted the news from the Inquirer on intesifying militarization now in the ruban areas of Central Luzon. As the news indicted : Army Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan Jr. has repositioned his troops in key cities and towns in Pampanga and Bulacan, a counterinsurgency move never before done in Central Luzon in post-martial law years. Palparan, commander of the 7th Infantry Division, on Tuesday confirmed to the Inquirer the shifting of about 500 of his forces in the City of San Fernando, Angeles City and Mabalacat town in Pampanga and in Malolos City, Bulacan, Obando, Hagonoy, Pandi and Sta. Maria towns in Bulacan since last week.

South Central Farm Raid (tags)

Photos: South Central Farm Police Raid

VIDEO - South Central Farm press conference (tags)

This is a video of the press conference that I took today, featuring South Central Farm representatives Rufina Juarez and Tezozomoc, together with South Central Farm attorney Dan Stormer, today at about 1:30pm, at 41st/Long Beach, across street from the South Central Farm

Horowitz Breaks His Silence (tags)

Speaking to Gary Berglund of

Live News Feed From So. Central Farm (tags)

News Raw Live From So. Central Farm

Emergency Alert: Police Evicting South Central Farmers - Take Action (tags)

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition is calling on all progressive people to mobilize support for the South Central Farm. If you can come to the Farm, please protest the unjust eviction of the Farmers today.

S o u t h C e n t r a l F a r m: It takes a community to fight development (tags)

Saturday June 10th, 2006 - 7pm - candlelight vigil - DAY 19 of the encampment to defend the farm: 200 supporters sang, ate, marched, prayed, and stood in unity to resist forced eviction and keep watch against police raids. Located at 41st and Alameda, the 19 block/14-acre of the threatened South Central urban garden farm is under threat by developer Ralph Horowitz. The ransom is 16.5 million to 20 million.

Video: Willie Nelson visits the South Central Farm (tags)

June 11, 2006 - Willie Nelson down on the farm, the South Central Farm

Willie Nelson Visits South Central Farm (tags)

Report from the farm

COP WATCH REPORT: Sheriffs Helicopters More Frequent Over South Central Farms! (tags)

Within the past few days Sheriff helicopters have been seen more frequently over the South Central Farms..

My letter to the Mayor about the farm (tags)

The city of Los Angeles has a solemn legal and moral responsibility to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its residents. That responsibility demands the city's immediate intervention on behalf of the South Central Farm.

VIDEO: Midnight Ridazz Circle South Central Farm (tags)

An estimated 750 cyclists from the Midnight Ridazz. road around the South Central Farm last night in a show of support.

SOUTH CENTRAL FARMERS: Media Advisory (tags)

South Central Farmers Have Secured Financing To Purchase Land From Developer (tags)

Annenberg Foundation Offers To Purchase Property

The Developer vs. the Nation's Largest Urban Farm (tags)

The Battle for South Central Farm By RALPH NADER

Pesante Support the South Central Farmers Struggle for Land and Life! (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante), a Filipino peasant, environmental and human rights advocacy network in the United States wholeheartedly support the struggle of 450 families in the South Central Farms that is now under the threat of land grabbing of the capitalist groups in Los Angeles.

Condemn Political Killings in Central Luzon, Philippines (tags)

Pesante-USA reprinted an interview by Ang Bayan of Salud Roja, a revolutionary leader in Central Luzon. it was printed at the QC Indymedia regarding the political killings in Central Luzon on June 4.

Help Save South Central Farm (Los Angeles) and Create Global Humanitarian Relief (tags)

Here is the PLAN: What can you do? Just go here: and there are a lot of actions you can take including calling the developer and requesting that he cooperate with this plan. He can be a hero!

a vicious campaign of calumny (tags)

Taking time out from organizing today's visits to the South Central Farm by Ralph Nadar, Peter Camejo, and Donna Warren, Dele Aileman, co-coordinator of the South Central Farmers, issued a statement in response to concerns that African-Americans are not among the Farmers working the land. First, he noted the appearance at the Farm of Danny Glover, Evelyn Knight, and Maxine Waters, the highest ranking government official to walk on the farmland. Then he continued:

El Campo Continúa: Visitors and Visitations (tags)

"Negotiations" with the sheriffs, more celebs, and daily life. All to save the South Central Farm.

South Central Farm 6-2-02 (tags)

Friday, June 2, 2006. Julia Butterfly Hill at the South Central Farm.

South Central Farm v. California Attorney General Primary Election (tags)

LOS ANGELES, June 2, 2006 – Contrary to common view, the ongoing SOUTH CENTRAL FARM issue and next Tuesday’s primary election for Attorney General are far more related than most citizens see.

FRSC: Interview with John Quigley at the South Central Farm (tags)

John Quigley is one of several people working to protect the South Central Farm in Los Angeles by occupying a large old walnut tree in the farm. On Wednesday night, May 31st, John was the guest of Ms M. on her Free Radio Santa Cruz show, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. Listen to the interview for background information on the South Central Farm and the latest news in the struggle to save the farm. (22:05 minutes / 10.2 MB)

Cop Watch LA and the South Central Farm (Trainning and Report) (tags)

Cop Watch LA will be having a training today, Wed May 31st for the South Central Farm and supporters who are doing security for the farm.

Tell MoveOn to help raise funds for the South Central Farm (tags)

If enough people vote for the proposal for MoveOn to help the farm, it could expadite the fundraising.



California Greens join celebrities, tree-sitters in 'solidarity' with South Central LA far (tags)

Green Party of California Press Release

The Beautiful Community at South Central Farm (tags)

My update from South Central Farm

SOUTH CENTRAL FARM: Sheriffs expected to attempt evictions tomorrow at daybreak, Sat. morn (tags)

SOUTH CENTRAL FARM: Sheriffs expected to attempt evictions tomorrow at daybreak, Sat. Morning May 27.

Farmers to be evicted by??? (tags)

Tezo says reason to beleive farmers will be evicted

Save the Farm! (tags)


refusing to accept illegal eviction process, farmers and supporters instead -occupy- the farm and its perimters in its defense.

Dancing Upon Injustice (tags)

Photos of evening concert vigil at the largest urban farm in the United States. Supporters patrol area into the night, calling all to participate in a 24 hours a day vigil to protect the South Central Farmers from the sheriff's eviction.

RED ALERT!! Encampment and tree sit to resist the eviction and save the South Central Farm (tags)

RED ALERT!! Encampment and tree sit to resist the eviction and save the South Central Farm...

Partial Video from 5/25 Press Conference to Save the South Central Farm (tags)

Partial video of today's press conference to Save the South Central Farm

ALERTA ROJA/RED ALERT: Sherriff's OFFICE has OK to Evict South Central Farmers ACT NOW (tags)


South Central farmers resist eviction (tags)

Farmers and community activists have established an encampment on the South Central Farm to resist eviction from it’s owner Ralph Horowitz. The South Central farmers were unable to raise 16.35 million to save the farm and face eviction this week. Joan Baez, Darryl Hannah and Julie butterfly hill joined in calling for the mayor’s last minute efforts to save the farm. Christina Aanestad reports.

Mobilization at the SC Farm (tags)

activists throughout LA are being contacted about mobilizing at the South Central Farm

AUDIO: Press Conference to Save the South Central Farm (tags)

SOUTH CENTRAL LOS ANGELES, May 23, 2006 – A press conference was held today at the South Central Farm. Pictured from left to right, Daryl Hannah, John Quigley, Joan Baez, Julia Butterfly Hill, Byron De Lear and Master of Ceremonies and defender of the farm: Dele

Two weeks ago they came for Atenco Now they come for the South Central Farm (tags)

We, members of the Autonomous Peoples Collective (APC) and the Eastside Café (ESC), as subscribers to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle and the "Other Campaign" denounce the imminent eviction of over 300 families who currently work the 14 acres of land considered the largest urban farm in the U.S., located in South Central Los Angeles, California.

Living in Trees at South Central Farm (tags)

Environmental/social activists turn out for the South Central Farm press conference on May 23. 2006. Julia 'Butterfly' Hill and John Quigley climb trees at the farm and vow to live there until SCF is saved from demolition by developers. Joan Baez and Daryl Hannah were there to give their support.

Breaking News: Press Conference About the Eviction of the Farmers (tags)

12:25 PM It has just been reported that a press conference was given at the South Central Farm today, Tuesday, May 23, 2006 at 12 Noon. One of the South Central speaker said that at the court hearing tomorrow, Wednesday

Cop Watch Report on the South Central Farm (tags)

Reports from the Vigil at Antonio Villaraigosa's house on Tuesday May 16th, 2006 and the benefit concert at the South Central Farm on Friday May 19th 2006. Police intimidate the community and Prepare to Attack.

Two DAys Left! (tags)

Ron Kovic joins Los Angeles Farmers in a "Spiritual Procession" to encourage saving the South Central Farm.

Hope Springs . . . at the South Central Farm (tags)

Last month, the Trust for Public Land negotiated purchase option with developer Ralph Horowitz that depended on the City coming up with a $5M match for $6M raised by the South Central Farm. Five days ago, the City reneged on the deal. Friday, with three days left, the Farmers and their supporters, ever hopeful, demanded that Mayor Villaraigosa step up to support the Farm.

Green Party calls for City of Los Angeles to preserve South Central Farm (tags)

Press Release by the Green Party of Los Angeles County

S. Central Farmers' Actions this Week (tags)

The South Central Farmers and their supporters are gearing up for busy week of actions to 'save the farm' . The South Central Farm, at 14-acres, is believed to be the largest urban farm in the U.S., and thrives in one of the poorest areas of the country.

south Central Farmers: MEDIA ADVISORY (tags)

L.A. City Mayor Villaraigosa Fails to Raise Matching Funds to Save 350 Poor Families, in South Central Los Angeles, >From Brentwood Developer

Leonardo DiCaprio Joins Fight to Save the South Central Farm (tags)

Known as the largest urban farm in the country, South Central Farm provides food and sustenance to some of the most underserved residents in Los Angeles. "The farm," says DiCaprio, "holds a remarkable array of biodiversity and, because of its size, functions as a carbon sink, a natural environment that stores more carbon than it releases into the atmosphere, and this helps reduce global warming. We have to start acknowledging that every action counts."

Populist #28 (tags)

On the Electoral College

Save the South Central Farm - Photo Essay (tags)

The city of Los Angeles is in the final stages of their effort to take the collective South Central Farm away from the community. HELP SAVE THE FARM!


The South Central Farm, located at 41st and Alameda Streets in South Los Angeles, is thought to be the largest community garden in the United States. After a contentious three-year land-use battle that made news around the world, the Trust for Public Land intervened and secured an opportunity to save the South Central Farm. Within the confines of a tentative purchase agreement, an opportunity to purchase the farm now exists from stakeholders and the Los Angeles community.

18 Days Left to Save The South Central Farm (tags)

There are only 18 days left to fundraise for the Purchase of the South Central Farm. If the money is not raised Horrowitz has already gotten the court order to begin eviction as soon as this purchase option fails. He has more interest in having fail because he stands to make up to 25 million dollars if he sells the land to other developers.

futures shock (tags)

futures markets controling America

4/ 29: Ted's diablolic plans (tags)

Ted Hayes is Looking "FOR A FEW GOOD MEN & WOMEN"

Ted Hayes Quits Minutemen, Recruits Gang Members (tags)

In the wake of his assault on a pro-amnesty protestor Sunday, Black Republican Ted Hayes quits the Minutemen. In the meantime a Hayes associate issues a call for active gang members to join Hayes new anti-migrant group, the "New Buffalo Soldiers."


After a contentious three-year land-use battle that made news around the world, the Trust for Public Land (TPL) has secured an opportunity to save the Farm.

Tax Deductible Donation to Save the South Central Farm (tags)

We are still under threat of eviction if we don't raise some of the money to help purchase the farm away from Horrorwitz.

Drive-By Councilman Dennis P. Zine 3rd District (tags)

Dennis P. Zine drunk with police power decides to do a drive by on the South Central Farmers.

Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine does a drive-by in South Central (tags)

An update on the situation due to the late night harassment of the South Central Farm by the Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine.

Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine does a drive-by in South Central (tags)

This is a rebuttal to Mr. Zine's Press Release.

LAPD Internal Affairs Launches investigation into Zine‘s Visit to South Central Farm (tags)


Punk benefit at the South Central farm earth day. (tags)

The Seventh Generation collective is organizing an event on earth day April 22nd at the South Central Farm. It will be a conscious anarco-punk/grind/crust show including Resistant Culture, Sin Remedio, Industrial collapse and more. Please join us in our efforts to bring conscious punk and this struggle to defend the land together.

Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine terrorizes South Central Farmers. (tags)

South Central Farmers Documentary (7 Minutes) (tags)

Currently screening around the world, SOUTH CENTRAL FARMERS is an inspiring short documentary about 350 poor families in South Central Los Angeles struggling to survive against the city and the wealthy, Visit for more info on their plight and how you can help.

liberty (tags)

liberty for all

Students March for Farmers at Cesar Chavez Walk L.A. (tags)

On Saturday, April 1st, at Historic Olvera Street in downtown Los Angeles, thousands gathered to celebrate the 8th Annual Cesar Chavez Walk L.A. The event was hosted by the United Farm Workers and the UFW Foundation. Hundreds of students support the UFW, South Central Farmers, and other organizations.

South Central Farmers drum circle at developers house this Wednesday (tags)

Come to the drum circle practice Wednesday night from 6:00pm-9:00 pm in Brentwood.  Right in front of Ralph's house. ;-) We will be at the intersection of Sunset Blvd and Woodburn Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90049.

The Great Los Angeles March Against Racism: An Indigenous Perspective (tags)

The largest march in Los Angeles history; Indigenous People protest racism against them and their rights. Estimates are between 500,000 and 2 million people.

How the Weekly Brews a Tempest in a Teapot (tags)

Let me be clear that I know nothing more about the internal workings of the South Central Farm than the L.A. Weekly reported in its March 15 muckraking article, "Bushel of Complaints" by Daniel Hernandez. So I've borrowed those facts and added a somewhat different spin. Here's my version.

Manifesto Workshop - Fundraiser for South Central Farmers (tags)

On Sunday, April 2, come join Matt and Haruko of at the South Central Farm to write your own manifesto. Manifestos are not only for Karl Marx, Valerie Solanas, and the Unabomber. We each have a spot within ourselves that craves to be heard. Now is your chance to extract that truth within yourself. Noontime, Sunday April 2nd, come take a walk through the farm, breathe the fresh air, eat lunch from the market stands, and get energized for the work you're about to do. The workshop will begin at 12:30. Here we shall dive into traditional and unusual manifestos, view the world in a new way, and help spark ideas for your own manifesto.

MP3 Audio: South Central Farmers address City Council. (tags)


Two Farm Stories (tags)

A couple links to important stories.

USA launches largest (HOT)Air Assault in Iraq since 2003 (tags)

With typical Hollywood fanfare, the Empire's Central Command announced the largest (HOT)"air assault in Iraq since the 2003 invasion." Funny thing is, the clueless "Coalition forces" cannot seem to find the Enemy...

South Central Farmers Court Date: Monday March 20th, 8:30 am (tags)

South Central Farmers Court Date: Monday March 20th, 8:30 am Los Angeles Superior Court downtown at 111 North Hill Street

Bring a Friend to the FArm 3/19 (tags)

Havent' had a chance to visit the South Central Farm Yet??? Want an excuse to bring your friends or family to the Farm? CARPOOL FROM SANTA ANA and Riverside. Carpool leaves at 11am from Centro cultural de Mexico in Santa Ana or 11am from Riverside, email for details.

CommonVision Plants Fruit Trees at South Central Farm (tags)

CommonVision Plants Fruit Trees at South Central Farm

A Magic So Strong: The South Central Farm Must Live (tags)

This weekend the LA Times issued a deadly editorial attack on the South Central Farm, justifying the destruction of the land and the community, overtly using the theme of "property rights" to do so. Such assessments cannot be allowed to hold sway. Too much is at stake, for all of us.

Why the Farmers Must Win (tags)

In its Saturday editorial, the Los Angeles Times reduced virtually all the civic concerns of the historically neglected South Central to “niceties” and condemned a swath of the district to being a “concrete-and-asphalt” wasteland,“ "a seemingly endless sweep” of “industrial warehouses, packing plants, and junkyards.” It proclaimed that developer Ralph Horowitz must triumph, and the South Central Farm must be razed. The Times was wrong.

Zack's statement to the Farmers (tags)

On Friday, March 10, Zack de la Rocha made a compelling statement outside of LA City Hall on behalf of the South Central Farmers.

Letter to LA Times re: South Central Farm (tags)

Apparently, the L.A. Times is okay with eminent domain when it's used to benefit the L.A. Times itself, but not when it's used to benefit economically disadvantaged workers who've committed the unforgivable act of growing food.

Local & State Green Party in solidarity with South Central Farmers (tags)

Green Party stands in solidarity with South Central community farmers against urban farm eviction and ‘environmental racism'

Update on the current situation of the South Central Farm (tags)

Update on the current situation of the South Central Farm

Zack de La Rocha & Julia Butterfly speak at rally for South Central Farmers (tags)

An estimated 300 people demonstrated outside city hall today to appeal to the mayor and the city council to save the South Central Farm. Zack de La Rocha & Julia Butterfly were among the those that spoke out in support of the farmers.



SCFs, Zack de La Rocha, Julia Butterfly, and supporters at City Hall tomorrow 9am (tags)

SCFs, Zack de La Rocha, Julia Butterfly, and supporters at City Hall tomorrow 9am....

need signatures in Hemet CA (tags)

Riverside County Green Party Committee still need to collect atlest 20 valid signatures.

Gubernatorial candidate Peter Camejo at South Central Farm, Mar 9 (tags)

Green Party Gubernatorial candidate Peter Camejo to urgeLA Mayor to intervene Thursday, March 9, 2006 on the eviction of 350 families at South Central community farm

Call Ralph Horowitz RIGHT NOW! (tags)

The office of Ralph Horowitz: 310 440 7878

Riverside County Greens need partitions signatures. (tags)

Critical: Green candidates need signatures for partitions to geton ballet plus, we need signatures for fair wage initiative in Hemet CA. (Riverside county)

Ralph Horowitz, sues 350 poor families from South Central Los Angeles for $729,745.72 (tags)

Brentwood Real Estate Developer, Ralph Horowitz, sues 350 poor families from South Central Los Angeles for $729,745.72.  In an ironic turn, the plaintiff claims the South Central Farmers have abused the legal system.

Open Letter to the Progressive Movement (tags)

Open Letter to the Progressive Movement 'Support the South Central Farmers' -Join the demonstrations at the Mayor's Mansion Thursday, March 9 at 7PM and at City Hall Friday, March 10 at 9AM.

Common Vision 2006 Tour at South Central Farm (tags)

The Common Vision veg-oil fueled bus caravan arrived at the South Central Farm this past Sunday. They will be living at the farm all this week as part of their 2006 tour to plant 1,000 fruit trees and educate children about the environment and caring for the earth.

UPDATE: South Central Farmers visit mayor's office (tags)

The South Central Farmer and their supporters addressed the city council today and were able to meet with Deputy Mayor, Larry Frank.

Txtmob action alerts to save SCFarm! (tags)

Receive action alerts to save south central farm via text message! Just created a group at

Action Alert -EVICTION NOTICE POSTED!! At South Central Farm (tags)

Only Five days left to save the farm

Green Party Hosts South Central Farmers Presentation (tags)

Tonight the Santa Monica Greens hosted a presentation and fundraiser for the South Central Farm. A short video about the farm was shown.

South Central Farmers to Present Documentary on Their Struggle (tags)

Members of the South Central Farmers will present a 10-min documentary on thier struggle for land rights and food security at the Santa Monica Green Party office: 2809 Pico in Santa Monica (on the #7 Big Blue Bus Line)

The Iranian Oil Bourse (tags)

The denomination of oil sales is a pyure transaction affair.. In the present situation, the oil bourse represents a symbolic manifestation of Iran's desire to be less dependent on a US-dominated dollar-world.

Angry Mob Greets Colin Powell in Santa Barbara (tags)

Angry throngs bedecked in a dazzling array of costumes, sporting signs and guerrilla theatre regalia opposed Colin Powell on his self-serving speaking engagement where he waxed profound on general themes of leadership and barely mentioned his role in the lead up to the bloody Iraq war. Protesters were forcibly evicted by a coterie of muscle men as apparent supporters of the alleged war criminal chided them and Arlington Theatre $50 ticket price.

Villaraigosa interrupted during speach (tags)

Protestors interrupted a speech this morning from Mayor Villaraigoso, challenging him to take action to save the South Central Farm.

Bush allies implicated in breach of Honduras sovereignty (tags)

This is an important story, and needs attention. Any readers with blogs, and websites, please post about this, apparently some newspapers will be running with this story, according to the author we need to get more people to post and talk about this

Mexico admits anti-immigrant stance (tags)

MEXICO CITY – Mexico's federal Human Rights Commission acknowledged yesterday that the country mistreats many immigrants – mainly Central Americans – and uses some of the same methods on them that it opposes in the United States.

Phone interview with Fernando Flores, support coalition to save the South Central Farm (tags)

Phone interview with Fernando Flores, co-chair of the support coalition to save the South Central Farm. Recorded Thursday, February 9, 2006

Don't send Mayor McQueso $$--put PRESSURE on him (tags)

South Central Farmers to address City Council this Friday (tags)

Join the delegation of the South Central Farmers for Public Comments at:

south central farm~~Nunca Mas una Lucha aislada! (tags)

Supporters of the South Central Farm continue to prepare for potentially increasing intensity in protecting the land and her people.

Petrocollapse and Food Security at the South Central Farm (tags)

Jan Lundberg, oil industry analyst, founder of Auto-Free Times and came to Los Angeles last weekend to speak on the issues surrounding peak oil. I attended the Sunday afternoon talk on “Petrocollapse and Food Security”, an appropriate title for the location, the South Central Farm.

South Central Farmers picket office of developer, Ralph Horowitz (tags)

About 50 supporters in the fight to save the South Central Farm picketed today outside the offices of the developer, Ralph Horowitz who wants to raise the farm and build a warehouse on the site. Here are some photos from the event.

LA Green Party endorses campaign to save the South Central Farm. (tags)

Emergency Action for the SC Farm (tags)

Emergency action called to save the South Central Farm which is currently under the threat of being demolished

URGENT ACTION: This Friday Protest to Save the South Central Farm at developers office (tags)

What: Hundreds of community supporters demand that the developer keep from destroying one of the most unique landmarks of Los Angeles: The South Central Farm, the largest urban farm in the U.S.!

Court Rules Against South Central Farm, Immediate Support Needed! (tags)

SCF to be Evicted

Stand by South Central Farm---the time is NOW! (tags)

TIME IS NOW, prepare for civil disobedience.

Criticism is Unlikely (tags)

George Orwell in "1984" warned that criticism ahnd dissent would be expunged from memories and children would be born for Big Brother. In capitalism's last phase, the myth of the self-healing market drowns out alternatives of a future-friendly economy.


The principal freedom Iraq and the rest of the world will intentionally be denied.

Peak Oil and the South Central Farm (tags)

Jan Lundberg and Tezozomoc join in Defense of the South Central Los Angeles Community Farm

Populist #20 (tags)

On the Judicial Branch, continued

Populist #19 (tags)

On the Judicial Branch, continued

Populist #18 (tags)

On the Judicial Branch, continued

South Central Farmers - Protest at Horowitz Office (tags)

About 50 people picketed outside the offices of developer, Ralph Horowitz today to call attention to his plans to evict the South Central Farmers from the land they have been farming since 1994.

Protest is on at Horowitz (tags)

A, from IMC reports.

Populist #17 (tags)

On the Judicial Branch

Solidarity Action in Boston for the South Central Farmers (tags)

Coast to Coast Solidarity with the South Central Farmers.

Save the South Central Farmers! - Protest at the Office of Ralph Horowitz (tags)

Save the South Central Farmers!

Report: Screening of The Take/La Toma at the South Central Farm (11-17-05) (tags)

A film about worker-run factories in Argentina parallels the situation at the south central community farm in Los Angeles. Also, is there a solution to the land issue in south central?

South Central Farmers (tags)

Interview about the South Central Farmers. Running time: 03:48 Format: Quicktime

Party at the Farm (tags)

The farmers and the community get down so they don't get plowed under.

South Central Farmers Phone Tree (tags)

The South Central Farmers are asking members of the progressive community to establish phone trees to mobilize activists across the city to defend their beloved and family-sustaining 14-acre farm at 41st and Long Beach Ave. For the last 13 years, these working class Latino families have tilled what was once an abandoned, garbage- and rat-infested lot into a inspirational garden that feeds and sustains over 360 families!


-Celebrate Buy Nothing Day with two kick-ass, anti-capitalist sci-fi gems! -Enjoy this free screening under the stars at one of LA’s greatest treasures: The South Central Farm! -Avoid the shopping malls! Avoid your annoying family on the holidays!

Concert to Support the South Central Farmers (tags)

Zack de la Rocha, members of Ozomatli, Quetzal, and others perform to support the struggle of the South Central Farmers

Concert for the South Central Farm (tags)

Zach de la Rocha, Members of Ozomatli, Quetzal and others join 350 Families in South L.A. to Defend Community Farm Concert to save the community farm @ 41st & Alameda. Nov. 22nd event will mobilize the community in Support of the South Central Farmers

From South Central to Palestine: Land Confiscation knows no borders (tags)

Making connections between South Central and Palestine

Why the South Cent (tags)

The time is NOW--the urgency is BOILING over, to make a stand for LAND and DIGNITY.

The farmers are on RED ALERT (tags)

The farmers are on RED ALERT!! On Tuesday, November 8, Ralph Horowitz will most likely get full property rights to the farm, and he told the LA Times recently that he would get the sheriff to "throw off" the farmers from the land. He plans to destroy the farm and build a warehouse, despite the fact that the farm has fed low-income families for 13 years.

The South Central Community Garden (tags)

The South Central Community Garden in Los Angeles, CA, a 360-plot, 14-acre urban oasis, is scheduled to be demolished and replaced by a warehouse.

Support South Central Farmers on Dia de Muertos (tags)

Dia de Muertos Celebration at the South Central Farm. The event is being put on by the Mujeres Libres Collective and will help bring awareness to the struggle of the South Central Farmers.

ALERT! South Central Farmers in Danger of Being Forcefully Removed (tags)

On October 19, the Superior Court of the state of California declined to hear the petition of the South Central Farmers against the city of Los Angeles, and the real estate developer, Ralph Horowitz.

Urgent Call for Relief: Guatemala (tags)

All over southern Mexico and Central American thousands have lost loved ones, homes and crops from Hurricane Stan's devastation. These communities may never recover.

AntiMcDonald's Daze in Israel 2005 (tags)

A report on actions carried out against McDonald's in Israel during the 16th of October International day of Protest Against McDonald's

Central Valley Earth First!ers organizing (tags)

Earth First!ers are needed to organize in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley (aka Central Valley) to bring visibility to corporate logging corporations like Sierra Pacific Industries, suburban sprawl in wetlands habitat, potential extinction of endangered species as loss of vernal pools continues, effect of toxic pesticide drift used by corporate agribusiness, dams blocking anadromous fish migrations, etc..

South Central Framers Friends and Neighbors Day (tags)

October 1, 3:00 pm South Central Farmers Feeding Families Friends and Neighbors Day

Endangered South Central community farm--meeting tomorrow (9-14-05) (tags)

Update on endeavor to save urban farm which is scheduled to be destroyed by a developer.

Katrina and the Neocons' Iraqi War: Wake-up Calls? (tags)

Hurricane “Katrina” hit the central Gulf Coast on Aug. 29, 2005, causing devastation. When the Army Corps of Engineers had asked for additional funding to protect the New Orleans region from flooding, the Bush-Cheney Gang said, “No!” Meanwhile, the Neocon-inspired Iraqi War continues to waste hundreds of billions of dollars of our nation’s resources. Isn’t it time for the American people to wake-up and take action to restore the Republic?

All Power to the People 8/21 South central l.a (tags)


Conference and open forum for multi-racial intensive organizing. South Central l.a 8/21 (tags)

ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! CONFERENCE AND OPEN FORUM FOR MULTI-RACIAL INTENSIVE ORGANIZING in South Central LA SUNDAY AUG 21, 3:30PM @ the Southern California Library 6120 South Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90044

Help save the South Central Farm (tags)

“The protection of the health and the safety of the people; the right of people to produce their means of subsistence" -- Lil' Joe

To Starve Or To Smother: US Bad-Neighbor Trade Policies (tags)

For those who are following the latest news on the topic of revolutions in motion and rotten u.s. policies, this an excellent op ed piece, feel free to send it onto other media sites.

60th Anniversary of the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (tags)


Help Save the South Central Framers (tags)

Help Save the South Central Framers

South Central Farmers injunction to save community garden is reversed by Court of Appeals- (tags)

On June 30, 2005, the Court of Appeal reversed the Superior Court’s order granting the preliminary injunction. The South Central Farmers Feeding Families have 40 days from June 30 to petition the California Supreme Court to review the Court of Appeal’s ruling. If the Supreme Court declines to hear the case, the urban garden will be demolished in about three months. Concerned supporters our community is devastated by this result and we need your support. In the same manner that the Zapatista in Chiapas are being attack so will we. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank has already begun to dismantle our leadership through low intensity cointel-pro strategies. We need you all to call and write letters to the following people we have attached.....

PACHANGA meeting (tags)

thursday evening, 7/7:30, central location

CAFTA: privatization at gunpoint (tags)

ACAJUTLA, El Salvador — Long before the current debate over the Central America Free Trade Agreement, workers throughout the region were under attack from economic reforms that have broken unions, privatized workplaces and lowered wages. One reason unions throughout Central America oppose the agreement so strongly is that CAFTA cements that reform policy into place. The treaty would require dismantling the public sector to encourage private, especially foreign, investment, regardless of cost.

OC Public Defender (tags)

The OC PubDef is good. Damn good! RE: Garden Grove incident - contact Lewis Clapp, Head of Court - Central Division in Santa Ana


In response to the June 3rd-9th Organization of American States meeting in Fort Lauderdale Florida, South Floridian activists are organizing to protest the OAS on four points: the FTAA/CAFTAA (the OAS created their "Summit of the America"); human rights violations and environmental issues the OAS ignores; and OAS failure to impede foreign (mostly U.S.) domination of Western Third World Countries. The protest will be held Sunday, June 5th, as part of a weekend of related events.

Without a Human Face (tags)

Hundreds of thousands of families are at risk with CAFTA, The import duties will be dompletely removed. Guatemala's small farmers will not be able to compete with the heavily subsidized products of the US agricultural industry.

Celestial Flesh: A Sacrilegious Comedy (tags)

A Pope is Dead... Now What? Celestial Flesh A Sacrilegious Comedy by Rick Mitchell Raven Playhouse, No. H'wood, 5/12 thru 6/5 Reservations: (818) 754-1570

Weak Dollar and Strong Bush: China and US Debts (tags)

To stabilize the value of the dollar, the US needs a daily currency inflow of $1.8 billion.. The budget plan of the White House rests on unrealistic assumptions.. The Bush administration assumes higher revenues by means of the tax cuts.

South Central Farmers (tags)

There’s a farm in the middle of the city! A real farm; where people grow food to eat and plants to heal. A place where people feel connected to the earth and to their community.

Kamau Daáood appearing at the Central Library, Los Angeles (tags)

A mythic figure in the Southern California arts scene, Kamau Daáood is a performance poet, educator, and community arts activist who is widely acknowledged as a major driving force behind Los Angeles’ black cultural renaissance.

RNC A 29 After Party Video (tags)

After the UFPJ march on A29 at the RNC a 1/2 million people "dispersed".

John Negroponte, William Brownfield and Death Squads Inc. (tags)

Hands Off Venezuela

BTL:Opponents of US Ratification of Central American Free Trade Agreement Say.. (tags)

...Victory is Within Reach~ Interview with Shane Stevens, of CISPES, the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Hard Landing of the Dollar (tags)

The decline of the US dollar signals the economic weakness of the superpower and the structural crisis of capitalism. Since 1985 the US has become heavily indebted fo foreign countries. This foreign indebtedness amounts to 35 percent of the GDP.

Smell of nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain (tags)

poem about nuclear waste site Yucca mountain and earthquake risk from central nevada seismic fracture

Canaseraga Central School (tags)

Canaseraga Central School NOT giving the community reports and they need help.

Blowback: Did US techniques for undermining Ukraine Elections Find Their Way Back to US? (tags)

The Ukrainian revolt against a corrupt election is for real and legit, but it has also been aided by an overt/covert destablization campaign by the U.S.--and the techniquest used may well have been applied here at home too.

Feinstein deaf 2 Wintu and Palestinian voices, hears only $$$$ (tags)

CA Senator Diane Feinstein shows no concern for the original inhabitants of Palestine or Shasta County. Her campaign funding from pro-Israel AIPAC and Central Valley agribusiness could be blinding her to the objections of the Palestinians and the Winnemem Wintu..

Bush May Be Sneaking Into Baghdad Again This Thanksgiving (tags)

President Bush may be heading to Iraq. He cut short his news conference in Colombia. As of 7:16 p.m. Central Time, he surprisingly has not been reported as landing in Texas. Bush no doubt would consider it a real coup to repeat the surprise visit he made last Thanksgiving to the troops in Iraq. Probably he is more eager this year, after his victory and as he kicks off four more years. Also, it has been a bad year for morale in Iraq. This trip is a must. His schedule and the secret plans for last year provide clues to this year, as explained below.

Prevent the theft of our election (tags)

New Info proves that Central Tabulating Computers have modems connected and are open to manipulation. ie- all this stuff about vote challengers is just a diversion, because one person can change the state total from their home computer. Take the day off of work to help save our country. Yeah sure conspiracy nuts- they can’t steal it- wrong. We now have evidence that certainly looks like altering a computerized voting system during a real election, and it happened just six weeks ago.

What Really Happened At Venezuela's Recall Referendum (tags)

Worried about Florida in November? Official Election Observer Margaret Prescod saw a better picture in Venezuela last August that gives us all some lessons in how to do it right

Our worst fears: Vote Tampering (tags)

By entering a 2-digit code in a hidden location, a second set of votes is created in the Diebold central tabulator, a program installed in 1,000 locations, which controls both paper ballots and touch-screens, each system handling up to a million votes at a time. Full story After invoking the 2-digit trigger, this second set of votes can be changed so that it no longer matches the correct set of votes. The voting system will then read the totals from the bogus vote set. It takes only seconds to change the votes, and to date not a single location in the U.S. has implemented security measures to fully mitigate the risks. It is not too late to do so, and the corrective measures are relatively simple. This program is not "stupidity" or sloppiness. It was designed and tested over a series of a dozen version adjustments, and has been in place for four years.

RNC/NYC Anti-War Protest Interview With Sue Niederer, MFSO Anti-War Mother (tags)

An interview with Sue Niederer after the mass Anti-War march today in NYC

Courts Kill Park Rally Idea, But the Park Rally is On (tags)

Both a New York state court and a federal district court have shot down protest groups’ efforts to win permits for a Central Park demonstration, but in what looks to be a major victory for people power and a slap at Mayor Bloomberg, the Sunday anti-Bush, anti-War rally on the park’s Great Lawn is on, with protesters planning to head there immediately after the march ends.

Save Sac/San Joaquin Valley Vernal Pools from $$prawl (tags)

Sacramento/San Joaquin Valley vernal pools are paved over by developers interested in making money off suburban sprawl, specific info on Shasta county..

A29 Call to Reclaim the Park at RNC (tags)

A call for autonomous gatherings, feeder marches and creative events starting from all across Central Park on the morning of August 29, 2004


ON AUGUST 29, RECLAIM THE PARK A call for autonomous gatherings, feeder marches and creative events starting from all across Central Park on the morning of August 29, 2004

Oaks and Permaculture in Sacto/San Joaquin Valley (tags)

Dependency on petrochemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides is part of the reason the US military is still in Iraq protecting corporations extracting petroleum from Iraqi oil wells. Growing oaks in the monoculture agribuisiness fields of the San Joaquin valley would help reduce our dependency on the petrochemically derived fertilizers..

Who Will Stop CAFTA Contest (tags)

Quest for Peace of the Quixote Center will run a full-page, New York Times signature ad in opposition to CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement. The 44,000 dollars and 2,500 signatures it takes is being raised from engaged citizens like you, who wish to proudly and publicly say "No" to CAFTA. The state with the highest number of signers (as a percentage of the state's total population) will be specifically acknowledged in the New York Times Ad. Show the country and Mr. Bush that your state will not tolerate CAFTA! See ad text below.

[PFMPE] the commandments of men (tags)

Requires Bush, as purported messenger of God, to provide God's message on central banking.

CAFTA The Trojan CALF (tags)

Because it is such a broad issue, free trade is a difficult topic to convey to the public. In it's struggle to oppose CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement, Quest for Peace has created a short flash film which it hopes will highlight some of those problems found in free trade agreements.

Negroponte Is Expected to Be Picked for Iraq Post (tags)

Negroponte, soon to be ruler of Iraq, says "To this day, I do not believe that death squads were operating in Honduras."

Was the CA March 2nd Primary Hacked by an E-Voting Manufacturer? (tags)

Was the CA March 2nd Primary Hacked by an E-Voting Manufacturer? At the very bottom is a list of CA Senators and other election officials; for anyone interested in a fair election please contact them and demand that the following allegations be thoroughly investigated and the election officials responsible be held accountable. From Wednesday April 1, 2004 Money, Access, and Stunning Security Flaws — A Poor Recipe for Fair Elections — By Bev Harris, Tuesday March 31 2004 * * * * * Section 18575 of the California Elections Code makes it illegal for anyone other than an election officer to handle, count, or canvass ballots: Every person is guilty of a felony, and on conviction shall be punished by imprisnment in the state prison for two, three or four years, who at any election: (a) without first having been appointed and qualified, acts as an election officer, (b) not being an election officer, performs or discharges any of the duties of an election officer in regard to the handling, counting, or canvassing of any ballts. This section provides that only authorized people, such as an election officer, may count votes. To the extent that an unauthorized person handles or counts votes, he or she is in violation of section 18575. * * * * * In Riverside County, California, I recently participated in the videotaping a statement that causes me concern. On election night, March 2, two people who do not work for the County, Sequoia employees Michael Frontera and Eddie Campbell were observed to access the WinEds central tabulator during the middle of the count. At this time, approximately 8:50 on election night, about one-third of Riverside's 157 precincts had been counted. At that point, the count was such that an automatic runoff would have been required between Linda Soubirous, a candidate for County Supervisor, and her opponent, Bob Buster. In the central count room of Riverside County at this time, no vote tabulation activity appeared to be going on. Two men were at the central tabulation terminals, the computers that add up all the votes from precincts around the county. Sequoia employee Michael Frontera was sitting at central tabulator terminal typing into the program, and Sequoia employee Eddie Campbell was standing next to him talking to him.

Amy Goodman Reports Live on CNN (tags)

Joining us on the line right now is radio host Amy Goodman who was on the airplane from the Central African Republic, I believe, to Jamaica with Mr. Aristide. Amy, just describe the scene there as Mr. Aristide arrived. AMY GOODMAN, RADIO HOST: Yes. We just completed the round trip, the delegation who went to retrieve the Aristides from the Central Republic of Africa, traveling two-thirds of the way around the world.

Democracy Now! On-the-Gound Report on Aristide's Return to the Caribbea (tags)

Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman is accompanying a delegation to the Central African Republic today to report on Haitian President Jean Betrand Aristide's trip to Jamaica

The ROBOT'S LOVE! (tags)

Look behind their Vail of secrecy and see the Robots squirm. The Borg Politicians repeat what the Fascist Corporate Collective tells them to. All the resources of our society are used to find better ways to KILL HUMANS! How convenient? The robot monsters have taken over the world. Clones are running the government and industry. The Human slaves must toil to their deaths supporting the War Machines.

Aristide held prisoner! (tags)

Thousands of pro-coup, anti-democracy demonstrators marched in Port-au-Prince on Sunday to show their support for neo-fascist Guy Philippe and former death squad chief Louis Jodel Chamblain. The march was escorted by hundreds of U.S. occupation troops who guarded the march with Armored Personel Carriers and Humvees. Nevertheless, pro-Aristide resistance fighters opened fire on the march, killing 6 of the anti-democracy demonstrators. U.S. occupation troops returned the fire but it's not known if any of the pro-Aristide resistance fighters were hit. In the photo, supporters of death squad leader Guy Philippe ask US Marines to shoot at pro-Aristide fighters. (AP Photo/Pablo Aneli)

HAITI ACTION ALERT: Aristide Under Lock & Key, U.S. Delegation Says (tags)

A delegation from the United States has arrived in the Central African Republic to meet with overthrown Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. President Aristide was taken involuntarily to the Central African Republic following a U.S. coup d'etat on February 28. The group was granted visas on Thursday and Friday and departed the United States on Friday evening. We would like to encourage you help circulate the following press release on breaking news regarding the status of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who is being held virtually incommunicado on the instructions of U.S. authorities.

a sampling of this week's U.S. military rape headlines.... (tags)

around the world with the Stars and Stripes.... a few of the latest confirmed rapes, alleged rapes, attempted rapes, indecent assault, sodomy, "torture" photos, etc.. in Australia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Okinawa etc.... oh google news searches make it so easy to compile this stuff....


Indymedia comes to the Central Valley


Organizing is under way to create a new Indymedia Center in the Central Valley. Here are the details about the meetings that have been set up to organize this project.

BTL:Costa Rica Walks Out of Talks for Central American Free Trade Agreement... (tags)

...Signaling Growing Opposition to Pact. Interview with Karen Hansen-Kuhn, coordinator of the Alliance for Responsible Trade, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Help keep Mike Malloy on the airwaves! (tags)

IE America is about to end radio boradcasts in February. Let's keep progressive talk show host Mike Malloy on!

Building Bridges Radio- Central Amer Free Trade Agreement & Taxi Workers Demand a Raise (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 27.5 min radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK.

Artists hold Protest at U.K. Tate Gallery (tags)

Artist activists gather in the Turbine Hall of the Tate Modern art gallery's exhibition of Olaf Eliasson's "The Weather Project" in central London, Tuesday Nov. 18, 2003, to spell out the message 'Bush Go Home Now!' (AP Photo/Johnny Green-PA)

Are the Isrealis willing to start WW III ? (tags)

Please help to spread this information far and wide, it is the present reality and it has vast implications.

Stop CAFTA (tags)

The Central American Free Trade Agreement will do to Central America what NAFTA did to Mexico. The ministers are meeting in Houston from October 20 through the 24.


An Indymedia center for the Central Valley in California came one step closer to reality at a meeting held last night in Modesto.

Sherman Austin Recieves Death Threats: PLEASE HELP! (tags)

Chicago teachers (tags)

An open letter to Chicago Public School teachers

Cleveland, OH has been without water for several hours (tags)

The Mayor of Cleveland stated around 9PM Central that if the power was not restored to the city within 2 hours, the city's water supply would cease to function.


YO BASTA!!!! STOP CAFTA Free Trade Talks are coming to Houston and the resistance needs to begin

Jobless Growth (tags)

"We celebrate the victory over the recession while several hundred thousand employees are dismissed every month', decried Calif congressman Pete Stark. `It would be almost hilarious if it weren't so sad.'..Employers prefer reducing personnel to save costs.."

Pentagon Whistleblower Reveals CIA/ DoD Fiascos (tags)

The problem became evident when “the operation in Iraq involved 100 people, all of whom apparently are now dead, having succumbed to so-called ‘friendly fire.’ The scope of this operation included the penetration of the Central Bank of Iraq, other large commercial banks in Baghdad, the Iraqi National Museum and certain presidential palaces where monies and bullion were secreted.”

Shoot outs in Baghdad (tags)

PHOTO - A U.S. Army soldier walks over the body of a dead Iraqi civilian in Baghdad, Monday April 9th, 2003. The soldiers from the A Company 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment had fired into the building after being shot at by rocket propelled grenades or RPGs. Three bodies of Iraqis were later found, none with weapons and none in uniform. On Tuesday, June 10th... Iraqi Guerillas firing RPGs kill one U.S. Army soldier and wound another. Hey George... where are those weapons of mass destruction? (AP Photo/John Moore).

States Rights Vs. Monetary Monopoly (tags)

The advantage we once had is that with decentralized Government tyranny in one part of the country could be limited to that part of the country. With the abolition of states rights we are left with a powerful central government which is increasingly tyrannical.


It is difficult enough to try to stop people from hating you; you can try to be nice to them; that might work. But what about when people like you - or love you? Is it possible to stop them from feeling this? Sure it is, but to what end would anyone do that?

The Patriot Act and Persecution of Sherman Austin (LA Weekly article) (tags)


Talking The Talk (tags)

A meeting with the new Chief of Police was a great disappointment to local downtown residents.

"It's just not something we would do" (tags)

U.S. soldiers escorting three naked Iraqi men through a Baghdad park.

CIA discovers aircraft with a nuclear bomb in Central Iraq (tags)

The CIA claims they've discovered an aircraft in Central Iraq that has a nuclear bomb strapped to its belly.


The firm her husband owns a substantial interest in just won a lucrative U.S. Army contract last week to help President George W. Bush wage his imperialist wars in the Middle East!

Feinstein Gets Richer (tags)

Perini Corporation Selected by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for $100 million in Construction Projects in U.S. Central Command's Area of Operations. Feinstein's husband Blum and his partner own 75% of Perini Corp.


About 100 youth took to the streets today in South Central Los Angeles. They marched up Crenshaw from MLK Blvd. to Leimert Park.

Call to Action (tags)

Check it out and remember...9/11..The Day The Muslims Hit Us.

A War in the Planning for Four Years (tags)

Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book - It Is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW

US marines `running out of food' (tags)

George Bush's invasion of Iraq is falling apart


Why are we not surprised? Any of us over the age of 50 remember the same Bullshit from Dick Nixon.

Satire Of U.S. Central Command Iraq Leaflet Drops (tags)

Satire Of U.S. Central Command Iraq Leaflet Drops

The Wealth-Transfer Machine (tags)

If you want to know how the country is controlled you have to understand the basics of how it's done. How is done - by keeping you poor and manipulating the politicians through the use of money and debt. These are not trivial issues and require some work to understand. However, if you want to understand it is worth the effort.


Silkscreen Posters passed out at the Hollywood antiwar march & rally.

Violent Repression in Oaxaca, Mexico on 1/25...Support Needed! (tags)

Information on the most recent Mexican government sponsored repression against Indigenous communities in Oaxaca. After two shots to the chest and abdomen, Jaime Betanzos remains in serious condition.

A Coalition of the Elites (tags)

The extent of this admiistration's deceiving of the public is rather spectacular. I sometimes have the feeling that I don't live in one of the oldest democracies but in the Philippines under a new Marcos. This interview is translated from the German in Der Spiegel


You have been lied to about 9-11. Read the following articles for proof of this.

12/30: AmericasWatch - Looking Back 2002 to Look Forward 2003 (tags)

Occational News Services from URL: **2002 PeaceNoWar/ActionLA Suggests Holiday Reading/Film/Music Lists URL:

[PFMPE] Promising Prosperity, and Delivering Perpetually Multiplied Indebtedness (tags)

Since banking-imposed instability and maldistribution of wealth paved the way to pretend central banking was a solution for banking-imposed instability and maldistribution of wealth, we have a century of the Democrat and Republican parties, tied to the purse strings of the instrument of multiplying indebtedness they ostensibly founded on our behalf.

Certainties and Unlikelihoods (tags)

What we know about the Central Park Jogger case.

The Panama Deception: Putting 9/11 in a New Light [documentary video] (tags)

America’s invasion of Panama in 1989 is a perfect example of U.S. fascism. Over four thousand innocent civilians were brutally massacred to secure U.S. control over the Panama Canal and the Central American drug trade. Furthermore, Panama is now being used as a staging ground for all U.S. military interventions in Central and South America. Panama is the geostrategic key to military control over the Americas

NOT IN OUR NAME-Days of Resistance Info (tags)

War With No End? Not In Our End


Over 100 progressive organisations in the United States have come together to organise a national day of solidarity with Colombia next month. The main aim of the protest is to call for an end to US military aid to the Colombian security forces.

Los Angeles Unified School District vs the Community of 52nd Place and 53rd Street (tags)

The Los Angeles School District has threatened long time residence and business owners with the law of eminent domain in their desire to remove elderly and poor citizens from their homes in order to build schools and income producing apartments.



Calling L.A.'s Young Artists: (tags)

Grand Central Market Holds Contest to Choose Artwork for Mural Project

Demonstrate Your Support For Women Prisoners! (tags)

Saturday APRIL 27th, 1pm Demonstration against the health crisis at Central California Women's Facility!

Salvadorans Dispatch Leader To Los Angeles (tags)


America=KKK (tags)

After months of its patently anti-semitic(re: Arab and Afghan) pummeling of the Middle East and Central Asia with thousands of civilian deaths in Afghanistan, America may be turning its guns and bombs loose against the Mother Continent of Humankind-Africa.

7,000,000 go hungry in C.A. (tags)

UN World Food Program report

Thousands Across Italy Protest Police at G8 (tags)

Demonstrators hold a banner reading " Killers " as they take part in a demonstration following the death of 23-year-old Carlo Giuliani in central Rome, July 24, 2001. Tens of thousands of people, many shouting "killers, killers", protested throughout Italy on Tuesday against the use of police force that left one person dead and more than 230 injured at the G8 summit in Genoa. REUTERS/Paolo Cocco


FBI releases documents under FOIA linking former high level offical of the CIA with drug traffickers

revolution in bolivia!!!!! (tags)

revolution in boliva,government buildings occupied, a central bank building,demands read from terrace


This is for those who doubt the legitmacy of Marxist insurgencies in Latin America; in vain.

Leonard Peltier On The FTAA--Roots In Colonization, Feudalism & Imperialism (tags)

The FTAA is a continuation of the imperialism that began thousands of years ago in Europe…. Advocates of the FTAA would not dare refer to their policies as forms of colonization or feudalism…. Instead they will justify their actions in the name of "development" for the "poor" countries of Central and South America. Development? What the first peoples of the Americas need is "recovery" not development. Recovery from the very same colonization, domination, and genocide that multi-national corporations want to perpetuate for their own gains today.

An Alternative Central Valley Perspective on the Democratic National Convention (tags)

Central San Joaquin Valley activists on the loose for D2KLA

Action Occurring @ Central Library (tags)

LAPD scanners report anarchist group vandalizing central library

LAPD Central Units on Full Tactical Alert (tags)

LAPD Central Units just put on full tactical, surrounding units on partial tactical alert.

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